You can only speculate or rationalize so much about why she wasn't honest with you or if she's denying her own road to happiness. Bottom line: She isn't available--not physically or emotionally. Whatever the reasoning it's starting to feel like you're the one trying to make yourself feel better to cope--problem with that is it leaves you with the lack of closure and forever wondering if she truly loved you and you always being emotionally available for her when she hasn't done shit for you.
Her actions are the bottom line. You can speculate or think of the excuses to not paint her in a bad light but it really won't help you in the long run. Whether she's happy in her marriage or not, she's not reaching out to you, she's not making an effort for you--she'd pretty much be a horrible partner even if she actually came back to be with you as you hope.
I met my bf through a camming site. As our relationship grew, I gave him my real name, phone number, we skyped for hours everyday (he didn't pay for it) and I told him he didn't have to tip me anymore 7 months later he moves in with me and has been here for the last year. He left behind his family & everything he knew, never been on a plane before, yet moved thousands of miles with money saved up from his retail job. People can make this work if they want it enough. She had more than enough money and resources (thanks to you) to escape this horrible life she's painted for you. You offered up everything to her and she offered empty lies in return. You were vulnerable to this woman--completely put your emotions and finances on the line for her and what did she risk for you? Nothing. Not even the truth about her being married. Let that sink in.
Another thing is I dealt a LOT with love addiction in my teens-early adulthood. It was a sad,lonely and miserable life for me. I kept burning, unrequited love for people who didn't make any effort for me whatsoever. Who were liars and users--and I'd just be waiting with hopeful open arms ready for some more. "Maybe he doesn't want to be happy yet/maybe he's afraid/maybe he really loves me!" Is a lie I told myself over and over. I don't know if this is any sort of pattern for you but some of your posts remind me of my mentality in the past for faux relationships I'd get involved in with people who only wanted to use me. It wasn't until I cut out all contact, reminders, photos, memories, pages and pages of lovesick banter I wrote in my notebooks for the man I'd fixate unhealthily on. I hope you know that it WILL get better despite how hard it is to let go now.