I harbor no illusions about sex workers being targeted for harassment. I have a problem with the idea that a
sex workers claim is above questioning simply because they are a sex worker, which is EXACTLY what you appear to be promoting.
Furthermore, any mockery you read into that link is directed at the notion that claims of oppression give you the right to special treatment over others. You do NOT get to own oppression, and play it as a trump card. I raised a question about hypocrisy; you responded that it is ok, because oppression. That is fine if you are happy being an oppressed hypocrite I guess.
The apartment number being shown, the faces on the camsites being shown I have a problem with. This is because I have a real problem with the genuine stalking/harassment I have seen with individual models.
I am raising valid questions about aspects of individual model's stories in this story. Your answer thus far has been to condemn me for asking.
Did Gia Paige give her permission? Did the non-sex workers from periscope?
My grudge here is against propaganda. Not models. My problem is when people try to feed me bullshit. My agenda is "what is the truth here"?
Do you embrace propaganda to support the idea that "any time a camgirl says she is a victim she is right"?
Are you willing to surrender any claim for individual justice (and liberty) you may have, in exchange for the false security of a group identity?
If you are, be prepared to accept group consequences for any individual wrongs that take place in your group.
That's what I was looking for.
I maintain that certainly Effy Elizabeth, and most likely Gia Paige fall into that category.
I know that couldn't have been easy for you. It's ok; baby steps...
You got a little bit of a point there. And I have already pointed out where I have a problem with this documentary. But you don't get to lay your fuckups at the feet of Netflix/HGW either.
If your agenda demands the surrender of truth, then I shall reject it as a falsehood.
I'm not against knowing the "truth" of the model's stories.. but how do you think
you're going to "get to the bottom" of the model's stories, when even courts can't prove someone's word VS someone else's word? How are any of us online randos going to determine whether any of the models were lying or not?? If no one has found any damming evidence yet, why waste your energy obsessing over it, when you could turn your attention to the actual (provable) issues people have with HGW?
I 100% believe & support sex workers raising concerns about being taken advantage of, because most of the time they're NOT lying. If one of the models involved in HGW
was "proven" to be lying, I wouldn't say "oh well they're still a sex worker so I believe them, durrrr". I find it pretty patronizing when people insinuate that sex workers are blindly supporting the models who have been vocal against HGW, without looking into the issues ourselves. Everyone has their own reasons for supporting/not supporting the models who spoke out against HGW. Saying if I support all sex workers, I have to accept the blame for the ones who lie (or whatever), ignores the fact that most marginalized people who speak out about issues, will be ignored, or the mainstream will attempt to discredit them. It's WAY scarier to speak up against injustice, than to remain silent/complicit in the ongoing oppression of sex workers.
I don't feel as though any of the women who spoke out against HGW "fucked up" per say. Streaming on Periscope, or participating in a documentary that turns out not to be what you thought it was? It still boils down to the fact that it was
HGW who put those people into the show without (as far as we know) their explicit permission.
And oppressed people aren't trying to get "special treatment", that's just how
you interpret their quest to be heard/achieve societal equality. Maybe you should read more about whorephobia and the ongoing oppression of women, if you're so passionate about anti-propaganda and understanding "the truth"?
Interesting vid (better than the HGW doc imo). I recommend all 16+ minutes, but I linked to the time where she discusses the current situation.
This chick says "If you put your fucking genitals on the internet next to your face, like you are recognizable, at any point, someone can recognize you [...] there is no internet privacy, if you put yourself out there like that,
you are necessarily saying that it is ok to identify me with my real name as a sex worker. If you wanna be a discreet sex worker, there's a way to do that. Be a fucking escort and don't have sex on camera. [...] That is how you be a discreet sex worker. Not Periscopeing, yourself, not putting yourself on a webcam site."
"iF yOU doNt WaNT yOUr ReAl nAMe AsSoCiaTeD WiTH YoUr PoRn, DoN'T dO PoRN iN tHe FiRsT PlAcE"
This way of thinking is so... sad. Just because people's faces are online in porn, doesn't mean they want or deserve to be stalked/harassed, like
wtf?! Her "argument" sounds a lot like the people who blame victims of revenge porn. (ie "Don't take nude photos if you don't want the entire world to see them") Most sex workers use fake names
for a reason. We know we
could be outed, but we're not
asking to be publicly outed FFS.
Someone complaining that their image was put into a
mainstream TV show without their consent, still isn't "the same" as someone finding a sex worker online (through specifically searching for online sex workers) and then doxxing them. Why is that so hard to comprehend?!