AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Member's Pet Peeves

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Erm, all of the above (apart from the News Feed bit - I'm one of Liliy's 4 followers!! :lol: ).

My biggest bugbear at the moment has been mentioned already, and probably throughout the forum ad nauseum; the total lack of action/interest shown by the MFC admins. I've recently seen a model reduced to tears by the activities of a nasty piece of lowlife pondscum, and been on the receiving end of his 'wit' myself - I wont go into full details, but I think he has managed to break every rule in the MFC book. And have admin responded to the model's complaints, to my (several) complaints and those of her other regulars? Well, you know the answer to that already.

There are some good people on this crummy cam site, and some really special ladies (you again Lily); but there are some lowlifes who can bring down the whole thing which, with just a little effort, culd be contained by MFC.
- Loud keyboards right next to the mic
- A model having ongoing conversations with a member where the member is PM'ing and the model is responding by talking. One side of a conversation is annoying. lol
- Unsolicited PM's from models (I did get some help on the ignore feature now though, so that's been handy recently)
Models begging.

Chipins, wishlists etc. without reward. I'm fine with "buy something off my wishlist and get this photo set" or whatever as that is a trade but there seems to be a lot of "Offline tip me coz you love me" going on at the moment. That seems like taking advantage of a relationship. The people who give those tips/chipins are the people who already tip you, not the ones who lurk in your room and don't tip.

It's especially bad when it's the more popular models doing it, they earn a shit ton more money than a lot of the models on MFC do, then expect more for free just because they are popular.

And that's what has been grinding my gears this week. How are you?
Haha my keyboard is super loud apparently, people say it sounds like a train or something when I type, lol! It's coz my mic is built into my laptop, so it's going to sound louder innit? And maybe I'm a heavy handed typer, hmm.
Any profile that autoplays this song

And pretty much any profile that autoplays any music. Just because the profile pages look like geocities, doesn't mean you have to treat them as such.
Just_mark__ said:
Models begging.

Chipins, wishlists etc. without reward. I'm fine with "buy something off my wishlist and get this photo set" or whatever as that is a trade but there seems to be a lot of "Offline tip me coz you love me" going on at the moment. That seems like taking advantage of a relationship. The people who give those tips/chipins are the people who already tip you, not the ones who lurk in your room and don't tip.

It's especially bad when it's the more popular models doing it, they earn a shit ton more money than a lot of the models on MFC do, then expect more for free just because they are popular.

And that's what has been grinding my gears this week. How are you?
It's the craziness of the competition to always have the highest camscore and hold rank in the top 20 that drives girls to do this. Those 2 things are problems all of their own anyway, lol.
BebopBlue said:
And pretty much any profile that autoplays any music. Just because the profile pages look like geocities, doesn't mean you have to treat them as such.

When the background of the chick's profile is an image of her "being all sexy-like" and it's tiled over and over, and you can't read the text because of the tiled background image and there's 5 songs playing SOMEWHERE and sounding like babies being dragged over hot coals by their ankles. Dear baby Jesus, please make it stop. :woops:

And then you maybe bother to highlight the text to see what it says (as it's otherwise obscured by the background image) and it's just one long-ass paragraph without any periods/commas and is usually ended with ":h:333 xoxoxox muah!!!". I mean, I'm all for being somewhat lazy on the internet and saving proper grammar/spelling/punctuation when it's needed, but goddamn, there's being a little lazy and then there's appearing to be completely fucking retarded.

Also when there's links to shit on the profile and instead of trying to figure out how to properly link something, it's just a garble of URL coding pasted and it's like 125 characters long.
Peeves about models - repeating many of what has been said before, but yes, my pet peeves so I'll vocalise them, but also include explanations or my personal opinions about them.

Ridiculous topics - those "x tokens for good day", or "tips make me smile", "Help me boost my camscore". Sure, will help, but try helping us help you by letting us know how! :D Shows in pvt? Grp? Free-chat? Give targets, preferably with "waypoints" (i.e. x topless, xx naked, xxx show - where x specifies token values) so you don't wait until topic completed before seeing anything.

Lack of engagement (this won't apply to most models here, all seem very bubbly) - I imagine models hate it when they have a room of silent guys, and constantly trying to start conversations must be tough. However, if I'm there trying to start conversation with you, it's nice if you can at least try to be receptive. Being able to talk makes things more relaxed and gives atmosphere to the room. A big friendly hello (spoken or typed) goes a long way, and if others are having a topic of convo - perhaps invite the new person into give their thoughts on it is a great way to integrate them into the room and help ease them into unfamiliar territory :) Also smiles help hugely. Don't have to grin like an idiot all the time, but just try not to look miserable. Even just bop along to music if it's quiet, it's far more inviting to say hello and interact than with someone who is silent and sullen :)

Random PM's - if I haven't been in your room, and don't know you, please don't PM expecting me to come and tip you...PM's from models I talk to are always welcome :)

Going private or group during a tipped for free-chat show. If you're trying to illicit private or group through starting to play, then it's fine - awesome/fantastic, go for it. If it's a free-chat show that was the topic, and tipped for, by members - then a big NO if you go private/group as it starts, or half way through. I don't visit models who do this anymore, so...

Sound - either not having it at all, or the mic close to the speakers/music too loud so that you just get distorted noise. Am fine hearing just hear the tapping of your keys, or gentle background music - there's potential to hear more. Without sound you deprive one of the senses... since it only leaves sight, its not a good idea. Don't believe me - try watching tv/films whilst muted :)

Begging - I don't mean starting a show to try and generate tips and politely reminding people if nothing is tipped, or telling them you'll stop/stopping - taking the initiative and prompting is fine. However, those who sit there, do nothing, and whine about tips repeatedly - that is very annoying. I don't visit models who do this anymore, so...

Sudden disappearance - usually working other sites and taking privates there - the model just goes "away", please please say "pvt, brb" at least in chat text. It let us know.
Why? It is hard to build a rapport with someone if they repeatedly, at random times, disappear without warning. If I just wanted to see naked ladies and fap, I'd watch porn. I enjoy the engagement the site brings :) Sudden disappearance removes that feeling of engagement, so will see me move on eventually.

Logging off halfway to a goal without explanation. Sure, don't do a full show, do a reduced show...but to just log off for the night? The confidence to tip the model ever again is utterly destroyed. This is why I like those way points in a topic, or milestones. Hit topless, hit naked, hit show. If the show is never reached, at least topless/naked resulted so you don't feel you tipped for nothing...

Peeves of members:

Rudeness - the random members who turn up, say utter crap in the hope of upsetting models and members alike. I don't know why they get their kicks doing this.

Lies/false promises/time wasters/beggers/demanders - Everyone knows what these members say/do. Of particular annoyance are the ones that pray upon new models, especially those who haven't cammed before, and try to take advantage.

All members during a show who didn't contribute (including premiums). When a show starts, suddenly the room fills up and people pile on the requests, the begging. If only there was an EXTRA mute button which muted everyone who hasn't tipped...*sighs*. If you want to have personal smut talk with the model, take her private! However, don't mind reading appreciative comments, just those personal ones about what the member is doing to themselves during a public show *eek*. IMO Freeloaders who are cracking one out and yet sat on tokens are also bad.

Trying to take a model pvt during free-chat show (tipped for show). I think some people do this on purpose, getting a kick out the idea that a lot of guys will be frustrated.

Members who ignore topic yet expect a tip to achieve something that is in the topic (such as 100 token tip towards 500 token topic, and demand pussy play and accuse model of lying/misleading when it fails).

The Lounge. I don't go in much. There are some good members in there, but there are a lot of self righteous arrogant assholes in there who feel justified in being utterly horrible and trying to make some models lives a misery. They don't tip, they're rude, and slag everyone off.

White Knights - being supportive is fine, and I like a sort of normative enforcement whereby those who deviate from the norm behaviour will be prodded by other members towards more acceptable behaviour. But those who put up a plethora of ban emotes from simple, and reasonable, questions... eek.

Oh boy, long post, apologies :oops:
Skulliee said:
When the background of the chick's profile is an image of her "being all sexy-like" and it's tiled over and over, and you can't read the text because of the tiled background image and there's 5 songs playing SOMEWHERE and sounding like babies being dragged over hot coals by their ankles. Dear baby Jesus, please make it stop. :woops:

And then you maybe bother to highlight the text to see what it says (as it's otherwise obscured by the background image) and it's just one long-ass paragraph without any periods/commas and is usually ended with ":h:333 xoxoxox muah!!!". I mean, I'm all for being somewhat lazy on the internet and saving proper grammar/spelling/punctuation when it's needed, but goddamn, there's being a little lazy and then there's appearing to be completely fucking retarded.

Also when there's links to shit on the profile and instead of trying to figure out how to properly link something, it's just a garble of URL coding pasted and it's like 125 characters long.

This. All day long. Grrrrrrrrrr.
members - who fail to read the Take a Tour of and Instructions and Features links at the bottom of the main page. Learn something guys and gals.
members - who beg for things off of other peoples tips. :angry4:
members - who fail to read a model's profile before spouting off in the models chat room.
members - who can't spell or use punctuation on a recurring basis. yes, we all make mistakes sometimes. abbreviations and geek speak not included in this.
members - who continually state they are broke but will tip later. :liar: Just say Hi and watch the models show. we all can't tip every day and the models know this. :woops:
members - who constantly ask for - feet bb, anal bb, ass bb, tits bb, watch my cam bb, etc...
members - who abuse the PM for normal chat questions. If its really that private send the model an MFC mail and she'll get back to you on it. If she needs you to PM her, she will ask you to PM her.
will probably think of more later but this is my :twocents-02cents: for now. I hope there aren't too many typos in this.
bud9752 said:
members - who fail to read the Take a Tour of and Instructions and Features links at the bottom of the main page. Learn something guys and gals.
members - who beg for things off of other peoples tips. :angry4:
members - who fail to read a model's profile before spouting off in the models chat room.
members - who can't spell or use punctuation on a recurring basis. yes, we all make mistakes sometimes. abbreviations and geek speak not included in this.
members - who continually state they are broke but will tip later. :liar: Just say Hi and watch the models show. we all can't tip every day and the models know this. :woops:
members - who constantly ask for - feet bb, anal bb, ass bb, tits bb, watch my cam bb, etc...
members - who abuse the PM for normal chat questions. If its really that private send the model an MFC mail and she'll get back to you on it. If she needs you to PM her, she will ask you to PM her.
will probably think of more later but this is my :twocents-02cents: for now. I hope there aren't too many typos in this.

Some of you guys are so amazing!!! And hit the head on the nail so perfectly in terms of annoyances for both members and for us models!!! All of these (and many of the ones in other posts) are my pet peeves for sure!
Just_mark__ said:
Models begging.

Chipins, wishlists etc. without reward. I'm fine with "buy something off my wishlist and get this photo set" or whatever as that is a trade but there seems to be a lot of "Offline tip me coz you love me" going on at the moment. That seems like taking advantage of a relationship. The people who give those tips/chipins are the people who already tip you, not the ones who lurk in your room and don't tip.

It's especially bad when it's the more popular models doing it, they earn a shit ton more money than a lot of the models on MFC do, then expect more for free just because they are popular.

And that's what has been grinding my gears this week. How are you?

I'm not sure I agree with you 100% on this and here is why.

1) I have had several members who have told me they would PREFER to purchase something off my wishlist because they know that I will get the full value of what they are buying. When they tip say 1000 tokens, they spend $100 (or a little less depending on the purchase rate) and I keep half. Sometimes it's better for everyone to just get something off my wishlist if they expect nothing in return. Afterall, it's called a wishlist and not a "barter list" for a reason. That being said, if a member buys me something off my wishlist, like a toy or an outfit, I will gladly fulfill their request for a picture in said item as a way of saying thank you.

2) Chipins are great for things that cost a lot of money and would be too expensive for one person to purchase for the model, like a Sybian or other expensive toy. I use them much the same way I do my Amazon Wishlist. IF you feel compelled to donate then great! If not, I will not be disappointed because I NEVER expect anyone to donate. Again, it goes back to getting the full value of the money you're spending.

On a side note...or to directly answer the topic...when I first started camming on MFC I found it so strange that girls were doing tipdowns for public shows. It just wasn't something I was used to and even after 7 months on the site I still feel weird about using them. Occasionally I will to a tipdown for special shows, but I just feel like I am begging. As other people have already stated in this topic, it's usually the same people tipping anyway and for what they end up spending they would almost be better off going to group so we can have some REAL fun. (I say REAL fun because I don't do insertion in public and I personally like getting off with more than just a vibrator).

One thing I find annoying is when members ask "How much for x?". I usually just ignore them but sometimes I have a little fun and throw out some absurd token amount, like 10k tokens for topless, especially if I don't want to do it at the moment or if they are especially annoying. The funny thing is that I actually got 10k tokens one night just to take my panties off. Afterwards I felt pretty horrible that people tipped just for that, but I feel worse about them not understanding how sarcasm works. :D

Whew! Did I write a novel or what? I have more to add, but I'll save it for later. This is a great topic and has been especially helpful for me because I really do struggle with the public show/begging for tips conundrum, so thanks for your input.

I don't mind chipin/wishlists - especially when it comes to birthdays etc.
I'd rather buy a "gift" for a birthday than throw tokens at them instead.
I guess my justification is that it feels more personal.

Thankfully MFC haven't monetised this option yet. In other words, provided an interface through which the user has to pay in tokens, so they get their cut...
Hmm aight I guess ill put in my :twocents-02cents: on here lol...but i think most of what i type has already been said but here goes...

-Basic Members ...seriously no matter how cool you are..youre a freeloader and should be silenced also I hate the ones that prey on new models ..

- Idiots/Trolls/Members that hide as guests and annoy the shit out of the model by giving out personal information or the guests that follow me from room to room and continuously talk shit about me every time I try to speak to a european model (yeah idiots with no lives what can i say lol )

- Models begging in pm ...yeah i kinda shot myself in the foot on this one tipping the entire Asian Homepage of 300 models 1 token each that one day last year .. but seriously, i dont like it when I get asked to help out or come join group or hi bb lol..

- The lounge ....bunch of habitual shit talkers and broke asses over there ... used to be one of em just clicking next model and finding a BBW or an ugly model to laugh at but ive grown past that and learned that everyone is just a working individual and making fun of someone working is kinda/sorta wrong ...(except certain Romanian models that irked me in the past, they deserve it :snooty: )

thats it for my peeves for now lol..
AmberCutie said:
MFCFan said:
Instead of reiterating what we all seem to agree on, I would also like to add:
Models - Is it possible to please review your profile page occasionally and delete autoload vids that inconsiderate members post on your wall?

Sarah McLachlan, Evanescence, Guns N Roses, and Metallica will never mesh well when played simultaneously - and I prefer to not wait for that crap to load (or play "hunt/kill the video") when all I really want to do is rate/admire or look at your cost structure. :)

I'm not sure if the term "inconsiderate asshole" is allowed here, so I will refrain from using it, but one member in particular posts his same autoload crap on virtually every model profile.

Yeah, that peeves me. :)
Szia! LOL.

Agreed on all counts.

Inconsiderate asshole definitely sounds like Szia. I posted the same video autoplaying to his wall 3 times and he deleted them, they must have been annoying. Go figure.

This is probably been said already but the whole "TEEP ME GUYZZZ" whine during a show (worse during a show where the countdown was already reached and now it's just blackmail).
If she's dancing or playing to coax tokens no worries the intent is fine, but she needs to type it, preferably diplomatically, cos ruining the mood isn't gonna help.

So frequently I've seen a model start getting dressed, but cheerfully, not with a chip on her shoulder and surprise surprise someone finally tips - but much more often I've seen girls stay naked and whinge and guilt trip and who finds that sexy?

Models begging in PM like Jer said...though I switched it to friends only long ago specifically to avoid this.

The wishlist thing...actually, I like wishlists and stuff cos I actually get to choose what to send - less about value more about it being a gift. I'm not really demanding anything in return and just like real life, I don't give money as a gift generally cos...well it's just not done. Plus I love when a model doesn't know you bought anything off the wishlist then gets surprised one day, that's epic :mrgreen:
MFC just provides me with the opportunity to see more insanely hot women I will never get to have sex with.
Just_mark__ said:
MFC just provides me with the opportunity to see more insanely hot women I will never get to have sex with.

lol i feel ya buddy...

well i guess ill point out something weird..

theres this one guy who always posts first Welcome to MFC on new models profiles ..but most of the time never actually comes in the models room

I call him the site greeter or doorman ... im just weirded out by it thats all lol.. slightly annoyed ..but mostly just weirded out
JerMajesty said:
Just_mark__ said:
MFC just provides me with the opportunity to see more insanely hot women I will never get to have sex with.

lol i feel ya buddy...

well i guess ill point out something weird..

theres this one guy who always posts first Welcome to MFC on new models profiles ..but most of the time never actually comes in the models room

I call him the site greeter or doorman ... im just weirded out by it thats all lol.. slightly annoyed ..but mostly just weirded out

OMG dude, I was just about to mention him...RomanianRaven! Dunno if he's a bot or what lol, but he's quick, I made a game out of trying to beat him to the new models page lol, never suceeded yet
Jupiter551 said:
JerMajesty said:
Just_mark__ said:
MFC just provides me with the opportunity to see more insanely hot women I will never get to have sex with.

lol i feel ya buddy...

well i guess ill point out something weird..

theres this one guy who always posts first Welcome to MFC on new models profiles ..but most of the time never actually comes in the models room

I call him the site greeter or doorman ... im just weirded out by it thats all lol.. slightly annoyed ..but mostly just weirded out

OMG dude, I was just about to mention him...RomanianRaven! Dunno if he's a bot or what lol, but he's quick, I made a game out of trying to beat him to the new models page lol, never suceeded yet

he is a real person lol..but yea hes super quick to posting welcomes to *new models rooms ...

now I consider myself a man whore on mfc...but this guy lol..he takes the cake lol..
JerMajesty said:
he is a real person lol..but yea hes super quick to posting welcomes to *new models rooms ...

now I consider myself a man whore on mfc...but this guy lol..he takes the cake lol..


  • owned.png
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I absolutely absolutely can't stand it when I'm trying to perv on the ladies, and I go to their profile and click on their picture and it's too huge to load properly. Models need to resize their photos before putting them up!!
Sevrin said:
Not only were you not the first person to post, but you were pretty fucking rude toward the model.

I wasn't the first one to post but I was the first one to welcome her. And I wasnt rude to the model I welcomed her nicely to MFC, then I was a little rude to someone she won't even know.

She might be confused, I sincerely doubt she'll be offended.
Bocefish said:
Szia? I can't stand that guy!

OMG, I hate that video too. Just wish more models would delete it.

Along those lines, I can't stand any autoplaying music on a profile. Save that for myspace.

Clicking on a model's profile pic to load their page only to find out the pic is years old, artistically modified or taken to disguise the true looks or just a different person altogether.

Joining a model's room to a loud hiss, preventing you from understanding anything they say. Is it really that hard to adjust your microphones levels? Or have the music blaring so loud you can't hear anything they say. Likewise, a model's levels so low you can't hear them because its too quiet.
More ranting about basics.

Ive noticed a new model* so I check her out, she seems super nice and all, yet allows beggar basics in her chatroom along with some mild basics who just chat. Thing is she made the mistake of writing her address and her name on her amazon wishlist, and some basic copies her name and starts spreading information in public chat.

Also she mistakenly said her number out in public chat cause a friend of hers walked in shes was talking to, that same basic also spread her number in public chat.

I wouldve thought that whole experience, she learnt her lesson and would at least silence basics right? No, she stubborn as hell and she still treats her basics the same way , and sometimes the chat is over run by basic talk literally. Instead of a premium that talks and possibly tips, shes talking to basics all day in chat :angry4:

Seriously, thats my rant lol.... cant stand basics even more. Especially seemingly cool ones that prey on new models , and a barely 18 stubborn model at that lol.....wish someone would talk sense to her but meh its her room, her choice just sad to see her MFC web camming start out this way, giving attention to the wrong kind of sleaze bags (ones who dont pay lol)

Way I see it is I see a whole bunch of premiums in her room not talking because basics basically take up most her her time and conversation , whether itd be the seemingly cool one that talks music and chats all day , or the beggar kind. Doesnt matter, so much potential there...but hampered by cheap assed basics.
It bothers me when models request tips to "CHEER ME UP". I mean, if you're in a horrible mood, perhaps it isn't the best time to put yourself out there. Essentially, you're the hostess of your room. Any party that begins with a bad mood isn't one I want to pay for entry to. :banana-dreads:
JickyJuly said:
It bothers me when models request tips to "CHEER ME UP". I mean, if you're in a horrible mood, perhaps it isn't the best time to put yourself out there. Essentially, you're the hostess of your room. Any party that begins with a bad mood isn't one I want to pay for entry to. :banana-dreads:

Seems the sense of entitlement by a select few is a growing contagion. Since when has it become the norm for a customer to pay in order to cheer up their service provider, or pay them for doing absolutely nothing (Offline tips)?? I iz baffled. Some of the so-called chip-in funds are hilarious too. It's almost as if emotional blackmail is the latest MFC fad.
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JickyJuly said:
It bothers me when models request tips to "CHEER ME UP". I mean, if you're in a horrible mood, perhaps it isn't the best time to put yourself out there. Essentially, you're the hostess of your room. Any party that begins with a bad mood isn't one I want to pay for entry to. :banana-dreads:

It works though , putting the paying members on a guilt trip by saying CHEER ME UP (with tokens). Well just my observation with some models doing well on the site, not so much the low cam score ones like say less than 1000.
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