AmberCutie's Forum
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Member's Pet Peeves

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Bocefish said:
If a model is smart...she'll adjust her price to fit who and how many are in her room. 2K for a show is fair if there are a lot of people in her room. It's all relative.

OtakuJack1987 said:
When models put shit like "Tips keep it sexy" or etc. in the topic for their room! I know that the models are trying to earn money and everything, but when you put something like that in you're room topic during whatever show that you're currently doing it just makes you look like you're a money grubbing or money hungry person in my opinion.

Again, I disagree. How else is a model to politely remind premiums that tipping is encouraged? This IS their job and main source of income for many.

Agreed. Saying "tips keep it sexy" is a polite way of saying "tip me, assholes, this shit ain't free." Which would you prefer? :lol:
AmberCutie said:
Agreed. Saying "tips keep it sexy" is a polite way of saying "tip me, assholes, this shit ain't free." Which would you prefer? :lol:
That depends. If it's Mila, I think I'd prefer the latter.
Bocefish said:
Sappy elevator Christmas music while a model is diddling herself just doesn't work. :snooty:

This is very true. Cutsey girlyness is fine during chat but when it's naughty naked times you want a bit more of a grown up atmosphere.
A major peeve of mine is when models set a relatively high token count goal for a show then demand additional tokens to keep it going. During the show they are continually begging for more tokens after the token goal was reached. WTF is up with that?!? It totally ruins the show and makes them look like overly greedy beggars. Some even take privates in the friggin' middle of a public show that was already paid for. Talk about ways to lose fans!
How big of a deal is the basics thing for you guys? :shifty:

While I occasionally mute them, most often I let them talk. I've had 3 basic 'regulars' 2 of which have become premiums, and the third is like my basic police haha. He yells at mean basics, never requests, and apologizes profusely for not being in a position where he can tip.
My regs and I have made 'ban time' a game. They try to reprimand the begging basic before he gets banned, and it's become a running joke with us.

Now I know it's something my regs are okay with, but I'm curious if some guys immediately leave a room when they see a basic chatting.

Also, I just want to say if my sound is ever an issue PLEASE for the love of god let me know! I have no idea how I look/sound and no matter how I change my setting, or how loud/soft my music is, everyone always says it's 'fine' :woops: :shifty:
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I hate basics, they beg for everything and don't give a cent back.

Not only the majority of trolls are basics, but they're also cheap. Here's a good example of their faggotry, I'm always in FrankieChemical's room when she's on and she's playing alot of WoW lately. Everytime F.C. mention's WoW theirs always a wall of basic text saying what race/level they are, then I say to myself, "wow, you'll pay $15 a month to play that bullshit but you can't go premium for $20?!" Fuck the basics, cheap fucking faggots.
BloodRed87 said:
wow, you'll pay $15 a month to play that bullshit but you can't go premium for $20?!


Totally agree with you there.

LOL, new one for "why aren't you on WoW?"

"First I have to afford tokens on MFC, THEN I can afford video games" :p
Why does everyone complain about basics when you can just turn them off yourself? This kind of complaint is more annoying than the cheap little buggers.


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galactic6 said:
Why does everyone complain about basics when you can just turn them off yourself? This kind of complaint is more annoying than the cheap little buggers.

Yeah but if you turn them off, and the model has a conversation with the basic, you only get half the conversation and wonder what they're going on about. OR the model looks like they're talking to themself. :eek:
AngelicTease said:
Yeah but if you turn them off, and the model has a conversation with the basic, you only get half the conversation and wonder what they're going on about. OR the model looks like they're talking to themself. :eek:
Never met a basic who could carry on a decent conversation.
jebbaz said:
AngelicTease said:
Yeah but if you turn them off, and the model has a conversation with the basic, you only get half the conversation and wonder what they're going on about. OR the model looks like they're talking to themself. :eek:
Never met a basic who could carry on a decent conversation.

Cause you've never gotten to hang out in my room... seems I attract them. Most of them eventually go premium though...
To answer PinUpKittie and Galactics questions...

I don't mind if models choose to allow basics just to keep the atmosphere a bit more lively, nor do I turn them off because I like to see the interaction. It's also kinda fun to target the exceptionally rude ones on occasion just to exemplify of how NOT to behave in a model's room.
AngelicTease said:
Yeah but if you turn them off, and the model has a conversation with the basic, you only get half the conversation and wonder what they're going on about. OR the model looks like they're talking to themself. :eek:
some models i know have verbal answers to PM anyway so... no difference
Bocefish said:
To answer PinUpKittie and Galactics questions...

I don't mind if models choose to allow basics just to keep the atmosphere a bit more lively, nor do I turn them off because I like to see the interaction. It's also kinda fun to target the exceptionally rude ones on occasion just to exemplify of how NOT to behave in a model's room.
Thanks so much, that is precisely what I was looking for :)
Bocefish said:
Models that emit shrilly ear-splitting shrieks after EVERY tip over 20 tokens. :woops:
I think I've hurt some eardrums before. Whether it's large tips or making a higher rank, sometimes I get so thrilled I can't help it! It's part of the "real person" you see when you're in my room, hehe.
AmberCutie said:
Bocefish said:
Models that emit shrilly ear-splitting shrieks after EVERY tip over 20 tokens. :woops:
I think I've hurt some eardrums before. Whether it's large tips or making a higher rank, sometimes I get so thrilled I can't help it! It's part of the "real person" you see when you're in my room, hehe.
The uncontrollable, totally surprised and excited squeees are awesome! I'm talking about the habitually, undue, and overly excited ear-splitters for every tip of 20 or more tokens. She likes to call people Poopyheads, hint, hint. ;)
Bocefish said:
AmberCutie said:
Bocefish said:
Models that emit shrilly ear-splitting shrieks after EVERY tip over 20 tokens. :woops:
I think I've hurt some eardrums before. Whether it's large tips or making a higher rank, sometimes I get so thrilled I can't help it! It's part of the "real person" you see when you're in my room, hehe.
The uncontrollable, totally surprised and excited squeees are awesome! I'm talking about the habitually, undue, and overly excited ear-splitters for every tip of 20 or more tokens. She likes to call people Poopyheads, hint, hint. ;)
Ah... I know who that is. I also wish she'd get a better camera and mic that doesn't emit a face numbing hum.

But as far as fake over the top tip reactions.... I'd prefer an excited squee over a dramatic wide open jaw drop :eek: that lasts 20-60 seconds.
But as far as fake over the top tip reactions.... I'd prefer an excited squee over a dramatic wide open jaw drop that lasts 20-60 seconds.
haha, whenever I see the jaw drop it reminds me of Frank Zappa's "Billy was a Mountain".
A classic album that never fails to remind me of my teen years.
SirLes said:
But as far as fake over the top tip reactions.... I'd prefer an excited squee over a dramatic wide open jaw drop that lasts 20-60 seconds.
haha, whenever I see the jaw drop it reminds me of Frank Zappa's "Billy was a Mountain".
A classic album that never fails to remind me of my teen years.

Really? It reminds me of Taylor Swift winning award after award...... I should find the video that the dude from fourfour made. Could only get half way before I wanted to punch her in her mouth. :whistle:

I did have one Taylor Swift moment when it was large and I didn't expect it at all. I was kinda dumstruck and lost the ability to speak for 15 seconds. I hope people didn't think I was a faker :oops:

I do small squee, or smile bright and giggle... all normal."aweeeee thanks ______! Kisses? mwuah mwuah mwuah!" is my other normal thanks to tippers.
QueenMeadow said:
I did have one Taylor Swift moment when it was large and I didn't expect it at all. I was kinda dumstruck and lost the ability to speak for 15 seconds. I hope people didn't think I was a faker :oops:

Hehehehe. *gets mind out of gutter* :whistle:
AngelicTease said:
QueenMeadow said:
I did have one Taylor Swift moment when it was large and I didn't expect it at all. I was kinda dumstruck and lost the ability to speak for 15 seconds. I hope people didn't think I was a faker :oops:

Hehehehe. *gets mind out of gutter* :whistle:
no no... please sit a spell in the gutter with me. I have cookies.
Anyone who talks during a show.
Tips are surely the only thing that needs to be done during a show. No one cares that this is making you hard, the model is going to do what she wants so offering your directions is not required. It's especially brilliant when a model is going for gold and not even looking at the screen and someone asks "Hey, where do you live bb?".
Just_mark__ said:
Anyone who talks during a show.
Tips are surely the only thing that needs to be done during a show. No one cares that this is making you hard, the model is going to do what she wants so offering your directions is not required. It's especially brilliant when a model is going for gold and not even looking at the screen and someone asks "Hey, where do you live bb?".

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