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Nov 20, 2010
told my mom :oops:

She used to be a dancer and was a bartender at a strip club for like 13 years so I guess it's not that big of a deal...but she was still kind of like "Who are you doing this for? How do you get paid? Are you naked?"

I told her I didn't get naked though...I figured I'd just ease this in a little bit at a time. :?
She seems all shifty but maybe she'll feel a little better about it once I get my check.

*Small relief off my chest*
aww well thats good!

It was a relief for me as well when my parents and I had that convo lmao
My mom and I haven't always been close but for the past few months we've been extremely open and honest with each other and I felt terrible holding back this secret for even a few days. Especially since I live with her. :woops:
During the day, specifically morning to early afternoon.

like 8 or 9 am eastern USA time

take a 30ish minute break around noon

and then I'm back until about 2:30 pm (I babysit around that time, however tomorrow I will be getting off around noon because it's a half day at school).

I'm not on very often, I know. Especially this week because of Thanksgiving. But definitely stop by and chat for a while!! We were having a dance party today, people were tipping $1 to pick a song. Jukebox style! Hehe :p
I love hanging out with new girls, specially ones so close to my age! Follow me on twitter, and I'll do the same for you ^_^
Keithy said:
Toastyxx said:
tomorrow I will be getting off around noon because it's a half day at school

Sounds like my high school career.

hehe not a half day for me, a half day for my eight year old brother whom I babysit :p

jebbaz said:
I love hanging out with new girls, specially ones so close to my age! Follow me on twitter, and I'll do the same for you ^_^

I don't have a Twitter account but I could make one today. I guess I'm overdue for one. You can be my first :lol:
maybe she is shifty about it cause she has "done the biz" before. Some people can't handle the harshness that can come into being with our kinda thing
Yeah, that could be true. I think another side of it is she doesn't understand or trust the internet. She is worried that someone will find out where we live or something...but I don't think she stops to think that I COULD be dancing in a club and someone could follow me home easily :p

My paycheck is gonna be pretty hefty, a lot bigger than I expected when I first started. So I think after seeing that she won't be as upset haha. Also another thing is she is worried I won't actually get any money and that the site will rip me off.
ahh, older people who are afraid of technology... never fails to piss me off. :roll: :lol:
Ooh grats! =D
It really is a huge relief to tell your parents. Even if they don't respond so well. :?
My mum still comments on how she doesn't like it and "What if you can't become a nurse because someone sees this stuff?" etc etc.

:| Heads up to every girl who gets nervous about that:
It's not legal (at least in USA) to deny someone employment because of somewhere they worked previously. Yes, someone might cheat the system and be a dick about it, but that's when you call a lawyer in. :/ Or, worst case scenario and they somehow get away with it, just shrug it off and apply to the next hospital/office/what-have-you. Don't let anyone tell you what to do with your body. :/ Everyone does naughty things. We just happen to let people view our naughty things. :lol:
jebbaz said:
woo I see my name in TWO model's sig's now! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Speaking of sigs.... why don't you make yours into links?!
Toastyxx said:
My paycheck is gonna be pretty hefty, a lot bigger than I expected when I first started. So I think after seeing that she won't be as upset haha. Also another thing is she is worried I won't actually get any money and that the site will rip me off.

Maybe she will want to be a model too once she sees the $$. :lol:
SweetDivalia said:
Ooh grats! =D
It really is a huge relief to tell your parents. Even if they don't respond so well. :?
My mum still comments on how she doesn't like it and "What if you can't become a nurse because someone sees this stuff?" etc etc.

:| Heads up to every girl who gets nervous about that:
It's not legal (at least in USA) to deny someone employment because of somewhere they worked previously. Yes, someone might cheat the system and be a dick about it, but that's when you call a lawyer in. :/ Or, worst case scenario and they somehow get away with it, just shrug it off and apply to the next hospital/office/what-have-you. Don't let anyone tell you what to do with your body. :/ Everyone does naughty things. We just happen to let people view our naughty things. :lol:

This. If that wasn't the case, every girl who worked in a strip club or did some sort of amateur porn vid to get through college would have no chance of getting a job after graduation.
jebbaz said:
AmberCutie said:
jebbaz said:
woo I see my name in TWO model's sig's now! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Speaking of sigs.... why don't you make yours into links?!
3 words Amba... DONT KNOW HOW!

Looks like I made you learn something today. :mrgreen:
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