How are you going to pitch the idea? Hey, I want to do a documentary about mental illness and love scams? Because that's honestly what this sounds like at this point. And the fact that you realized you've been scammed but keep coming back to this forum to talk about it makes me think that, dude, you really need help. Like, all the helps. You obsessed your way into buying a really fucking expensive ring for a chick you have NEVER MET. Imagine if she wasn't a cam model and this was on a dating site *red flag* and then you got a tattoo...of the "name" of a chick you've never met *red flag* after obsessively posting video after video about her in lyrical verse *red flag*. I'm for real real here, not for play play. You don't need to reevaluate your life, you need to figure out who to talk to, because NOTHING about this is normal, and you'll find your self in this situation again if you don't realize that you really need to make an apt with a mental health professional..... And I mean that sincerely.