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Member spending patterns/ strategies

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I think their biggest problem is the understandable English issue. I still think there should some sort of English test (not testing grammar/spelling, but general conversational ability) so that there can be a filter out non-English speakers option.

Edit to add: of course, there's still the culture issues. Though that's less of a problem now...

And of course, there's the delusional guys who wish it would filter by state so they can find models to meet up with easier :snooty:
LilyMarie said:
Falke said:
Still, I doubt that there are very many models from Croatia or Greece who would be affected, as a practical matter. I wonder how many models there are from Germany or France now, because my impression was that there are relatively few .
I don't know a single German MFC model other than myself (the only other one I knew moved to a different site a few months ago). Now that I think about it, I don't know any active French, Spanish, Italian or Portguese girls either :shock: No Scandinavians except for one Finnish girl... no Dutch or Belgians. That's unfortunate. I suppose if there were more of us, there would be more models who could write to MFC regarding this whole issue. :?

awww I thought you would have known me! I'm dutch!
Super_Stella is from Greece, I know of about 4 other dutch girls all on MFC. I think there are some more european models on this forum (outside UK). There's a swedish girl, bunny(?) something who lands top 20 quite a lot.
Fay_Galore said:
awww I thought you would have known me! I'm dutch!
:shock: I'm sorry! I know you're Dutch. I don't know why I forgot about you when I asked myself if there are any Dutch camgirls, sorry :oops:
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I have found myself apology tipping at times. This is gonna show what a jerk I am, but there are times when I love to troll on MFC. I crack jokes and sometimes say mean things. I don't always intend to do that, but I admit I get carried away, especially when I am drunk. Hey, I said I am a jerk. But after I do that, I always feel bad, and then I tip relatively big (500 or so) to apologize. I made 1 model cry with a particularly dickish comment, for which I still feel bad 6 months later. Turns out I really like the model and she forgave me (without any tips, just a real apology), and now I visit to chat and tip whenever I can.

I like tipping to get others tipping if I can for my favourite models. My 2 favs don't earn super well; they rely on their 7-8 core guys who do what they can, though it is not much. For these girls I am happy to start tip wars, drop tips just to see a smile, and sometimes take them private just to hang out.

And then there are the times when I am horny and tip for a show/private. After all, that's why we are there.

ETA: There is a model (relatively popular) who I just like chatting and hanging with. I tip, but nothing gigantic. She pmed me after the first few times we chatted, asking if I can spend time in her room and talk, because she feels uncomfortable when the room is silent. No problem at all. For this favour she has given me pic sets and access to her private blog. Of course then I felt obligated to tip in return. Was I played? :lol:
JimsX said:
Was I played? :lol:
Perhaps a little JimX but that is ok, think your description is pretty typical of most members. Thx for bringing in apology tipping, missed that one :clap:

Wanted to comment on the supporting models based on nationality. The language/communication thing matters, but other than that I find it very superficial.
There are some cultural differences, for myself I found myself avoiding US and colombian models for the most part (too conservative/ boring), with a few amazing exceptions. Czech models are the most dangerous (convince me otherwise :hand: ). I would not say that any nationality is more at risk of exploitation, but obviously poorer women are.
There was always a part in my spending that took need into account, especially around cuttoff/ payday. As a member why not enjoy the double benefit of pleasing yourself, and knowing your spending counts for someone your like.
Having said all this, I do believe that members should spend on those they like most, rich or poor, needy or not. If one of your favourites does well, keep enjoying her. Popular models are popular for a reason, they are usually simply amazing women, discovering her first is perhaps the best thing of all.
Just gave a hint as to why new is popular, and why popular can be a good reason to spend. :tongue1:
Great models can be from any nationality.
JimsX said:
She pmed me after the first few times we chatted, asking if I can spend time in her room and talk, because she feels uncomfortable when the room is silent. No problem at all. For this favour she has given me pic sets and access to her private blog. Of course then I felt obligated to tip in return. Was I played? :lol:

I know quite a few models (myself included) who might be more generous with videos/pics/attention if a guy is talkative or especially sweet in her room. I've had dudes tip extra in Gold Shows just because, and then as a thank-you I'd send them videos or pics. This would lead to them trying to spoil me back even more, and then I'd throw more porn at them in retaliation.

So maybe not played, so much as you got caught in a Niceness Loop. ;)
Spending on Someone New
Spending on new models is always a thrill.
I never knew how much I would spend, so always bought more than I needed.
As someone who enjoys 1st pvt moments for the adventure in it, any tips were in hope of leading there usually.
I also liked watching a new model work it, being seduced can be fun.

With meeting experienced models that first time, I always tend to tip more and go with the flow of the room moreso.
I tended to delay pvt experiences in favour of the 'right' moment. As a first time always bringing extra tokens giving myself the best chances of a great experience.

At first spending on new was towards exploration, in later years it was pure play.... wanted to see what the model liked most, or try to do something surprising.

Loved almost every spending moment with 1st time meetings, and can think of few bad pvt moments. As you may have guessed I never really became anyones regular, but got to meet many models.
This creates its own set of challenges later as you develop more friends. Teaches you to be honest with yourself about what you want and who you want to visit. A favourite would have been nice, but it never happened for long in my case.
CharlotteLace said:
JimsX said:
She pmed me after the first few times we chatted, asking if I can spend time in her room and talk, because she feels uncomfortable when the room is silent. No problem at all. For this favour she has given me pic sets and access to her private blog. Of course then I felt obligated to tip in return. Was I played? :lol:

I know quite a few models (myself included) who might be more generous with videos/pics/attention if a guy is talkative or especially sweet in her room. I've had dudes tip extra in Gold Shows just because, and then as a thank-you I'd send them videos or pics. This would lead to them trying to spoil me back even more, and then I'd throw more porn at them in retaliation.

So maybe not played, so much as you got caught in a Niceness Loop. ;)

:-D Yeah that seems to be what it is. She never asks for anything except my help in keeping the room chatting, but then I feel I should help out token-wise since she gave me stuff worth 500. But no complaints; I would rather be in this loop than be berated for not tipping as some models do. Sometimes I think I am too nice and get trapped :icon-cry:
mynameisbob84 said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Yep. Just the mega-tips I'm referring to. I don't let a model's placing on the homepage effect whether or not I'll tip her and I won't tip a high camscore model any less or any more than I would a lower camscore model. If I'm being entertained by a model, then I feel I should be contributing at least something for her efforts and it matters not if she's earning more money than I am. But mega-tips fall into a different category for me.

In order for me to tip say, 10,000 tokens, I'm gonna have to justify to myself that tipping that model that amount is more important than paying off a chunk of my student loan, or paying off a credit card, or using that money for bills, or saving that money for a time when I'm inevitably gonna be short of cash. Given that I can't just buy that many tokens on a whim, I'd have to re-budget for the month, sacrifice nights out, not go to the cinema, skimp on groceries, not buy any games or Blu-Rays or books or take-aways, not tip any other models, and seeing as I don't log onto MFC if I don't have any tokens, I'd likely have to just not log on that month at all outside of logging on to drop that one mega-tip. So it's already very hard for me personally to justify that kind of expenditure, and knowing that in all likelihood, I need that money much, much more than any successful cam girl does, that just makes it even harder.

It's all relative though. If I was a millionaire, then tipping 10,000 or even 100,000 tokens would be no biggie. :twocents-02cents:

Thanks that is a lot easier for me to wrap my head around. :)

No worries :)
I have tipped 10,000 tokens before (once). I had the extra money at the time and seeing the model's reaction (genuine happiness and gratitude) made me feel good.
So I had selfish reasons I guess. It was to make me happy. :dance:
dilligaf0 said:
I have tipped 10,000 tokens before (once). I had the extra money at the time and seeing the model's reaction (genuine happiness and gratitude) made me feel good.
So I had selfish reasons I guess. It was to make me happy. :dance:
Thx DG, agree.

From a previous post on tipping, large tipping trends (biggest tip/s recieved for a model) seem to parallel camscore on average, and is a good guide for members. 1000 tokens is considered generous for most, will give you that shock/ squeal/ big smiling reaction, that makes it worth it. The shocked reaction to a big tip is my favourite, then I feel I have done it right :dance:
Ambers Troll said:
dilligaf0 said:
I have tipped 10,000 tokens before (once). I had the extra money at the time and seeing the model's reaction (genuine happiness and gratitude) made me feel good.
So I had selfish reasons I guess. It was to make me happy. :dance:
Thx DG, agree.

From a previous post on tipping, large tipping trends (biggest tip/s recieved for a model) seem to parallel camscore on average, and is a good guide for members.

I'm not sure that's true. I know QUITE a few girls with half my camscore who have received 10k tips.

Also, are you suggesting that if members are tip bombing for a reaction they should gauge their tip off her camscore to get the best reaction with the fewest tokens?
SexyStephXS said:
Ambers Troll said:
dilligaf0 said:
I have tipped 10,000 tokens before (once). I had the extra money at the time and seeing the model's reaction (genuine happiness and gratitude) made me feel good.
So I had selfish reasons I guess. It was to make me happy. :dance:
Thx DG, agree.

From a previous post on tipping, large tipping trends (biggest tip/s recieved for a model) seem to parallel camscore on average, and is a good guide for members.

I'm not sure that's true. I know QUITE a few girls with half my camscore who have received 10k tips.

Also, are you suggesting that if members are tip bombing for a reaction they should gauge their tip off her camscore to get the best reaction with the fewest tokens?
Was only talking in terms of a general guide, based on a previous posts here on tips. In a way I guess it does suggest a way to guage tipping for that 'best' reaction. I was thinking more of a way to decide if you have enough tokens to get this reaction, and without looking like you are trying to buy someone. Know it sounded unfair to those with lower scores.

I don't think any member would really think too much about bomb tips, they are usually just what amount comes to hand. Overdoing it is definitely better than underdoing it, if you treat someone, you treat someone.
Models with few people in their room
It can feel cruel to hide tokens or to show them, always found it better to decide quickly if you are spending or not.
Personally a quiet room has never bothered me, never needed anothers approval to like someone or felt shy in creating conversation.

The big question I always found myself asking, is can she follow if I lead her pvt/ to her countdown?
This is actually easily tested with a few tips and requests. An attentive model will see where I lead her, or know that I am following her lead.

The next thing I look for is flirting/ showing herself off right.
Is her waist to hip ratio 70% on cam? If I say she has lovely lips, will she use them to seduce me ? Does she self touch if she wants me pvt? Does she know what I want to see (she may hide or show that)? Can she talk to me in a way that I find seductive or that I want to know more about ? Does she know what is unique and special about herself ?

To spend is a complex decision with enough power to overcome all doubt as to why others haven't. A small part of that might require seeing why you don't want to spend, and still wanting to ignore that. Almost everyone loves an adventure.
Spending to help
Anything spent is usually helpful, moderating your spending to keep it going is the tough part usually.
I also feel that spending to help needs some honesty to it, you must spend on what you like or it looks fake to others and they wont join you.
I always liked informal tip matching or simply treating the room to a show/ countdown. Most regulars know better how to support their favourite, it is easiest just to follow their lead.
On the more complex forms of support it comes down to noticing the models mood and either following her lead or taking a guess as to what she may need most. Usually this involves a bit of chat, a few tokens/ dollars down, doing something unusual/ unexpected, or starting her time on well.
An important form of support is telling your model when things are going technically wrong (i.e. sound is off, cam feed is glitching or frozen). All this costs us is attention.

Perhaps a few models would like to add to this post, am sure there is much more we could do.
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