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Member spending patterns/ strategies

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Nice to see we are back on topic... I have a rule on pvt spending.
Never anything less than 15/ 20 minutes pvt. The reason for this is that I don't see the point enjoying someone in pvt without taking the time required. Smaller token amounts are better spent in other ways personally.
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If every member in Bobs boat actually acted like Bob... countdowns would never go unfinished and nights would never be slow.

MFC needs more members like Bob, people willing to throw the smaller tips out there instead of just waiting for the bombs.

Bombs tips are WONDERFUL, of course! But when a wall of 10-50 token tips starts running from various names I'm not already familiar with during a show, I feel like the most amazing model in the world! Team work and group efforts are so wonderful, so Bob, I appreciate you.

As a premium, I tend to tip girls who are my friends and are working towards a goal. Example, if my model friend is kicking off a ranking run month I might pop in and drop a little bomb the first night to help that incredibly important first burst because I want to see her succeed.
I don't really hang on MFC much anymore though and usually I log out right after I tip.
Personally I almost never buy tokens in advance, I just happen to be guesting around, usually checking out ACF models, and someone is being super adorable and I need to tip them right now, or I can tell tey are having a slow night and I want to try to cheer them up. Thats how I became a member on MFC; I was in GinnyPotter's room (clicked her because of the name, haha) and she was so cute that I wanted to chat so I signed up within like 15mins of finding MFC. And she was super cute when I tipped her and then I was like "omg I need more tokens so I can do that again" hahaha.

I think I have a Captain Save-a-Ho complex because I tend to tip more to girls who are struggling with their goals or are not getting tipped from other members, than in busy rooms. I can't afford to tip much so it's more fun for me to put a few hundred tokens towards clearing a girl's small countdown than denting a bigger one. If there aren't any ACF girls on that I am watching, I'll usually either search the tags or check out girls with lower camscores and then try to find somebody who is adorable and bubbly (I am such a sucker for bubbly girls!), and is essentially doing all the right things (being engaging, good cam set-up, has a topic - aka she looks like she is putting in a real effort). That sounds weirdly specific but since I'm not on MFC for the sexy aspect, I just like to try and make pretty girls smile. And I know how much it sucks to try to keep positive when nobody is talking or tipping so I try to help when I can!

I've never done malicious tipping...and I'm not sure that's a thing, lol.
I mostly cam on Chaturbate and you don't see the big spenders on there like you do on MFC very often. Tips between 1-50 tokens are very common on CB. Tips over 100 are rare and tips over 1000 are extremely rare. Every little bit really does help. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a top model's room on MFC and there could be 1000 people in her room, but nobody tipping except for the same 2-3 guys. If everyone even pitched in just 10 or 20 tokens, it would make a big difference. And once 1-2 people start tipping, it seems to get the ball rolling and more guys jump in and tip. :)
sexyvanessa4u said:
I mostly cam on Chaturbate and you don't see the big spenders on there like you do on MFC very often. Tips between 1-50 tokens are very common on CB. Tips over 100 are rare and tips over 1000 are extremely rare. Every little bit really does help. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a top model's room on MFC and there could be 1000 people in her room, but nobody tipping except for the same 2-3 guys. If everyone even pitched in just 10 or 20 tokens, it would make a big difference. And once 1-2 people start tipping, it seems to get the ball rolling and more guys jump in and tip. :)

I hate tipping biggish on Chaturbate, because everyone can see me do it.
A little OT, but can someone tell me how much RP I need before they'll let me buy more than 1 200tk package? It's getting annoying and old. Fast. Especially if two of my friends are hanging out that day.

But personally, I like to just buy, and spend if I have a little! Sometimes I like to just drive by and send a little something to compliment girls~

My rule is, if I do spend some time hanging out, I do tip at least 50 tokens. :3 Seems fair enough? But I usually have no self control so I just throw it all at pretty girls in like 15 mins.
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MintyFlowers said:
A little OT, but can someone tell me how much RP I need before they'll let me buy more than 1 200tk package? It's getting annoying and old. Fast. Especially if two of my friends are hanging out that day.

I'm too stuck at 200 tokens at once, with 180 reward points so far, apparently you can get it raised if your supply some extra info ... 6328522116
Fay_Galore said:
MintyFlowers said:
A little OT, but can someone tell me how much RP I need before they'll let me buy more than 1 200tk package? It's getting annoying and old. Fast. Especially if two of my friends are hanging out that day.

I'm too stuck at 200 tokens at once, with 180 reward points so far, apparently you can get it raised if your supply some extra info ... 6328522116

Interesting I started off a 900 tokens and was fairly quickly moved to 1,800 tokens and I never filled out the authorization form. I wonder if the initial limits have to do with credit card limits, or credit scores, or where you live.

As to the topic, I had to laugh at the concept of spending strategy. Strategy implies there is some type of goal. I strategize about a lot of thing tipping isn't one of them. Other than try and keep tokens for at least one and preferably 2 weeks.
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Shaun__ said:
sexyvanessa4u said:
I mostly cam on Chaturbate and you don't see the big spenders on there like you do on MFC very often. Tips between 1-50 tokens are very common on CB. Tips over 100 are rare and tips over 1000 are extremely rare. Every little bit really does help. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a top model's room on MFC and there could be 1000 people in her room, but nobody tipping except for the same 2-3 guys. If everyone even pitched in just 10 or 20 tokens, it would make a big difference. And once 1-2 people start tipping, it seems to get the ball rolling and more guys jump in and tip. :)

I hate tipping biggish on Chaturbate, because everyone can see me do it.

Yeah, I believe the only way to get around that is to tip the model offline on Chaturbate. There's no way to tip anonymously or have the tip not shown in room like there is on MFC, at least not that I know of.
Miss_Lollipop said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Yep. Just the mega-tips I'm referring to. I don't let a model's placing on the homepage effect whether or not I'll tip her and I won't tip a high camscore model any less or any more than I would a lower camscore model. If I'm being entertained by a model, then I feel I should be contributing at least something for her efforts and it matters not if she's earning more money than I am. But mega-tips fall into a different category for me.

In order for me to tip say, 10,000 tokens, I'm gonna have to justify to myself that tipping that model that amount is more important than paying off a chunk of my student loan, or paying off a credit card, or using that money for bills, or saving that money for a time when I'm inevitably gonna be short of cash. Given that I can't just buy that many tokens on a whim, I'd have to re-budget for the month, sacrifice nights out, not go to the cinema, skimp on groceries, not buy any games or Blu-Rays or books or take-aways, not tip any other models, and seeing as I don't log onto MFC if I don't have any tokens, I'd likely have to just not log on that month at all outside of logging on to drop that one mega-tip. So it's already very hard for me personally to justify that kind of expenditure, and knowing that in all likelihood, I need that money much, much more than any successful cam girl does, that just makes it even harder.

It's all relative though. If I was a millionaire, then tipping 10,000 or even 100,000 tokens would be no biggie. :twocents-02cents:

Thanks that is a lot easier for me to wrap my head around. :)

No worries :)
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JoleneBrody said:
Team work and group efforts are so wonderful, so Bob, I appreciate you.

Why thank ya, bb. I appreciate the entertainment you guys provide so think it's only fair that I contribute what I can, where I can :)
As a member it's always nice to see a multitude of average sized tips topple a countdown. Not only does it feel awkward when an entire countdown is dependent on one member's generosity but it's also good to know that what little you chipped in made a difference.

I done did a double post :shifty:
Spending on friends
For me there is no real strategy or pattern here. As a friend she doesn't care too much if I spend or not, spending is out of respect for the model, in taking her time or as a simple treat.
The amounts spent on friends increased over time, until eventually it got to almost 100% in the last 7 months (2 spends excepted).
For most of my camming, after the first few years, it was about half gifted to friendships in some way.
GenXoxo said:
I think I have a Captain Save-a-Ho complex because I tend to tip more to girls who are struggling with their goals or are not getting tipped from other members, than in busy rooms.

You and i share the same affliction. I tend to save my larger tipping habits toward struggling models working their ass off only to receive extremely little to nothing at all. Given my very tight budget, my largest single tip rarely exceeds 500, so a 500tk tip can go a long way for those models with little return to begin with. My pattern is to first pepper with smaller tips, since the constant stream of the token chime alert makes the model feel appreciated. I would also hope the small token stream will entice others to tip as well. Then, if there's enough left, i finish it with one larger single tip. Sometimes it's reversed, where i'll tip large first followed by the smaller stream.

Nowadays, half my MFC time is to make a model's day, in hopes of making her time feel appreciated and worth the effort. In turn, i feel good if i can make someone else feel good.

GenXoxo said:
I can't afford to tip much so it's more fun for me to put a few hundred tokens towards clearing a girl's small countdown than denting a bigger one.

I frequently check out new models and i'm noticing an inflation among some new models when it comes to countdowns. A new model will barely have 30 people in her room, yet she's asking like 4000tkns to get her naked, which i'm left wondering if that deters members from tipping since the likelihood of meeting that goal with that small of an audience is difficult.
Miss_Lollipop said:
I tip models who i like as people, or am attracted to.
I enjoy making them a part of a social environment in the room - though sometimes I'll make them little 'secret' ninja tips to girls I have crushes on.

I like to liven up quieter rooms rather than jumping on a bandwagon when everyone is tipping.

If i'm trying to liven up a quieter room for her i will split my tips into 10s/50s etc that will encourage activity.

I try to write tip notes to make her smile/laugh.
I tip to be social, brighten someones day - rather than for sexual reasons. Though I do buy vids sometimes :)

I've also tipped *larger* (like 2000-5000) amounts as thank you/gifts to good friends that needed them.

When tipping I don't consider how much she makes necessarily, but I do tip friends who I know 'need' it simply because of that sometimes - or buy things from wishlists. It generally tends to be things like lights, webcams, equipment or things for their dogs.

Sounds a lot like me. Almost exactly like me actually!

I'd add that I also tend to tip a bunch when certain models are raising money for important causes, especially to set an example for others to help get things going. But you probably already figured that out. :)
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Generally I select who I want to tip, and then determine patterns and strategies from there. After many years on the site, I have come up with the following flow chart that is a pretty good guide to WHOM I choose to spend my money on (if anyone) when I log on.

Does she pass my geographic filter (north america)?--> No --> Next Room
Do I like her aesthetic? (good looking + has at least one interesting attribute, e.g. a nice tattoo)--> No --> Next Room
Is her cam clear and not lagging?--> No --> Next Room
Is her face in the cam and she is paying attention to public chat being engaged?--> No --> Next Room
Is she an interesting person? (e.g., through conversations, actions, or even profile/social media)--> No --> Next Room
Can I think of something to say in her room?--> No --> Next Room
After a engaging her in chat a little, is it fun to chat with her?--> No --> Next Room
Is she already doing a show?--> Yes --> Next Room
Does she have something going on (e.g., goal) that I can find an excuse to tip for?--> No --> Next Room
She probably gets a tip from me.
When I joined MFC I started out tipping models like it was going out of fashion, but then I found a model who ticked all the boxes for an ideal model, for me that is, and now I almost (I have another model friend) tip her exclusively. I get what I want in return and I could spend my money on better stuff but I'm not haha. I reckon, on average I'm spending £50-70 a month, $80 - $120. Dunno if that's a lot to other people but it is to me :twocents-02cents:
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Do I like her - whereby "like" is something that's not possible to define as everyone is individual and tastes vary?

Yes? Stay, talk, tip.
No? Move on.

I don't have a strategy, it's a cam site - not a war simulation.

One day I'll want to drop a tip for no reason, another day because she's offering to get naked, another day because i laughed, another day because I feel a little sorry they're having a shit night, another day because ... my trousers tightened.

The only rules i have is - don't spend more than I am willing - and that's defined by my bank balance and my recent spending/known commitments to spending.
Fay_Galore said:
Alcon said:
Does she pass my geographic filter (north america)?--> No --> Next Room
juuuuust out of curiosity, why?

There's no good answer to that... it's just a personal preference. Culturally, it does make things a bit easier. Like if a model has "cm/kilos" in her profile I feel a bit more distant... Also, for some locales I am worried about supporting sex trafficking/coercion, although I realize in UK/Australia/Europe it should be fine.
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Alcon said:
Fay_Galore said:
Alcon said:
Does she pass my geographic filter (north america)?--> No --> Next Room
juuuuust out of curiosity, why?

There's no good answer to that... it's just a personal preference. Culturally, it does make things a bit easier. Like if a model has "cm/kilos" in her profile I feel a bit more distant... Also, for some locales I am worried about supporting sex trafficking/coercion, although I realize in UK/Australia/Europe it should be fine.

Non American models would probably benefit from MFC breaking up the filter a bit. As it is, even if a member wanted to only exclude Romanian models (nothing wrong with Romanian models at all I hasten to add, I use them as an example only because of the unfair stigma that they already have attached to them) they can't do that without also excluding Germans, Portugese, Spaniards, Swedes, etc. etc.
Okay, read the recent replies, some at the beginning, but I admit to skimming when it got really weird. Totally agree that some of the things mentioned that we might have "strategies" for seem like things I wouldn't want to have an agenda for.

If I tried to get "revenge" on a model, I'd think less of myself regardless of whether I had any impact or not. If I truly dislike a model, she simply won't see me again. I've never actually done a private, but if I did, it would definitely be to have fun and because I liked the model and not as part of a fiendish plan to thwart her.

I never tip just to get stuff. On the occasions I tip for a video or raffle or song request or whatever, I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't want to tip anyway.

I have a bit of a preference for throwing in a tip when things are slow, partly to see if I can get other tippers going and partly to perk up the mood in the room, which tends to suffer when no tips are forthcoming.

Although I can understand why they are used, I'm not a big fan of countdowns. If one is moving along at a decent clip, I might wait til it's finished and then tip. My reason for this is I want to send the message that I'm tipping "just because"/ because I think it's deserved / because I like you and not to trigger a show or whatever. It's sort of my way of voting as to how things are done. If the countdown is bogged down though, I won't wait because the vote thing isn't so important to me that I'd want to watch the model have a crappy shift rather than contribute while the countdown is going. That's pretty much the only thing I do that could remotely be considered a "grooming strategy to get what I want" (the vote concept). The fact is, I don't really want anything out of the models besides pleasant company in a pleasant room. While I certainly don't mind seeing pretty ladies get naked and stuff, I don't really care whether my model friends do it or not. There's free porn all over the internet. It's having fun with people I like that I find valuable.

I'm not entirely sure what a rescue tip is. If it's a "save the day by finishing the count" sort of thing, I have done it a few times. I don't really like it though for a few reasons: 1) I just plain can't afford to do it very often, 2) I'd much rather tip out of appreciation than because I feel bad that things are going so poorly (I wouldn't do it if I didn't like the model, but a few times I've tipped a lot more than I meant to because I felt bad), 3) I'm afraid it might create an expectation of my tipping level that I can't live up to in the long run, and 4) it eliminates any chance of the "team effort."

I don't intentionally tip more or less based on how successful a model is, but I also don't have a rigid rule as to how much my tips are. As long as I'm not going overboard, I mostly just tip what I feel like tipping at the moment.

"Treats": Well, I would love to be a gajillionaire and drop monster tips on every nice camlady on the whole interwebz, but alas, this is not the case. It's possible that I may have on at least one occasion forgotten that I'm an asshole and sent a tip with a private compliment to someone in whose room I wasn't even currently creeping, but I won't say because that would be telling. If that actually happened, it's possible that it was well-received and that I felt good about it and that therefore I might do it again.

My biggest tips, since I can only drop them very occasionally usually go to my closest model friends, primarily but not always on a special occasion (clamiversary* or one of her four birthdays**).

*IMO these are total BS, but it's still fun to be part of making a big day for a favorite, so what the heck.

**I kid. Please do not hit the Squirrel with a large fish!

It occurs to me that my fresh-off-the-highway mania has subsided and that now I'm probably just babbling. Therefore, I will now shaddap.
mynameisbob84 said:
Non American models would probably benefit from MFC breaking up the filter a bit. As it is, even if a member wanted to only exclude Romanian models (nothing wrong with Romanian models at all I hasten to add, I use them as an example only because of the unfair stigma that they already have attached to them) they can't do that without also excluding Germans, Portugese, Spaniards, Swedes, etc. etc.
There's a thread in Models Only where a couple of European models discussed this over two years ago.

I remember that we pretty much all agreed that the filter, the way it is now, is a problem, but we couldn't quite agree on where exactly the line should be drawn if MFC were to divide Europe up and make a separate filter just for Western Europe. Or West + Central Europe. (I made this little map back then, suggesting on possibility for how they might set up the new filters: "West + Central Europe" vs. "East Europe"; with the UK still having its own filter, of course.)

It is a FACT that I generally have 2-4 times as many people in my room when I have an American IP address, so the problem is not neglectable.
It's also a fact that, when I used to use an American IP address sometimes, no one ever complained about ending up in my room despite me being European. Some guys who generally filter out European models have become good tippers in my room.
I do think it's safe to say that most (not all) members who consistently filter out European models do so because of the stereotype of the Romanian studio model, which is far from the reality of many especially Central/West European models.

Unfortunately I really don't believe that setting new filters is anywhere near the top of MFC's priority list, or even something they're thinking about at all. The direct correlation of filters -> room count -> tokens is not obvious to them, or they probably would have changed something already. :(
LilyMarie said:
I do think it's safe to say that most (not all) members who consistently filter out European models do so because of the stereotype of the Romanian studio model, which is far from the reality of many especially Central/West European models.
I don't think this is safe to say at all. I would imagine only a tiny percentage are blocking European models because of Romanian studio models. I could be wrong but I'd guess most are blocking in an effort to find what they want easier.
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LilyMarie said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Non American models would probably benefit from MFC breaking up the filter a bit. As it is, even if a member wanted to only exclude Romanian models (nothing wrong with Romanian models at all I hasten to add, I use them as an example only because of the unfair stigma that they already have attached to them) they can't do that without also excluding Germans, Portugese, Spaniards, Swedes, etc. etc.
There's a thread in Models Only where a couple of European models discussed this over two years ago.

I remember that we pretty much all agreed that the filter, the way it is now, is a problem, but we couldn't quite agree on where exactly the line should be drawn if MFC were to divide Europe up and make a separate filter just for Western Europe. Or West + Central Europe. (I made this little map back then, suggesting on possibility for how they might set up the new filters: "West + Central Europe" vs. "East Europe"; with the UK still having its own filter, of course.)

It is a FACT that I generally have 2-4 times as many people in my room when I have an American IP address, so the problem is not neglectable.
It's also a fact that, when I used to use an American IP address sometimes, no one ever complained about ending up in my room despite me being European. Some guys who generally filter out European models have become good tippers in my room.
I do think it's safe to say that most (not all) members who consistently filter out European models do so because of the stereotype of the Romanian studio model, which is far from the reality of many especially Central/West European models.

Unfortunately I really don't believe that setting new filters is anywhere near the top of MFC's priority list, or even something they're thinking about at all. The direct correlation of filters -> room count -> tokens is not obvious to them, or they probably would have changed something already. :(

I am all for this! of course. but I think drawing a line (literally, haha) is pretty rough to do. IMO Croatia and Greece are very western countries compared to their neighbours. soooo. I don't know. isn't there like an official west/east europe subdivision?

I totally understand why someone would block out everything non-northern US for language barriers, cultural differences, pop-culture, etc. but GIVE US A CHANCE! WE'RE AWESOME!

I really really wish MFC would do something about this!
or we can all just sit around and feel fabulously exotic in our quiet nook on the webs ;)
Fay_Galore said:
I am all for this! of course. but I think drawing a line (literally, haha) is pretty rough to do. IMO Croatia and Greece are very western countries compared to their neighbours. soooo. I don't know. isn't there like an official west/east europe subdivision?

I totally understand why someone would block out everything non-northern US for language barriers, cultural differences, pop-culture, etc. but GIVE US A CHANCE! WE'RE AWESOME!

I really really wish MFC would do something about this!
or we can all just sit around and feel fabulously exotic in our quiet nook on the webs ;)

Yeah, that dividing line is a great way to start arguments. :-D I know a Croat who was very upset to be labeled Eastern European (Catholic! Venetian influences! ties to Austria and Germany!), but he definitely thought that Serbs were Eastern European. Nearly everyone I have ever met from "Eastern Europe" thought that they were from the eastern-most Western country and their neighbor to the east was on the other side of the line. :-D

Still, I doubt that there are very many models from Croatia or Greece who would be affected, as a practical matter. I wonder how many models there are from Germany or France now, because my impression was that there are relatively few .

MFC seemed receptive to suggestions from that Reddit thread, so maybe they would consider making that division. Anything that helps to match members to models is a good thing for members, models, and the site. That being said, I suspect that a decent portion of the people who block everything but North America might also block Western Europe because they think they want an American/Canadian but can be pleasantly surprised by the right model.
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Falke said:
Still, I doubt that there are very many models from Croatia or Greece who would be affected, as a practical matter. I wonder how many models there are from Germany or France now, because my impression was that there are relatively few .
I don't know a single German MFC model other than myself (the only other one I knew moved to a different site a few months ago). Now that I think about it, I don't know any active French, Spanish, Italian or Portguese girls either :shock: No Scandinavians except for one Finnish girl... no Dutch or Belgians. That's unfortunate. I suppose if there were more of us, there would be more models who could write to MFC regarding this whole issue. :?
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But what to do with Ukraine? Yesterday a model told me she is from Novorossiya :)
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