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I used to be a cam girl... advice wanted.

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Aug 17, 2013
I used to be a cam girl on MFC. However, that's when I was still dating my ex.
My boyfriend now (who I had a baby with last year) knows that I've done it in the past but doesn't approve of it. The thing is, we're so broke right now. Living paycheck to paycheck. And I know that if he'd change his mind and let me back into camming, we'd be totally fine.

I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want him to think that I'm a slut or something like that.. I just want to be able to help provide for our family.

Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?
maybe tell him exactly that. that you know you would make good money to help your family's financial situation.
if he working and you're at home with the baby tell him you want to take some of the stress off of him by doing it. maybe just start slow by making a clips4sale and making videos. which could also be more discreet if you wanted to do it without telling him.
I'm sure I'll probably throw the financial situation in there. I don't want to do it without telling him, though. That would probably just make matters worse.
I'm thinking I might write him a letter and then give it to him before I leave to go shopping or something so he can have some time to process it (and cool off if he gets mad) before I come home lmao.

Voxelle said:
maybe tell him exactly that. that you know you would make good money to help your family's financial situation.
if he working and you're at home with the baby tell him you want to take some of the stress off of him by doing it. maybe just start slow by making a clips4sale and making videos. which could also be more discreet if you wanted to do it without telling him.
How about introducing him to this site. Let him read some of the intelligent posts from other models. Maybe it will open his eyes a bit to the truth naturally along the way.
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
I'm sure I'll probably throw the financial situation in there. I don't want to do it without telling him, though. That would probably just make matters worse.
I'm thinking I might write him a letter and then give it to him before I leave to go shopping or something so he can have some time to process it (and cool off if he gets mad) before I come home lmao.

Voxelle said:
maybe tell him exactly that. that you know you would make good money to help your family's financial situation.
if he working and you're at home with the baby tell him you want to take some of the stress off of him by doing it. maybe just start slow by making a clips4sale and making videos. which could also be more discreet if you wanted to do it without telling him.

That's a little odd that you have to leave the house just to bring up an important financial decision with your BF. He should be able to handle having that discussion without losing his cool in a big way. You are adults, after all. If he's someone that flies off the handle from a simple talk then you might have some deeper issues going on there to worry about instead of just money.

BTW, I'm not saying that your BF should just automatically be ok with the camming thing, I'm mainly saying that just *talking about the possibility of it* shouldn't be something that causes him to get that upset.
He wouldn't really "fly off the handle". I'd just feel sort of awkward..
And like I said, we've talked about me doing it in the past. He told me it seemed "kind of whore-ish" and I don't want him to think that about me but I kind of loved being a cam girl.. I just don't know how I'll explain some things to him (like why I think it's okay for other guys to see my body, not only him).

ScarletVixen said:
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
I'm sure I'll probably throw the financial situation in there. I don't want to do it without telling him, though. That would probably just make matters worse.
I'm thinking I might write him a letter and then give it to him before I leave to go shopping or something so he can have some time to process it (and cool off if he gets mad) before I come home lmao.

Voxelle said:
maybe tell him exactly that. that you know you would make good money to help your family's financial situation.
if he working and you're at home with the baby tell him you want to take some of the stress off of him by doing it. maybe just start slow by making a clips4sale and making videos. which could also be more discreet if you wanted to do it without telling him.

That's a little odd that you have to leave the house just to bring up an important financial decision with your BF. He should be able to handle having that discussion without losing his cool in a big way. You are adults, after all. If he's someone that flies off the handle from a simple talk then you might have some deeper issues going on there to worry about instead of just money.

BTW, I'm not saying that your BF should just automatically be ok with the camming thing, I'm mainly saying that just *talking about the possibility of it* shouldn't be something that causes him to get that upset.
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
He wouldn't really "fly off the handle". I'd just feel sort of awkward..
And like I said, we've talked about me doing it in the past. He told me it seemed "kind of whore-ish" and I don't want him to think that about me but I kind of loved being a cam girl.. I just don't know how I'll explain some things to him (like why I think it's okay for other guys to see my body, not only him).
Honestly even if you feel awkward, he should hear you say what you're trying to do. You should have this discussion.. because in the end, if you write him a letter you're still going to have to talk about it later. Maybe talk about your limits and what he's comfortable with you showing guys. Ask him specifically " if I were to cam , or create videos - what are you comfortable with me showing and what are you not comfortable with me showing?"

If he answers in a way that like, "I dont want you to show anything." Say, " No, I'm doing this and we need to comprise to help our financial situation."
Just remember to keep your ground, and be confident that it could help you guys. You can even say let me try camming for X months. And if it doesn't help use financially I'll stop.
If you have a baby with this guy, and he's already got a negative attitude toward camming, what happens if you break up? I'd be a little concerned that he might try to use your camming (if you start again) to argue that you're an unfit mother, and courts might side with him. If you were married, I probably wouldn't be saying this, but you indicated that he's your boyfriend and that's something you should consider, given his attitude. If he's really, REALLY against it then you probably shouldn't do it. I'm not saying he's right, but for your own protection if things don't work out.

You're talking about "convincing" him, but is he going to really be "convinced," or would he just be giving in to make you happy, or out of financial desperation? If that's the case, then it could be a major source of tension down the road (whether you stay together or not).
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#1) I don't think we need to be addressing the could have's of their relationship. #2) Even if that did happen, camming is a legal job with models having to sign contracts making it a recognized job by the government because you have to file taxes. She would have nothing to worrying about.

One the subject of her camming causing tension, it might at least at first. But it also could make a lot of things better. So honestly is it worth taking the chance?
Voxelle said:
#1) I don't think we need to be addressing the could have's of their relationship. #2) Even if that did happen, camming is a legal job with models having to sign contracts making it a recognized job by the government because you have to file taxes. She would have nothing to worrying about.

Seriously? That's incredibly naive. Women have lost custody for doing porn (also a legal job), for supposedly being promiscuous because they dated men (legal), for posing nude in magazines (legal). We're talking about America here, where a judge just ordered a family to change their kid's name from Messiah because it was offensive to Jesus.

I'm not saying she could lose custody because it's illegal (it's not). I'm saying a judge might look unfavorably on it because America has fucked-up attitudes about sexuality, and it sadly happens all the time. All that needs to happen is for a judge to say "I think being naked on the internet makes her an unfit mother." Boom. Done.

And as for #1, basically all we're doing is addressing "could have's". Again, I'm not saying the boyfriend or a judge would be right, but it would be irresponsible not to consider the possibility and potential future problems. That's how people get entangled in bad situations.
yossarian said:
Voxelle said:
#1) I don't think we need to be addressing the could have's of their relationship. #2) Even if that did happen, camming is a legal job with models having to sign contracts making it a recognized job by the government because you have to file taxes. She would have nothing to worrying about.

Seriously? That's incredibly naive. Women have lost custody for doing porn (also a legal job), for supposedly being promiscuous because they dated men (legal), for posing nude in magazines (legal). We're talking about America here, where a judge just ordered a family to change their kid's name from Messiah because it was offensive to Jesus.

I'm not saying she could lose custody because it's illegal (it's not). I'm saying a judge might look unfavorably on it because America has fucked-up attitudes about sexuality, and it sadly happens all the time. All that needs to happen is for a judge to say "I think being naked on the internet makes her an unfit mother." Boom. Done.

And as for #1, basically all we're doing is addressing "could have's". Again, I'm not saying the boyfriend or a judge would be right, but it would be irresponsible not to consider the possibility and potential future problems. That's how people get entangled in bad situations.

In this sense of the matter, I agree with you. My bad for guessing you met it in a way of a guy pulling things to show someone being an unfit mother, even though they can clearly provide for the child.

But regardless of the could have's and have not's, just stick to your guns and if you feel that it'll work out.. then go for it.
yossarian said:
Voxelle said:
#1) I don't think we need to be addressing the could have's of their relationship. #2) Even if that did happen, camming is a legal job with models having to sign contracts making it a recognized job by the government because you have to file taxes. She would have nothing to worrying about.

Seriously? That's incredibly naive. Women have lost custody for doing porn (also a legal job), for supposedly being promiscuous because they dated men (legal), for posing nude in magazines (legal). We're talking about America here, where a judge just ordered a family to change their kid's name from Messiah because it was offensive to Jesus.

I'm not saying she could lose custody because it's illegal (it's not). I'm saying a judge might look unfavorably on it because America has fucked-up attitudes about sexuality, and it sadly happens all the time. All that needs to happen is for a judge to say "I think being naked on the internet makes her an unfit mother." Boom. Done.

And as for #1, basically all we're doing is addressing "could have's". Again, I'm not saying the boyfriend or a judge would be right, but it would be irresponsible not to consider the possibility and potential future problems. That's how people get entangled in bad situations.

This is a good point, people have lost their kids in court over simpler and equally-legal things. It's the way it reflects on someone *character* and some people make that of the utmost importance, particularly when kids are involved.
yossarian said:
We're talking about America here,

Are we? Did I miss something or is this a MASSIVE assumption? I didn't see anywhere that this woman is from the US.

I think whether you start camming or not you need to have a conversation with your ex about your past. That he genuinely thinks that your past is "kinda whore-ish" is a really bad sign. When you love someone you should respect and understand their past decisions even if you don't agree with them and would rather they didn't do them now. For example I have gone through phases of sleeping with a lot of men. My boyfriend knows this, he also knows my reasons for it, and seeing as he's slept with very few girls he was a little shocked when he heard the actual number, but he's never once said I was a whore/slut or even implied anything in that area. He is someone who is fine with me camming, so is more relaxed than a lot of men, but I still think you should never imply your girlfriend is or was a "whore". Even if they were a prostitute, it's just a nasty word to use.

I think it's unlikely with his attitude though that you'll ever be able to cam and stay in this relationship. And don't go behind his back or force this on him. From what it sounds like he started going out with a non camgirl and camming was a thing of your past, one that he is clearly not cool with even being in your past. Not everyone is cool with their girlfriend camming. You have a child together which makes things a lot more complicated. I understand it's frustrating knowing how much money you could make, even if it were just a few hours a week. And you can maybe broach the subject to him, just don't force it or push it.
People make decisions at the beginning of a relationship, and those become your personal rules. For example if he decided at the beginning that he's cool with dating a camgirl, then camming isn't against those rules. As he clearly decided at the beginning he's not cool with it, and you accepted that by staying with him and having a child with him, then you not camming is part of your unwritten rules. You made your decision back then, only he can change the rules on this, and it's not something you can force someone to understand. Different people have different morals and values.
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?
Why should he be the one to change?

Isabella_deL said:
You made your decision back then, only he can change the rules on this, and it's not something you can force someone to understand. Different people have different morals and values.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. :handgestures-salute:

Pretty sure that's not the advise she was looking for but it's probably the most realistic.
Just a note to say that I write letters when I need to say important stuff too. Not because duke wont listen or flies off the handle, but because I find it very hard to get the words out when I'm anxious or emotionally "charged" about an issue. When I write it down, I can clearly make all the points I need to make. When I try to say what I mean outloud, it usually comes out messed up, garbled etc.

So, I don't think its odd that you want to write him a note OP and let him read it first.

as for the situation, theres not much we can say here except communicate with him.
CallMeWilliam said:
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?
Why should he be the one to change?

Isabella_deL said:
You made your decision back then, only he can change the rules on this, and it's not something you can force someone to understand. Different people have different morals and values.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. :handgestures-salute:

Pretty sure that's not the advise she was looking for but it's probably the most realistic.

This, here. My first thought when reading the OP was, "there must be other ways to make a few extra bucks." Expecting the guy to change the way he feels about this, all because of money, to me, seems pretty short-sighted and selfish.
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want him to think that I'm a slut or something like that.. I just want to be able to help provide for our family.

Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?

If he's likely to think you're a "slut" for wanting to cam, I'd say you have bigger problems than just your finances :?

I'd say just be honest with him, but knowing absolutely nothing about him or your relationship, I couldn't give any more specific advice than that.
Isabella_deL said:
yossarian said:
We're talking about America here,

Are we? Did I miss something or is this a MASSIVE assumption? I didn't see anywhere that this woman is from the US.

You're absolutely right. I just assumed. But given the way other countries have been behaving toward porn lately (Australia banned a lot of it, the UK is trying to make it an "opt-in" situation), it's safe to assume a lot of courts in a lot of countries would not be cool with it. So I suppose unless she lives in the Netherlands or something, the advice probably still stands.
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iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
I used to be a cam girl on MFC. However, that's when I was still dating my ex.
My boyfriend now (who I had a baby with last year) knows that I've done it in the past but doesn't approve of it. The thing is, we're so broke right now. Living paycheck to paycheck. And I know that if he'd change his mind and let me back into camming, we'd be totally fine.

I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want him to think that I'm a slut or something like that.. I just want to be able to help provide for our family.

Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?

maybe you can get him to visit some of the other MFC models that just had a baby and do a boyfriend swap (assuming she isn't married) with one of them, or, you could dump him and hook up with her and become a couple on MFC with the name OhBabyBaby
God said:
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
I used to be a cam girl on MFC. However, that's when I was still dating my ex.
My boyfriend now (who I had a baby with last year) knows that I've done it in the past but doesn't approve of it. The thing is, we're so broke right now. Living paycheck to paycheck. And I know that if he'd change his mind and let me back into camming, we'd be totally fine.

I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want him to think that I'm a slut or something like that.. I just want to be able to help provide for our family.

Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?

maybe you can get him to visit some of the other MFC models that just had a baby and do a boyfriend swap (assuming she isn't married) with one of them, or, you could dump him and hook up with her and become a couple on MFC with the name OhBabyBaby

YES! Why didn't I think to advise that???


Couples face this stuff all the time.
I want a baby you dont.
I think its important to spend money on 'x' and you dont.
You dont think I should be a sperm donor for my lesbian sister...

These kinds of things come up ALL THE TIME.... in so many different situations.
People change. opinions change.

There is NOTHING saying she should not broach the subject with him, and see if maybe he doesn't have a full understanding of how important it is to her, and what camming is really all about, and how she views things. At the same time they can communicate about why he has issues with it, whether his issues are still there... etc etc.

Its.. you know..this radical idea called communication.

Trying to convince your spouse that something is a good idea is not manipulative or evil, as long as its done without lying or misleading information. Its just part of the compromise of living in a partnership.

I really don't know why everyone is all up in arms about this like she's doing something horrible... she just sees something differently than he does and is hoping he will see it her way. Asking for help for the best way to approach a sensitive subject with a significant other is a good thing!
yossarian said:
You're absolutely right. I just assumed. But given the way other countries have been behaving toward porn lately (Australia banned a lot of it, the UK is trying to make it an "opt-in" situation), it's safe to assume a lot of courts in a lot of countries would not be cool with it. So I suppose unless she lives in the Netherlands or something, the advice probably still stands.

I've never heard of this kind of thing happening in the UK. In fact regardless of her job unless she is beating, molesting or literally making them watch as she cams, it is unlikely she wouldn't get custody, being the mother and it being a baby. Her job has nothing to do with this situation, it's totally irrelevant unless her job means she is away from home/incapable of looking after the children, or it subjects the children to a dangerous lifestyle, or if they're actually involved in her camming and they're illegally on camera. In fact, even if she were a prostitute, so long as she weren't bringing men in the house it wouldn't have anything to do with custody. There are plenty of countries other than Holland that has relaxed views towards sex work. At the end of the day it's a baby we're talking about, if the boyfriend were out working every day and already struggling to make ends meet, there is no way he'll be able to keep that job and look after a year old baby alone, nor would he be able to pay for help, and really, why would he get custody if he needs to pay for a carer outside the family every day? And obviously if a situation came where a court says she's not allowed to cam with the baby in the house, then either she could stop camming altogether or only work when the child is in daycare or being looked after by someone else.

The US does have a very biased and unfair legal system though, so you are right, if she is from the US then I wouldn't think it'd be worth the risk as it does seem to be very biased against sex workers. Otherwise the chances of her boyfriend being able to take the baby away from her, especially as they're not married is very slim.

Even so, it's not a situation anyone should ever need to come to just for the sake of webcamming. At the end of the day camming is just a job. If you need money there are other ways to get it.

One thing I will suggest, is there are websites that do phone sex which you can be paid quite a bit for. Your boyfriend might feel very differently if it's just your voice and not your body on show. It's much less risky, you don't have to buy props or take ages over your looks, and you're physically not actually doing anything, you're just telling people you are. Chances are you won't make as much money, but... saying that, I know that some women make a LOT of money through phone sex and text sex, I just don't know very much about it. If it is just a way to get some extra finances then doing that for a few hours, 5 days a week while your baby sleeps could really help you both, and might not breach his comfort zone.

Like I'd say to any camgirl camming not to ever push themselves out of their comfort zone unless they really want to, I'd say the same for any relationship. While pushing comfort zones can be a good thing if you're up for it, being pushed out of your comfort zone by someone else when you don't want it isn't cool and can have very unpredictable results. If he isn't even on board with the idea of phone sex, although he might just be being stubborn, if he isn't swayed at all by your reasoning then he most definitely wouldn't be ok with camming.
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God said:
iUsedToBeACamGirl said:
I used to be a cam girl on MFC. However, that's when I was still dating my ex.
My boyfriend now (who I had a baby with last year) knows that I've done it in the past but doesn't approve of it. The thing is, we're so broke right now. Living paycheck to paycheck. And I know that if he'd change his mind and let me back into camming, we'd be totally fine.

I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want him to think that I'm a slut or something like that.. I just want to be able to help provide for our family.

Any ideas on what I can say to him to help convince him?

maybe you can get him to visit some of the other MFC models that just had a baby and do a boyfriend swap (assuming she isn't married) with one of them, or, you could dump him and hook up with her and become a couple on MFC with the name OhBabyBaby

why would you be more likely to do what a stranger says than what the father of your child says?
God said:
why would you be more likely to do what a stranger says than what the father of your child says?

-_-;; what?

Shes asking for help in communicating with her significant other....

im going back to my cozy lil spot in the models only section. you people are nuts! LOL!
Miss_Lollipop said:
God said:
why would you be more likely to do what a stranger says than what the father of your child says?

-_-;; what?

Shes asking for help in communicating with her significant other....

im going back to my cozy lil spot in the models only section. you people are nuts! LOL!

a custody battle can lead to communicating with a significant other

we already know he can provide for the child
Again, why are we commenting on the possibilities of outcomes of the OP talking to her boyfriend and that leading to a custody battle. Like.. it's none of our business to even speculate. So many of you guys go from 0 to 60 and its just... dumbfounding. Stop.

If you guys can't give advice without telling the OP how to handle a possible custody case, just don't respond, because you aren't helping.
Miss_Lollipop said:
God said:
why would you be more likely to do what a stranger says than what the father of your child says?

-_-;; what?

Shes asking for help in communicating with her significant other....

im going back to my cozy lil spot in the models only section. you people are nuts! LOL!

before you start getting trolled too much, just think about this...

even former camgirls can register as a model on this website without going back to being a camgirl.
Nordling said:
Q: What is the price of tea in China in American dollars?

A: Tea is selling wholesale at 1.5 to 1.75 yuan per gram. If my math is correct, this works out to be 8 to 9-1/2 cents per pound.

hmm, let's see...

last time i gave advice on a relationship it was a guy forbidding his girlfriend he never met from being a camgirl.

this time it's a girl being forbidden by her baby-daddy (couldn't possibly be the same person making a new username because they have a baby)
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