AmberCutie's Forum
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Emo Scam Score Sadness!

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This MFC camscore thing is a brilliant tool of manipulation. Every time my camscore drops a few points I want to kill myself. I was at 5000 in May and now, although my last check was my biggest yet, my camscore is 3400. If I drop below 3k I will cry. I already have to restrain myself from begging my members to tip me large amounts just for the sake of my score.

If it weren't for the camscore I would probably be on a lot longer each night, but I feel like if I just chill out and talk to the members then my score will plummet, I'll be lower on the page, less people will visit me, I'll make less money, and then drop even further until I'm in the firey depths of the backpages of MFC sandwiched between that old woman who sleeps with her cam on, and the 50 year old wart infested woman who aimless pokes at her vagina even though there are only 3 guests in the room and no tippers.
Do girls ever look at those around you? I don't mean to see what they are doing, I simply mean at camscores - and then put some perspective upon your worrying? Maybe you do - but if not, then I'm hoping that this may help you stop worrying quite so much.

Right now:

1st line is 13000 to 4700.
2nd line is 4700 to 3300.
3rd line is 3200 to 2500.
4th line is 2400 to 1800.

People going in/out of grp, or private, makes a far bigger impact upon "position" (relative to the top - assuming privates/grps show first). An entire line...

So dropping 500 points, or even 1000 points, when you're at 6k, or 5k, or 4k... can make the difference between 1-2 models being ahead of you (depending upon times obviously, currently 800 models online) to perhaps 10 models.

So what is the perspective I talk about.

Well, now lets see. At the start of the 2nd page, the camscore is around 700. If you drop by as much as 500 points there - you suddenly find 250 more models moving above you in placing. You easily end up on the 3rd page. At around 1k of camscore, dropping 200 points can result in nearly 100 models leap frogging you.

So those with "higher" camscore ratings - unless you are in "freefall" camscore wise (i.e. constantly dropping at a quick rate) - you really should not be fretting about little variations and fluctuations. We can clearly see that such fluctuations happen to everyone - from the top to the very bottom...

Those higher up may have larger fluctuations. But unless it's a continuous freefall in camscore, you should stop getting anxious at each individual day.

At least that is my take on it.
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Hey zoomer = ] I know its unnecessary fretting, I'm merely pointing out how the camscore fucks with one's brain. When you're given a number to measure your success its hard not to feel a little like shit when the number starts to drop, especially when you begin to notice a drop in room count (and in my case my score has been declining at a steady pace). I'm pretty sure there are girls with camscores of 8k who feel like crap compared to the girls with camscores of 20k. There are billionaires who would probably shoot themselves if they lost half of their fortune. Human nature is tricky.
All this fretting over camscores has me obsessing about mine, heh. Blah! I keep telling myself Rome wasn't built in a day and it's only my second week on the site and be patient but.. I'm not a patient person at all.
SofiaRosalie said:
Hey zoomer = ] I know its unnecessary fretting, I'm merely pointing out how the camscore fucks with one's brain. When you're given a number to measure your success its hard not to feel a little like shit when the number starts to drop, especially when you begin to notice a drop in room count (and in my case my score has been declining at a steady pace). I'm pretty sure there are girls with camscores of 8k who feel like crap compared to the girls with camscores of 20k. There are billionaires who would probably shoot themselves if they lost half of their fortune. Human nature is tricky.
Yeah it's true. I know I should be proud and happy that my camscore is so high, but even at close to 13k score I still obsess over its fluctuations. It fucks with our brain since it seems to have been created to be a measure of our success as a camgirl.

I really would stay online longer if it wasn't for the camscore equation.
There are times I feel down about my score and then I just think about when I started and my score dropped into the 300 range. Any number I can have that is higher than that looks like roses and helps me to realize that if I can raise it from 300 then I can raise it from where it is now.

I realized a long time ago that when I feel sorry for myself for whatever reason that is when I most need to appreciate what I do have or what is working.
tomtucker said:
UKgg said:
It's horrible being not popular...

I guess in America I was always near the top 20 and I didn't really think about it. Now, in the middle of the American night time I'm not so popular and I cry because there are some girls with MASSIVE cam scores. I can't help assuming that because they're higher rated than me, they're better/more interesting/funnier/prettier people with better bodies, lives and I shouldn't even bother competing because I'll never be as important and liked as them.

I've never sounded more like a 14 year old emo.

Okay, that's my bit. Just wanted to share.

I know I'm insecure and lots of models might not necessarily be the most popular but they enjoy it and are happy... but I find it hard to be happy when it's all ONE BIG GODDAMN COMPETITION AND I'M LOSING! >.<

I can't help my feelings!

maybe its because u are ugly and fat?

Someone pitch in 1000 tokens and buy this guy a pair of glasses.

UKGG is neither ugly nor fat.
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