Why didn't a camgirl do a skype with me? Why is she taking days off?
-maybe she got busy with another job.
-maybe she had a home-emergency (like a leak or something), and is a big DIY fan so has been fixing her house.
-maybe there's been a family emergency.
-maybe there's been an emergency with a friend.
-maybe she's been having internet trouble.
-maybe she got red week, shark week, aunt flo... I think you get the picture.
-maybe she got sick, or in an accident.
-maybe she got swamped with cam-related things that have to be done off-camera (pic sets, vids, thank-you mails).
-maybe she took a vacation. Even gas station clerks get one week vacation time per year.
-maybe she has to cam on someone else's schedule, and they got sick so they've been home all week.
-maybe her computer/laptop broke.
Remember, even if her internet is down or computer is broke, she can access the internet from her phone, or from the library, or from fast-food places with free wi-fi, or from a friend's house/computer. And she might not want to share why she's off-cam, so unless she volunteers the information, it's best not to ask about it.
That's not to say she won't forget about it. She's only human. But cut her some slack. If you've asked about it, and she didn't get back to you, try asking again the next time you see her on camera. If she hasn't come on camera and you haven't brought it up in a week, then send another MFC mail saying, "hey, I hope you're okay. I'd like to arrange a time and day for my skype with you, if possible. I'm available during ____, let me know what's good for you. Thanks!"
Why will a camgirl's camscore change when she's not on camera?
-camscore takes into account the average of all the girls. As days go by, her camscore will fluctuate because the average other girls are making per hour is fluctuating.
-camscore takes only the past 60 calendar days into account. As days go by, her camscore will fluctuate as days fall off of the back of the 60 days.
-members can send offline tips. As days go by, her camscore can increase because of offline tips being given with no time spent on camera.
Why would a member send her offline tips? Is she giving them skype too?
There are lots of reasons to tip a model. (all of the following are reasons I've been tipped, or heard of other models being tipped offline)
-he wants to send her a present, just because.
-he saw a free video of her online and decided to send her a tip for appreciation.
-he saw her pictures on her twitter and decided to send a tip for appreciation.
-he's buying content or mailable items (videos and such).
-he's arranging a skype show for a month from now because he knows he'll be free then, but has the money now.
-he's actively trying to help her camscore, because he likes her.
So you see, there's no need to worry about it yet. After a week or two, maybe she forgot, and a gentle reminder is warranted. But we're only human. Things come up. Give us a few chances before you cry scammer.