Inactive Cam Model
- Feb 17, 2015
- 2,452
- 13,158
- 163
- Twitter Username
- @TheMagnoliaSnow
- MFC Username
- Magnolia
- Clips4Sale URL
I am of the belief that all sex workers are equal and deserve equal access regardless of gender identities and genitalia. That being said, models post in model's only with the expectation that ONLY fellow female models will be reading them, and there lies the problem. To open up years of posts with those expectations already placed I think would be wrong and against what any model had in mind when making those posts, essentially betraying the trust of expected privacy.
I think all the important industry information, discussions, and resources should absolutely be available for all sex workers who care to get verified. I don't run a forum and I'm not experienced in such things, but I feel like maybe a solution would be to create a NEW model's only. Include all the important threads and such from the current one, but allow those who expected privacy to be able to keep it locked away. Or even whole different sections for Trans Model's Only and Male Model's Only, where women cannot go.
While I personally wouldn't mind sex workers of all types having access to model's only, it's been clearly stated that some other ladies do. I respect @AmberCutie for keeping her word about maintaining access to model's only to just women, because that's what the women posting there expected at the time.
I'll start this post off by saying that I'm taking the night off of camming (my actual job, lol) during my rank megamonth to dive into the process of a new format for ACF. I think many folks feel like it's just the flip of a switch and your wishes are granted as far as how the forum is run. Yes, it's been a couple years since I said I may update the process, so my apologies for the delay. However, Jawbs and I have been brainstorming for a long long while on how to implement a change to the forum that made it more inclusive to everyone.
The ultimate move will be to make site specific subforums available to cam models who are approved and active on those cam sites. This way, folks who are actively camming on specific cam sites are approved for access to a private area for their cam site(s) to exchange chat with their "coworkers", regardless of how they identify. There will also be general areas where ALL approved cam models can convene regardless of site affiliation. The current "Additional Verification" thread will be restarted, and every cam model or couple will post there with a picture and links to their active cam site profiles. Any active cam model will be eligible for their applicable site section.
My hip surgery in early 2015 certainly set us back as we were focusing on my recovery, and making the most of my up-time to get my MFC schedule back on track. But now I'm back on my feet, and, since plans were in the works already and this subject comes to blinding light again in the last 2 days, I'll go ahead set some extra time aside to finalize the next/current step to get it underway right now instead of waiting until next month.
The first step toward this was moving to this forum software that would allow us to re-format permissions and subforums (done!).
The next step was identifying the path of least resistance as far as future verification and site organization goes. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, not every girl who has posted in the private section would be open to the idea of their Models Only posts being veiwed by a larger audience than what currently exists. Knowing this, I've already created a few site specific subforum categories to test out how that separation went.
Current step is putting up a dev forum so I can rearrange this thing to high-hell, move and archive some current content, and figure out the final format so that it isn't a jumbled mess when it goes live. I'll make as much progress on that as I can before I run out of gas tonight. Then final pushes will be done very soon.
Last step will be the new approval process, which will likely start in April to give all current ACF models time to help me reorganize previous threads in a comfortable way. (And so I can focus on my megamonth without a ton of extra sidetracking.)
As noted above, it isn't just an on/off switch.
Next I will say that discussion is fine and always encouraged, but comments like this:
only serve to insult the person who uses her personal private time to make this place run. It's really just vague name-calling. So if we could not say stuff like this, that would be appreciated. In the past I have welcomed others to create and run their own camming forum if they were unhappy being part of mine when some have assumed "it can't be that hard".
Anyway, It was never a personal bias. It should not need to be stated again, but I personally have NO issues with how people choose to identify themselves. Trying to use the fact that both my husband and I haven't had the personal time to make the necessary changes to the forum and policies as a indicator of my beliefs is pretty uncalled for and unnecessary.
And seriously...
The ultimate reason that ACF hasn't been updated IS because I was afraid of the approval process being a judgment call that could create a huge mess or cause backlash, and additionally not having time to dedicate to implementing propery changes to the format... can you just not? The words used in your post are a bit more inflammatory than necessary to get that point across, friend.
I do not get BAF or other cam site affiliate income from ACF whatsoever for years now. Back in the early years, I made a few BAF tokens that were sent to other models. I've turned down many sponsor requests to keep ACF clear of banners and ads. I've made precisely $67 over the last couple months from people buying ACF owl gear, but that's all. So yes, this is me running this for you all in my off-cam time, models and members alike. As you note yes my name gets exposure for being at the top of this site, but that can also be a really big responsibility and burden, as we address here with this whole subject, for example.
When I first put this up, yes it was only MFC.
In the past we have dealt with some very persistent trolls whom I have NO doubt would have gone to lengths to get verified on CB to have access to the MO section. Many people here don't know the behind the scenes effort that has gone into dealing with these individuals.
So to wrap this up so I can get to work, I understand and hear everyone's concerns. Clearly I've been defensive of my reasons for doing things how I do because this is NOT my job and it can feel like an attack, or people being entitled or unappreciative, when people go dictating how things should run here at ACF. If you could avoid posting inflammatory remarks and judgey comments in this thread, I'd really be appreciative. I'm working on it. I'll need some assistance in the coming weeks to get things underway, and I'd rather do this in a friendly environment where I don't feel my character is under attack.
Thanks for reading.
Apparently I missed an entire page when reading earlier. Super looking forward to the how this site will evolve.