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WTF World of Warcraft Moments

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Jul 16, 2012
So... I'm running through Scarlet Monastery in vanilla WoW. I'm with a friend of mine, and we had to pick up a tank because nobody from our guild was available to tank at that level. I was DPS (rogue) and my friend was a Priest. We can't find anybody at this hour except for a Druid. The Druid wants to run SM but doesn't want to tank, but after some negotiation we come to an understanding that a Rogue can't realistically tank all of SM.

We get to Locksey and I realize that our Druid is trying to tank in cat form. This is causing issues for me from a DPS standpoint; I'm a decent dodge-tank but I can't take damage from multiple targets while trying to protect a Priest. I try hard to be patient because tanking can be a bitch, especially with a Rogue who deals high DPS, but trying to keep my threat down while trying to keep the Priest from becoming a crunchy dog treat is causing serious problems for me. After I nearly die, I finally get pissed off and bitch at the Druid.

Me: "I don't want to be bitchy but you really need to tank, I had to tank that whole battle."
Druid: "Tanking is scary."
Me: "I can't tank, I'm a Rogue. The agreement for this run was that you tank. And why are you trying to tank in cat form? Why don't you switch to bear form?"
Druid: "I don't want to switch to bear form."
Me: "Why? It's like ten times better for tanking! Cat form is your DPS form, we already have DPS."
Druid: "Bear form makes my butt look big."

She also doesn't know how to use basic things like Growl. I kind of think I'm getting trolled or she just has a really dry sense of humor because "does bear form make my butt look big?" is a pretty common joke, but after we make it a little way further into SM, it becomes apparent that she's not kidding. So how the hell does a Druid make it to that high a level without any understanding of how to tank or use basic skills? Apparently, her boyfriend leveled her toon for her.


In all fairness, she turned out to be pretty ok as a person. She learned some basic tanking skills and we only died most of the time. :thumbleft:
Well dungeons at that level really are for learning, and a tank is fairly optional because the stuff doesn't hit hard
HAHAHAAHAHAHAH! I hated playing with people like that - if you dont know how to play thats fine - but dont agree to go in with out letting the group know you don't know how - Either someone that bought or had their toon leveled or they were trolling to get reactions - I have met people that liked to see how long it would take for the group to kick them out. People like that make me not miss playing
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I dunno... I prefer the Emerald Christmas video by Vis Maior way back in the day. It's actually probably my favorite "Christmas" video since I am a bit of a scrooge. Also I tended to play alliance so seeing them mess Orgrimmar's shit up made me happy face. Probably not very funny or even amusing to most people. I bet it was quite a WTF moment for horde characters logging in that holiday season.

I ran into a lot of facepalm/WTF moments during my WoW career but I cannot recall any specific instances. I'll work on it.
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My favorite: I co-GMed and main tanked for a guild for quite some time, and when we were working on twins in ToC for the first time, our (very white) main GM calls out this gem: "KILL THE BLACK GUY, KILL THE BLACK GUY!!!"

Everyone was laughing way too hard and we wiped. Then we came back and destroyed them next attempt. :}
mynameisbob84 said:
I'm sure you've all seen it a million times but it's still one of te funniest things I've ever seen (and I don't even play World of Warcraft).


My kids are both WoW addicted and 'live the game' way to much.... They saw this and said "OMG these guys need to get out more and maybe discover girls...." :lol:
geekgirldythia said:
HAHAHAAHAHAHAH! I hated playing with people like that - if you dont know how to play thats fine - but dont agree to go in with out letting the group know you don't know how - Either someone that bought or had their toon leveled or they were trolling to get reactions - I have met people that liked to see how long it would take for the group to kick them out. People like that make me not miss playing

This was before you could kick people from your party - you basically would have to disband the entire party. Plus we really wanted to get the SM run done.
One of my favorite things that's happened to me but was a wtf moment was when I was in org and some random person asked me to take off all my gear for 500 gold. I was like wow, this seems oddly familiar ;) Totally did it!

The "it makes my butt look big" comment really made me laugh. Wow is so funny sometimes. :lol:
mynameisbob84 said:
I'm sure you've all seen it a million times but it's still one of te funniest things I've ever seen (and I don't even play World of Warcraft).


Lol......There's a reason I'm always the bait when I do raids. :shifty: :lol: Let's just say that a couple of my characters have this achievement for a reason. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My guild loves and hates me; because of this, they make BJ regulate how often/what raids I do. I'm better at baiting than actually playing. Sad but true.
My wtf moment in WoW was a few weeks into first playing. I was doing the daily fishing task Rock Lobster, saw a shark coming so i swam to the surface and onto the dock thinking i'd be safe. As you can see from the screenshot below, apparently the shark could swim through concrete and killed me.


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So this isn't as exciting as shark killing you on concrete, but one time I had a glitched spider follow me all the way from Westfall to Stormwind. Everyone in Stormwind tried to kill it including me. Eventually one succeeded but for a while I had the rarest pet ever :p


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LittlePikachu said:
My favorite: I co-GMed and main tanked for a guild for quite some time, and when we were working on twins in ToC for the first time, our (very white) main GM calls out this gem: "KILL THE BLACK GUY, KILL THE BLACK GUY!!!"

Everyone was laughing way too hard and we wiped. Then we came back and destroyed them next attempt. :}
We had the opposite happen to us, it was a long time ago in Mount hyjal, we wiped on the first boss 5 times in a row or something, we were all tired and hyper on coffee, started pissing ourselves laughing throwing stupid jokes on vent, we were genuinely all crying with laughter when we killed it.
I think we have that somewhere on youtube but i'm not certain that was the one we recorded..... it was awesome, from that moment on we stopped trying to take ourselves so seriously and actually did quite well while maintaining a kindergarten vibe in the guild lol.........
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