Jillybean said:LilyMarie said:Since I announced my hiatus on Twitter and also made a short video telling people the reason, I've gotten 2 MFC mails and one ask.fm message from guys who basically all said the same thing - that I should pull myself together, take my job more seriously, and keep working regardless of my emotional situation. That what I'm doing is unprofessional and I should be able to separate my private life and my cam life and not 'just stop camming because of some guy'.
What the heck? Do these guys work their jobs every week? NOOO. They take their 2+ weeks of vacation time just like everyone else in the world, I'm sure... Why is it that I hear so many models getting a hard time when they try to take time off?
I think people assume things (I'm doing it right now! :shock
These people would do well to stop being selfish poopy-heads and let Lily deal with things in her own time and own way, yo.