AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

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ZenHedonist said:
I may be wrong but this thread seems to have come down to:

A) I'm not getting thanked properly for tipping.

Lemme say this about that. I'm tipping to say "Thank You" and have fun and be part of the tipping crowd. For whatever reason if I don't get attention back for doing that, I'm good. If you think you are getting neglected or abused by a model may I humbly suggest the "Next Model" feature? Get over it.

B) You are all dirty old men who like perving on young looking models.

Yup. Guilty as charged. I'll make the "biologically hardwired to want to perv on young wimmen" argument here. Or whatever. Some guys are just creepier than others when they do it. If someone is being too weird about it may I humbly suggest the "Ban" feature?

So, what else we got to talk about?

I think you should re-read the posts youre commenting about. I havent seen any post that even implied that anyone thought members are all "dirty old men perving on young models".

Re: thanking, no one bitched about how they were getting thanked, its the fact that theres no two words uttered when you drop a substantial tip. Its common courtesy and manners to say thanks when someone hands you money.

As for "getting over it", this thread is a discussion about what is annoying to members, in case you haven't noticed. I highly doubt anyone is losing sleep over any of it, the whole point of this thread is to talk about it.

MyDesertRose said:
The other day on Chaturbate a member (who never tips more than 1 token) made a yellow wall of 1 token tips. He got mad at me for not thanking him for every single tip.

Yeah, thats a classic case of "give me attention!". :lol: Yellow walls are fun to do as well as receive, even if theyre only one token tips. But to expect someone to say thanks you for every 5 cents thats tipped right after the other in a matter of seconds seems really stupid.
Zoomer said:
Thankfully in the last 2 years I don't think I've seen anyone be rude about a tip, irrespective of its size, other than the members. Can have a lot of fun with 1 token tips, with the model genuinely enjoying the fun - yet get a stream of abuse from "members" about the size of the tip being made (irrespective of its very high frequency). I think at that point those members are simply being rude as their public comment is an attempt to remind the model they have tipped more/larger and are actually a little jealous such tips get attention/cause fun compared to their own. The answer there is that it isn't the size, but the presentation, that has the impact - and instead of getting jealous or worried about how the model appears to have fun with you for less, should just join in the fun as well :)
This reminded me of a situation I had to put a stop to the other day and STILL feel really horrible about, however it's actually been seriously impacting my goals for a while. So, in an effort to help via my experience I will share the details.
1 tok tip walls. AWESOME! Super fun, esspecially during a show and a great way to remove dick emotes!
Not so awesome as an answer to the model reminding that the countdown has been going for far too long and needs to finish very soon. Reason why? When a 1 tok tip wall begins, it often stops all other tipping, the power of that magical jingle noise. In the end 10 minutes have passed and the countdown decreased by 30 tokens, possibly leaving the model feeling a bit disrespected and humiliated. Even though I'm sure that wasn't the intention, it still feels like "hey guys, we've been working on this for way too long so lets wipe this sucker out!" ... 'Fuck her goals, we'll just drag it out as long as we damn well please because it's funny to watch her squirm' Harsh? yes. Truthful? absolutely.
So please dear members, reserve 1 tok tip walls for when their is NOT currently a countdown happening.
To expand, I think it's more accurate to say... timing is everything; know who you are tipping.

For example - she was in a countdown (a topic I assume you mean?) - it had lasted over 2 hours by the time I had showed up and hadn't moved much whatsoever.
Members weren't talking, some regulars kept up via PM in messages. She was, understandably, feeling down and whilst chatting via pm she basically said "I don't know what's wrong, no-one is wanting to talk" and not having fun. So - one 20 token tip... or 20 one token tips in less than a minute? The latter has far more impact on the room when coupled with some chat as it kinda revitalises the atmosphere and some people even start talking again.

However, some people really hate a change like this as they've gotten used to interaction during the quiet times when they can near monopolise the models attention for their own gain. Hence how it can really rankle some members, despite it being tokens being tipped.

So I would say timing is everything - irrespective of what you are doing, it is all about timing :p 1 token tips? Going for pvt? Want a grp? Sure, there may be times when each isn't welcome (trying to start a pvt during a public show!), but they aren't bad alone and can fit into nearly any scenario... depending upon the timing (circumstances inclusive).
JoleneBrody said:
When a 1 tok tip wall begins, it often stops all other tipping, the power of that magical jingle noise. In the end 10 minutes have passed and the countdown decreased by 30 tokens, possibly leaving the model feeling a bit disrespected and humiliated. Even though I'm sure that wasn't the intention, it still feels like "hey guys, we've been working on this for way too long so lets wipe this sucker out!" ... 'Fuck her goals, we'll just drag it out as long as we damn well please because it's funny to watch her squirm' Harsh? yes. Truthful? absolutely.
So please dear members, reserve 1 tok tip walls for when their is NOT currently a countdown happening.

Wow, that is an excellent point that I'm glad you brought up!

If things are moving too slowly and it's taking way too long to complete a countdown, I'm gonna find myself yawning and getting ready to log off early. The yellow wall thing is a nice gesture, but just like you said, it's only knocked about 30 tokens off my countdown. So I'm STILL gonna wind up logging off early because we're too far away from completing a reasonable goal. And what sucks about that is someone will probably be thinking Damn...she just got a yellow wall, and she still has the nerve to log off early? Yes, I am, because we're still too far from the goal, and it should not be taking this long to get 500/1,000 tokens...especially considering the number of premiums who swing by my room throughout the night.
AnaVictoriaXO said:
I think you should re-read the posts youre commenting about. I havent seen any post that even implied that anyone thought members are all "dirty old men perving on young models".

To paraphrase Bruce 'The Man' Campbell as Ash in Army of Darkness...

Are all members dirty old men perving on young models?

Nope. Just me, bibi. Just me.


And for the record, I know I am not the oldest member on MFC. But most of the models I talk to are much younger than I am, at least 10 years... in some cases closer to half my age. Hell, when I perv on 18 year old models, I am perving on girls who are (slightly) less than half my age.

But, hey, at least I can say I've reached the age where I can legally date girls less than half my age.... right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?
UncleThursday said:
And for the record, I know I am not the oldest member on MFC. But most of the models I talk to are much younger than I am, at least 10 years... in some cases closer to half my age. Hell, when I perv on 18 year old models, I am perving on girls who are (slightly) less than half my age.

But, hey, at least I can say I've reached the age where I can legally date girls less than half my age.... right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah it used to bother me that some of the girls on MFC were half my age as well. Then I realized that a lot of people may not be entirely honest in their profile information. Especially the age part.
MFC's all about fantasy, anyways, right?
emptiedglass said:
UncleThursday said:
And for the record, I know I am not the oldest member on MFC. But most of the models I talk to are much younger than I am, at least 10 years... in some cases closer to half my age. Hell, when I perv on 18 year old models, I am perving on girls who are (slightly) less than half my age.

But, hey, at least I can say I've reached the age where I can legally date girls less than half my age.... right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah it used to bother me that some of the girls on MFC were half my age as well. Then I realized that a lot of people may not be entirely honest in their profile information. Especially the age part.
MFC's all about fantasy, anyways, right?

Calling me a liar because I look so young for my 100, Mister? :snooty: :naughty:

J/k of course, I couldn't help it :cool:
JordanBlack said:
emptiedglass said:
UncleThursday said:
And for the record, I know I am not the oldest member on MFC. But most of the models I talk to are much younger than I am, at least 10 years... in some cases closer to half my age. Hell, when I perv on 18 year old models, I am perving on girls who are (slightly) less than half my age.

But, hey, at least I can say I've reached the age where I can legally date girls less than half my age.... right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah it used to bother me that some of the girls on MFC were half my age as well. Then I realized that a lot of people may not be entirely honest in their profile information. Especially the age part.
MFC's all about fantasy, anyways, right?

Calling me a liar because I look so young for my 100, Mister? :snooty: :naughty:

J/k of course, I couldn't help it :cool:
I only ever believed you might be rounding up or down that the # would be even. I would not question 200 or even 300, as I know you to be some form of supernatural Model Goddess. :dance:
camstory said:
JordanBlack said:
emptiedglass said:
UncleThursday said:
And for the record, I know I am not the oldest member on MFC. But most of the models I talk to are much younger than I am, at least 10 years... in some cases closer to half my age. Hell, when I perv on 18 year old models, I am perving on girls who are (slightly) less than half my age.

But, hey, at least I can say I've reached the age where I can legally date girls less than half my age.... right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah it used to bother me that some of the girls on MFC were half my age as well. Then I realized that a lot of people may not be entirely honest in their profile information. Especially the age part.
MFC's all about fantasy, anyways, right?

Calling me a liar because I look so young for my 100, Mister? :snooty: :naughty:

J/k of course, I couldn't help it :cool:
I only ever believed you might be rounding up or down that the # would be even. I would not question 200 or even 300, as I know you to be some form of supernatural Model Goddess. :dance:

hey moses was 120 when he died, and jo's beard is much more impressive


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VenPerv2 said:
camstory said:
JordanBlack said:
emptiedglass said:
UncleThursday said:
And for the record, I know I am not the oldest member on MFC. But most of the models I talk to are much younger than I am, at least 10 years... in some cases closer to half my age. Hell, when I perv on 18 year old models, I am perving on girls who are (slightly) less than half my age.

But, hey, at least I can say I've reached the age where I can legally date girls less than half my age.... right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah it used to bother me that some of the girls on MFC were half my age as well. Then I realized that a lot of people may not be entirely honest in their profile information. Especially the age part.
MFC's all about fantasy, anyways, right?

Calling me a liar because I look so young for my 100, Mister? :snooty: :naughty:

J/k of course, I couldn't help it :cool:
I only ever believed you might be rounding up or down that the # would be even. I would not question 200 or even 300, as I know you to be some form of supernatural Model Goddess. :dance:

hey moses was 120 when he died, and jo's beard is much more impressive
Ven, that's as ridiculous as saying Noah was 650 years old and Jo has dam near as many animals! But it much funnier. :laughing-rolling:
I'd say for me, a girl not banning a complete fucktard/someone really annoying in the room is high for me. In my friends room and she's lovely, the sweetest girl, so sweet that she feels guilty banning people. So there's this guy clearly trying to disrupt the chat/annoy everyone. He's pretty much talking to himself, saying random crap. She mentions to me he's really annoying her when I come into the room, he then continues, and continues, he's clearly bugging other members, all the other members who were chatting go quiet for a while. Then finally, eventually she bans this guy who's clearly seeing how long he can go without being banned.
It's very frustrating to watch.
I mean I ban people maybe a bit easily, i'm not tolerant, but I think if it gets to the point where it disrupts the chat/tipping and irritates the model and members in the room, you need to ban as quickly and promptly as possible. It should be guilt free, satisfying if anything.
Now the guy's been banned everyone's chatting again and the tips are coming in. Ban buttons on mfc are wonderful wonderful things that should be used.
ItsVeeXxx said:
Jupiter551 said:
ItsVeeXxx said:
LilyMarie said:
There's a top row model with an extremely childlike face (could pass for 13-14) who gets dumb comments like that every 5 minutes. Whenever I find myself in her room, her room count is always 1500+ while she's fully clothed, and I wonder if that's due to the fact that she looks so young and people get off on it. That thought makes me sick every time. :?

I think I know which model you're talking about... The first time I came across her room and saw the amount of people in her room that was my very first thought and it made me feel a little uneasy. Then I noticed how many big tippers were in her room... now I'm sure that her looking so young is what has made her so popular. It's a bit sickening :?
I have no idea who you're talking about but it just seems a little simplistic and unfair to base a 'top row model' obvious sucess on the fact she 'looks like a child'.

Like I said I dunno the girl but I think it's dismissive to assume she has nothing else contributing to her success - like hard work etc.

I'm definitely not say that it's the ONLY reason. I've been in her room a few times and from what I see she it seems like she has been on MFC for quite awhile and I'm sure all the time she spends on cam helps her. But when I only see a select few in her room actually contributing to the conversation and a couple of others complaining that she doesn't "do anything", my assumption goes to the hundreds who just watch while she types to the regulars in her room. It's just weird sometimes that's all.

Hi ladies, Lily and Vee, I am not entirely sure of which model you are speaking of here but i seen this post and felt i NEEDED to share my opinion on this. Whether you are talking about me or another model i am not sure, but seeing as i am a cam girl who gets a few comments and asked how old i look sometimes (not every 5 minutes, though) i wanted to give my POV.

First of all i think i will begin with Lily's comment on how old the girl looks. While YOU think she looks 13-14 (probably a slight exaggeration) that doesn't mean to say that other people in the room agree with you, not just beauty but also opinion on age is in the eye of the beholder(for example i actually think you only look about 16, Lily). It is unfair to assume that all the guys in her room are creeps because clearly the woman is over 18 and not an actual child, just because she may have more of a neotenized face than what you are used to.

I love how you only mention her face in this. What about her body? does she have a childish body or a womanly body? If she has a womanly body then don't you think that would put off the creeps who are probably more than likely to hunt down under developed 11 year old boy bodies? And also Lily and Vee, since you find it offensive that guys would view a girl for her young looks does this mean you would find this unsettling when you see guys in girls room with pre-pubescent like bodies? Maybe they are only in there because she has a little girls body and they are getting off on it? Or What about the women who are over 40? Do they ONLY attract guys in their room because they are catering to the MILF lovers? Or that people who watch cute animal videos on youtube do they have zoophelia? What about slightly chubby girls or BBW's do they only attract viewers because of their BMI?

You CANNOT generalise and judge why a viewer is watching a cam girl and lump them all together.
Suggesting she has a popular room or only successful because she looks child-like is ignorant and ridiculous. First of all, Lily, you said she is on the top row which means that her camscore must be pretty high. In case you may not have realised the higher you camscore the more likely you will have more viewers, as when guests log into the site they are more than likely to click the girls on the top row. This could also explain your cynical sketchiness as to why only a few talk in her room Vee (she probably has guests and basics muted, therefore they cannot talk). I would also guess a large percentage of her room is viewed by guests and basics, therefore making it less likely why there isn't many chatterboxes. Another possibility is that the more people that are in the room, the more people that will attract in because they are wondering why there is so many viewers, most likely resulting in the mundane "why is there so many people in here" question, the never ending cycle.

There are also many other girls on the site who look very young too who are not popular and don't have a lot of viewers Vee, so clearly this elucidates that simply just looking young is not enough to be popular and become successful, you need to be shoving your fist up you ass too, Just kidding. :)

You kind of seem to have completely bypassed any other redeeming qualities this girl may have that could be why she is popular or successful. I mean she mustn't be that bad looking (beside the fact you think she looks young) others may view her as beautiful and attractive, she might have a lot of viewers because she runs her room differently to the norm, like Jessi said it may be because she is feisty and ballsy or a bitch and people find that interesting, funny or Whatever. Although you didn't say exactly, I still got the essence and the feeling that you both completely wrote this girl off as only being popular for looking young.

I know It is comforting but also dangerous to come up with derogatory reasons and be cynical as to why someone is successful or popular. You should quit that before it becomes a habit. Why can't people just be pleased for people? I guess it's inbuilt in humans.

Let's just suppose 100% of her viewers are only there because she looks like she could be a teenager, that would not make me 'feel sick'. She is clearly >18 and has been doing this a few years, it is perfectly fine for men to be aroused by her. You can feel uneasy by it all you want but just because you are offended doesn't mean you are right. Some men are really attracted to the innocent, look, just like some like the grown up MILF woman look. It's great that all men aren't turned on by the same thing. What a boring world that would be ay?

A lot of men (and women) have a preference for a neonate face and it is common for men (and women) to be attracted to younger faces. It is part of Natural selection yet society has came along and told us is wrong to find young and innocent appealing and tried to tell us what we SHOULD find attractive, sadly it has worked and the reason why many women are anorexic, get surgery etc, now i find that sick.

You also have not considered the age of her viewers, just have just presumed they are old dirty men. How don't know they are young boys who are still school boys and watch her because she looks around the age of his friends older sister? I just think it's silly to imagine they are all creeps and perverts who watch her, especially when you said she is clothed and still has over 1500 viewers. I don't understand that logic? So girls using fuck machines her viewers are normal but girl sitting there in clothes who's viewers prefer to watch her over a hardcore show are the sick creeps who make you feel uneasy? Lol ..ok.

Not all guys who go on mfc go on to Jack off (unbelievable huh?) Some just want some company and to watch someone who isn't constantly nude, I don't see how that makes them sick, quite the opposite actually. Also guys always want what they can't have, and i strongly believe that teasing with clothes on will without a doubt get more people in the room than a naked girl sitting there looking bored.

The girl in question is clearly over 18. So what do you propose? Just because she has a young face she shouldn't be allowed to be attractive to men? Or that she should be allowed to be a little bit attractive but not allowed to have as many viewers as she does because YOU don't like it? Sorry i don't quite get it. Personally I hate people deciding what is socially acceptable for other people to find attractive. People cannot help what turns them on, it is a feeling.

What about Harry Styles? Does it make you feel sick that women and mothers well over the age of 50 want to fuck his brains out (sorry to be blunt) The truth is he is not a child, he may have childlike qualities and look youngish but he is an adult, just like this girl you are referring to. People who label people with different fetishes 'sick' and 'weird' also annoy me. They label others with derogatory comments or names and call it 'wrong' because it isn't the bog standard norm and they can't handle their own feelings, they are the ones with the problem.

Ok well i think that sums up my response, please don't see this as an attack, it's more of me playing devils advocate and i result of being an argumentative person. I also apologise for going off topic slightly and the Length of this! haha x :)
I don't think Lily and Vee ever said they suspect that's the only reason the model has a high room count. They also commented that the model they're referring to gets dumb age-related comments from some of the guys.

I don't know specifically what the comments are, but I'll say this...if a guy is in a room and says "Hi, bb! You remind me of my 12-year old niece. So young and innocent...mmmmm," that's a bit creepy, and I'm pretty sure other guys in the room will be like WTF?
The_Brown_Fox said:
I don't think Lily and Vee ever said they suspect that's the only reason the model has a high room count. They also commented that the model they're referring to gets dumb age-related comments from some of the guys.

I don't know specifically what the comments are, but I'll say this...if a guy is in a room and says "Hi, bb! You remind me of my 12-year old niece. So young and innocent...mmmmm," that's a bit creepy, and I'm pretty sure other guys in the room will be like WTF?
^ That's pretty much the only thing that has to be said about this.

There was absolutely no reason to attack and misunderstand me like you did, JoannaC, and to put words in my mouth that I never said. :? Not cool. I didn't say anything negative about you in my post, or that your looks are the only (or main) reason for your success, or anything like that.

I'm not in the mood to take your post apart and point out every single thing, but I have to quote this -
Not all guys who go on mfc go on to Jack off (unbelievable huh?) Some just want some company and to watch someone who isn't constantly nude, I don't see how that makes them sick, quite the opposite actually
Who said they were sick because of that? And no it's not unbelievable, everyone who has been on MFC for more than a day knows guys go there for all kinds of reasons.

- and this -

I know It is comforting but also dangerous to come up with derogatory reasons and be cynical as to why someone is successful or popular. You should quit that before it becomes a habit.
That's something I never did and am never going to do and everyone who knows me knows that.
Isabella_deL said:
I'd say for me, a girl not banning a complete fucktard/someone really annoying in the room is high for me. In my friends room and she's lovely, the sweetest girl, so sweet that she feels guilty banning people. So there's this guy clearly trying to disrupt the chat/annoy everyone. He's pretty much talking to himself, saying random crap. She mentions to me he's really annoying her when I come into the room, he then continues, and continues, he's clearly bugging other members, all the other members who were chatting go quiet for a while. Then finally, eventually she bans this guy who's clearly seeing how long he can go without being banned.
It's very frustrating to watch.
I mean I ban people maybe a bit easily, i'm not tolerant, but I think if it gets to the point where it disrupts the chat/tipping and irritates the model and members in the room, you need to ban as quickly and promptly as possible. It should be guilt free, satisfying if anything.
Now the guy's been banned everyone's chatting again and the tips are coming in. Ban buttons on mfc are wonderful wonderful things that should be used.

^ oh so much THAT. But I would add it would be rather better to put the said troll on IGNORE. Banning trolls is more like feeding them, taking them the ability to spill their shite into someone's chatroom would hit them where it hurts more ;)

Besides the above one:
- (it has been mentioned before) models pm-ing me daily or emailing me after I tipped 25 tokens 1 month ago.
- models that come in my chat-room and start "fishing" for possible members
- hate and envy between models (insecure much)
- model friends, with whom I chatted before, that want to chat about my real life, while I'm doing a cumshow (seriously?!) :angry4:

That's about it :whistle:
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LilyMarie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I don't think Lily and Vee ever said they suspect that's the only reason the model has a high room count. They also commented that the model they're referring to gets dumb age-related comments from some of the guys.

I don't know specifically what the comments are, but I'll say this...if a guy is in a room and says "Hi, bb! You remind me of my 12-year old niece. So young and innocent...mmmmm," that's a bit creepy, and I'm pretty sure other guys in the room will be like WTF?
^ That's pretty much the only thing that has to be said about this.

There was absolutely no reason to attack and misunderstand me like you did, JoannaC, and to put words in my mouth that I never said. :? Not cool. I didn't say anything negative about you in my post, or that your looks are the only (or main) reason for your success, or anything like that.

I'm not in the mood to take your post apart and point out every single thing, but I have to quote this -
Not all guys who go on mfc go on to Jack off (unbelievable huh?) Some just want some company and to watch someone who isn't constantly nude, I don't see how that makes them sick, quite the opposite actually
Who said they were sick because of that? And no it's not unbelievable, everyone who has been on MFC for more than a day knows guys go there for all kinds of reasons.

- and this -

I know It is comforting but also dangerous to come up with derogatory reasons and be cynical as to why someone is successful or popular. You should quit that before it becomes a habit.
That's something I never did and am never going to do and everyone who knows me knows that.

Hey Lily, as i stated at the end of my argument/rant or whatever you'll call it (which wasn't entirely directed at you or Vee) I actually state that i am NOT attacking you. Even though you kind of attacked me first and started this whole thing off i don't really know how you can play the victim here. Actually Lily now i know the post was definitely about me i have to disagree that you didn't say anything bad about me. I think it's kind of rude to say that i look 13-14 but at the same time it makes me laugh as i know i do not.

As for the second quote that is directed at Vee who said she is sure that was why i was successful.

Thanks & Good Luck x
I hate going off topic but I just wanted to quickly add that I think Joanna's post made a lot of sense to me. (Perhaps in the wrong thread though...)
The words "sick" used previously might not have been the best choice of words and I could understand how Joanna wanted to further delve into the subject and make her point be heard. Knowing Lily from the forum for a bit I also know her intention was never to be rude, judgmental, or hurtful.

That's all I wanted to say. That I think Joanna wasn't trying to attack, just to stand her ground on the subject matter..

*goes back into hiding*
I think it's more about a model appearing innocent rather than young that can draw in new viewers. It is intriguing to find models who look innocent on an adult site and completely understandable that they draw in huge crowds since many in this industry seems to be raunchy, dirty talking women (it's a different niche and awesome on its own).

Innocence peeks the curiosity of the viewer (including myself), teases their mind and draws questions about what she is all about / what will she do. The innocence of a model will not be the only reason for her popularity because some seemingly innocent girls do have lower room counts. I believe Joanna has a lot to offer to people and her popularity is not riding on her innocent look but I do find it to be a very attractive quality in her.

Just my :twocents-02cents:
I don't want to get hugely involved in this, but for many of the girls who look particularly young you will get men who like the look of young teenage girls. Now yes this particular girl is over 18, so it makes their fantasy acceptable, but many men do take it to the next level and perve on/try it on with much younger girls.
Personally at the age of 14 I had D sized breasts and looked 18, I was attacked/groped/mauled on a frequent basis because I had a womanly body yet I was also clearly young. I have never got that kind of shit except the occasional arse grope since I turned 17/18. Unfortunately there are some very sick men in the world. And yes, a man above the age of mmm lets say 17 deliberately going after girls who are around 13/14 are sick, the reason is, although in many ways these women have developed, fucking them can really mess them up and cause a lot of damage.
So whether this girl is 14 or 18, the issue is the men who are imagining she's 14.

Now I won't go on the assumption that every man is thinking these thoughts or this is what is making the girl successful. Some guys might just find her cute/like her personality with no thoughts of her being younger, and other women they go for might totally look their ages. I have seen a few girls on mfc who do act a bit like little girls who want to be fucked, and yes, some of the things I've heard people say in rooms has made me cringe. I am like I'd say the majority of people, very opposed to pedophilia, even if it is in the mind/hints of it, even if it's not prepubescent girls, and girls who are 12-15, so yes, it will make me cringe when there are men who are clearly imagining those things/liking the idea of fucking a "little girl" as in a young teenager. And no, I don't like seeing it encouraged even when the woman is an adult and it's seemingly harmless.

This does not mean that young looking girls shouldn't be found attractive, there are many perfectly normal men who find girls who look a little younger attractive without having any other notions towards it, they just think she's hot. But if you are a young looking girl, and know that there are men who find you attractive because you look young, as in below 16 young, regardless of how old you actually are, be careful about justifying and defending it. I'm not saying you're in the wrong having people be attracted to you, but some of the ways you were defending it, it kind of sounded like "well what's wrong with being attracted to girls who look 14? some men have that fetish that they like girls looking young" Now I'm sure you weren't really saying that, but that was how it came across to me. Pretty harmless being heard by a group of normal people, but if someone who is finding themselves wanting to fuck much younger girls it's actually pretty dangerous talk. Just be careful of what you say, you never know who's listening and how they might interpret it. Seeing as it's a pretty serious subject, I would be careful about saying anything that would encourage people to think it's ok to fancy much younger girls.

Now I haven't seen Joanna or the girl in question so this isn't aimed personally. Just to the girls who do attract this market, you're playing a much more dangerous game than other camgirls. I have heard quite a few things on here from girls who cater to this audience and the line of when men go too far and when girls have been worried about what's going on in real life. It is a dodgy area and there are a lot of weirdos out there on the net.
JoannaC said:
I know It is comforting but also dangerous to come up with derogatory reasons and be cynical as to why someone is successful or popular. You should quit that before it becomes a habit. Why can't people just be pleased for people?

Great advice for all camgirls. The levels of hypocrisy and jealousy shown from some camgirls is overwhelming. Models will bash a model even when it's about something they themselves just did yesterday.

Gotta add that even though I've only seen you online briefly, I didn't get a creepy vibe at all from you or your room. I saw a attractive woman around my age being polite, sexy, and entertaining.
Thank you Alex and Aedan! I know Lily meant no harm, i think she is a lovely girl i just felt the need to share my opinion and offer my point of view.

Yes aedan, i agree about the majority of raunchy woman and the appeal innocence can have, i think you have that about you too, it's very cute :h:
Hi Isabella, in no way do i condone the pervs who like to imagine a girl is younger than she is if i receive any comments like that it's an insta-ban. I hate real creeps like that and i'm sure the majority of girls have experienced comments like that at some point. However i was taking the extremeist view and the point of my argument was to argue that NOT all the guys who come in my room are pervs just because i look young.
The men who visit models and DO watch them because they think they look young/can fantasize about them being underage need to learn to keep their mouths shut about it, basically.
Not only does it make the model uncomfortable, but there are a ton of other premiums in the room who don't feel the same way and it makes them uncomfortable as well.
No one wants to watch a girl get sexy with herself and then have to read "mmmm bb you look like my 13 year old neighbor".
It's rude and it puts a lot of weight on the models shoulders, honestly.
Isabella this is why i was offended and posted this because i do not believe and also many others do not that i look 14. When i say about men getting turned on by a young look i mean 18-19. Hope this clears up any confusion
morment said:
Evvie said:
("Here, you slut! You take my money, but you don't get all of it. You only get some of it. I bet that makes you feel bad, doesn't it? I chose to gave you a small amount of money instead of no money. Buuuurn."),
I don't know why, but for some reason I read that in Stewie Griffin's voice and it was that much more hilarious.

Oh man, I totally did too! Soulmates. xx
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JoannaC said:
ItsVeeXxx said:
Jupiter551 said:
ItsVeeXxx said:
LilyMarie said:
There's a top row model with an extremely childlike face (could pass for 13-14) who gets dumb comments like that every 5 minutes. Whenever I find myself in her room, her room count is always 1500+ while she's fully clothed, and I wonder if that's due to the fact that she looks so young and people get off on it. That thought makes me sick every time. :?

I think I know which model you're talking about... The first time I came across her room and saw the amount of people in her room that was my very first thought and it made me feel a little uneasy. Then I noticed how many big tippers were in her room... now I'm sure that her looking so young is what has made her so popular. It's a bit sickening :?
I have no idea who you're talking about but it just seems a little simplistic and unfair to base a 'top row model' obvious sucess on the fact she 'looks like a child'.

Like I said I dunno the girl but I think it's dismissive to assume she has nothing else contributing to her success - like hard work etc.

I'm definitely not say that it's the ONLY reason. I've been in her room a few times and from what I see she it seems like she has been on MFC for quite awhile and I'm sure all the time she spends on cam helps her. But when I only see a select few in her room actually contributing to the conversation and a couple of others complaining that she doesn't "do anything", my assumption goes to the hundreds who just watch while she types to the regulars in her room. It's just weird sometimes that's all.

Hi ladies, Lily and Vee, I am not entirely sure of which model you are speaking of here but i seen this post and felt i NEEDED to share my opinion on this. Whether you are talking about me or another model i am not sure, but seeing as i am a cam girl who gets a few comments and asked how old i look sometimes (not every 5 minutes, though) i wanted to give my POV.

First of all i think i will begin with Lily's comment on how old the girl looks. While YOU think she looks 13-14 (probably a slight exaggeration) that doesn't mean to say that other people in the room agree with you, not just beauty but also opinion on age is in the eye of the beholder(for example i actually think you only look about 16, Lily). It is unfair to assume that all the guys in her room are creeps because clearly the woman is over 18 and not an actual child, just because she may have more of a neotenized face than what you are used to.

I love how you only mention her face in this. What about her body? does she have a childish body or a womanly body? If she has a womanly body then don't you think that would put off the creeps who are probably more than likely to hunt down under developed 11 year old boy bodies? And also Lily and Vee, since you find it offensive that guys would view a girl for her young looks does this mean you would find this unsettling when you see guys in girls room with pre-pubescent like bodies? Maybe they are only in there because she has a little girls body and they are getting off on it? Or What about the women who are over 40? Do they ONLY attract guys in their room because they are catering to the MILF lovers? Or that people who watch cute animal videos on youtube do they have zoophelia? What about slightly chubby girls or BBW's do they only attract viewers because of their BMI?

You CANNOT generalise and judge why a viewer is watching a cam girl and lump them all together.
Suggesting she has a popular room or only successful because she looks child-like is ignorant and ridiculous. First of all, Lily, you said she is on the top row which means that her camscore must be pretty high. In case you may not have realised the higher you camscore the more likely you will have more viewers, as when guests log into the site they are more than likely to click the girls on the top row. This could also explain your cynical sketchiness as to why only a few talk in her room Vee (she probably has guests and basics muted, therefore they cannot talk). I would also guess a large percentage of her room is viewed by guests and basics, therefore making it less likely why there isn't many chatterboxes. Another possibility is that the more people that are in the room, the more people that will attract in because they are wondering why there is so many viewers, most likely resulting in the mundane "why is there so many people in here" question, the never ending cycle.

There are also many other girls on the site who look very young too who are not popular and don't have a lot of viewers Vee, so clearly this elucidates that simply just looking young is not enough to be popular and become successful, you need to be shoving your fist up you ass too, Just kidding. :)

You kind of seem to have completely bypassed any other redeeming qualities this girl may have that could be why she is popular or successful. I mean she mustn't be that bad looking (beside the fact you think she looks young) others may view her as beautiful and attractive, she might have a lot of viewers because she runs her room differently to the norm, like Jessi said it may be because she is feisty and ballsy or a bitch and people find that interesting, funny or Whatever. Although you didn't say exactly, I still got the essence and the feeling that you both completely wrote this girl off as only being popular for looking young.

I know It is comforting but also dangerous to come up with derogatory reasons and be cynical as to why someone is successful or popular. You should quit that before it becomes a habit. Why can't people just be pleased for people? I guess it's inbuilt in humans.

Let's just suppose 100% of her viewers are only there because she looks like she could be a teenager, that would not make me 'feel sick'. She is clearly >18 and has been doing this a few years, it is perfectly fine for men to be aroused by her. You can feel uneasy by it all you want but just because you are offended doesn't mean you are right. Some men are really attracted to the innocent, look, just like some like the grown up MILF woman look. It's great that all men aren't turned on by the same thing. What a boring world that would be ay?

A lot of men (and women) have a preference for a neonate face and it is common for men (and women) to be attracted to younger faces. It is part of Natural selection yet society has came along and told us is wrong to find young and innocent appealing and tried to tell us what we SHOULD find attractive, sadly it has worked and the reason why many women are anorexic, get surgery etc, now i find that sick.

You also have not considered the age of her viewers, just have just presumed they are old dirty men. How don't know they are young boys who are still school boys and watch her because she looks around the age of his friends older sister? I just think it's silly to imagine they are all creeps and perverts who watch her, especially when you said she is clothed and still has over 1500 viewers. I don't understand that logic? So girls using fuck machines her viewers are normal but girl sitting there in clothes who's viewers prefer to watch her over a hardcore show are the sick creeps who make you feel uneasy? Lol ..ok.

Not all guys who go on mfc go on to Jack off (unbelievable huh?) Some just want some company and to watch someone who isn't constantly nude, I don't see how that makes them sick, quite the opposite actually. Also guys always want what they can't have, and i strongly believe that teasing with clothes on will without a doubt get more people in the room than a naked girl sitting there looking bored.

The girl in question is clearly over 18. So what do you propose? Just because she has a young face she shouldn't be allowed to be attractive to men? Or that she should be allowed to be a little bit attractive but not allowed to have as many viewers as she does because YOU don't like it? Sorry i don't quite get it. Personally I hate people deciding what is socially acceptable for other people to find attractive. People cannot help what turns them on, it is a feeling.

What about Harry Styles? Does it make you feel sick that women and mothers well over the age of 50 want to fuck his brains out (sorry to be blunt) The truth is he is not a child, he may have childlike qualities and look youngish but he is an adult, just like this girl you are referring to. People who label people with different fetishes 'sick' and 'weird' also annoy me. They label others with derogatory comments or names and call it 'wrong' because it isn't the bog standard norm and they can't handle their own feelings, they are the ones with the problem.

Ok well i think that sums up my response, please don't see this as an attack, it's more of me playing devils advocate and i result of being an argumentative person. I also apologise for going off topic slightly and the Length of this! haha x :)

I see I am a bit late getting to this but I just wanted to say, JoannaC, that I definitely did not intend what I posted as an insult. I have been in your room a few times and I know that your success doesn't just come from your looks.

All I was trying to get at was the fact that I've noticed there are some men on MFC that are interested in younger looking models. I look a good 5 or 6 (some would say 7) years younger than I actually am, IRL I have people constantly questioning my age. On one of my first shifts on MFC, there was a member who took me private and told me that I looked very young... under 18... around 15 or 16. I didn't really know how to respond to that so I just laughed it off and assured him that I was of age. That was all he said in a private that lasted almost five minutes. It wasn't until he ended it that it hit me that he was probably getting off on the fact that I looked underage.

Now that I read my post I realize that I could have worded it a bit differently; I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway but if I am ever fortunate enough to have as high a room count as you I'd probably assume the same about some of the people in my room.

Hope I made some sense and cleared things up on my end!
& Yes the guys who are perving on younger looking models strictly because of how young they look should just stay silent... those guys DO make me "sick".
time for me to chime in. i'm working from a viewpoint of non-assumption here, meaning that i do not pretend to know what another person thinks, feels, or wants. nor do i presume to know of any action i have not directly witnessed, which is the only way i tend to make ethical judgements about individuals

finding the beauty of a youthful form is perfectly fine, we're sort of hard wired to prefer youth and health as signs of fertility. it has only been in the last century or so that being 18 and unmarried was very common in most places. historically marriages between older men and younger women was the norm. considering the longer life span of women it might even be preferable if there are a few years difference even nowadays. i'm not going to touch on the line of what age is or is not appropriate for actual sexual contact, that is a legal issue rather than a moral one.

what i am going to touch on is appropriateness of attraction and lust. first off, i am not talking about prepubescent targets here. if there is no apparent sexual development that goes into pedophilia and is a separate issue entirely.
so i go back to the previous premise, i.e. that the visual appeal of a young female arousing a male is not inherently amoral. we pink monkeys (ok apes really, but monkeys is funnier) are designed (or evolved, take your pick) to take visual cues as our first form of evaluation when dealing with most things, and very much so with other humans. we can pick out faces of other humans as individuals even from dozens of pictures lined up of people who look very similar. we can tell each one apart and remember faces far longer than anything but scent.
thusly, if a male of our species sees a female and that female appears to be sexually mature, or blooming into sexual maturity, then his body is SUPPOSED to react to it on a biological level. assuming he is heterosexual of course. the female of our species reacts in a similar fashion, though is usually less prodded by reproductive hormones into making an ass of themselves.
again, i speak only of the reaction our bodies and brains have to the stimulus, not what actions are taken based on said stimulus.
enjoying the beauty of the physical form of another is perfectly acceptable, even if that form be very young. personally the aesthetics of the human form are wonderful to me in all of its shapes and sizes, even though not all of those forms appeal to me sexually. nothing about any of that is unethical, wrong , evil or twisted, it is simply a chemical and biological response to stimulus.

now, back to the realm of ethics and morality. for the sake of this post alone ethics are about actions. morals are about intent and action. not dictionary definitions to be sure, but they will suffice for this purpose.
once one has a response to the stimulus of a physical form what do you do? if you take action based on that response then you are bound by law, ethics and morality. for the vast majority of human society there is a line where one does not engage in sexual contact based on age, regardless of physical development (there is also one about initiating contact and doing it politely, as there is no excuse to grope, molest or otherwise assault anyone, regardless of age).
if, after initial arousal you choose to not determine the age and wishes of the female in question and initiate sexual contact of some kind then you have certainly crossed both an ethical and moral line, and depending on the actual age probably a legal one too.
if you only sit there and think lustful thoughts while deciding that it would be wrong to do more, then while you may be of questionable morals, you are fine legally for sure, and ethically as well.

i maintain that we should not hold a person in the negative for things outside of their control, and basic physical and chemical reactions to stimulus are very very difficult to control. even when possible it can take decades of intense training and meditation to do so. my personal line is that if it stays inside your mind and body, then no harm, no foul. a bit of fantasy never hurt anyone.
even if you engage in that fantasy with another consenting adult, it may be kinky, but by no means evil.

the discussion on this particular thread had more to do with the actions of men upon seeing women they felt were "too young" or whatever specific term they may have used. does it cross that line? i personally think they are douchebags, but then again i tend to think most men act like douchebags on cam sites. ill mannered and uncouth, vulgar and just plain rude by my tastes. not because of the sexuality, but because of the way they express it. you can come out and say that a lady has a particularly lovely set of private parts and say it politely. btw "nice meatflaps bb" is not polite. but alas, by my own standards it is not amoral, and is definitely not unethical.
using a cam site to indulge in fantasy play isnt wrong, it is part of why they exist. while i may (and most of us may) find it repellant to indulge in a daddy/daughter session of role play and fantasy that doesnt make it bad to do so if all parties consent and are of age. it just makes it unpleasant.
if the same guys had politely and in an appropriate manner asked if the ladies in question would mind partaking of that kind of play, then judging them harshly would be rude. but let us judge them by what they actually did, rather than what the implication is. cretins? i judge them so for sure. useless wastes of resources? yup, i would say so, but im a serous dick. automatic pedophiles? nah, i just cant throw that particular judgement on them. the very fact they are going to sites that cater to adults and require age verification would imply that that is not a high probability based on their rude statements that i only have second hand.

basically im just trying to look at it without emotion. take away the knee jerk reaction (which i myself had as the thread went to the subject matter, hence this long and delayed posting) and look at the subject with intellect and then judge. if you still think poorly of whoever or whatever they did, thats just fine by me :) casting judgement is another things us pink apes are sort of hard wired to do.
LeDahliaNoir said:
morment said:
Evvie said:
("Here, you slut! You take my money, but you don't get all of it. You only get some of it. I bet that makes you feel bad, doesn't it? I chose to gave you a small amount of money instead of no money. Buuuurn."),
I don't know why, but for some reason I read that in Stewie Griffin's voice and it was that much more hilarious.

Oh man, I totally did too! Soulmates. xx
Haha, awesome :highfive
Southsamurai's post was way too long for me to read (sorry,

On a site like MFC that has that cozy Cheers bar "Norrrm!!!" feel to it, people can be pretty outspoken and opinionated about things, and they react to comments that they see in the chat room.

So if you post a comment like "Wow, bb, you're so look like my 12-year old step-daughter!," even if you don't mean it in a creepy way, it's still an odd thing to blurt out on a sex site. So don't be surprised when other members read that and go "" You may not have meant anything sick by it, but you could've just left your 12-year old step-daughter out of it. I know you're actually trying to compliment the model on how young she looks, but you could've just said "You have such a youthful're so cute/pretty/adorable!" or something like that.
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