Kradek said:
These are the kind of statements I think cause the debate. On the one hand, if I'm following you on twitter, I at least have some interest in you that I might be motivated to help, but I have to admit I fall into the camp that if something like that was posted often, I would probably move on. Tristyn pointed out the findom angle, which is something to think about. For what it's worth, I follow Tristyn and I can't ever recall a tweet that bothered me.
I buy the argument that it's done because it works and I can generally safely ignore them.
Well thanks! I'm glad.
I'm about 11000 tokens behind my goal for this pay period. if anyone wants to offline tip me I will be so happy!
My first thought here, even though I don't do MFC myself, was... well, what if this lady is so behind on her token goals
because she hasn't been getting tipped (paid) while she IS online, for the work that she HAS been doing? Do you know what I mean? I logged onto MFC on a whim a few nights ago, just to check things out. I spent the entire time chatting to/entertaining people, teasing, responding to PMs, and... I made 10 tokens. At one point I had 30 premiums in my room, and... nothing.
And I know that it's not that I'm an unfriendly old hag (okay, most days!). I have a lot of fun on SM, my regulars seem happy enough (they keep coming back, anyway!

), and I try to keep my room chill and chatty. I realize that part of it is that I just don't have the following on MFC etcetc, BUT.. my point is only that many (most) models put in a lot of work into this that they just don't get paid for, including work that they do ON cam. I realize that this is the way of working on 'commission', but if people come into my room, spend hours there chatting and seemingly enjoying the vibe/company/whatever, and then don't tip *anything* (or take me into a private, or buy content, or whatever).. well, at that point I
am entertaining/working for free, and eventually that's going to be a problem when the first of the month rolls around.
So, because I have been in the position of "holy shit I just worked my ass off smiling and entertaining and flirting for 3 hours and didn't hit minimum wage" before, I have a hard time seeing *those* kind of tweets as "begging" unless they are a constant/excessive thing.
I feel like in those cases the model is often just letting her members/fans know where she's at, so that they can help if they want to. (Or ignore it if they don't).
Another thing to consider:
I haven't actually posted about this outside of models-only before (or on my twitter, blog, etc), because I prefer to focus on happier things when I'm on cam, AND because I don't use sob-stories (even if they are true, heh) to make money, but...
My mom was diagnosed with cancer three weeks ago, and my dad is still recovering from a really bad infection that he had over the summer (which I did vaguely post about at some point, I think), so both of my parents are ill at the moment. If at some point I need to go and be with her/them because her condition is getting worse and she needs more personal care, or because she just wants to have me around, there might come a time when I'm not able to work for a while. I don't get paid sick leave, I don't get benefits, I don't get paid vacation, and I don't get compassionate leave. My bills still need to be paid regardless, and I still need to be able to eat.
I don't expect other people to pick up that tab, nor do I feel entitled, HOWEVER... I think that it's something to be aware of (though obviously there are models who abuse this, which I think is a really shitty marketing tactic), and I also know that some of my fans/members/submissives would WANT to help IF they knew what was going on. In the 3 years that I've been a cam model / ProDomme I have NEVER used some kind of crazy sob story to make money, so I think that in my case my members would know that I'm being honest, and serious.
I'm actually trying to prepare some new content in advanced just in case this DOES happen, so I can offer it as incentives and whatnot, but truthfully things could take a turn too quickly for me to have the time to do that. And if it does? Well, I'd like to think that I could talk about it - and maybe even ask for help - without "begging" being thrown around.
PS: I'm not looking for sympathy or anything. Just to make people think.