mynameisbob84 said:
This is one of mine too. "Doing x tonight so won't be on cam but feel free to offline tip me" and "If you buy me y I'll love you forever" are two that I see often. I tend to give models the benefit of the doubt and assume that a) they're being flippant and don't realise that it could be construed as begging and b) they actually do intend to send anyone who offline tips/buys them something a video or something of similar value. Without assuming those two things though, these tweets read as "Not working today but I'd like to get paid anyway. By you" and "I want this item but don't want to buy it myself. Can you buy it for me please? I'll 'love you forever' but only in an abstract and ultimately meaningless way".
See I don't see this as begging. I see it as being cheeky.
If I'm ill I don't get sick pay, whilst many people in other jobs would. So if I can't work for various reasons. Many members do like offline tipping their favourite girls, or might want to buy some content she has on her profile. She's basically saying that although she won't be working, that any offline tips/purchases would be very much appreciated as she still has to make income. I don't see how that's begging at all.
Begging would be "guys, I can't work tonight so please can you offline tip me? I need the tokens badd". That's closer to begging because it's directly asking people for money. The other one is indirectly mentioning that if someone were to choose to tip, that it would be very welcome. It's hardly like they're calling anyone personally out, I have over 3k twitter followers, probably only a handful will even read this tweet, and I'm hoping that possibly maybe one of my regulars might have tokens and might take the indirect hint, but if they don't want to, it's hardly like I've called them out and have told them to tip, it's just there for them to follow or ignore.
Seeing the amount of free entertainment models give out, and then free pictures on twitter and their profiles, I don't think it's really wrong to want someone who might not be watching you at that precise moment, but who has watched and got enjoyment from you to tip you at some point in time. Just because a girl isn't online at that specific time doesn't mean she doesn't still deserve tokens, just like if a usually tipping member doesn't have tokens one night, it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to still watch and chat to the model when she's on cam.