AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Was bored, so a look at Cam statistics?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Zoomer said:
There is. It is quite challenging to try and keep it okay without just deleting negative things and seemingly like a censor of anything that's not "WOOO HOOO MY FAVOURITE".

It shouldn't be a censor all negative comments but i do think that sometimes people get the hump for being banned by a model and troll them I have seen this on a few models pages. The report function I think works well as it flags comments that people think you may need to look at. If they don't like a model then they can leave feedback on that model however I don't believe it should be a personal attack on the models as they may not know about your site and defend themselves. :twocents-02cents:
Sorry to say no update on Saturday or Sunday. Update on Monday may happen, but isn't certain. The reason is I am away on a short holiday. I ran todays update early (and it wasn't a complete run - ran out of time).

I would have left computer running to update over weekend, but I had massive issues with it this morning so I am not willing to risk it.

I have disabled comments whilst away, although the feedback page is still enabled.

So huge apologies to all... sorry to disappoint by having it effectively "off" for a few days.
Stats for searches will roll over - could have funny results :D
Have a nice vacation Michael :clap:

I think the site is fantastic and helps someone like me * Try * to understand the inner workings of the camscore.
For the last 9 months I have been working on a excel spreadsheet that factors in all stats, 60 day period, minutes online, etc and am pretty close now, within 100 points of the MFC score. But sometimes it will defy logic :lol:

My next project is a small adobe air app for models that will show camscore and ranking updated every 15 mins. This will run on any deaktop OS Win/Mac/Linux and Android/iPhone on mobile handsets.
Zoomer said:
Also found url's to find the status of a model (online, private, away, group, offline etc) whilst poking in their functions. Good to know (if used later).
Yes, the JS functions are there and you can see status code. But of course you can't call this function. And yes, user_id is the model ID.
Zoomer said:
Ah - I don't need to call javascript functions - they display to the user. The functions call a myfreecams url to get the relevant info, and it that returns an array. So the function is below
function StatusReq()
{"get","" + Math.random());
	oReq.onreadystatechange = StatusResp;
Just visit the url
Mellanny is currently online (she is id 1240796), in her room. It right now if you visit the url it displays
g_hRooms = {}; g_nProfileState = 0;
Another function translates the returned stuff into meaningful.
	case 0:		return LinkToChat("Online");
		case 2:		return LinkToChat("Away");
		case 12:		return LinkToChat("In Private");
		case 90:		return LinkToSite("Online");
		case 91:		return LinkToSite("In Private");
		case 127:	return LinkToSite("Offline");
So visiting the url with a model ID inserted would allow me to find out whether the model is online, in private, or away. There is most likely a way to find out the group show stuff too - but I don't see the point in this stuff at present.

The "case" (status code) for a model in Group Chat seems to be 13

I will venture a guess that the difference between the two "private" status codes (12 and 91) would be that 12 = normal private, where additional users are welcome to view the private chat. And, 91 = True Private, where the model's room is closed to additional users.

When the returned status leads to "LinkToChat", the model is currently viewable in their room. On a real web page, the user can click through to see the model in her room.
The status codes that lead to 'LinkToSite', indicate that the model is not available in their room. (90 = online but not in her room, 91 = True Private, 127 = Offline)

Am I on the right track?
Thou art :) 0 is basically "in free chat", 13 is grp.

It is how I display the online status of models on the site. The difference is I use an applet so it is the users IP address making the request (applets execute on the users machine - warning given as the applet is visiting a url other than the url of the site it originates from), rather than my web server ;)
But yes, visiting the address with the given model users ID returns their status. You are right about the codes.
I think it is also (I didn't check for sure) how the Android/iPhone app gets their status too. Just that this would poll the corresponding url's regularly to inform the user (it is how I would have done it).
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It appears my shared hosting is compromised. Again.
Contacted my support, but I know they'll do sack all unless I essentially delete every single php file off of the site. Which means unless I make my hosting pointless, they won't bother looking to see what's going on.

It is not FTP access - after I found (within 3 hours admittedly) someone had inserted an iframe into two pages - I removed it. I then changed all file perms to 444. This means my ftp accounts cannot overwite the files. They cannot be edited in situ from my own control panel either (without changing the file permissions). This takes time :D

However, today, I check (i've had a hard week, so barely checked the site this week at all as I've disabled comments to make life easier). Turns out 2 days ago the same thing happened, but every single php or html file with the </body> closing tag has had inserted infront of it an iframe. Worse still, they were done one after the other within a second each time. That's no FTP (especially given permissions). Nor is it someone in my control panel (takes too long). It's a fucking script. My site is clean of such scripts...

Anyway, this invisible iframe will aid deliver a nasty to your computer (most likely only really dangerous if you're computer is no up to date).
Obviously it then tries to exploit your computer :/ I only know as my antivirus blocked me from my own site - a sure sign something isn't right, before telling me it's a script located on some indian domain.

I've just ranted via support form to the hosts help as I know it'll go no-where. I've also re-written many php files to remove any mention of </body> and </html> tags, replacing them with obfuscated php echo statements (so a simple regex of a php/html file won't find the tag. Any files not containing these tags were left alone) so that hopefully it won't happen again as the script that is doing this won't find the tags it is looking for.

So anyone visiting PLEASE run your anti virus to check. If you don't have one, then some GREAT free ones are avast, avira and avg (i recommend avast at present). Please accept my apologies - days like this really make me question whether to bother. Had a great but awkward / stressful week at the new job and then come back to this shit. Fuckers.
I await feedback from my host regarding this, but I am positive sack all is going to occur other than "change all passwords, it is your computer that has been compromised". They need to search to find the issue, but i'm sure they won't :/

*goes off to find some wine to drink*.

The real shame is no-one contacted me. Then again, kinda hard if every page is giving you virus warnings I guess :D
A heads up.

Currently having a little issue with the shared server. Whilst the site is fine, apparently it is using wayyy too many resources (60% of the memory on the server).

Sadly, I don't have access to see what resource usage it has had over the months (only the last week) so I do not know when the increase occurred, or if it was always like this.
The host hasn't been able to tell me as of yet...

However, I have had to make changes to try and decrease resource usage in order to "save the site" so to speak. So rankings have gone, as have comments. I have also blocked googlebot for now. However, without knowing what the previous usage used to be, I am unsure why it suddenly appears the site is raping server memory. Weird.

If things don't improve, things will get a little more extreme.
Don't forget you can also use in order to keep track of camscore, online times, statistics about your privates/publics/group shows etc.
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