AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Was bored, so a look at Cam statistics?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Zoomer said:
FifthElephant said:
But I will definitely consider it more, it's very useful to know and not something I had thought about (just immediately thinking currently online misses a lot of info out - such as currently a model jumped 600 camscore without having logged in, so we may be able to realise offline tips :D ).

I was more meaning having it running all the time, logged in, not seperately scraping at certain times during the day.
Slight update just to see if anyone is interested :D

First, graph's in as well as viewing last week's performance. More will be added over time (previous month etc) including being able to compare weeks/months.
Second - the fun "compare" page... if it's fun. Dunno.
Third - an apology to some who submitted themselves.

So first -you can view last 7 days. Not last week, as couldn't decide on when a week started - and if it starts at current day, then it's last 7 days. Hence the name :D More wil lbe added later as said up top.

Second: the fun (and probably utterly pointless) bit:

New page, not linked, so only method to access is here (or type delete index.php and enter compare.php when you're at the site!).

What does it do? It's a bit of fun. Comparisons... enter model names, separated by a semi colon.
E.g. Ambercutie;D0mino will show you the graph with Amber and D0mino's cam scores.
You can look at just one name (enter just a single name), you can compare up to five names (so enter 5 names).
Make sure you get the names right - if you don't, you will only see results for all the correctly entered names.

Obviously comparing people who are "sub 1000" in camscore with those who have camscores of 20000 will make it really tough to see fluctuations due to scale.
I can rectify this by making the graph bigger... haven't decided yet :D

I'm not sure how to incorporate this. May just make it into the search function - so searching can bring back not just the single page, but compare those if searching more than one at once.

The third: For those who submitted profiles and have blocks on the UK - apologies for irregular updates. The proxies tend to only let several requests through before they start blocking (most likely a method to prevent their proxies being used for D.O.S attacks). Tonight's coded class to switch through several proxy servers listed hit a bug that escaped testing (whoops).

It'll be resolved for tomorrow, so hopefully will start getting your data soon :)
Had my first request for information removal.

i want this information deleted. i work for myfreecams and my name on there is ******** my pic was taken without my consent and hope you understand that i will take legal action if this is not removed. Thank you
(i've removed the name).

A couple of pointers for anyone who wishes to contact me:
1) Any image of a model you see is hosted my Myfreecams.
2) Myfreecams has disabled hotlinking, so clear your cache and you'll find the site "image free".
3) Please provide a valid email address...

Without a valid email I have no method to contact the person back, and may have random strangers emailing me claiming to be someone who they're not!
Alternatively, send me a PM or Mail on MFC. My username is in my profile :thumbleft:
You should play hardball. When a model sends you an email request to have her stuff taken down, reply to her telling her to mail you a signed document asserting she is the rightful owner of that content. This will accomplish one of two things:

1) She's going to go away, because either the requested form or any legal action is going to have to happen via mail, and is going to have to include her real name and contact information


2) She will mail you the requested document, then you can go after *her* legally for fraud, since MFC is the legal owner of the content.
bawksy said:
You should play hardball. When a model sends you an email request to have her stuff taken down, reply to her telling her to mail you a signed document asserting she is the rightful owner of that content. This will accomplish one of two things:

1) She's going to go away, because either the requested form or any legal action is going to have to happen via mail, and is going to have to include her real name and contact information


2) She will mail you the requested document, then you can go after *her* legally for fraud, since MFC is the legal owner of the content.
Or she'll just ask MFC to send him a message requesting to take it down, and possibly aggravate MFC enough to make them want Zoomer to take the whole site down.
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I'd be very interested to see what exactly would cause some site to get contacted by MFC. I haven't heard of any examples of this before.
bawksy said:
I'd be very interested to see what exactly would cause some site to get contacted by MFC. I haven't heard of any examples of this before.
MFC sent me an email for removal of a model's images here.

Just sayin'.
Since they've disabled hotlinking of images - I've simply replaced all img url's with a default boring grey X. This should hopefully prevent any further worries for those who are still seeing cached images, as now they'll see the grey X instead.

As for MFC - I will email tomorrow to ask whether they have any issues with the site. Recently the traffic has JUMPED and therefore it would be a good point at which to see if this site poses a problem for MFC (in particular the data collection method) or not. If they've no issues or requests to stop it, then it may be time to plonk it onto it's own URL instead...

Based on that feedback (if they reply) if the site continues I'll make displaying your actual profile image an "opt in" affair, where the opt in gives permission to host (or you provide the url to a location where it is hosted) your profile image.

As for going hardball at the girl who contacted me - I could have been rude...but it serves no purpose. I tried to clearly state that I've never taken an image, it isn't hosted, ergo there's no complaint. I'm waiting to see if it's the camscore history she takes offence to - but honestly, I don't think there's any legality for that... Discounting her from the site would be easy though - just an extra flag in the DB.
The site is brilliant in many ways, very ingenious and well put together. There's a lot in there.

Using the images seems like more trouble than it's worth, and potentially a lot of admin if you switch to an opt-in system. The look could become quite inconsistent, and images seem like a minor aspect of the content. Representing the data graphically, for groups as well as individuals seems more in line with the general purpose of the site.

Personally, I'd like Country listed instead of an image if All countries are selected, and change/% change where known, but it's a minor detail while you're still developing the site.
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harry said:
The site is brilliant in many ways, very ingenious and well put together. There's a lot in there.

Using the images seems like more trouble than it's worth, and potentially a lot of admin if you switch to an opt-in system. The look could become quite inconsistent, and images seem like a minor aspect of the content. Representing the data graphically, for groups as well as individuals seems more in line with the general purpose of the site.

Personally, I'd like Country listed instead of an image if All countries are selected, and change/% change where known, but it's a minor detail while you're still developing the site.

Thanks :D It was a botch job sticking a site together, but it seems to work well. I was going to wallop in some ajax to allow for more interaction without loading the whole page again (for search, filters etc) but decided to hold off until later.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean about country. Do you mean display the country they're from where the image is? That'd work well. Change percentage isn't an issue either (it's a simple calculation due to how the data is stored) - just that trying to make the search results/main page not too info crowded for every model (otherwise it'll end up being the "profile" page minus the graph! :)

I got some interesting feedback via email too - since I don't say who it's from, hopefully they won't mind it adding here as it's anon:
It'd be nice if there were some overall statistics provided for camscores. Average cam score, average cam score change over time, histogram of all cam scores, for examples. Would also be interesting to show for each user what percentile their camscore is.

From what I gather from models, and how camscore works - this was the original plan but has some major flaws.
1.) Average camscore is, essentially, 1000. That is how the metric for camscore works... if your camscore is 1000 you are making the average, the mean, of token distribution amongst the models. It is complicated to represent anything due to the camscore history (i.e. camscore seems to be a metric of how you perform compared to the mean over time). Putting the mean (average) in would therefore be a line y=1000.
2.) To utilise the analysis of the actual members I've got in the DB would give a different result. This is simply because unless models submit themselves, you'd be hard pushed to find those with a camscore of below 1000 on the site. They simply do not appear in the offline models list.
3.) A histogram of camscores would effectively give you a normal distribution (albeit looking seriously skewed due to the min being 0 whilst the max ended)...

MFC claims to have over 100,000 models on their DB. I've got 5825 or so at the moment. I must admit that I need to start thinking about a more efficient camscore history recording method - I was lazy and just inserted all values. Within the next month the DB will grow to approximately 250,000 entries if I don't do something. Whilst not really that much of an issue, for camscores that don't change from day to day (offline for a week or something) it is pointless - a single extra query during the update process would eliminate recording un-necessary values. Likewise, for camscores that do not differ by more than 0.1% it may be worthwhile not recording the change either, but that's a more contentious issue as it obfuscates the nuance of camscore :D

All things to think about :) Whilst it would be interesting to offer more statistics upon the camscores, by definition and difficulty of the history of camscore calculation, it isn't possible without basically offering false statistics...

If there was an "online today" list it'd be different, as you could do a daily break down...
Woah Harry, having seen the message you sent me and checked out what you did with the info - it's awesome, love it :)

Will try to have a serious look tonight or tomorrow - sadly tons of work on at the moment, hence why not much has occurred recently :D
Ack, can't edit. After spending approximately 80 minutes writing an email, I am now awaiting response from MFC. I read their Terms and Conditions recently and found I have been violating their code of conduct - something which I highlight in the email (in the interest of being transparent with them).

I am hopeful for a positive response, and despite being a "very naughty boy" I'll have to keep my fingers crossed that they're accommodating. I'll post once i hear something...
Unfortunately my Outlook sent from my Uni (academic institution) email account instead of my personal aol email (DAMN YOU OUTLOOK!) - so here is hoping they do not think anything of it!
Never received a response. Not even an acknowledgement.
Am away this weekend, so no-update will be performed on Saturday night (just done Fridays a few hours early).

Currently working upon some country statistics. Interestingly, 2600 models out of the 6200 in the DB claim to be from the US.
It is easy to present that data, but presenting "average performance" type for countries is far more difficult - as the "average" is 1k for all models.
Since the DB generally contains models above the 1k mark, it means offering statistics in that manner isn't exactly a fair representation and may make models feel they're "way below the average". It's going to take a while to present it in a manner which is both clear, and convincing that such statistics drawn from such a limited dataset does not represent the reality.

For example, some countries have average camscore of 11000 or so. Why? Because there is 1 model with a camscore of 11000! :D
Obviously if you take 10 as the average number from a country, then you can have more fair results - but they can still be skewed! A single 20000 camscore for 1 model, with 9 having 1000, woudl give the appearance of... 2900 as the mean, and make the other 9 potentially think they suck/are bad/ugly/useless. They're not, they've got someone skewing results.
There are ways around this, using medians or modes etc - but since the dataset is so limited that any average is likely over 1000 for anywhere, it'll need careful presentation!

So that's what's currently worked upon - but I'm off for now :D

p.s (having chatted to a few ladies, they seem to think camscore relates to beauty more than anything. IMO it's utterly wrong and I really hope ladies aren't believing this!).
Any way to be added to this? My camscore sucks right now but I'm new and trying to start off full time so my tokens per hour is pathetic. Also I've only been registered for like 7 days, started at 1000 (obv) but it's gone down to about 500 and stayed there. I assume it may have something to do with traffic because my room never has more than 20 people in it. I can give you my stats for the past week if you want.
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AngelAndrea said:
Any way to be added to this? My camscore sucks right :crybaby: now but I'm new and trying to start off full time so my tokens per hour is pathetic. Also I've only been registered for like 7 days, started at 1000 (obv) but it's gone down to about 500 and stayed there. I assume it may have something to do with traffic because my room never has more than 20 people in it. I can give you my stats for the past week if you want.

Afraid I am on my phone else I would do it for you.
There is a submit a model page on the site. Paste your profile url there :)

It won't start tracking til I next run the software though...
I think someone else must have submitted it for you :)


1) Overhauled the site structure. Old links for index.php?search=xxxx should redirect to the new search page.
2) Profiles now on their own profile page. If only one search result via search.php is found, it'll redirect to the profile page. If not, search page lists the possibles.
3) Profile page has had arbitrary "ranking" included. This means viewing a profile shows the cam score graph, but now also two ranked tables. The first table is the "global" ranking (please remember the DB has only about 6% of MFC models in it!), and the second is "Country" ranking.
4) Tidied and unified the layout for a few pages.
5) Added twitter feed on main page to give it a "communication" point (I did this as I was away Saturday, and seemed like a good way to have a method of communication!). I'm unsure whether to twitter changes, or just issues such as failed updates/omitted updates etc.

Spot any errors, cock-ups, mistakes, omissions, inconsistencies or just plain crap - please say :)
Zoomer said:
3) Profile page has had arbitrary "ranking" included. This means viewing a profile shows the cam score graph, but now also two ranked tables. The first table is the "global" ranking (please remember the DB has only about 6% of MFC models in it!), and the second is "Country" ranking.
I really appreciate the addition of this feature. Thanks!
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Zoomer said:
I think someone else must have submitted it for you :)


1) Overhauled the site structure. Old links for index.php?search=xxxx should redirect to the new search page.
2) Profiles now on their own profile page. If only one search result via search.php is found, it'll redirect to the profile page. If not, search page lists the possibles.
3) Profile page has had arbitrary "ranking" included. This means viewing a profile shows the cam score graph, but now also two ranked tables. The first table is the "global" ranking (please remember the DB has only about 6% of MFC models in it!), and the second is "Country" ranking.
4) Tidied and unified the layout for a few pages.
5) Added twitter feed on main page to give it a "communication" point (I did this as I was away Saturday, and seemed like a good way to have a method of communication!). I'm unsure whether to twitter changes, or just issues such as failed updates/omitted updates etc.

Spot any errors, cock-ups, mistakes, omissions, inconsistencies or just plain crap - please say :)

Awesome, awesome, awesome job. :dance:

Thank you so much for all the hard work!
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:think: I wonder if mfc would get upset if u grabbed


if its available..?
nzhere said:
:think: I wonder if mfc would get upset if u grabbed


if its available..?
I am under the impression that they wouldn't appreciate anyone having a domain with camgirl related items on it that has "myfreecams" anything in the name. It's misleading to the point where people end up assuming that since that title is in the name, that it is run directly by MFC.
Jupiter551 said:
I finally saw her on cam and told her but was ambushed by white knights! :(
19k tokens? Geez thats puts my 200 to shame...
nzhere said:

You reallyu, really don't want to possibly give the impression that you're official.
I'd strongly avoid any name with the words my free cams in.
camstats, camgirlstats,...
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FifthElephant said:
nzhere said:

You reallyu, really don't want to possibly give the impression that you're official.
I'd strongly avoid any name with the words my free cams in.
camstats, camgirlstats,...

As more people post about names, I'll give you my personal opinion so as to prevent people worrying.

My intent is not to try and build identity around the words "myfreecams" or myfree/mycam or anything similar.

The word I want to be associated is camscore.
If you see camscore, I want you to think of the site :)
This is the base upon which the url will exist.

I don't wish to divulge desired URL's simply because the internet is full of url sitting annoyances already...
I could go ahead and register the domain right now, but until I sort out how to do updates without me running something on my own computer, it won't go further. As the site says, it is still in the conceptual stage.
Short, but one of the most challenging, updates today (announced by Twitter a short while ago, but I will keep posting updates here).
It isn't the country statistics, that's further off - presentation issues. It is something that is currently non-demographic related :D

Top monthly changes

Top monthly change - akin to Miss MFC, but instead of indicating earning power and therefore featuring a small set of "top models" on a regular basis - it is camscore change during a month (+ve only). I liked this idea because it isn't necessarily (especially in the % table) going to be dominated by the Top Models - but by those struggling ones who are nearly always overlooked.

This means models who may never see top 1000, let alone top 20, could potentially hit Number 1 in a month for Top % Camscore change - and that I loved. This way we do not miss out on impressive rises for those who may battle hard to increase their score. Rising from 200 to 950 during May would have seen a model hit Number 1 for % change :) Sadly, the DB doesn't have those ladies on records - so get submitting!

Again, not the most beautiful presentation of the page I admit - but I've never been great at design. Indeed, I suck.

Right now, the monthly table is querying a database. Later I will "fix" these permanently in html (no point repeating queries for data that is never going to change). It is left at present so I can simply alter the numbers etc as required...

I have no intention of showing realtime currently monthly change. The queries involved in generating this data for 6000 models can (possibly due to my poor db querying, but more likely due to mysql's really poor recognition of optimisation of subqueries) take approx 10 minutes. Even running once per day, I can't be arsed at present ;) So it'll only be run once per month to generate a second table, which holds the monthly data.
Right now I could display all 5950 models in both actual, and % changes, if required... the data is there - for now, so let me know if you would like more, less, or options to see up to x rows. There may be potential to do it for countries, although currently I've not planned for that!

As months pass, and more are added, presentation may be an issue - but until then, I hope people like this addition - and comments are always very very welcome :)
Tiny update:

Added an Applet on the profile page - which displays a models status (online, offline, online: in group, online: away, online: in private).
Why an Applet, and why do I need to trust it to run it?
Simple enough. Java is "secure" to an extent. Applets do NOT need a security certificate when regarding data from the same website.
However, to get this information, we need to ask the MFC site what the models status is. Simply sending such a request via the Applet means it required signing to verify that it is trusted. HOWEVER, to get a real "trusted" signed certificate (from Verisign) costs $500 - so it's my own signed cert (means it verifies it's not tampered etc), and uses Java to find out whether the model is online at MFC to then display in your browser. The Java is your side - like Javascript (or Ajax/jQuery variants), so you download the code and your local Java install runs it.

Could this not have been done server side? Of course, PHP has functios (curl) which allows me to open a stream to a url and read the contents...i could have done just that. The difference is that the IP address for the requests, and processing of them, is done by the server. Using the applet, the requests come from your IP instead and don't use the Servers resources! :)

If you don't trust that the Applet will do what I say it does, or just don't want to trust - then don't allow it - it will make zero change to your browsing the page - just that next to "Status: " will be... nothing.

Will it stay? That depends whether people care for it or not. It was an attempt to indicate whether the model you are looking at is online before clicking "visit her room", so as to prevent un-necessary clicks. However, I mainly included it as I happened to be making a small application which does just this for me anyway (it updates every minute to show who, out of those I add, is online... means I don't need lots of people in friends, nor lots of emails/txt alerts coming in - it can just sit on my desktop without me being on MFC and let me know when someone pops online - then if I wish I can visit MFC and chat/interact, but do not need MFC loaded all the time).
Major overhaul to the site layout. Hope people like it :pray:

Tried very hard to ensure cross browser compatibility, but only to an extent (I don't have old browsers). So Firefox 5.0, Chrome 12, IE 9.0 and Safari 5.0 all work fine. In theory it should work well with all CSS compliant browsers - but older versions of IE may (especially if IE 6) have issues - I simply cannot check. Checking the stats show no users use IE 6, so here's hoping that's true and that therefore nothing really terrible occurs to others.

If you have alternative versions, or spot something that doesn't look "right" - then please let me know what browser you are using and what page / describe the issue.
If the site appears without layout - please clear cache/reload the page a few times ;)

Still having issues with presenting country information (Harry!), Flot doesn't do horizontal bar graphs - and "scale" means a lot of countries will be invisible in nearly any graphical method. I may work on that more over the weekend.

Any suggestions or recommendations are, as always, welcome to be made.
Oh, also included a "views" and "searched" count method. It is rudimentary on the search checking (doesn't log user IP's etc) so it is possible people can attempt to manipulate the results to put a name on the front page. Seeing as I'll clear it every 24 hours I didn't think that'd be a problem though :D

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