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Exposing the ‘aberrant’ nature of a sea otter’s sex life

Whiskers was there, too, copulating with the carcass while parading past the other two wildly barking dogs.

“He’d go back and forth, holding Tuk’s head up out of the water,” Pat relates. “ He was humping it. It was so bizarre. We had never anticipated anything like that.”

Who would? After all, cute and cuddly — not rapist and murderer — are mentioned in the typical bio on sea otters. ... story.html
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Ypsilanti is on alert for playground pooper who leaves his mark on park slides

Someone has been soiling slides at an Ypsilanti playground over the last six months, prompting city officials to take measures to put a stop to the mystery pooper.

This winter, it wasn’t necessarily a problem,” city council member Pete Murdock said Friday. “Now that the weather is getting warmer, we need to get a handle on it.

Police or other Ypsilanti employees have been stopping at Prospect Park each morning to make sure another surprise was not left overnight, said Murdock, the city’s former mayor and the founder of a group called Friends of Prospect Park.

He said there are plans to have Friends of Prospect Park members and other volunteers watch the park at night.

Police Chief Tony DeGiusti, in an e-mail sent in January, ordered officers to “make frequent checks in the area and record them on your daily log.

We have a problem in Prospect Park with a miscreant that does not understand the difference between a children’s playground slide and a toilet,” the chief wrote. “Apparently this extremely misguided individual feels the need to defecate on the slide despite the cold weather.

Murdock said the “well-used” park, which sits near a school and features a basketball court, a tennis court being used as a skateboarding venue as well as a picnic area, needs to be protected.

No one wants to play in other people’s feces,” he said.

from ... spect-Park
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Teen Arrested With Loaded Gun In Vagina: Cops

Cops say a Tennessee teen who got arrested for driving with a suspended license on Monday had a surprise in store for police.

When a female corrections officer at Kingsport jail performed a search on 19-year-old Dallas Archer, she allegedly discovered an "unknown object" lodged in the young woman's crotch. She alerted another female officer, who accompanied her during a further examination, according to documents obtained by the Smoking Gun.

The officers allegedly discovered a loaded, five-shot, four-inch .22 caliber mini-revolver concealed in Archer's vagina. It turns out that the gun was stolen last year when John Souther's car was "ransacked" in an auto burglary, cops said.

Souther, a 70-year-old retired car salesman, told TSG that he'd make sure to give his stolen "little fellow... a bath in bleach.”

Archer was charged with gun possession and introducing contraband into a penal facility, and was later released on $6,000 bond, according to Gawker.

This isn't the first time someone's allegedly been caught with a gun concealed in their nether regions. Last year, an Oklahoma woman was arrested with a loaded 5-shot revolver sticking out of her vagina, cops said.

"It would seem to be a very dangerous place to carry a loaded firearm," Pontotoc County District Attorney Chris Ross told KFOR at the time. "If it goes off, it's only going one place."

That woman, Christie Harris, also had two bags of what turned out to be methamphetamine hidden in baggies in her butt, according to police.

from ... 98486.html

Open fire bb!
MrRodry said:
Teen Arrested With Loaded Gun In Vagina: Cops

Cops say a Tennessee teen who got arrested for driving with a suspended license on Monday had a surprise in store for police.

When a female corrections officer at Kingsport jail performed a search on 19-year-old Dallas Archer, she allegedly discovered an "unknown object" lodged in the young woman's crotch. She alerted another female officer, who accompanied her during a further examination, according to documents obtained by the Smoking Gun.

The officers allegedly discovered a loaded, five-shot, four-inch .22 caliber mini-revolver concealed in Archer's vagina. It turns out that the gun was stolen last year when John Souther's car was "ransacked" in an auto burglary, cops said.

Souther, a 70-year-old retired car salesman, told TSG that he'd make sure to give his stolen "little fellow... a bath in bleach.”

Archer was charged with gun possession and introducing contraband into a penal facility, and was later released on $6,000 bond, according to Gawker.

This isn't the first time someone's allegedly been caught with a gun concealed in their nether regions. Last year, an Oklahoma woman was arrested with a loaded 5-shot revolver sticking out of her vagina, cops said.

"It would seem to be a very dangerous place to carry a loaded firearm," Pontotoc County District Attorney Chris Ross told KFOR at the time. "If it goes off, it's only going one place."

That woman, Christie Harris, also had two bags of what turned out to be methamphetamine hidden in baggies in her butt, according to police.

from ... 98486.html

Open fire bb!

all I can picture in my head
*in archer voice" you found that where?
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Man "accidentally" kills wife, another man, and after serving time in prison kills another lover while swinging an axe at her so she "accidentally" dies. He reveals all this while on a Turkish TV dating show.

A 62-year-old man looking for a wife on a TV dating show stunned the host and studio audience by revealing that he had murdered his first wife and later killed a lover with an ax during an argument.

Sefer Calinak casually mentioned his complicated history with women while appearing this week on Flash TV's The Luck of The Draw, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News. tweeted Thursday.

He was quick to add, however, that he is now an "honest person looking for a new wife."

More at link.
Pregnant Woman Not Lovin' Her McMarijuana Burger

A pregnant woman and her boyfriend claim they found an extra ingredient in their McDonald's burgers -- marijuana.

Brittany Songer's unhappy meal began on April 26, when she went to a McDonald's restaurant in Ottumwa, Iowa, with her fiance, Cory Long, and her 2-year-old son.

The couple ordered two McDoubles and were sharing one of them when they noticed that it didn't taste like the typical Mickey D's product.

"It tasted bad, and I thought maybe it was because he had cologne on his hands when he bit it. Then I opened the burger and the cheese was just covered with weed,” Songer, 23, told the Ottumwa Evening Post. “Once I opened those burgers, you couldn’t smell McDonald’s anymore. You could only smell the illegal drugs that were on it.”

The couple reported the alleged "McDoobies" to the Ottumwa Police Dept.

Lt. Jason Bell told the Des Moines Register that the green substance on the burger "appears to be consistent with marijuana."

He is sending the substance to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation for testing, a process that could take two months.

If the tests confirm this burger's special sauce to be illegal, the person responsible could be charged with administering a harmful substance, a Class D felony, the Ottumwa Evening Post reports.

It is unclear how much pot, if any, was on the burger.

“It appeared to be something that may have been intentionally placed on the burger and by who is part of the investigation. We are trying to determine who actually put it on there,” Bell said, according to

While investigating the case, Ottumwa police allegedly found drug paraphernalia on at least one McDonald's employee, but no arrests have been made, KCCI-TV reports.

The department has also gathered surveillance footage from the McDonald's.

Meanwhile, the experience has been a bummer for Songer, who worries about the possible effects the bud burger may have had on her unborn child.

“I have a very, very tiny fetus growing inside me right now and I don’t know if that harmed it at all. It’s a very scary thought,” she told the Ottumwa Evening Post. ... 38137.html
Male porn actor Billy Glyde dies from a snakebite

LOS ANGELES—Veteran adult performer Billy Glide reportedly passed away in his sleep Saturday night. He was 43.

Details about the time and cause of Glide's death could not be officially confirmed as of post time, but according to longtime friend and fellow performer Alana Evans, who heard the news from another close acquaintance, he was bitten by a snake while helping a friend move and chose not to seek medical attention for the bite.

"I've known Billy my entire career," Evans told AVN. "He was part of the reason I got into the business. To hear this kind of news is just so shocking and sad."

Evans reported that a mutual friend contacted her Sunday morning about Glide's death, informing her that Glide had helped a friend move Saturday, and that person had a pet rattlesnake.

"I don't know if the snake got out, or if something else happened or what, but Billy was bitten by the snake," Evans said.

Noting that she was told Glide sought no treatment for the bite, Evans added, "I guess he went to sleep and just didn't wake up this morning. It's the craziest and saddest way to go, and it could have been prevented."

AVN has also learned that Glide was scheduled to shoot a scene Sunday morning for A rep for the site said the Spizoo crew was informed early Sunday about Glide's passing.

An outpouring of condolensces from industry members has appeared on Twitter and Facebook since word broke of Glide's death. Residing in Huntington Beach, Calif., he began performing in 1995 and has remained a highly regarded utility player ever since.

Glide was not married, and had no children, Evans said.

AVN will report further details as they become available.

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Why people would not seek treatment when they know they've been bitten is beyond me...

Suicide by snakebite?
"fuckit, we all have to go sometime, and I'm almost done with the prime years anyway"?

Sad way to think, but I guess that might be it. Or are there really some people out there who think that rattlesnakes are not venomous?
LadyLuna said:
Why people would not seek treatment when they know they've been bitten is beyond me...

Suicide by snakebite?
"fuckit, we all have to go sometime, and I'm almost done with the prime years anyway"?

Sad way to think, but I guess that might be it. Or are there really some people out there who think that rattlesnakes are not venomous?

Rattlesnakes do not always inject venom into the people they bite, it is expensive for the snake to make and humans are too big for the rattlesnake to eat.
Newlywed Couple Crash Cars Into Each Other In Fatal Accident

A young Texas couple were killed when their two cars collided head-on.

The accident took place on Wednesday morning, three miles away from Odell, Texas, on County Road 87, according to the Times Record.

Nicolas Cruz, 31, and 26-year-old Kristina Munoz were both pronounced dead at the scene.

"It appears speed and the layout of the road, including a hill crest, are going to be factors in the cause of the accident,” Department of Public Safety Trooper Jymie Ha told the Record.

The Arizona Republic reports that neither Cruz nor Munoz were wearing seat belts, according to authorities.

Cruz's Facebook indicates he married Munoz in the Spring of last year.

from ... 61816.html ... 55863.html

US exchange student 'delivered' from giant marble vulva by German fire fighters

A US exchange student had to be “delivered” by German fire fighters after he became lodged in a giant marble vulva.

The young man found himself in the rather awkward predicament after he reportedly climbed into the stone genitalia for a bit of a laugh and became stuck.

22 fire fighters in five vehicles were called to the scene in the grounds of Tubingen University Institute of Microbiology at about 1.45pm on Friday, according to Schwäbisches Tagblatt.

Named Pi-Chacán, which means “making love”, the sculpture has been at the academic institute for 13 years and is the work of Peruvian artist Fernando de la Jara.

No damage was inflicted on the erotic structure and the student was retrieved unharmed – although undoubtedly with a red face.

And social media users were quick to comment on the incident, from cracking suggestive jokes to questioning why the university had chosen the artwork to adorn its campus in the first place.

On imgur, one user joked: "It's a boy!!!"; and another wrote: "He was obviously a C-section birth."

Another user remarked that the photos could be used to promote studying abroad, while one individual simply commented: "So many questions..." ... d=webmail1

Woman Stops For Ducks; Guilty In Two Deaths
Baby duck rescue ruled to have caused fatal car crash

A Canadian woman who parked her car on a highway to help a group of ducklings on the side of the road was found guilty Friday of causing the deaths of a motorcyclist and his passenger daughter who slammed into her car.

Emma Czornobaj was convicted by a jury on two counts of criminal negligence causing death, a charge that carries a maximum life sentence, and two counts of dangerous driving causing death, which comes with a maximum of 14 years in jail.

The 25-year-old was charged in the deaths of Andre Roy, 50, and his daughter Jessie, 16.
Misono said:
22 fire fighters in five vehicles were called to the scene in the grounds of Tubingen University Institute of Microbiology at about 1.45pm on Friday, according to Schwäbisches Tagblatt.

This bugs me about emergency situations. If nobody reported a fire, and just 1 person stuck, why did all those people need to show up? Just to laugh at him too? If the fire department is funded by tax payers there, everyone just got screwed.
goldenaye666 said:
Misono said:
22 fire fighters in five vehicles were called to the scene in the grounds of Tubingen University Institute of Microbiology at about 1.45pm on Friday, according to Schwäbisches Tagblatt.

This bugs me about emergency situations. If nobody reported a fire, and just 1 person stuck, why did all those people need to show up? Just to laugh at him too? If the fire department is funded by tax payers there, everyone just got screwed.

Sounds pretty typical of most tax payer funded employees, one or two that actually do something while another 5-10 employees lean on shovels watching them work. :lol: Seriously though, they were on duty anyway and all ready to go to any other emergency if need be, at most some fuel was wasted. But ya, it was probably like "we gotta go see this idiot," lol.

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A FLIGHT between Tunisia and Scotland had to be diverted after a drunk passenger attacked cabin crew with her prosthetic leg.

The woman demanded “cigarettes and a parachute” and became aggressive when staff asked her to calm down.

Holidaymaker John Smith, from Falkirk, said the woman slapped a young girl in a neighbouring seat before unfastening her leg and swinging it at flight attendants.

The crew managed to put her in handcuffs while the pilot of Thomson flight 297 from Enfidha to Edinburgh made an emergency landing at Gatwick.

The woman was escorted from the plane by police, as passengers broke into a rendition of the hokey cokey. The incident happened at around 10pm on Wednesday.

Mr Smith said last night: “She was shouting ‘I want cigarettes’ and that she wanted a parachute to jump off the plane.

“She slapped a young girl and then assaulted the cabin crew with her prosthetic leg. They took it off her but she started kicking them with her good leg.

“It sounds funny, but it was not a laughing matter at the time. It was serious. She was totally drunk. It was shocking.”

Passengers said the woman had been involved in an argument at the resort in Tunisia, which escalated on the bus to the airport.

Waiting police officers escorted the woman off the plane at Gatwick and took statements from passengers.

Mr Smith, 48, added: “When police came on board to escort her off the plane, people started singing the hokey cokey.

“She embarrassed everybody on the flight. A lot of people were upset about it, especially those with children.

“We had to sit on the runway for about an hour while the police took statements.”

He said the flight had originally been due to arrive in Edinburgh at 11:30pm on Wednesday but eventually landed at 2:30am yesterday.

Twitter user @sarahwilsonx posted: “Can’t believe we’re stuck in London because some crazy drunk woman with one leg started a bloody fight.”

A spokesman for Sussex Police said: “A 48-year-old unemployed woman from Edinburgh was arrested at Gatwick Airport, on suspicion of using threatening behaviour while aboard Thomson flight 297. The flight was diverted into Gatwick after it was alleged the woman had been abusive and had thrown a prosthetic leg and food at cabin crew. The woman is being interviewed and is currently in custody at Crawley police station.”

Mr Smith added: “A woman who was in the same hotel as her told me that she had kicked off on the bus transfer from hotel to airport. The bus driver even threatened to put her off the bus.

“She was disabled and the family had left her on her own. While they got a taxi, they let her stay on.”

A spokesman for Thomson Airways last night said: “We would like to apologise to passengers. Thomson Airways operates a zero tolerance policy with regards to any disruptive behaviour on board and incidents of this type are extremely rare.”
Juggalos Brutally Maul Fellow Fan for Dissing Insane Clown Posse

Maryland duo attempted to carve off, then burn off, their roommate's ICP tattoo

A Maryland man says two of his roommates attacked him this week in an attempt to remove a tattoo on his arm with a knife and fire, all in the name of their higher power, Insane Clown Posse. He suffered a series of horrific injuries and has since had to have the egregiously damaged limb amputated below the elbow.

The victim, 31-year-old Zachary Swanson, apparently "disrespected" ICP in front of his fellow Juggalo roommates Paul Martin Hurst, 33, and Cary Lee Edwards, 35, on Monday morning in the tiny town of Hebron. At that point, the men fractured Swanson's nose and face, broke 11 of his ribs, lacerated his liver, and caused his brain to bleed. Hurst and Edwards now face charges that include attempted murder in the first degree, and they remain held without bond.

A local Maryland newspaper has more on the brutal nature of the crime, but the men used weapons like shovels and lighter fluid to try to punish Swanson for disrespecting Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. Their focus, at least for some of the attack, was Swanson's ICP tattoo. The "burning was in an attempt to remove a tattoo that Edwards did not believe that Swanson earned," read the court papers charging the men.

The Insane Clown Posse and its followers are no strangers to controversy, of course, including an FBI decree that ICP fans can be legally classified as gang members, as well as a sexual harassment lawsuit from a former employee against "Dirty Dan" Diamond. For photos from the 2014 Gatheirng of the Juggalos, which included a wedding, check out SPIN's gallery. For photos of the accused, look no further:

Photos and links at the source.
JordanBlack said:
VenPerv2 said:
Not sure if this was weird, wacky, wtf, or just plain sad

Ebola patients flee as Liberia clinic looted
Seventeen sufferers missing after gang attacks Monrovia quarantine centre and reportedly takes contaminated material.

More like sad, in my opinion. It just shows how irrationally fear makes us humans act.
Also a bit of 'how stupid can you be?!?!?!' thrown in.
This outbreak has a mortality rate around 60%. Why on earth would you want to go steal bloody linens from those patients? There is no possible good outcome from that.
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