AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Tips for premium MFC members (how to be great!)

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Evvie said:
As this thread is focused on member behavior I thought it might be an okay place to ask for some opinions!

I recently banned a member from my room. He never technically broke any rules, but his behavior came to the point where I felt my sanity would be saved if he just wasn't around.

Pretty soon after that (my next shift, actually) there was a new member in my room who behaved exactly like recently banned guy. I am 90% sure it's the same dude just using a proxy.

I'm unsure of what to do here. I don't want to ban an innocent guy for no reason, and I feel like if it's Member A coming back, does he deserve a second chance? As I said, no actual rules were broken. I don't really perma-ban people and I honestly feel uncomfortable making enemies, so to speak. I'm pretty torn over this issue.

Models & members, what is your opinion on someone who was banned using a proxy to sneak back in? Do you think it's okay if they change their behavior afterwords?
If his behavior is identical as you say to the previous guy or same guy, then why not just ban him for the same reason? Your sanity is way ahead of being nice to trolls. :)
Sneaking back in under a proxy is extremely disrespectful and slimey! So no second chance! I'm pretty sure that's grounds for another strike!

And yeah, what nord said. If he's new and annoying you just ban him again!
Evvie said:
As this thread is focused on member behavior I thought it might be an okay place to ask for some opinions!

I recently banned a member from my room. He never technically broke any rules, but his behavior came to the point where I felt my sanity would be saved if he just wasn't around.

Pretty soon after that (my next shift, actually) there was a new member in my room who behaved exactly like recently banned guy. I am 90% sure it's the same dude just using a proxy.

I'm unsure of what to do here. I don't want to ban an innocent guy for no reason, and I feel like if it's Member A coming back, does he deserve a second chance? As I said, no actual rules were broken. I don't really perma-ban people and I honestly feel uncomfortable making enemies, so to speak. I'm pretty torn over this issue.

Models & members, what is your opinion on someone who was banned using a proxy to sneak back in? Do you think it's okay if they change their behavior afterwords?

With a lot of the crap I've seen, I'm surprised more members aren't banned. But to answer your question, it sounds like the behavior has not changed, so why the trepidation?

It's not my livelihood, just my entertainment source, so take that into consideration. But the whole sneaking back in by proxy smells of trollishness. If he actually wanted back in & wanted to change his behavior, that is not the way to go about it.

Just the whole two cents thing on my part.
Members like this don't think about your show. They are thinking only about themselves. They don't care that their behavior scares away potential new tippers and even some regular tippers get fed up and stop coming around/tipping. They're hindering your ability to earn and you shouldn't give them a second thought after an initial warning.

If he snuck back in under a proxy to maybe MFC mail me or to explain that he's sorry and would like a second chance to show that his behavior really can change, then I'd just ban him again. Sneaking back in to act in the same manner that was disrupting your show to begin with, well that's just inexcusable.
Evvie said:
As this thread is focused on member behavior I thought it might be an okay place to ask for some opinions!

I recently banned a member from my room. He never technically broke any rules, but his behavior came to the point where I felt my sanity would be saved if he just wasn't around.

Pretty soon after that (my next shift, actually) there was a new member in my room who behaved exactly like recently banned guy. I am 90% sure it's the same dude just using a proxy.

I'm unsure of what to do here. I don't want to ban an innocent guy for no reason, and I feel like if it's Member A coming back, does he deserve a second chance? As I said, no actual rules were broken. I don't really perma-ban people and I honestly feel uncomfortable making enemies, so to speak. I'm pretty torn over this issue.

Models & members, what is your opinion on someone who was banned using a proxy to sneak back in? Do you think it's okay if they change their behavior afterwords?
I believe the fact that he has sneaked back in indicates he has no intentions of changing his behavior and will only continue to disrupt your room or creep you out. If he wanted a second chance and was intent on changing his behavior why wouldn't he ask you to un-ban him. Even if he hasn't broken any rules its your room not his and you decide who has the Privilege of being in your room. If he is a new creep the sooner you ban him the better. If you let a member push the boundaries he will keep pushing until he finds the limit you will tolerate.
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From one member to others; don't be a complete sycophant, at least not publicly. There are a few models I would hang out in their room just to hang out, and then possibly tip for random reasons, but I stay away from because of these type members.

Tough spot for the model, tbh, because these types of guys do sometimes also tip/group/private, but they definitely cost the model money, at least in my case.
Kradek said:
From one member to others; don't be a complete sycophant, at least not publicly. There are a few models I would hang out in their room just to hang out, and then possibly tip for random reasons, but I stay away from because of these type members.

Tough spot for the model, tbh, because these types of guys do sometimes also tip/group/private, but they definitely cost the model money, at least in my case.
Lol, the consensus seems to be a resounding banhammer.

I used to be really ragewhore about members thinking they deserve to be in my chatroom. The more I think about this, the more ragewhory I feel.

This guy got banned because he was behaving in a way that upset me while also hurting my income, and when I finally stood up for myself and told him I wasn't going to put up with it anymore, he snuck back in with a proxy and just kept acting the same way - probably thinking I was too stupid to notice.

I'm getting pretty pissed wondering how a member could be so greedy and eager to hurt me. I agree that this dude clearly doesn't care about me and has zero respect for me or any other model. The kicker is that this guy probably thinks I'll be lost without him and that I need him to control my room.

So I suppose the summary of this should be, if a model bans you, don't be a dumb fuck and try to sneak back in with a proxy xD yer gunna get schooled, son.
In response to what was posted above about the banned douchebag:

If a model bans you, and you truly wanna make things right with her and try again, you can send her an offline tip with a one-liner apology (or apology via MFC Mail if she hasn't put you on 'Ignore').

Of course, I've always been the type to believe that if you "done fucked up" (as the saying in the model's PUBLIC CHAT (possibly embarrassing her in front of her other viewers), then you should be man enough to apologize to her in public chat.
The_Brown_Fox said:
In response to what was posted above about the banned douchebag:

If a model bans you, and you truly wanna make things right with her and try again, you can send her an offline tip with a one-liner apology (or apology via MFC Mail if she hasn't put you on 'Ignore').

Of course, I've always been the type to believe that if you "done fucked up" (as the saying in the model's PUBLIC CHAT (possibly embarrassing her in front of her other viewers), then you should be man enough to apologize to her in public chat.
A person on ignore's tip and tip note will not show up anywhere other than the model's token stats, so that's not really the best route to go if you're unsure if you're ignored or not. (Ignore via the broadcaster, as I think ignore on the software doesn't work this way.)
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AmberCutie said:
A person on ignore's tip and tip note will not show up anywhere other than the model's token stats, so that's not really the best route to go if you're unsure if you're ignored or not. (Ignore via the broadcaster, as I think ignore on the software doesn't work this way.)

Right. This happened recently (via the model web broadcaster). Someone who I had recently banned/ignored sent me an offline tip and apology tip note, and I noticed it when I happened to be looking at my token stats.
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Slightly unrelated: I've always found that the best way to deal with idiots is to humiliate them, instead of expressing frustration. I've even seen regulars echo demands (e.g. 'show us ur tip bb' in lieu of 'show us ur ass bb'), which is a great sentiment, but it seems to hamper the chat atmosphere a bit by being too serious. I feel that chat vibes stay lighter if trolls/idiots become the target of a joke instead, just because everyone's laughing and having a great time instead of having an actual argument.
hornygods said:
Slightly unrelated: I've always found that the best way to deal with idiots is to humiliate them, instead of expressing frustration. I've even seen regulars echo demands (e.g. 'show us ur tip bb' in lieu of 'show us ur ass bb'), which is a great sentiment, but it seems to hamper the chat atmosphere a bit by being too serious. I feel that chat vibes stay lighter if trolls/idiots become the target of a joke instead, just because everyone's laughing and having a great time instead of having an actual argument.

Half the time the idiot is too stupid to realize he is being humiliated. The other half, he resorts to calling everyone fags and telling them to suck his cock. (Which always cracks me up.)
hornygods said:
That's the best part - the room gets a laugh and the 'troll/idiot' gets poked fun at.

Trolls do not care if they get laughed at, they are looking for two things. Attention and a reaction. They don't care if it is good or bad attention. The best course of action is to ignore trolls. Nothing pisses them off more than their trolling not working. Don't feed the trolls.

Humiliation might work for some idiots but generally they are stupid, thus being called idiots. Most seem oblivious to sarcasm and gentle pointers to better manners. In general, ignoring the things idiots and trolls say is the best course of action. :twocents-02cents:
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Most of the suggestions I read here are how to be a decent premium, not great. Some of you need to dream bigger.
How about something like this;
1. Take your time in private, share the experience a little, ask what your model wants/ likes too.
2. Compliment honestly.
3. Watch for your models mood, is a treat or gift something that can make her day?
4. Share with others what you like most about your favourite. Control any jealous feelings.
5. Be creative, interesting, and unexpected at times.
6. If you get banned for misbehaving, when ban is over return better.
7. Take a moment to be clear on what you need, ask for it nicely. A tip note is always sweetest.
LilyMarie said:
The only thing that's even more ridiculous is when they claim that an anonymous tip came from them.


(This is a screenshot from 6 months ago, still had that hanging around my hard drive)

When someone says that an anonymous tip came from them, the model can easily look it up and see if that's true.

Something similar has happened to me, the 900 token tip was anon and not posted in the room and I stupidly asked who sent it, no one spoke up, there were very few in the room at the time. This fairly new guy spoke up and asked if I could friendslist him. I stupidly was like, ok wow! added him, then asked in pm if he could tell me how much the tip was worth so I know it's him. He point blank refused to answer, went on about this 'lack of trust' I have going on. anyway at first I had a very very strong feeling that he was bullshitting me, but I was worried in case he was just a bit strange I didn't want to be a bitch if I didn't have proof. Anyway this guy was a douche, started asking if he'd get free stuff etc, I was like, no, obviously not. Kept trying to tell me what to do in my room. I told a regular it was upsetting me, and he was like 'was the tip 900 tokens?' huh, apparently he hadn't realised what was going on and it'd been him who tipped it.

I don't get why guys try claiming other peoples tips, all that happens is the girl finds out, gets really pissed off, maybe says a few choice words then bans you!

A guy came into my room a few nights ago going on about how me and my friends had ripped everyone off basically because we'd come on cam and been tipped a lot but barely done anything. My answer was "they're not cam girls, we made that very clear, people still chose to tip for our countdowns, none of them have complained, and you never tipped once so you got a free show. Either you can shut up and stop complaining or you can get out" I think there were a few choice words in there too...
he chose to stay quietly... figures...
ComicOzzie said:
Dear Freeloaders: By definition, if you did not tip, you were not ripped off.

Thank you.

A Tipper.

OH GOD YES. -___-

'lol she just got [enter random amount of $ that has nothing to do with the tip because they have no idea how much a token is worth] and shes still not showing anything lol shes ripping us off im gonna report her and they'll remove her from the site'

^ I read these exact words (or, you know, very similar words) in a model's room once. Literally made my jaw drop.
What is wrong with them?!

I had a really bad migraine yesterday so was just having a chilled on in my room, had my topic about it and said I needed some moral support. All the guys were being lovely except one guy (again someone who has never tipped me in his life) who came into the room and said something along the lines of "Moral support, like you had when you and your friends took all those tokens the other night then fucked off"

Really pissed me off! We stayed on for two hours, did our countdowns, it was peoples choices to tip a lot even though yes, our countdowns were a little pathetic! But again, he didn't tip so he got a free show! My language was interesting this time too!

I really hate this idea freeloaders get. They have no idea if someone has tipped for something else instead of public/countdown, it could be a skype show! It's like if a guy takes you private, no one tends to say: 'hey bb, you were in that private really long, now show the rest of us your boobs" (actually could totally see some moron saying that lol)

Kind of like saying to a girl "Hey, you have sex with your boyfriend, you now owe it to sleep with everyone else!"

I have a regular who gets really worried about others noticing when he tips because it's never for countdown.

Saw something funny earlier. Went on streamate, went into a couple of rooms and saw this guy message this exact same message in two different rooms. Was basically asking to show a nipple then he'd take them private, but with terrible text spelling and awful grammar. I don't get if you're simply copying and pasting your troll/freeloading message, why not get the spelling/grammar right the first time?
Maniac said:
Most of the suggestions I read here are how to be a decent premium, not great. Some of you need to dream bigger.
How about something like this;
1. Take your time in private, share the experience a little, ask what your model wants/ likes too.
2. Compliment honestly.
3. Watch for your models mood, is a treat or gift something that can make her day?
4. Share with others what you like most about your favourite. Control any jealous feelings.
5. Be creative, interesting, and unexpected at times.
6. If you get banned for misbehaving, when ban is over return better.
7. Take a moment to be clear on what you need, ask for it nicely. A tip note is always sweetest.

An important and obvious addition:
8. Be emotionally honest. Chose models you actually like, you would never freeload once you do.
Isabella_deL said:
LilyMarie said:
The only thing that's even more ridiculous is when they claim that an anonymous tip came from them.


(This is a screenshot from 6 months ago, still had that hanging around my hard drive)

When someone says that an anonymous tip came from them, the model can easily look it up and see if that's true.

Something similar has happened to me, the 900 token tip was anon and not posted in the room and I stupidly asked who sent it, no one spoke up, there were very few in the room at the time. This fairly new guy spoke up and asked if I could friendslist him. I stupidly was like, ok wow! added him, then asked in pm if he could tell me how much the tip was worth so I know it's him. He point blank refused to answer, went on about this 'lack of trust' I have going on. anyway at first I had a very very strong feeling that he was bullshitting me, but I was worried in case he was just a bit strange I didn't want to be a bitch if I didn't have proof. Anyway this guy was a douche, started asking if he'd get free stuff etc, I was like, no, obviously not. Kept trying to tell me what to do in my room. I told a regular it was upsetting me, and he was like 'was the tip 900 tokens?' huh, apparently he hadn't realised what was going on and it'd been him who tipped it.

I don't get why guys try claiming other peoples tips, all that happens is the girl finds out, gets really pissed off, maybe says a few choice words then bans you!

A guy came into my room a few nights ago going on about how me and my friends had ripped everyone off basically because we'd come on cam and been tipped a lot but barely done anything. My answer was "they're not cam girls, we made that very clear, people still chose to tip for our countdowns, none of them have complained, and you never tipped once so you got a free show. Either you can shut up and stop complaining or you can get out" I think there were a few choice words in there too...
he chose to stay quietly... figures...

Plenty of douches on MFC claiming anonymous tips as their own. This happened today.


  • tip claiming douch.jpg
    tip claiming douch.jpg
    29.5 KB · Views: 209
Maniac said:
Maniac said:
Most of the suggestions I read here are how to be a decent premium, not great. Some of you need to dream bigger.
How about something like this;
1. Take your time in private, share the experience a little, ask what your model wants/ likes too.
2. Compliment honestly.
3. Watch for your models mood, is a treat or gift something that can make her day?
4. Share with others what you like most about your favourite. Control any jealous feelings.
5. Be creative, interesting, and unexpected at times.
6. If you get banned for misbehaving, when ban is over return better.
7. Take a moment to be clear on what you need, ask for it nicely. A tip note is always sweetest.

An important and obvious addition:
8. Be emotionally honest. Chose models you actually like, you would never freeload once you do.
9. If you are doing cam to cam look your best.
10. Don't take it too seriously, sometimes things can go wrong. If you are with the right model your tokens are never wasted.
Maniac said:
6. If you get banned for misbehaving, when ban is over return better.
Or start a million new accounts and be super creepy and weird!
JoleneJolene said:
Maniac said:
6. If you get banned for misbehaving, when ban is over return better.
Or start a million new accounts and be super creepy and weird!
Better yet, if you get banned, DON'T return. Take a fuckin' hint.

ParaSprite1 said:
Be warm, a little cute, and delicate.

You are far from cute, little pest.
*Don't misbehave to begin with
*Don't do anything you will need to apologize for later
*Know when you have wore out your welcome and leave gracefully
When did being on-line become so difficult?

Can't I just be me? Admittedly I have less inhibitions on-line and no-one believes I'm shy, but seriously... can't I just be me instead of trying to follow a 10/20/40 step guide on how to be great?

I won't like everyone, everyone won't like me. I won't agree with everything you say, but that's a good thing. The world would be a very boring place if everyone liked and wanted the same thing.

Admittedly if your an asshole in real life you're likely to be an even bigger asshole on-line.

This thread reminds me of a program I saw about a lady from the UK who was making a fortune teaching people in Silicon Valley how to dress appropriately, sit at a table in a restaurant, eat with knives and forks so they could attend meetings with potential investors... I mean wtf... you are mid-20's + you run companies worth millions and unless your food comes in a box and you can use your hands you don't know how to eat?!?!?!

My contribution on being great... talk to and treat the model and members the same way you would if they were stood in front of you.
If that means you'd normally expect a night out to end up in A&E with your head caved in and your insides hanging out, then expect the ban hammer to fall quickly.
You're talking to a real person who works hard and has feelings, it doesn't matter if they are on your computer screen or 6" away from your nose.
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