AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Tips for premium MFC members (how to be great!)

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I do appreciate this particular thread because it does give some good advice which I wish I had from the beginning. Before MFC, I didn't understand the tips concept and how it was used here for games, countdown etc. Tip for requests definitely wasn't on my mind. I just thought, if I wanted to request something, I had to go Private and hopefully gained the confidence to ask the model to get undress and maybe have some play time. I was hoping the model could read my mind or something because typing it out wasn't easy for me especially if I really like the model. Groups, what was that? Had no idea. I only knew Privates and Spy on Privates. I had no idea what was a PM was and that it was even a feature. Offline tips was a WOW experience for me. I've never experience public cum shows before if a model meet her goals.

So not knowing what to expect, I went into PlayboyMegan's room and saw her butt naked playing a game. I thought, what was this? She is not dressed and trying to give guys picture sets and videos as game pieces. I begin adding up my tokens that I needed to give her to get all the picture sets. 300 or 400 tokens at a time. She acted really surprised and thankful. I thought, "What? this doesn't happen all the time? Should she be in private by now? It's been 4 minutes, I know someone would request it. What? not taking privates? Interesting." Then this PM pop up, "What is this? A message from PlayboyMegan? Oh, it's passwords, cool." I went through and got all the picture sets and was super surprised that guys weren't buying everything everyday in groves. I had to ask her to retype some of the passwords, because I didn't see it. I didn't know there was an Archive section to retrieve anything I might have missed due to internet disruptions.

I'm saying all of this just to say MFC was a culture shock for me compared to other webcam sites I've been on. Have I made several mistakes, yes. PM too much, don't always ask for what I want, saying the wrong thing making a member mad here and there, etc. Most of the advice I give on this Forum comes from what I've learned in just in the last 5 months in dealing with mostly Megan.

The suggestions here on how to be a great member is important to me.
Isabella_deL said:
Advice on how to be a great member:

Log onto mfc. Buy 1zillion tokens. Type in "Isabela_deL". Tip Isabella_deL 1zillion tokens. Done! ;)

I'll luv u 4ever bb


Finally! Someone with the real answer here. ;)
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Can the OP or someone compile all the advice in this thread into the first post and put things in bullet point or something? Because shifting through 6 pages to get all the advice can be taxing.
Feels like people just like to argue just for the sake or arguing. The one with Belgian took up a lot of this thread, and the topic about anonymous tips.

It's actually too difficult to compile a list because it differs from model to model, but this is what I could come up with.

  • Read profile to get to know model.
  • Be polite. Say please and thank you.
  • Compliment a model honestly.
  • Tip if you have a request.
  • Do not request on SOMEONE ELSE's tip.
  • Do not claim to be the one giving an anonymous tip. Models can look it up.
  • Contribute to the conversation in public chat.
  • Models are people with feelings. Please be considerate.
  • Models are not comfortable with doing certain things in private. Please ask the model before entering one.
  • Do not PM the model too much.
  • Do not request private or group without talking to the model and making sure she is ready to go.
  • Help a model report a troll to get that person banned faster.
  • Don't try to circumvent a ban and enter a model's room. If you want to make peace with a model, apologize and maybe offer a tip as a peace offering.
  • Let a model be herself.

Some things that models may not like (but varies from model to model)
  • Call a model "bb".
  • Watching your cam.
  • Asking how much money they earn.
  • Mentioning or badmouthing another model's name in her room.
  • Talking about a topic that no one is interested in.
  • Speaking up for a model.

How tos
Tip Offline
  • Add the Model you wish to tip to your friends list
  • Find the model in your list of “offline friends” on the bottom right hand side of the page
  • Click the little icon that looks like a funny person next to the name
  • A menu will pop up with the option, “Send a Tip”
I think most of the advice to members would fall under the categorey of "You are interacting with an actual person, use common sense" .

And even though its probably been said a bunch...
Read that profile!

It may only take me a few seconds to answer your question, but when its the same question every 5 minutes by everyone ever, I start to want to rip my hair out. I have been guilty of subconsciously blocking certain ones, and they're not even offensive. Maybe my subconscious mind is hoping they'll reach my profile and have an epiphany.
loveyougipsy said:
When did being on-line become so difficult?

Can't I just be me? Admittedly I have less inhibitions on-line and no-one believes I'm shy, but seriously... can't I just be me instead of trying to follow a 10/20/40 step guide on how to be great?
While I agree with your post, I'd like to point out that I was always under the impression that this thread was created in response to a very obnoxious "how to be a better model on MFC" thread started by a member who had no experience in the industry and knew nothing except from what he gathered watching a coupe different models.

Is it wrong to give people advice and suggestions? No, I don't think so. If someone is being an obvious asshole in a model's room, it's okay to say, "yo dumbass, stop being an asshole." If a model asks, "how can I do this?" it is okay to give her your thoughts and opinions.

The problem comes when ONE person has an idea how EVERYONE should act. I will be the first person to say that what works for one model will not work for every model. And yet some members insist that if every single model on the Internet does things how he likes, they will all make a million dollars.

Likewise, I have really specific ideas on what I like members to act like. Other models have ideas that might be opposite of mine. When a member is in MY room, it is okay for me to say, "yo dumbass, stop being an asshole." But when you come in and start saying things like, "EVERY member has to become friends with a model before he takes her to private. NO member may ask for anal or squirting, even if he tips. NO member should ever PM a model during her show," then there are issues.

Every model has a different thing that makes her successful. Every model prefers members to act differently. These threads, while cute and a fun exercise, should not (in my opinion) be taken seriously.
Evvie said:
While I agree with your post, I'd like to point out that I was always under the impression that this thread was created in response to a very obnoxious "how to be a better model on MFC" thread started by a member who had no experience in the industry and knew nothing except from what he gathered watching a coupe different models.

The problem comes when ONE person has an idea how EVERYONE should act. I will be the first person to say that what works for one model will not work for every model. And yet some members insist that if every single model on the Internet does things how he likes, they will all make a million dollars.
Every model has a different thing that makes her successful. Every model prefers members to act differently. These threads, while cute and a fun exercise, should not (in my opinion) be taken seriously.

I agree. To me one of the ironies of these threads is if you are smart and interested enough in the industry to participate in these discussion, you probably don't need the advice given on the threads.

I don't know if this applies to members. But I have checked out most of the girls rooms on MFC, who are active in ACF (i.e. more than the Hi I'm sexy suzzy and here is my raffle) and have yet to find a bad model. There may not be much physical attraction in some cases, but the basics interacting with the members, decent camera, decent lighting, paying attention and not being bitch except to trolls and assholes you all do a decent to great job.
Hi All of you Great Cam Models....

I just want to say, that I love most if not all of you. You have opened your doors, and even your hearts to so many of us, myself including. I am sickened by the rude and unintelligent men that I see visiting your rooms. While I cannot always tip, I do at least not ask for anything, and I drop some very sweet loving words for all of you that so deserve our love. I cry often for those of you that are mistreated and in bad conditions, and wish to god that i could win a lottery. I would spend all of it making your lives better, somehow.

I just wanted to say, I love you, most, if not all of you.


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Poker_Babe said:
Avoid like the Plague...

> Calling a model "bb"

This has always struck me as stupid.. esp considering I know girls in the industry and they call me bb ALL THE TIME. Maybe it is because they are french.

If the problem is perceived laziness on the part of the client then maybe emoticons should be banned too. After all, if someone is too lazy to write out their true feelings and resort to a handclap emote or a smiley than they obviously don't have any tokens.

I understand a girl like LocaLoca_ doing this - since being a bitch is part of her schtick - and she does it very well - as I mentioned in another thread she is my fav girl on mfc but I think a lot of girls are just losing money with that idiotic rule - and considering the command of language some of them have... well... 'nuff said.

Just my 2 tokens,
Re: This that all premiums should know

SNATCH said:
Poker_Babe said:

> Say please and thank you!

THIS THIS THIS. ^. I wish I could tell you how many people DO NOT SAY THANK YOU. EVER. EVER. EVER. Funny, cause I ALWAYS seem to be fucking saying it. I might be a complete cunt, but I've still got fucking manners. So, it irks me when someone can't have the decency to say "please" or "thank you".

LOL you don't say that to a Subby Slut. They will look at you like trash.

And I never say 'Thank You' for a sex act - esp. if I am paying for it. I dunno.. that's just how I was raised - by every girl I have ever fucked in my life.

As someone stated upthread... the only rule that counts is to respect the models - tho that may, in some cases, mean disrespecting them. It really depends on the girl. Like everywhere else on the net.. it is best to idle awhile before opening your mouth.
Re: This that all premiums should know

flr666 said:
SNATCH said:
Poker_Babe said:

> Say please and thank you!

THIS THIS THIS. ^. I wish I could tell you how many people DO NOT SAY THANK YOU. EVER. EVER. EVER. Funny, cause I ALWAYS seem to be fucking saying it. I might be a complete cunt, but I've still got fucking manners. So, it irks me when someone can't have the decency to say "please" or "thank you".

LOL you don't say that to a Subby Slut. They will look at you like trash.

And I never say 'Thank You' for a sex act - esp. if I am paying for it. I dunno.. that's just how I was raised - by every girl I have ever fucked in my life.

As someone stated upthread... the only rule that counts is to respect the models - tho that may, in some cases, mean disrespecting them. It really depends on the girl. Like everywhere else on the net.. it is best to idle awhile before opening your mouth.
"The only rule is to respect models. However, this can mean that you do need to disrespect them."

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Re: This that all premiums should know

WickedTouch said:
As to the girls taking too long to get naked in private or group... well maybe that happens because you didn't take the time to get to know the girl a bit better before taking her to a show. The girls are not machines, they have feelings, they like to be asked what will happen in group or private... don't just click the "private" button and expect them to be the sexual equivalent of the duracell bunny... involve them in that process and you may be surprised. Too many members are 1 minute wonders when it comes to shows so girls are more likely now to strip slowly and take at least a minute to get naked.

In my case (first of all I don't pay cam girls - I do other things for them - and for the same price around where I live I can get a dancer - something camgirls should keep in mind - they have competition) I would not be happy getting a girl in private and not having her follow a very reasonable instruction like stripping immediately. Every dancer I have ever got a dance from will do it while they are on the clock so I would expect a camgirl to do it as well. Personally, I don't dig strip teases so I don't like to pay for them.
Re: This that all premiums should know

Evvie said:
"The only rule is to respect models. However, this can mean that you do need to disrespect them."


Spend some time on Fetlife and it will all become clear :) The point is that different girls have different tastes/kinks so it is best to idle/lurk before addressing them in any manner - even more important than reading the profile. One girl may want to be treated like a princess (my natural instinct) while another might want to be treated like dirt. Tho for all models I maintain saying thank you is kind of lame. THEY are getting the equivalent of $300/hr minimum in private on MSF after all - it is not like they are doing anyone a favor.

DISCLAIMER: I used to admin a BDSM irc channel so... my advice may not be the best for some newb who has never been on a chat network before.

Re: This that all premiums should know

flr666 said:
Evvie said:
"The only rule is to respect models. However, this can mean that you do need to disrespect them."


Spend some time on Fetlife and it will all become clear :) The point is that different girls have different tastes/kinks so it is best to idle/lurk before addressing them in any manner - even more important than reading the profile. One girl may want to be treated like a princess (my natural instinct) while another might want to be treated like dirt. Tho for all models I maintain saying thank you is kind of lame. THEY are getting the equivalent of $300/hr minimum in private on MSF after all - it is not like they are doing anyone a favor.

DISCLAIMER: I used to admin a BDSM irc channel so... my advice may not be the best for some newb who has never been on a chat network before.

Bro, I've been a 24/7 lifestyle slave for two years. I don't spend time on Fetlife because I'm too busy doing the real thing. I guess that does make me some newb that doesn't do online roleplay, though. I guess I keep forgetting all the "internet doms" know more about the lifestyle than us regular people that do things in real life.
'Please' and 'thank you' are kind of common courtesies are they not? Just because you're paying for something doesn't mean you shouldn't say thank you. When you go buy your groceries from a supermarket, you're paying for what you buy, and the cashier who serves you is being paid to serve you... you still say thank you once they've finished serving you, right?
mynameisbob84 said:
'Please' and 'thank you' are kind of common courtesies are they not? Just because you're paying for something doesn't mean you shouldn't say thank you. When you go buy your groceries from a supermarket, you're paying for what you buy, and the cashier who serves you is being paid to serve you... you still say thank you once they've finished serving you, right?
Bob is right. Regardless of how kinky someone is, it is polite to behave like a normal, well-adjusted adult. Unless a model is in an active scene where she is playing the rude dominatrix, it is polite to say 'please' and 'thank you'.

On that note, I would be surprised if any model ever said, "yeah, I really enjoy it when men disrespect me. It's not enough that men act dominant towards me as part of my kink - I truly crave the company of men who think I'm stupid, worthless, and not worth respect. I'm only happy on camera if I'm treated like a dumb cunt, because that's how I feel on the inside. I NEED disrespect."

Men try to come in to my room at treat me with disrespect every day, because they know about my role in the lifestyle and they think that it is "appropriate". I end up banning a lot of guys exactly like flr who think that because they watch a little bondage porn and spend time in bdsm chatrooms that they have a free pass to disrespect submissive women. This kind of behavior makes all of us look bad and, quite frankly, is laughable.
Re: This that all premiums should know

Evvie said:
I guess I keep forgetting all the "internet doms" know more about the lifestyle than us regular people that do things in real life.

I have done it in real life as well. i guess another good rule is not to jump to conclusions about a poster/camgirl to quickly ;-)
Most (all?) of the girls I know frown upon a guy thanking them after sex. They find it.. well.. pathetic. I have never thanked a girl for sex whether it was a freebie or I paid for it - and I am not about to start based on the recommendations in this thread. Thanking a girl for performing a sexual act is a sure way to look like a total loser in her eyes. It is in Quebec anyway...

Evvie said:
Men try to come in to my room at treat me with disrespect every day, because they know about my role in the lifestyle and they think that it is "appropriate". I end up banning a lot of guys exactly like flr who think that because they watch a little bondage porn and spend time in bdsm chatrooms that they have a free pass to disrespect submissive women. This kind of behavior makes all of us look bad and, quite frankly, is laughable.

Some girls like public humiliation. I don't understand it and it is not my thing but it is there. Just because you do not like it does not mean there are girls out there who do not... as for expecting a client who may be paying $30.00/minute to thank a girl who can make $19.00+/minute to do a fetish scene for her services... give me a break. It's not enough that some of these guys go out and get a second job to help you pay your rent? isn't that thanks enough? They have to bow down and thank you for making their wallet lighter?

Normally btw.. it is the client who is thanked in the real world - esp. if they may potentially dish out that much cash.

mynameisbob84 said:
We're not talking about sex. We're talking about a service. Generally speaking, when someone performs a service for you, even if they're being paid for that service, it's polite to say thank you, ya know?

It is nice to be thanked for doing a job but it is unprofessional to expect or demand it from a customer imo - and of course it is also about sex - at least as much as it is with a stripper and I have never, ever met a dancer who expected to be thanked. You thank them with a dance, tip or drink - not words lol.
flr666 said:
Evvie said:
Men try to come in to my room at treat me with disrespect every day, because they know about my role in the lifestyle and they think that it is "appropriate". I end up banning a lot of guys exactly like flr who think that because they watch a little bondage porn and spend time in bdsm chatrooms that they have a free pass to disrespect submissive women. This kind of behavior makes all of us look bad and, quite frankly, is laughable.

Some girls like public humiliation. I don't understand it and it is not my thing but it is there. Just because you do not like it does not mean there are girls out there who do not... as for expecting a client who may be paying $30.00/minute to thank a girl who can make $19.00+/minute to do a fetish scene for her services... give me a break. It's not enough that some of these guys go out and get a second job to help you pay your rent? isn't that thanks enough? They have to bow down and thank you for making their wallet lighter?

Normally btw.. it is the client who is thanked in the real world - esp. if they may potentially dish out that much cash.


*Person buys something*
"Thanks, have a great day!"
"Thanks, you too!"
*goes on their way*

Where I'm from, this is considered general courtesy. Whether you're buying a coffee or a titty flash. Its just common manners.

some of these guys go out and get a second job to help you pay your rent
I sort of doubt you'd say this to someone who is a janitor, or a school teacher, or a cook. We are offering a service people want in exchange for money. There is no reason not to be courteous for one another. You're just a rude person. You may find that manners help you get better service from any kind of worker, not just tips.
Re: This that all premiums should know

flr666 said:
Evvie said:
I guess I keep forgetting all the "internet doms" know more about the lifestyle than us regular people that do things in real life.

I have done it in real life as well. i guess another good rule is not to jump to conclusions about a poster/camgirl to quickly ;-)
Nice try, babe. When people are talking about their lifestyle experience, they talk about what they've actually done instead of boasting about being a moderator on a BDSM roleplay chatroom. You, my dear, are a poser.

And considering that you don't really like cam models that much (you'd rather pay a stripper), that you think our services are so worthless that you would never say "thank you", you think that it is okay to disrespect cam models, and that you are proud to say you would never pay a cam model, why are you even here?
flr666 said:
Evvie said:
Men try to come in to my room at treat me with disrespect every day, because they know about my role in the lifestyle and they think that it is "appropriate". I end up banning a lot of guys exactly like flr who think that because they watch a little bondage porn and spend time in bdsm chatrooms that they have a free pass to disrespect submissive women. This kind of behavior makes all of us look bad and, quite frankly, is laughable.

Some girls like public humiliation. I don't understand it and it is not my thing but it is there. Just because you do not like it does not mean there are girls out there who do not... as for expecting a client who may be paying $30.00/minute to thank a girl who can make $19.00+/minute to do a fetish scene for her services... give me a break. It's not enough that some of these guys go out and get a second job to help you pay your rent? isn't that thanks enough? They have to bow down and thank you for making their wallet lighter?

Normally btw.. it is the client who is thanked in the real world - esp. if they may potentially dish out that much cash.


i love public humiliation. i love being called a whore, cunt, fuck doll, slut, cum dumpster, fuck toy, etc. i'm also a submissive in real life, have been on Fetlife for years, live with my Dominant, and enjoy public play.

In my mfc chat room, i enjoy being used and humiliated within my boundaries in public chat. With all of that said, when someone calls me those names without getting to know me politely first, i ban them. In my opinion (which i know is shared by many), dominants should be respectful and make sure they have your consent to degrade or humiliate you first before doing so, on cam and in person. Just please be careful when you're taking the temperature of a room. Even if the model is enjoying being talked down to, it may only be by people who have proven their worth first.
Re: This that all premiums should know

flr666 said:
LOL you don't say that to a Subby Slut. They will look at you like trash.

If you take me private, and humiliate and degrade me and I love the scene...and you do not thank me for my service, I will never ever wish to do it with you again. Unless you've told me before hand I will be used and thrown away without a thank you (ie. negotiated)

This actually goes for any real life scening too.

I NEED to be told thank you. TO be appreciated. I give a service, and in my opinion, a good dominant will respect that and thank me.

I'm also 100% with sophia. Those in my room who degrade me- which i love - have earned it. If in doubt, ask what is apropriate.
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