AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Tips for premium MFC members (how to be great!)

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Evvie said:
(...) Basically, we just type in a member's name and it shows us like their 10 most recent tips. We can then click about and find out their entire tip history. (...)
Where is the "about" button? When I look up someone's tips using the User Lookup page, it always only shows me their 10 recent tips..
AmberCutie said:
Just Me said:
Wow, I find it very annoying that this can be done. If I tip anonymously I want it to be completely anonymous.
I guess I've never really understood the reason for anonymous tips, except for back when they couldn't be invisible to the room. So why is this?

And I can guarantee you, if you aren't friends with the model and you tip anonymously (especially if you are watching from Member Room or Lounge) a girl is not just going to figure it out. And if you ARE friends with a model and part of her room, why wouldn't you just let it be known that it's you? :think:

I can see people joke tipping anonymously (I have a couple who do, but I figured out who they were without this notes feature) but to legitimately tip a girl, I don't see what the big deal is about being anonymous.
Just Me said:
Also, knowing that a model can see every tip I have every done for her is also something I do not like. I suppose I can understand why it is there but this will certainly make me think twice about tipping some models.

Again, why?

I used to visit a model who would demand new tippers, and the fucking freeloaders would not even tip 10 or 15 tokens. She always knew it was me somehow, even when I did not use my main account.
Speaking of anonymous tips, not only have I never sent one, I have never contemplated sending one. I don't understand the point. (I have sent many a ninja tip, mainly because it was not part of the model's countdown, but again, the purpose of an anonymous tip escapes me.)
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bud9752 said:
Quit asking, How much was that tip? if you missed it you missed it., How much $$$$ was that for you?,How much $$$$ do you make a month?. If you wish to know these things put in the time in that models room. It's NONE of your business as to how much any Model makes a month. Would you like it if your coworkers continuously asked you, how much you make a month? I think not. Do some research into how the site works and figure it out yourself. If you're too lazy to do that then just watch the show, enjoy the show, and TIP a little bit sometimes.

Good one! :thumbleft:

Also, if a guy drops a 2,000-token tip, you can express your amazement without making idiotic, tacky comments like "WTF?! I think that guy deserves a blowjob and a public cum show!" *sighs*
ComicOzzie said:
Speaking of anonymous tips, not only have I never sent one, I have never contemplated sending one. I don't understand the point. (I have sent many a ninja tip, mainly because it was not part of the model's countdown, but again, the purpose of an anonymous tip escapes me.)
Thanks for the comment on this. I feel for some reason, now that I posted and haven't heard much in reply, that I am way off base with my "why would you anon tip?" feeling.
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AmberCutie said:
ComicOzzie said:
Speaking of anonymous tips, not only have I never sent one, I have never contemplated sending one. I don't understand the point. (I have sent many a ninja tip, mainly because it was not part of the model's countdown, but again, the purpose of an anonymous tip escapes me.)
Thanks for the comment on this. I feel for some reason, now that I posted and haven't heard much in reply, that I am way off base with my "why would you anon tip?" feeling.

Hay-ull no! If I'm gonna tip, I want full credit dammit. :-D

But seriously, I really don't see the point. Now I have done many tips that were not displayed in public chat (ninja tips) for various reasons. But anonymous tips, as a member, I just don't get.
AmberCutie said:
Just Me said:
Wow, I find it very annoying that this can be done. If I tip anonymously I want it to be completely anonymous.
I guess I've never really understood the reason for anonymous tips, except for back when they couldn't be invisible to the room. So why is this?


I can see people joke tipping anonymously (I have a couple who do, but I figured out who they were without this notes feature) but to legitimately tip a girl, I don't see what the big deal is about being anonymous.

I have only very, very rarely used the anonymous tip feature. I wouldn't mind it going away; it causes problems and confuses newcomers to MFC. (I've seen new premiums get the anonymous tip and ninja tip options confused on multiple occasions.)

My use of the anonymous tip feature has fallen into two categories:
  • Joke tips. (Once I did a big anonymous tip that ended up confusing the model, which I felt bad about, but her husband figured it out and told her later. I've mostly stopped the joke-based anonymous tips now, aside from with models I know really, really well.)
  • tips where I really want to tip the model again but it's a slow room and I don't want it to look like I'm the only one tipping. (In some cases, with certain models, I tell her what I'm doing and why. In other cases I haven't.)

I'm pretty sure I've never left an anonymous tip for any other reason
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AmberCutie said:
ComicOzzie said:
Speaking of anonymous tips, not only have I never sent one, I have never contemplated sending one. I don't understand the point. (I have sent many a ninja tip, mainly because it was not part of the model's countdown, but again, the purpose of an anonymous tip escapes me.)
Thanks for the comment on this. I feel for some reason, now that I posted and haven't heard much in reply, that I am way off base with my "why would you anon tip?" feeling.

I do not want to come off sounding harsh, but the purpose of an anonymous tip is exactly that, to be anonymous. You are right, if you are talking about tipping a favorite model, there is not much point other than to have a joke with it. I have done quite a few anonymous tips just going to different models rooms and I wanted no recognition or thanks from the model or her room, mainly because I never had any intention of returning to their room. I have had a few models "stalk" me for long periods of time just because I helped finish a topic or tipped them.

AmberCutie said:
Just Me said:
Also, knowing that a model can see every tip I have every done for her is also something I do not like. I suppose I can understand why it is there but this will certainly make me think twice about tipping some models.
Again, why?

I do not care if a model I am a regular with can see every tip I have done, mainly it was directed toward the anonymous tips. Maybe I was not clear in that respect. Also just wished that we as members had the same ability to see every tip we have done.
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Just Me said:
AmberCutie said:
ComicOzzie said:
Speaking of anonymous tips, not only have I never sent one, I have never contemplated sending one. I don't understand the point. (I have sent many a ninja tip, mainly because it was not part of the model's countdown, but again, the purpose of an anonymous tip escapes me.)
Thanks for the comment on this. I feel for some reason, now that I posted and haven't heard much in reply, that I am way off base with my "why would you anon tip?" feeling.

I do not want to come off sounding harsh, but the purpose of an anonymous tip is exactly that, to be anonymous. You are right, if you are talking about tipping a favorite model, there is not much point other than to have a joke with it. I have done quite a few anonymous tips just going to different models rooms and I wanted no recognition or thanks from the model or her room, mainly because I never had any intention of returning to their room. I have had a few models "stalk" me for long periods of time just because I helped finish a topic or tipped them.

AmberCutie said:
Just Me said:
Also, knowing that a model can see every tip I have every done for her is also something I do not like. I suppose I can understand why it is there but this will certainly make me think twice about tipping some models.
Again, why?

I do not care if a model I am a regular with can see every tip I have done, mainly it was directed toward the anonymous tips. Maybe I was not clear in that respect. Also just wished that we as members had the same ability to see every tip we have done.

Just to clarify, we can't see every single tip ever, it shows the most recent 10 tips. I know I can see girls I've recently tipped on my premium account so I think it's about the same amount of info both ways, but to be honest I have been slacking on the tipping lately so I don't have a lot of data to look at.
MadisonLeigh said:
Just to clarify, we can't see every single tip ever, it shows the most recent 10 tips. I know I can see girls I've recently tipped on my premium account so I think it's about the same amount of info both ways, but to be honest I have been slacking on the tipping lately so I don't have a lot of data to look at.

Members can see the last 100 token expenditures (tips/groups/privates/transfers). That's only a few weeks for me, so it's not too useful as a model whom I don't visit frequently will almost certainly not be on the list anymore.

I wish I could see last 10 tips for each model; it would be very useful sometimes to be able to see whether I'd spent any tokens before on a particular model.
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On the being able to figure out Anon tips subject, I definitively see the point of having this available but not easily accessible. Unless we know who we suspect and need to look up it's not worth the effort honestly. I have had someone accidentally make a tip for a vid anon instead of hidden who I didn't know well enough to trust yet. I was able to look him up by name real quick and verify that he did indeed tip that amount before I sent the vid. If I get an anon tip that is equal to something in my topic like raffle tickets or vids I'll say out loud "if you didn't mean that to be anon and you want tickets MFC mail me real quick, I have a way to double check it if I have your user name." That way 10 million freeloaders know they can't try and claim it but that persons efforts weren't lost on a possible mistake.
Like anything it can be abused but I think the good FAR FAR FAR outweighs the negatives.
Just Me said:
AmberCutie said:
ComicOzzie said:
Speaking of anonymous tips, not only have I never sent one, I have never contemplated sending one. I don't understand the point. (I have sent many a ninja tip, mainly because it was not part of the model's countdown, but again, the purpose of an anonymous tip escapes me.)
Thanks for the comment on this. I feel for some reason, now that I posted and haven't heard much in reply, that I am way off base with my "why would you anon tip?" feeling.

I do not want to come off sounding harsh, but the purpose of an anonymous tip is exactly that, to be anonymous. You are right, if you are talking about tipping a favorite model, there is not much point other than to have a joke with it. I have done quite a few anonymous tips just going to different models rooms and I wanted no recognition or thanks from the model or her room, mainly because I never had any intention of returning to their room. I have had a few models "stalk" me for long periods of time just because I helped finish a topic or tipped them.

AmberCutie said:
Just Me said:
Also, knowing that a model can see every tip I have every done for her is also something I do not like. I suppose I can understand why it is there but this will certainly make me think twice about tipping some models.
Again, why?

I do not care if a model I am a regular with can see every tip I have done, mainly it was directed toward the anonymous tips. Maybe I was not clear in that respect. Also just wished that we as members had the same ability to see every tip we have done.
Well if that's the case, then there's no need to fret (you sounded pretty frett-y (word?) over it) because as I said, some random person doing a drive-by anon tip won't be figured out easily, if at all, and your tip will show up in her regular stats as "anonymous."
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I very rarely tip anonymously. But, when I do, I always make sure the tip note has something in it that will show it is me. There are only two reasons I tip anonymously, though.

1. I'm one of the only ones tipping anyway, and don't want the freeloaders to PM me if I send a big tip asking me to tip for them (it happens...), but I want people in the room to see that someone is tipping and so should they.

2. Multiple models in the same physical space, most I don't know and only one I do. I often will be nice and send all the models small tips of the same amount, including to the model I know, but if I want to send a bigger tip to the one I do know, I make it a naughty moose tip. She'll know it's me from the wording of the tip note, though. Or I'm in PM with her, anyway, and I let her know the tip is coming BEFORE I send it anonymously.

Otherwise, if I want to be all secretive, I ninja tip it.

I have had some models who don't know how to use the lookup feature if it was me who tipped anonymously, before. In PM, obviously. and I always say the same thing if asked... I take no responsibility for the anonymous tip. Then, if I have the tokens, I'll send a tip anonymously with a tip note saying they'd know if it was me. :p
I use anonymous tips when:

1) I'm tipping a random model and don't want any further interaction (I don't want her to PM me asking if I want a PVT, PM me to say thanks, etc.) I will likely include a tip note saying the tip is a "just because" tip and not for anything.

2) I'm the only or one of the only tippers in the room and want to have tips show up from my actual username as well as a second user (anonymous) to suggest to other members there might be more members tipping. In this instance I'll likely include a tip note telling the model it is me to avoid others claiming credit.

Until this thread I didn't realize anonymous tips could be looked up in reverse (if the model thinks to check a specific member's tipping history), but that doesn't bother me.
Speaking of anonymous tips, this happened in my room today:


Can someone tell me if this is a bug...? As you can see the member's name is displayed, but it looks like an "anonymous" tip.
He said he didn't tip anonymously, but he tipped from the lounge - could that be the reason?
LilyMarie said:
Speaking of anonymous tips, this happened in my room today:


Can someone tell me if this is a bug...? As you can see the member's name is displayed, but it looks like an "anonymous" tip.
He said he didn't tip anonymously, but he tipped from the lounge - could that be the reason?
Yes. If a member tips from the lounge is shows up as anon but shows their name if they leave a tip note only.
spikyhaired said:
I use anonymous tips when:

1) I'm tipping a random model and don't want any further interaction (I don't want her to PM me asking if I want a PVT, PM me to say thanks, etc.) I will likely include a tip note saying the tip is a "just because" tip and not for anything.

2) I'm the only or one of the only tippers in the room and want to have tips show up from my actual username as well as a second user (anonymous) to suggest to other members there might be more members tipping. In this instance I'll likely include a tip note telling the model it is me to avoid others claiming credit.

Until this thread I didn't realize anonymous tips could be looked up in reverse (if the model thinks to check a specific member's tipping history), but that doesn't bother me.

i've said somewhere else that i tip for a variety of reasons.....these both ring a bell :icon-lol:
all you hard work and play ladies have your business models, and most of them are flexible, adapting to the specific environments in your rooms and the general trends of the site.
i don't see myself as being all that different ('cept i'm not working)....probably why i have so many nicks....and still post anonomously sometimes :angel12:
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One of my biggest pet peeves just happened by one of my "regulars" :snooty:
Here's a pretty obvious tip (at least to me) on how to be a great MFC member: Don't bash other models in someone's chat room! Apparently because this specific model had a low camscore and "not actually hot... the exact opposite of that" it was okay to talk about her. UGH this kind of behavior pisses me off so much. It's not funny-- So don't do it! :thumbleft:
Junipurrr said:
One of my biggest pet peeves just happened by one of my "regulars" :snooty:
Here's a pretty obvious tip (at least to me) on how to be a great MFC member: Don't bash other models in someone's chat room! Apparently because this specific model had a low camscore and "not actually hot... the exact opposite of that" it was okay to talk about her. UGH this kind of behavior pisses me off so much. It's not funny-- So don't do it! :thumbleft:

YEah, I don't talk bad about other models in model's rooms.

One of my favorites actually really likes a model whose personality I can't stand. She's mentioned that people should go check her out and help her out, and I just say nothing about it. I've actually had that other model hidden for a year and a half or so. But, I won't say anything about her in chat.
When you witness a troll making very nasty comments to a model you like/admire, instead of just telling her to ban him, it'd be awesome of you to get a screenshot and report him to MFC.

MFC will do one of two things.....they will A) issue the member a warning, or B) ban him from the site.

Every time I'm alone in reporting a troll, MFC only issues a warning. But every time I AND my viewers report a troll, MFC bans that member. The more complaints they have about one member, the better. Especially if you're also providing screenshots of the conversation.

This happened this morning...or late last night, depending on how you look at it. Some asshole came in my room and started making nasty remarks about Black people, and a few of my regulars joined me in reporting him to MFC. MFC e-mailed me shortly after, telling me that he's now banned from the site. :thumbleft:
Jessi said:
Dont try to commander or direct the conversation. Its pushy, obvious and can put the model in a very awkard position. Sometimes Its better to say nothing.
Also - if you're an expert on a certain topic that does not interest the model or the majority of the members in her room, don't talk about it. I can understand if you want to tell people aaaaall about it, but why not just go to an appropriate forum or a facebook page or a website instead? People will actually care about what you have to say and you won't bother anyone :)
Its great if you want to "stick up" for a model, but never try to speak for her or her feelings- only she knows them and she'll tell a person off or ban them her own way. Let models stick up for themselves.
Cheeser said:
We can then click about and find out their entire tip history.

I never knew model's could do this
Only their history of tips on US. Not their entire tip history of EVERY model. Just on us. And only the last 10 transactions. With dates and amounts.
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LilyMarie said:
Jessi said:
Dont try to commander or direct the conversation. Its pushy, obvious and can put the model in a very awkard position. Sometimes Its better to say nothing.
Also - if you're an expert on a certain topic that does not interest the model or the majority of the members in her room, don't talk about it. I can understand if you want to tell people aaaaall about it, but why not just go to an appropriate forum or a facebook page or a website instead? People will actually care about what you have to say and you won't bother anyone :)

I just want to second this one! Due to the social nature of MFC it happens A LOT!
It doesn't happen much anymore but for me it's usually video games or computer technology. Neither of which do I know ANYTHING about or have any interest in but holy hell can it hijack an entire room.
JoleneJolene said:
LilyMarie said:
Jessi said:
Dont try to commander or direct the conversation. Its pushy, obvious and can put the model in a very awkard position. Sometimes Its better to say nothing.
Also - if you're an expert on a certain topic that does not interest the model or the majority of the members in her room, don't talk about it. I can understand if you want to tell people aaaaall about it, but why not just go to an appropriate forum or a facebook page or a website instead? People will actually care about what you have to say and you won't bother anyone :)

I just want to second this one! Due to the social nature of MFC it happens A LOT!
It doesn't happen much anymore but for me it's usually video games or computer technology. Neither of which do I know ANYTHING about or have any interest in but holy hell can it hijack an entire room.

I get into discussions pretty often that at least one person is (or thinks they are) an expert about the topic, and takes the conversation to a much more serious and argumentative level than it should be on a site like MFC. These are the people that get caught up in their know-it-all'ness and forget that I was probably bringing it up just to have some chatter, not to have a serious debate while I pinch my nipples and shake my toush in doggystyle position. Thanks for being part of the chat, but maybe you can look past me not being 100% accurate or right on the topic and just put your expert hat on the rack until another time. Maybe?

Va-Gina, I'm lookin at you on this one.... if you read this forum at all. You're one of the most guilty parties!

Getting into an argument with a cam girl over semantics only leaves people feeling riled up and frustrated or angry. We aim to have a happy fun naked place in our chatrooms.
No one likes a know-it-all even on the rare occasion when someone does know it all.
As this thread is focused on member behavior I thought it might be an okay place to ask for some opinions!

I recently banned a member from my room. He never technically broke any rules, but his behavior came to the point where I felt my sanity would be saved if he just wasn't around.

Pretty soon after that (my next shift, actually) there was a new member in my room who behaved exactly like recently banned guy. I am 90% sure it's the same dude just using a proxy.

I'm unsure of what to do here. I don't want to ban an innocent guy for no reason, and I feel like if it's Member A coming back, does he deserve a second chance? As I said, no actual rules were broken. I don't really perma-ban people and I honestly feel uncomfortable making enemies, so to speak. I'm pretty torn over this issue.

Models & members, what is your opinion on someone who was banned using a proxy to sneak back in? Do you think it's okay if they change their behavior afterwords?
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