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An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things members say that make you LOL

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LilyMarie said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
BruinsFan188: could u maybe shoe feet?
He's right though. I'm sick of always seeing all those naked feet on MFC. Or feet in socks. What's up with that? That's not what a lady looks like. I wish more models would start shoeing their feet before getting on cam. Nothing better than a pair of nicely shoed feet.

I cam in my bed... I wouldnt wanna get my dirty shoes all over the thing Im going to crawl into in a few hours... :/
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PinkiePixi said:
LilyMarie said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
BruinsFan188: could u maybe shoe feet?
He's right though. I'm sick of always seeing all those naked feet on MFC. Or feet in socks. What's up with that? That's not what a lady looks like. I wish more models would start shoeing their feet before getting on cam. Nothing better than a pair of nicely shoed feet.

I cam in my bed... I wouldnt wanna get my dirty shoes all over the thing Im going to crawl into in a few hours... :/
It was a joke... :D
LilyMarie said:
PinkiePixi said:
LilyMarie said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
BruinsFan188: could u maybe shoe feet?
He's right though. I'm sick of always seeing all those naked feet on MFC. Or feet in socks. What's up with that? That's not what a lady looks like. I wish more models would start shoeing their feet before getting on cam. Nothing better than a pair of nicely shoed feet.

I cam in my bed... I wouldnt wanna get my dirty shoes all over the thing Im going to crawl into in a few hours... :/
It was a joke... :D

I thought he meant
ComicOzzie said:
Random Member Whose Name I forgot: Did you hear about the gal who had unprotected sex in her ear? She wound up with hearing AIDS.



That reminds me of the time I jokingly asked Iris "h bb DP now" and she responded by sticking one finger in her ear and the other in her mouth :lol:
HiGirlsRHot said:
ComicOzzie said:
Random Member Whose Name I forgot: Did you hear about the gal who had unprotected sex in her ear? She wound up with hearing AIDS.



That reminds me of the time I jokingly asked Iris "h bb DP now" and she responded by sticking one finger in her ear and the other in her mouth :lol:
We don't have a "things models say that make you lol" thread, do we?
the other day I was in a certain lemon's room (not sure if she will appreciate the quote so no full names ^^ ) and she did something like this:
The conversation was about "would you date someone shorter than yourself", I believe.
her, erotically reclining in her couch, with that amazingly sexy voice of hers, goes:
"I'm a six feet tall woman" * seductive wink* "and built like a brick house!"
Amazing ^^
Lily- we know it was a joke. And I definitely was thinking of shoe as being a verb. Which, the only real verb that refers to "shoeing" in the sense of putting shoes on, is putting horseshoes on a horse.

FrenchKitty- I think there was one at one time, but most people just put such things in the silly screencaps or wtf thread for models. Don't be afraid to make one! Of course, I don't mind model lol's going in with the member lol's either. ^_^
I laughed at this interchange. :)

Ross35: i just wanna b ur friend
Ross35: if not later
Ross35: i have alot to offer but if ur abt all $$$$$ then 4get it
Ross35: we will talk later if u want
Ross35: ur choice u kno where
Model: stop nagging me dear
Model: cnt u see m ignoring you
The way this guy approaches girls is so endearing.

Hello very beautiful young Lilymarie
Hello very stunning Saffron Taylor
Hello very beautiful lady Alison Tyler
Hello very lovely lady Summer Sinn
Good morning very beautiful lady Ginny Potter
LilyMarie said:
The way this guy approaches girls is so endearing.

Hello very beautiful young Lilymarie
Hello very stunning Saffron Taylor
Hello very beautiful lady Alison Tyler
Hello very lovely lady Summer Sinn
Good morning very beautiful lady Ginny Potter
He's a very endearing gentleman ^^
LilyMarie said:
The way this guy approaches girls is so endearing.

Hello very beautiful young Lilymarie
Hello very stunning Saffron Taylor
Hello very beautiful lady Alison Tyler
Hello very lovely lady Summer Sinn
Good morning very beautiful lady Ginny Potter

Pro Tip: If you have a pick-up line, and you want to make women feel special with it, don't post it on the freaking internet. Five times to five different women.
HarmlessSquirrel said:
LilyMarie said:
The way this guy approaches girls is so endearing.

Hello very beautiful young Lilymarie
Hello very stunning Saffron Taylor
Hello very beautiful lady Alison Tyler
Hello very lovely lady Summer Sinn
Good morning very beautiful lady Ginny Potter

Pro Tip: If you have a pick-up line, and you want to make women feel special with it, don't post it on the freaking internet. Five times to five different women.

Well technically he has 5 different pickup lines :D
The Twitter follower who tweeted me yesterday saying he'd like to chat with me on ooVoo. Then I look at his past tweets, and see that he's tweeted the same thing to other girls. I don't even use

I don't even use ooVoo.
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beappy: 씨발년 시원하게 보지좀 보여조
Treebeard_: beappy, are you Korean?
alihockey18: ^is it safe to assume he's foreign?
Treebeard_: I thought South Korea banned porn sites
alihockey18: i didn't know Koreans could masterbate :s
Skeletini: he's kim jong il
Treebeard_: me neither, i didn't even know i could masturbate until yesterday
Anthingy: I thought il was dead, and now it was Kim Jong Uun...
beappy: 20000토큰투자하는데
Skeletini: kim jong il faked his own death so he spend all his time trolling on mfc
Treebeard_: ^ that
Treebeard_: He got tired of being endlessly worshipped
Anthingy: That bastard!
Anthingy: I mean the nuclear weapons were one thing, but trolling MFC???
Anthingy: That filthy prick deserves to die!
Rat_king: Hello Beautiful how about you show me some knee Baby (premium in disguise as a basic trying to get me to ban him as a joke)
menace8l8: lol knees maybe feet if anythin
A_Cute_Mew: You don't think I can make knees sexier than feet? Wanna bet?
menace8l8: yea
(Shows rug burn on both knees)
menace8l8: u win
The model was biking on a stationary bike, smoking, checking her room chat, her pms and with her breasts exposed, everything at the same time, but that was just not enough for this guy.


  • The Pretty Please Guy.jpg
    The Pretty Please Guy.jpg
    75 KB · Views: 463
LilyMarie said:
beappy: 씨발년 시원하게 보지좀 보여조
Treebeard_: beappy, are you Korean?
alihockey18: ^is it safe to assume he's foreign?
Treebeard_: I thought South Korea banned porn sites
alihockey18: i didn't know Koreans could masterbate :s
Skeletini: he's kim jong il
Treebeard_: me neither, i didn't even know i could masturbate until yesterday
Anthingy: I thought il was dead, and now it was Kim Jong Uun...
beappy: 20000토큰투자하는데
Skeletini: kim jong il faked his own death so he spend all his time trolling on mfc
Treebeard_: ^ that
Treebeard_: He got tired of being endlessly worshipped
Anthingy: That bastard!
Anthingy: I mean the nuclear weapons were one thing, but trolling MFC???
Anthingy: That filthy prick deserves to die!

Wow, total misunderstanding there of the difference between North Korea and South Korea. :clap:
ComicOzzie said:
LilyMarie said:
beappy: 씨발년 시원하게 보지좀 보여조
Treebeard_: beappy, are you Korean?
alihockey18: ^is it safe to assume he's foreign?
Treebeard_: I thought South Korea banned porn sites
alihockey18: i didn't know Koreans could masterbate :s
Skeletini: he's kim jong il
Treebeard_: me neither, i didn't even know i could masturbate until yesterday
Anthingy: I thought il was dead, and now it was Kim Jong Uun...
beappy: 20000토큰투자하는데
Skeletini: kim jong il faked his own death so he spend all his time trolling on mfc
Treebeard_: ^ that
Treebeard_: He got tired of being endlessly worshipped
Anthingy: That bastard!
Anthingy: I mean the nuclear weapons were one thing, but trolling MFC???
Anthingy: That filthy prick deserves to die!

Wow, total misunderstanding there of the difference between North Korea and South Korea. :clap:
It probably doesn't make a difference to them... :woops:

MrRodry said:
The model was biking on a stationary bike, smoking, checking her room chat, her pms and with her breasts exposed, everything at the same time, but that was just not enough for this guy.
Someone should make this into a song...
I was playing trivia yesterday and the question was 'What is a GloFish?'
Someone jokingly said 'a brand of condom?' and then we talked about brands of condoms for a little while (because no one knew what a GloFish is).
I said I only know 2 brands, Durex and Billy Boy. Someone said 'Who names condoms Billy Boy, oh god' and I said, I don't know, it's a German brand. Then:
Closov: I imagine German condoms as some sort of horribly over-engineered thing with like, steel belts.
Made me laugh. :-D
Okay, I searched for funny things models do and didn't find it. My searching ability probably sucks today. So I'll just post it here.

Sitting in LilyEvans room last night and she gets a tip to do an arm fart. So she does them continuously in tune with the full version of Don McLean's American Pie - the whole song.

Trust me, from a guy's point of view this is one of the coolest things seen on mfc. :lol:
LilyMarie said:
PinkiePixi said:
LilyMarie said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
BruinsFan188: could u maybe shoe feet?
He's right though. I'm sick of always seeing all those naked feet on MFC. Or feet in socks. What's up with that? That's not what a lady looks like. I wish more models would start shoeing their feet before getting on cam. Nothing better than a pair of nicely shoed feet.

I cam in my bed... I wouldnt wanna get my dirty shoes all over the thing Im going to crawl into in a few hours... :/
It was a joke... :D

I just saw this! Hah oh thank god! Stupid toneless humor not carrying well via text! :h:
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DaLongshank: So sexy! Will you watch me make this 28cm of cock cum for you on my cam for my last 5 toks? PM me if you might want to.

Wish I was faster on the grab.. the look on the models face was priceless....

(This would have gone in the WTF thread instead of the LOL thread if it hadn't come from the account Harry Potter Quotes. :lol: I can't even reply because they're not following me! xD)
Last night I had a member pop in and say "hey bb, I'm 20 and in great shape. Wanna watch my cam?"
That made me burst into tears with laughter. :lol:
He promptly left the room, hopefully with the feeling of sheer humiliation. The nerve of some guys, sheesh.
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