AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Done with chaturbate…

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Does it bother any of you that they are on these sites possibly taking money away from you ladies instead of say broadcasting on chatroulette?

The thing is, the few women who are doing this for free aren't actually taking money out of anyone's pockets. If anything, they just attract the freeloading member base.

Most members understand, especially these days, that women who do sexy, naked things online are usually doing it for money. Sure, we can enjoy it and I'm sure there's professional cam models and content creators who genuinely get off to being watched, but that's very rarely the driving force behind a woman's decision to cam/make content.

Physiologically, women generally don't need visual stimuli to cum. It helps, but you can be laying in bed watching a documentary and want to have a quick orgasm before bed to de-stress, and just using a vibrator with your eyes closed will usually get you there. With men, they usually need the visual or mental stimuli to maintain an erection so that they can have an orgasm. Why am I bringing this up? Because one, it explains why the ratio of female cam models to female exhibitionists vs male cam models to male exhibitionists is so extremely different. Women in general just don't need that to reach sexual gratification, even if it can heighten it. But since it's different with men, you have a ton more exhibitionists, or hobby wankers, who will get on cam simply because it's what they need to really get off.

I think, on some level, a lot of male members realize this. So, not only do you have the hobby wankers heavily outweighing serious male cammers, but you have male members who will assume that any other man on cam is doing it because he is getting off to it. And why should they have to pay when the other person is clearly also getting off and there's so many other hobby wankers jerking off for nothing? It's just not the same with women.

Sooo, basically, since the majority of women who cam or post nudes are doing it to get paid, there's that expectation there for members who prefer to watch women. But with men, since the majority of men who cam or post nudes are doing it just to get off, a lot of members who watch men don't expect to have to pay. So even though I don't get bothered by the idea of women creating content or camming "just for fun", I can see why male cammers feel much differently and empathize with them.
And why should they have to pay when the other person is clearly also getting off
This has often come up when I tell people I charge for watching their cams.
With cb, I swear to god there isn't an algorithm besides how many people you have in your room. If you happen to unfortunately be one of the ones that has less then 10 viewers then it's just random what later pages u end up on.

And yes that's from the opinion of a person who's gone browsing the back pages.
It's not random, if you have the same exact positional value of another model the tie breaker is time online.
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I think, on some level, a lot of male members realize this. So, not only do you have the hobby wankers heavily outweighing serious male cammers, but you have male members who will assume that any other man on cam is doing it because he is getting off to it. And why should they have to pay when the other person is clearly also getting off and there's so many other hobby wankers jerking off for nothing? It's just not the same with women.

Do you have anything to back up the statement that "hobby wankers " outweight "serious" male cammers?
I watch male cams and while I love women and am married to one, I see more guys who are running goals, using menus, etc., only a few are there for fun.
I don't spend a lot of time in female rooms. They're too busy and full of jerks.
And I'm not interested in a fantasy girlfriend or boyfriend. I'm honestly getting burned out in viewing anyway.
I tip, but the room i spent the most of my time in, I'm frequently the only tipper. Why should I tip if the model gives it away?
I've spent a lot on privates with him, too, probably more that I should have.
I get off on the attention i get in my room and that's why I'm on CB.
Do you have anything to back up the statement that "hobby wankers " outweight "serious" male cammers?

Look at any sites like Chatroulette or Omegle. It's a sea of poorly lit, bad angled dicks. If a guy wants to get off with just any other guy on the internet, it's not exactly hard to do for free. Because....

I get off on the attention i get in my room and that's why I'm on CB.

There's a lot of guys who are exactly like you, who gets off on being an exhibitionist. Way more than there are male cam models who cam and create content as their sole source of income.

Like, come on, you kinda just proved one of the points in my last post with that statement.

But in the end, you do you. Get on CB for the fun of it. No one can stop you. And if you want to be extra defensive because cam models who cam not because it helps them cum, but because they're doing it to pay their bills and support their families, aren't thrilled that their job is made harder by people like you, then I guess that's okay too.
Look at any sites like Chatroulette or Omegle. It's a sea of poorly lit, bad angled dicks. If a guy wants to get off with just any other guy on the internet, it's not exactly hard to do for free. Because....

There's a lot of guys who are exactly like you, who gets off on being an exhibitionist. Way more than there are male cam models who cam and create content as their sole source of income.

Like, come on, you kinda just proved one of the points in my last post with that statement.

But in the end, you do you. Get on CB for the fun of it. No one can stop you. And if you want to be extra defensive because cam models who cam not because it helps them cum, but because they're doing it to pay their bills and support their families, aren't thrilled that their job is made harder by people like you, then I guess that's okay too.
I should have said I'm only familiar with chaturbate. But I see more guys working for tokens and privates than exhibitionists. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place.
And I'm not sorry for being here to have fun with like minded people. The site allows it.
And I have ZERO problem with someone using these sites to make money.
And please tell me how I make anyone's job "harder?"
And I'm not sorry for being here to have fun with like minded people. The site allows it.
And I have ZERO problem with someone using these sites to make money.
And please tell me how I make anyone's job "harder?"

No one is asking you to apologize. You're a grown man, do what you want. You can choose to understand why male cammers, who cam as a living, don't love having to deal with the environment hobby wankers have created on cam sites, or you can choose not to. No one is attacking you, just stating their opinions, and you're getting extremely defensive. You're on a forum with models, female and male, who do this to support themselves and their families. Obviously our opinion is going to be different from someone who is camming just because it helps them cum.

Also, both @KingMarti and I have already made posts explaining why it's harder for men to make money on cam sites because of hobby wankers. Here's the posts, since I'm not rewriting things that have already been said:

We can explain it to you, like has already been done, but we can't understand it for you.
I've had enough liquid courage to just go ahead and shout this from the rooftops.

No one is asking you to apologize. You're a grown man, do what you want. You can choose to understand why male cammers, who cam as a living, don't love having to deal with the environment hobby wankers have created on cam sites, or you can choose not to. No one is attacking you, just stating their opinions, and you're getting extremely defensive. You're on a forum with models, female and male, who do this to support themselves and their families. Obviously our opinion is going to be different from someone who is camming just because it helps them cum.

Also, both @KingMarti and I have already made posts explaining why it's harder for men to make money on cam sites because of hobby wankers. Here's the posts, since I'm not rewriting things that have already been said:

We can explain it to you, like has already been done, but we can't understand it for you.

I've had enough liquid courage to just go ahead and shout this from the rooftops.

Uh, I tip the people I watch who work for tips. And As long as CB allows exhibitionists to cam, I'll do it. I deal with competition in my job and that's life.
Complain to the sites about the way they operate.
And As long as CB allows exhibitionists to cam, I'll do it. I deal with competition in my job and that's life.
Complain to the sites about the way they operate.

Like I said in my last post, do what you want.

However, you must realize that coming to a forum where pretty much all the people who cam do so because it’s their job and talking about how you just cam to get off and then being dismissive and even combative when people respond with an opposing opinion isn’t exactly the greatest idea.

You said somewhere here that you’re in your 60’s, right? You’d think in over half a century you’d have learned a little empathy.
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Like I said in my last post, do what you want.

However, you must realize that coming to a forum where pretty much all the people who cam do so because it’s their job and talking about how you just cam to get off and then being dismissive and even combative when people respond with an opposing opinion isn’t exactly the greatest idea.

You said somewhere here that you’re in your 60’s, right? You’d think in over half a century you’d have learned a little empathy.
I have more empathy than you know. Probably too much. Sorry it is not reelected in my posts.
I have more empathy than you know. Probably too much. Sorry it is not reelected in my posts.

It definitely has not been reflected at all in any posts I’ve seen you make here. You’ve been rude and disrespectful in a lot of your responses in this thread.

I get that you probably can’t see this situation from an objective point of view, and feel as if you’re personally being blamed. We’re not blaming you for hurting anyone’s income, but the overall environment that a large group of people have created over time. But, if you’re truly an empathetic person, surely you could take a step back and digest the information and acknowledge that male cammers do have it a lot harder because of male exhibitionists.

Like, I’m a woman who primarily makes content. I’m not personally affected at all by this. And yet, I can still realize the issues serious male cammers face and empathize with them.
I should have said I'm only familiar with chaturbate. But I see more guys working for tokens and privates than exhibitionists.
Just because a guy accepts tokens does not mean they are not a hobby wanker. Many guys do it to earn tokens to spend on the models they visit and not as a primary source of income. That would be my definition of hobby wanker.
Just because a guy accepts tokens does not mean they are not a hobby wanker. Many guys do it to earn tokens to spend on the models they visit and not as a primary source of income. That would be my definition of hobby wanker.
This. There are several viewers of mine who cam for tokens to spend on models.
It definitely has not been reflected at all in any posts I’ve seen you make here. You’ve been rude and disrespectful in a lot of your responses in this thread.

I get that you probably can’t see this situation from an objective point of view, and feel as if you’re personally being blamed. We’re not blaming you for hurting anyone’s income, but the overall environment that a large group of people have created over time. But, if you’re truly an empathetic person, surely you could take a step back and digest the information and acknowledge that male cammers do have it a lot harder because of male exhibitionists.

Like, I’m a woman who primarily makes content. I’m not personally affected at all by this. And yet, I can still realize the issues serious male cammers face and empathize with them.
Rude and disrespectful? Whatever.
I've posted several times i feel bad for the crap cammers put up with on a daily basis.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. 🤷‍♂️
In response to @Highlander884 Not something I’ve ever given any serious thought to. Because like Vixxen said 1) they will get bored and give up and probably not really affect the serious flow of stuff, 2) there’s plenty to go around. In fact maybe they could keep some of the low payers, and parasocials distracted, while the rest of us have some serious fun, with the types of clients which we appreciate. I’m all for that tbh.

Also if they seriously like it, and are successful, they’ll turn to full paid eventually anyways, so more power to them. If not, they’re more than welcome to dick around with the clingers and broke asses. There are so many guys that flock these sites, that aren’t desirable customers anyways. I’m all for them being sloughed off by hobby wankers. I’ve said it before; a huge part of a privates models job, is sifting through leads, and getting rid of undesirable customers. Learning how to recognize them ASAP-and not waste time on them.

I would say the one irritating thing about it, is that sometimes these guys that have been dealing with hobby wankers, and then approach a real cam model with very unrealistic expectations. They will get very argumentative about prices and such, because they are used to models who really aren’t serious, professional cam models. That’s the only way where what they do, is that much of a disservice. I’m not gonna sit and deal with some guy arguing about how Venmo and PayPal are perfectly fine forms of payment lol, just because he dealt with three Hobby wankers/ not pro cam models, before he met me. But that’s minor. It’s easy to tell people who cross the boundaries, and run their mouths, to get out and stfu. I’ve had an epidemic of guys telling me recently that I need to accept PayPal and cashapp because some other chick did. Haha STFU already dunce cap. I got a CPA I get my financial advice from haha 😆 can’t wait for my fucking cash app approved mortgage 🤣🤣
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2) there’s plenty to go around

This is actually a good point to bring up with the difference between female exhibitionists vs male exhibitionists thing as well.

Statistically speaking, a lot more men are going to be looking at women instead of looking at men. So, the audience for male cammers is much, much smaller than it is for female cammers. Which makes it even tougher for male cammers when the ratio of male cammers to male exhibitionists is much different compared to women.
This is actually a good point to bring up with the difference between female exhibitionists vs male exhibitionists thing as well.

Statistically speaking, a lot more men are going to be looking at women instead of looking at men. So, the audience for male cammers is much, much smaller than it is for female cammers. Which makes it even tougher for male cammers when the ratio of male cammers to male exhibitionists is much different compared to women.
Yes, I one hundred percent agree that male clients, posing as hobby wankers, don’t help male models at all. Males, in general, are pretty hard on each other so, yes, if I were a male model I 100 percent would have a way different view of hobbywankers. The male sections on all the sites are neglected, and kind of a mess imo I understand business wise, why that is. But serious male models and talented male creators, have it super tough. If I were a male creator I’d probably despise hobby wankers, to be one hundred percent honest. Sexual Capitalism . They’re fucking it up.
I tend to find the sites with mostly British customers are very hard to make money as they don’t like tipping or spending any sort of money……
Hmmm although the uk isn't in a recession, only the die hard conservative would tell you that most people in the uk haven't gotten poorer (stupid covid, stupid brexit, stupid necrophiliac pig fuckers!)
Please don't think I'm justifying them not spending, I really do believe every user should tip at least 1 token when watching but almost everyone has had to tighten their spending over here.
(And any uk citizens reading, remember july 4th don't vote for the tories.......or the reform!)

Talking about uk, the reason why there isn't many uk broadcasters (well I'm assuming there isnt) if a girl only makes 1k tokens over 8 hours then she's better off being a minimum wage waitress. She would have to be a) really popular straight from the start b) only able to work part-time or c) can't get a job to realistically do adult camming for the money.
Um the UK guys are my highest tippers.
Me too. I read that and was like "wtf??". My highest, longest term tipper, of all time, was an English guy. And most of my Regs, and highest spenders are actually either English or American 🤷‍♀️
Sorry, but gotta represent for the UK guys here!

Maybe you're on a bad site or something original UK poster. But on SM, the UK guys are great.
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Me too. I read that and was like "wtf??". My highest, longest term tipper, of all time, was an English guy. And most of my Regs, and highest spenders are actually either English or American 🤷‍♀️
Sorry, but gotta represent for the UK guys here!

Maybe you're on a bad site or something original UK poster. But on SM, the UK guys are great.
I don't mean this to be mean, but I think there are a bunch of broke ass guys on here trying to keep models from thinking whales exist all over. Like negging on high tippers and all this love con crap...I've had a few beers because I'm on the rag trying to pull off a show and it just hit me that none of the guys commenting here are people we want in our rooms, regardless of the sites we work.
I don't mean this to be mean, but I think there are a bunch of broke ass guys on here trying to keep models from thinking whales exist all over. Like negging on high tippers and all this love con crap...I've had a few beers because I'm on the rag trying to pull off a show amd it just hit me that none of the guys commenting here are people we want on our rooms, regardless of the sites we work.
Here, fucking here. I've thought the same thing for a while.
Some people are really jealous and can't stand that we get to do what we do, and make money 🤷‍♀️
But yeah, we're more likely to settle for less, if we don't believe better exists. Fuck that. Doesn't work on me.
Been done, been seen through, been kicked to the curb already.

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Here, fucking here. I've thought the same thing for a while.
Some people are really jealous and can't stand that we get to do what we do, and make money 🤷‍♀️
But yeah, we're more likely to settle for less, if we don't believe better exists. Fuck that. Doesn't work on me.

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