AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Reality check

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
KarmelKiss said:
LilyMarie said:
We'll just have to agree to disagree there ;) Personally, I could never do something like that to a model if I were a guy; I just wouldn't share her stuff unless I wanted to hurt her or make her angry. I guess everyone is different.
May I ask how you view these threads here on ACF, that both models and members alike participate in? Or are they different?

viewtopic.php?f=15&t=949 viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2867 viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2134

I think those threads are completely different from uploading a video to a file sharing site. I understand that it's a risk we take, but if I found out that a member was sharing my content that's intended to be paid for, I would consider that pretty disrespectful.

I know one person said that she considers "content" to be anything, even a picture of your face, but I don't agree with that, and I don't think Lily does either, unless I misunderstood her. Public chat screen caps are pretty much fair game. Privates or paid videos...not so much.
Unfortunately I think Lily is not seeing screencapping the way these guys do..

THEY DO IT FOR FUN.. They enjoy it.. it's like a game. Oh wow, this model is finally showing her boobs for the first time in public chat and IVE got the cap. They collect. They don't do it because they dislike a model, they barely even think of us as anything more than sluts. That's why they don't feel bad about sharing our videos - they generally have very misogynistic feelings towards women who get naked online. To them they are not doing anything to anyone, because we are not real people. Just images.

Then they just go through their caps by themselves OOOR.. Like this Dwight Shrute guy we keep seeing on many forums, he keeps posting them because.. he's gotten probably a lot of internet points for doing this.

In the end it probably has very little to do with us or even them. I've been very very friendly with guys who have harddrive upon harddrive full of videos of me and other girls.. For his own enjoyment. No reason. He didn't share the videos, he just kept them. Some people are just like that. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that we shouldnt try to look too deeply for a meaning because I think you'll just end up looking silly and presumptuous.
LacieLaPlante said:
In the end it probably has very little to do with us or even them. I've been very very friendly with guys who have harddrive upon harddrive full of videos of me and other girls.. For his own enjoyment. No reason. He didn't share the videos, he just kept them. Some people are just like that. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that we shouldnt try to look too deeply for a meaning because I think you'll just end up looking silly and presumptuous.
You wrote that much more eloquently than I could have, thank you for taking my thought and writing it out well! :) You read my mind, bb.
They don't do it because they dislike a model, they barely even think of us as anything more than sluts. That's why they don't feel bad about sharing our videos - they generally have very misogynistic feelings towards women who get naked online. To them they are not doing anything to anyone, because we are not real people. Just images.

Ok, so I agree that it's usually not about the specific model, but if you stop thinking of a woman as a human as soon as she's naked...that might point to some deeper issues.
Lydia_Deetz said:
Bocefish said:
Misogynistic? :lol: We all secretly hate nekkid women online, yeah, that must be it. :woops:

You know you can delight in a woman's naked body while still being misogynistic :whistle:

Sure, it's possible to consider a woman's body attractive and still hate the woman's personality, but I would then just avoid that woman.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Misogyny ( /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred or dislike of women or girls.
Bocefish said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
Bocefish said:
Misogynistic? :lol: We all secretly hate nekkid women online, yeah, that must be it. :woops:

You know you can delight in a woman's naked body while still being misogynistic :whistle:

Sure, it's possible to consider a woman's body attractive and still hate the woman's personality, but I would then just avoid that woman.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Misogyny ( /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred or dislike of women or girls.

I definitely wasn't trying to say you hate women.. I'm saying that the Dwight Shrute guy who always posts our videos, despite masturbating to us, has a misogynistic view of camming.. we're all whores, sluts and therefore it doesn't matter if he shares our personal videos. They would say a woman who calls another women a whore is being misogynistic, sorry if I threw the word around too freely but I still think it applies in this situation.
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Regarding screencaps/photos, I don't see a problem with it unless it's from a group, private or sold video because someone paid for that exclusive content. Anything done in public is fair game to be screencapped IMO. I've posted many screencaps on this forum of various things done in public chat and never once got in trouble for it. My reasoning is to show admiration for a model (ie: sexy eyes, butt, pussy, etc), a funny pose (ie: JoJo's confused look when she misplaced her coffee), and I've even had a model call me out by name in public asking me to screencap a pose of her for a thread on this forum.

I will NEVER post a cap of anyone out of anger, hatred, revenge or any other negative feeling.
MadisonLeigh said:
I know one person said that she considers "content" to be anything, even a picture of your face, but I don't agree with that.

Yeah, I disagreed with her comment too. And usually, when cam girls speak about content, we're referring to picture sets and videos that are supposed to be PAID on sites like MyGirlFund, ExtraLunchMoney, and Clips4Sale.

When a cam girl says that she just woke up to find earnings of $100 in content sales, she's probably talking about sites like the ones mentioned above.
EmmaInk said:
Guys should be aware that they can be exposed too ;)


Although there's slightly less social stigma associated with viewing porn than there is with being in porn.
EmmaInk said:
Guys should be aware that they can be exposed too ;)
Just saying its a two way street.

When I worked for Websfinest briefly I got the guy's full name, state, etc. when a show was purchased.

FYI: if a credit/debit card was used, at the minimum, this is a PCI-DSS violation. The fines for PCI violations can be as large as $100k per month to the merchant bank. The fines are usually passed on to the CC processor and/or the end merchant (website), and sometimes the merchant account is terminated.

Additionally, this type of exposure could kick off a state investigation for Privacy Law violations (CA & NY have some of the strictest privacy laws in the US). Anyone who uses or discloses the information for non-business purposes can be prosecuted. There was a case a few years ago where some hospital workers accessed Britney Spears' file just "to look". They were fired and criminal charges brought.

Obviously, if a member buys something from you, they will provide their PII so you can complete the transaction (shipping, etc). But if the information is disclosed or used for any other purpose, the same would apply. There have been a few "eBay stalker" cases where a buyer/seller were prosecuted for using the PII for non-business uses.

Even though you didn't cause the data exposure (you received the guy's address, etc), it would be in your best interests to notify the website AND CC processor that this occurred. A little CYA never hurts.
People need to understand that Facial Recognition Software already exists, and will be dirt cheap in a year or two. All you have to do is Paste and copy an image in the software and it will search the entire internet for matches.....If your face is in any program of any kind on the internet, (ex: Facebook) it will pop up and will include every bit of information it can find about the face which was scanned. This is just a fact.

So, you don't have to worry about IF you will be recognized, just wonder WHEN everyone will see you. It might be best to use the "You are adopted" approach. Start telling the kids you are/were a cam whore as soon as they can understand you.
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Also, Remember, all of your kid's friends will know about your past/current occupation and will see the nifty pics of Mom fucking herself on the internet. Since most kid's mothers don't do this, you might want to save up for the psychiatric counseling your kids will need. I can't imagine what their friends are going to say to your kids. Kids are pretty cruel and blunt. Save a bunch for the counseling and you might want to stock up on kleenex, because there will be a lifetime of tears.
I see these internet words like butthurt and troll all the time here but fear I don't understand what they mean. What does "someone got butthurt" mean? I'm pretty sure a troll means someone who is more educated then you or someone who has a different opinion but I'm clueless about butthurt. Please enlighten me.
PunkInDrublic said:
I see these internet words like butthurt and troll all the time here but fear I don't understand what they mean. What does "someone got butthurt" mean? I'm pretty sure a troll means someone who is more educated then you or someone who has a different opinion but I'm clueless about butthurt. Please enlighten me.

If you thought I was saying you were butt hurt I was not. I was referring to jacks posts. Sorry if you mistaken that for an insult towards you. Butt hurt usually describes a person who brings down model(s) because they did not do what they wanted (for free or for a low amount of tokens). also if she banned him cause he was pestering her and then acting out. Some times they will rage about a specific model which is common or will try to bring all models down by degrading our profession.Hence being butt hurt.
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PunkInDrublic said:
Your concern for the children is heartwarming

I read this as sarcasm, hope I "thanked" properly.
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Yes. God help the child of any woman who has the audacity to take her clothes off, have sex and enjoy it. :shifty: Good grief, mang.
PunkInDrublic said:

Woot! Then I'm thanking you again! Thank thank thank!
I walked in on my mom having sex when I was a kid, though I may not prefer thinking about it, I assure you it didn't end my life.
Same goes for the kids with MILF moms, I'm sure it's fucking annoying when all your friends talk about wanting to bang your mom throughout high school. I'm also sure they get over it. If not then... they are sissy cry babies. :lol:
JoleneJolene said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Woot! Then I'm thanking you again! Thank thank thank!
I walked in on my mom having sex when I was a kid, though I may not prefer thinking about it, I assure you it didn't end my life.
Same goes for the kids with MILF moms, I'm sure it's fucking annoying when all your friends talk about wanting to bang your mom throughout high school. I'm also sure they get over it. If not then... they are sissy cry babies. :lol:

Haha when I was younger, my mom would walk through the house naked after her shower and not give a fuck. And in front of my neighborhood friends! I can tell ya we're allll doing fine :p

God forbid women have sex or enjoy sexual things.
Rileyster said:
JoleneJolene said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Woot! Then I'm thanking you again! Thank thank thank!
I walked in on my mom having sex when I was a kid, though I may not prefer thinking about it, I assure you it didn't end my life.
Same goes for the kids with MILF moms, I'm sure it's fucking annoying when all your friends talk about wanting to bang your mom throughout high school. I'm also sure they get over it. If not then... they are sissy cry babies. :lol:

Haha when I was younger, my mom would walk through the house naked after her shower and not give a fuck. And in front of my neighborhood friends! I can tell ya we're allll doing fine :p

God forbid women have sex or enjoy sexual things.
Agreed. I caught my mom and step dad have sex and yea things were awkward for a little bit,but now I got over it and me and my mother make perverted comments about a hot Russian singer we like lol. So we are not going to be scared for life. Heaven forbid should a woman have sexual pleasure.
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sxycherrypie said:
Rileyster said:
JoleneJolene said:
PunkInDrublic said:

Woot! Then I'm thanking you again! Thank thank thank!
I walked in on my mom having sex when I was a kid, though I may not prefer thinking about it, I assure you it didn't end my life.
Same goes for the kids with MILF moms, I'm sure it's fucking annoying when all your friends talk about wanting to bang your mom throughout high school. I'm also sure they get over it. If not then... they are sissy cry babies. :lol:

Haha when I was younger, my mom would walk through the house naked after her shower and not give a fuck. And in front of my neighborhood friends! I can tell ya we're allll doing fine :p

God forbid women have sex or enjoy sexual things.
Agreed. I caught my mom and step dad have sex and yea things were awkward for a little bit,but now I got over it and me and my mother make perverted comments about a hot Russian singer we like lol. So we are not going to be scared for life. Heaven forbid should a woman have sexual pleasure.
Yeah, seeing parents in adult scenarios may be shocking but it's not life ending. And the "troll" poster wasn't saying such, was just making some humorous "reality check" statements that ring true. Yes, family will find out at some point, and yes you'll have to deal with whatever emotions it brings out in them. Don't report posts like that, just because it's not a glitteryhappyrainbows post doesn't mean he's a troll. Silly camgirls ;) :lol: .
Jacksharp said:
Also, Remember, all of your kid's friends will know about your past/current occupation and will see the nifty pics of Mom fucking herself on the internet. Since most kid's mothers don't do this, you might want to save up for the psychiatric counseling your kids will need. I can't imagine what their friends are going to say to your kids. Kids are pretty cruel and blunt. Save a bunch for the counseling and you might want to stock up on kleenex, because there will be a lifetime of tears.

Methinks Jack has some serious mommy issues that remain unresolved.
I guess we are going to have censorship even in the Reality Check section, but I will try again for an honest equation.

Do you Really think that seeing a Mom walking through a house naked, or seeing parents making love equates to your children and their friends seeing you fuck herself on the Internet?