All I gotta say is there are obviously a large amount of people that feel the same way as us...
That sex is NOT evil... That sex is NOT shameful... And someone shouldn't be discriminated against for doing something completely legal in their own private time...
Let's stick together...! I'm not saying we can change the entire world over night, but everything happens in baby steps.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Yes, yes, I know a lot of you are like... "Whatever crazy lady, the world isn't all flowers and pretty things..." Or whatever.. But just keep in mind how you really feel and try to project that onto the world. I'm not saying become a protestor or start some sort of group or anything like that at all... But when someone asks your opinion on these things, even in the "real" world... Tell them the truth. Don't be ashamed to say you don't agree and that you believe there's nothing wrong with sex nor someone being a cam model/porn star.
And if you do believe there's something wrong with it, why are you here? Why do you look at it? Why do you participate? That's something you gotta answer to yourself, I'm not saying answer it here. Just think about it.
There's nothing shameful in what we do. If you feel the same, don't just shut up about it if someone asks you or you are in some sort of situation where it's appropriate for you to express this opinion.
Either way, I love you guys and I'm so happy we do have a community here... We gots to stick together! And keep having amazing sex... Be it cyber, real, or both. Whatevs. We're getting off and the whole world would be a lot happier if they just shut up, stopped worrying about being politically correct and were honest with themselves and the world about what gets them off!