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PurpleStar420 really does not like giving out videos

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NotThatFrank said:
I'm really glad Purps finally posted her side of the story here. It can be very hard to keep reminding yourself that there's two sides to a story when all you're being presented with is a barrage of badmouthing.
I'm glad that all sides are represented now, too. All I can hope is that everyone involved keeps things civil and this doesn't turn into an arguing match here on the forum. Ladies and gents, if I may so kindly ask that if the conversation elevates to that, please find a private means of settling it. :)
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You got it love. The reason I took so long to reply was because I didn't feel this was the proper place to do so as well as feel Like a teenager again battling it out on myspave lol. But glad I can get it out and have a outside view okn how I'm treating people .
Purplestar420 said:
SHAUN. Shaun was a total sweet heart when he first came to my room , no one had treated me as nice as Shaun had in a long time. And mind you this was when I first started NFC and still hadn't been comfortable with even being fully naked in my room yet , so I had thought he was tipping me huge amounts just to be nice out of the kindness of his heart , boy was I wrong. He's than started asking me if I could do videos for him for outrageous amounts of tokens , such as the 8k tokens tip and constantly nagging me about it knowing things had happened or came up as we would communicate threw text messages sometimes
You stopped texting me when you got the new phone I never even asked if your number was the same. When I asked you why you accidentally sent me a video of CharmingGemma instead of my video of you being spanked by Mixxi you put me on ignore on MFC. Then the only time i tweeted a question to you about the 8000 token video you blocked on twitter then answered me I learned much later knowing it would not show up in my timeline after you blocked me so I do not even know why you tweeted back at all. So how about skype then.

Looks like Skype is just you telling me my video is almost ready when it never was.

. I do appologise for my unethical work habits . They suck. I have add ADHD dislecksia what evr the fuck you want to call it I have it and man it's always been a pain in my ass. But back to the subject , he asked for a spanking video and I had called my friend right there on cam and asked if she would be down to do it with me and she had totally agreed to it , and when it came down to the day she had got cold shoulder and backed out . There was nothing I could do about that. I told him I would try to find some one else to do it with me and I had felt real bad and still do . Wich brings in

Missmeowmixx I chick with rad hair a dope personality and a knife fettish like my self. I knew she was in to raves and there was a super dope one happening in las Vegas , the electric daisy carnival , and had invited her to go. She sounded stalked and said she so wanted to go , but as it got closer to the event she said she didn't think she was going due to the lack of money , so I decided to chill out in her room and get as many people as I knew to tip her instead of me so she could have enough money to go. Shaun being one of the biggest tippers to tip her. And he had told her I'll get u the money as long as u make sure u get a spanking vid with purp and she agreed quick! I guess I never told you Mixxi talked to me her last day in Vegas to get details about my spanking video from me and told me she was leaving that night. So she was going to do it. Even if Mixxi had not wanted to make the video Gemma would have been happy to slap you on the ass because she is a cool woman like that. You know what else Mixxi did for me? She gave me an honest appology for not making my video like she promised she would something you have never done.Wel......
We get to Vegas ... The first day there she stayed in the room the whole time and wanted nothing to do with any thing until we went to the party that night. Oh and mind you I payed for mix is 3day pass valued at 350 bucks paid for the hotel room all three nights over 800 dollars and bought most of her food, and I had no problem doing it until the the next day she accidentally sent me a text that she ment to send her friend stating how much she hated being there and she wished she was back home and how Vegas

Shaun. I had a raffle Shaun wanted to win real bad solely so he could try to have control over the videos on the flip cam(top prize ) highest amount of tickets got to pick their prize . Shaun had decided that no one would tip higher than he had seeing as he had the most amount of tickets by far so he was going to drop out and stick with what evr tickets he had and if any one won it was because they had fairly tipped more than he and not only told me he was dropping out but made it a point to tell my whole room
several times . Well than came along some one who tipped more than Shaun . And on the last day of the raffle Shaun decides to say fuck what I said to every one I'm getting back and tipped a shit ton over 8 k in tokens. How I see it is he lied to me and lied to my whole room. Had the other contestant known shaun was going to do that he would had made sure his limits were up to par. He flat out lied to meand that pissed me off, iwm not all about tokens and had I been I wouldn't of had him banned and ignored. He wants to say I use men for tokens but if that's the case I would had said battle it out with the other person and tip what ever the he'll you two can but instead I banned Shaun . I admitted to lying about that in the first thread about you but I also posted a screen cap offering to drop out if you wanted me to. So this is a real thing I did to you but you did keep telling me you were fine if I bought more tickets.He called me his best friend but who would do some thing so petty and shady as what he did and continued to do.He than would attack me on skyoe asking me when I was going to get him videos I admit I tried blowing him off because I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know weather or not to get closure and talked to many people , and very one saying get use to it there is alWays going to be a "Shaun" around when your a cam model. Said I needed to juicy try to ignor it and move on Did you ever consider making my videos, giving them to me, and then asking me politely to stay out of your room? When I made Dia mad that day I called you a thief I sent her a MFC mail apologizing and promised her I would stay out of room and I have not gone back in since.. That was very hard for me to do seeing as hojw I have been known to be real personable with members , but figures that's probably nt a good idea and that's how I was in the jam I was in .

Reason for no vids. I am so sorry, but after a man who knows so much about you contacts members on their private accounts off of mfc and baggers them on why they should not tip me and my auntI do not have you Aunts email. And she is a sweet woman who has gone through enough. If this really happened it was not from me. gets a email with a link to mfc and forums start getting posted left and right on youI waited months but in the end you just started ignoring me. You did not even bother lying you just said nothing., you start to get scared, I'm pretty open with most of my family but like many of us girls im sure not all of our friends and family know. and if they were to know who knows what life with family would be like than and I do what ever I need to to keep me safe from that as well as my family. I did not have a falling out with my editor I had to stop producing due to me wanting my videos down. I didn't think about all the other crap out on the Internet of me , I was trying to focus on what was in my control . and that meant some of the videos I had on presale , had to be taken down . If I knew that Shaun was going to stop everything and move on the videos would be back up tomorrow. But instead every day when evr he has spare time , and that's a lot , he rights on this forumI am not hiding I have the same user name on both sites he's hiding in my chat room p m ing members telling them not to tip meYour crappy auto focus on you camera is more than enough to keep me out of your room. I would have bought you a new camera that worked better if you had not given me a 60 day ban for bringing it up. As far as the telling people not to tip you if you look at the other thread I made about you I told people you just had a problem with me and treated other people much better. I was not even all that mad at you until you were telling people I was a crazy stalker., and sending weird gifts to my house for my DOGSI wrote down smokies birthday when you told me what it was and noticed it when I was looking for something else. Not smokies fault you are a mean person. and LITTLE SISTERThat was your birthday present I told you bought after you sent me those damn dirty socks in the mail, I was going through my house throwing away everything that reminded me of you and decided to just mail it to you instead. . He scares me he's total stalker material alllllll the wayI am not the person from your chat room who shows up places you are going to be. That guy is the stalker..

I have tried to make it up to people who did buy preorders in any way possible Did you try giving them the video to make it up?and from what i know very one that head came to me about the videos I have done what o could in my power to better the situation and all but one was not cool with what I offered ,

And no the shot glasses have no pic of me on them lol

Man I am glad I got that all out, i was trying to not respond knowing that Shaun just wants my attention Nope I just wanted what I payed you for.and who's ever elses he can get , Im not great with words so sorry if I don't make sence at times.

Plea please for give me . I appreciate every ones honesty to the fullest and am going to do every thing in my person to change the negative parts of me that no one cares for and focus on the positive parts. As well as not drink so much , lol girls please I'm so sorry for saying those things and thanks you for teaching me a lot about me. Maub peace love and dope
Not to derail this thread, but the guy I posted about in my earlier post was not Realtime. It was some other random bloob claiming to be one of Purple's regulars and the person I said I trusted who had a falling out with Purple was another model who recieved a rude response from Purple. Realtime is cool and as far as I know has no problems with Purple. :) Sorry Purple if my poorly worded post caused any issues for you. I sent you a message on mfc just to clarify. My apologies to anyone who believed the people I was decribing was Realtime. He's a really nice guy and worth getting to know.
NotThatFrank said:
IMHO, she is one of the most sparkling, funny and friendly models I have come across on the site. There's never a dull moment when she's on cam, and I think she engages her whole room like only a very few models can. I can't count the times I've seen her go out of her way to help or accommodate someone, be it another model, or a room visitor. Stuff like sending tips to MissMeowMixx's room (whether she wanted them or not) wasn't a one-off occurrence. Her room is one of the few I actually feel welcome in when my ass is broke and I just want to hang out for shits 'n' giggles.

i think alot of people feel the same way i know i do
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Yes I did think about giving you your videos. Was just a thought tho. You lied to me so there for I have the right to refuse service to any one and am not giving your videos. You shouldn't lie to people. I'll be the nicest girl ever to any one but don't fuck with me .
I will re lounch my vids soon for every one who had pre ordered them, Shaun please leave me alone . Please. ! I'm done with negativity in my life
Purplestar420 said:
Yes I did think about giving you your videos. Was just a thought tho. You lied to me so there for I have the right to refuse service to any one and am not giving your videos. You shouldn't lie to people. I'll be the nicest girl ever to any one but don't fuck with me .
I will re lounch my vids soon for every one who had pre ordered them, Shaun please leave me alone . Please. ! I'm done with negativity in my life

PurpleStar420 you just told everybody on this forum that I paid you for those videos and you are not going give them to me. How do you think the members who buy less tokens in a year than the price of the cheap video I payed you for are going to feel you will treat them if you treat me this way? Thank you for coming to this forum and being a part of it, but I do not think you have done anything to help your image today.

If you ever decide to give me my videos I will tell everyone that you did. Good bye and good luck making your way into the future. I hope you learned something positive from all this. I know I did.

By the way if I had been mad at you I would have looked up the phone number for your local police and lied to them about you being a bad drug dealer with a minor child in your house who keeps her stash in the aluminum foil in that certain place you always tell your public chat about. But seeing how you are not in jail I must not be that concerned about you, so just be happy I am a much nicer person than you are.
Purplestar420 said:
Wow I'm so glad I read this . I learned alot about my self that I do not like and did not realize , and will not tolerate it what so ever! I'm putting a stop to that now . I've obviously grown into some kind of monster or have been and just haven't noticed it until now , with my life being on a cam partially .I mean I've always been wild love to smoke and totally have a hard time not drinking on cam but how nasty I sounded to some of the girls on here really made my stomach cringe . I'm truly sorry to any of you woman I was a bitch to and hope you can forgive me! Ive lost touch with myself big time and need to find myself again .you did not deserve that from me in any way.

:clap: I applaud you for responding, there are always a few sides to every story and this thread couldn't have been fair without yours.

Honestly, I think Shaun_ has some valid gripes, I think MissMeow does too, and so do you Star. A lot of it seems like miscommunication. My first suggestion I suppose would be to stop pre-selling videos.

It's leading to issues and there's no reason for it. Companies pre-sell unreleased products to divert funding back into development and manage stock control come release day.
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NotThatFrank said:
There's good and bad sides to everyone, and I just feel like the words being exchanged here are coming across extremely judgmental and harsh. So -- just letting people know that Purps has people who are very fond of her, and judging her solely on the stuff said here wouldn't be fair!

Disclamer: I know nothing of the particulars about what has happened with MissMeowMixx and Shaun___. I'm only addressing the harsh personal stuff that's being said about PurpleStar. I honestly don't think she deserves it.

Peace out!
You're 100% right that all stories between people have more than one side, but I think I missed the personal, harsh, judgemental stuff. People recounted their own personal experiences - a number of models and some members too.

Everyone involved in this situation has the right to tell their firsthand experiences(Shaun_, MissMeowMix, dresden76, FrecklesXxX, SpiderLily, LaylaLux, truthhurts) and if they happen to be negative ones, not to be called out on them - that would just make you judgemental too.

PurpleStar420 said:
And on the last day of the raffle Shaun decides to say fuck what I said to every one I'm getting back and tipped a shit ton over 8 k in tokens.

Okay...but like, you're complaining he tipped like $800 out of his own pocket because he wanted to win a competition? Is that in addition to however many thousand he tipped prior to that? Okay sure, the guy who tipped less "lost" but in a competition like that he shouldn't be relying on winning by beating someone else's tip, regardless of what they say. Isn't Shaun_ allowed to change his mind?

Furthermore didnt you take the guy who didn't win anyway? I seem to recall earlier Shaun_ posted something about not going to tripping daisy with you - the way he wrote it certainly came off that you flat out didn't want him to win, and when he did you banned him and took someone else?

Just me but that seems goddamn unethical - if you aren't willing to let him win the prize don't take his tokens :snooty:
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Jupiter551 said:
NotThatFrank said:
There's good and bad sides to everyone, and I just feel like the words being exchanged here are coming across extremely judgmental and harsh. So -- just letting people know that Purps has people who are very fond of her, and judging her solely on the stuff said here wouldn't be fair!

Disclamer: I know nothing of the particulars about what has happened with MissMeowMixx and Shaun___. I'm only addressing the harsh personal stuff that's being said about PurpleStar. I honestly don't think she deserves it.

Peace out!
You're 100% right that all stories between people have more than one side, but I think I missed the personal, harsh, judgemental stuff. People recounted their own personal experiences - a number of models and some members too.

Everyone involved in this situation has the right to tell their firsthand experiences(Shaun_, MissMeowMix, dresden76, FrecklesXxX, SpiderLily, LaylaLux, truthhurts) and if they happen to be negative ones, not to be called out on them - that would just make you judgemental too.
I don't think I called anybody out.
If you've missed the harsh stuff, I'll invite you to re-read the thread. And if you still don't see it, you may chalk it up to whatever personality flaw I may possess.

Peace out!
It sounds like he's tipped you a shit ton of tokens in hopes of getting a video or two, a situation you admit. Here's a suggestion, give him however many videos he paid for and the problem is solved. He wanted something specific and it couldn't be done, fine. Offer something that can be done. I have to be honest, I've only been in your room once and that was because of this thread and curiousity so I'm kind of a devil's advocate here.

Honestly, because you both have said he paid a bunch of tokens for videos you never sent him it sounds really bad on your part, as shady as people getting others to tip to a "goal" only to sign off and take your money. Just sayin'.
reggieholtz said:
It sounds like he's tipped you a shit ton of tokens in hopes of getting a video or two, a situation you admit. Here's a suggestion, give him however many videos he paid for and the problem is solved. He wanted something specific and it couldn't be done, fine. Offer something that can be done. I have to be honest, I've only been in your room once and that was because of this thread and curiousity so I'm kind of a devil's advocate here.

Honestly, because you both have said he paid a bunch of tokens for videos you never sent him it sounds really bad on your part, as shady as people getting others to tip to a "goal" only to sign off and take your money. Just sayin'.

Agreed, I suggest you honour the agreements and put it all behind you.
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Not knowing anything about the situation at all, I have one little tidbit that might make all sides think on everything that happened:

-Sometimes really weird guys can seem perfectly normal, and perfectly normal guys can seem a little weird.

We've all known that one person that creeped us out for no reason, except that one little trait of theirs which reminded us of someone legitimately creepy. We don't even realize they reminded us of that legitimately creepy guy, because it happens behind the scenes. (I hate the way "subconscious" looks...)

Since I've never really met either party, I can't say which it was- a normal guy appearing creepy or a creepy guy doing his best to be normal. I want to believe in the good of humanity, so I would prefer to go with the idea that PurpleStar was legitimately creeped out by Shaun, but not because of Shaun himself, but because something Shaun did reminded PurpleStar of a real creep. To me, that puts absolutely no one at fault- Shaun could not know that he was creeping out PurpleStar, and PurpleStar could not help being creeped out.

Seems to me like both parties have said they want to drop it, so I'm willing to let it lie. Just wanted to present some food for thought.
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LadyLuna said:
Not knowing anything about the situation at all, I have one little tidbit that might make all sides think on everything that happened:

-Sometimes really weird guys can seem perfectly normal, and perfectly normal guys can seem a little weird.

We've all known that one person that creeped us out for no reason, except that one little trait of theirs which reminded us of someone legitimately creepy. We don't even realize they reminded us of that legitimately creepy guy, because it happens behind the scenes. (I hate the way "subconscious" looks...)

Since I've never really met either party, I can't say which it was- a normal guy appearing creepy or a creepy guy doing his best to be normal. I want to believe in the good of humanity, so I would prefer to go with the idea that PurpleStar was legitimately creeped out by Shaun, but not because of Shaun himself, but because something Shaun did reminded PurpleStar of a real creep. To me, that puts absolutely no one at fault- Shaun could not know that he was creeping out PurpleStar, and PurpleStar could not help being creeped out.

Seems to me like both parties have said they want to drop it, so I'm willing to let it lie. Just wanted to present some food for thought.

Yeah agreed, but doesn't the "possible creep" still deserve either a refund or the goods he paid many thousands of tokens for? lol
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LadyLuna said:
Not knowing anything about the situation at all, I have one little tidbit that might make all sides think on everything that happened:

-Sometimes really weird guys can seem perfectly normal, and perfectly normal guys can seem a little weird.

We've all known that one person that creeped us out for no reason, except that one little trait of theirs which reminded us of someone legitimately creepy. We don't even realize they reminded us of that legitimately creepy guy, because it happens behind the scenes. (I hate the way "subconscious" looks...)

Since I've never really met either party, I can't say which it was- a normal guy appearing creepy or a creepy guy doing his best to be normal. I want to believe in the good of humanity, so I would prefer to go with the idea that PurpleStar was legitimately creeped out by Shaun, but not because of Shaun himself, but because something Shaun did reminded PurpleStar of a real creep. To me, that puts absolutely no one at fault- Shaun could not know that he was creeping out PurpleStar, and PurpleStar could not help being creeped out.

Seems to me like both parties have said they want to drop it, so I'm willing to let it lie. Just wanted to present some food for thought.

You called me normal!!!!!!!!!!!! Even my model friends say I am weird in a good way at best. Thank you.
the thank button was not enough to THANKS jupiter and ladyluna for their last posts.

Jupiter551 said:
:clap: I applaud you for responding, there are always a few sides to every story and this thread couldn't have been fair without yours.... Honestly, I think Shaun_ has some valid gripes, I think MissMeow does too, and so do you Star. A lot of it seems like miscommunication. My first suggestion I suppose would be to stop pre-selling videos.

LadyLuna said:
Not knowing anything about the situation at all, I have one little tidbit that might make all sides think on everything:......... I want to believe in the good of humanity, so I would ..go with the idea that PurpleStar was legitimately creeped out by Shaun, but not because of Shaun himself, but because something Shaun did reminded her of a real creep. ...To me, that puts absolutely no one at fault- Shaun could not know that he was creeping out PurpleStar, and PurpleStar could not help being creeped out.

SO MANY PROBLEMS in life arise from crap like this!!! especially in relationships. People's backgrounds, life experiences and priorities are all very very different, and it can cause the worst conflicts. You gotta see all the sides.

so again thanks. and furthermore...

as a cam model, you fear for your safety at times. You deal with a lot of jerks and you get self defensive. You are putting your naked self out there, and we have all read horror stories online of what happens when we dont watch our backs a little bit in this industry and subculture. We hear about people who get obsessed and people who get weird. I can understand that, bigtime. I think it's an important factor. Sometimes when someone starts weirding you out, or giving you reason to mistrust them, you just wanna PUSH THEM THE FUCK AWAY and you do not care about the terms.

BUT we also have to think of the other side and i DO agree that even though shaun lied to you.... He probably fibbed because he wanted to help make sure more people bought raffle tickets... to help you. I'm not sure you have the right to sit on THAT MUCH of his money without some sort of payback, or at least a truce or compromise. i don't think its a fair trade. that's a lot of money.

and as for OUR situation... who knows, maybe the airline did fuck us both over.. and now all this other crap has happened.. and because of their swindling bullshit we stopped trusting each other. doesn't that suck?? and then it makes us both look bad when its neither of our damn fault. (incidentally i'd still love to see the transaction record, cause you REALLY only did send it to me once. maybe we can get something out of this after all.)

i wouldnt be surprised. crooked business practices are RARELY punished around here. Look at all the bullshit the conservative government and Big Oil gets away with. it's RIDICULOUS stuff. I would not be surprised in the LEAST if they just do this to people, leave them hanging and confused and hope they forget about it.

Speaking of which. Let's occupy our respective wall streets next week shall we? it would be nice if people who elect the government and care enough to be involved with it had more of a voice than whoever gives the most money to the guy in charge. i realise money is helpful, but it doesnt always do the smartest thing by default. we may make money from big pharma and from destroying the amazon, but it's probably not the best idea, HmmMmMMMmm???

(long ass post. ahem)
missmeowmixx said:
BUT we also have to think of the other side and i DO agree that even though shaun lied to you.... He probably fibbed because he wanted to help make sure more people bought raffle tickets... to help you. I'm not sure you have the right to sit on THAT MUCH of his money without some sort of payback, or at least a truce or compromise. i don't think its a fair trade. that's a lot of money.
Yeah this - if you're creeped out by someone the first step would be to stop taking their money - not to agree to make videos and then not follow through. I'm not reaaaally sure I understand the issue anyway because at one point Shaun_ said he paid for the video because Star didn't feel comfortable masturbating for him in private or something. Well, aside from the fact I've seen her do a very graphic cumshow in public chat, like a year ago, why agree to make a video if it's him personally that weirded you out?

I understand a lot of money can be tempting but you can't have your cake and eat it too - gotta choose; he creeps me out and I don't want to perform for him, or he creeps me out but I need the cash so I'll do it. And I stick by what I said about the raffle - you can't seriously take money for a raffle from someone if you don't intend to let them win if their ticket is drawn; that's ALL kinds of fucked up.

missmeowmixx said:
we may make money from big pharma and from destroying the amazon, but it's probably not the best idea, HmmMmMMMmm???
I agree, Amazon shouldn't be destroyed - I like my kindle :(
I only went into Purple's room after seeing this topic, more out of curiosity than anything else and I found her to be perfectly pleasant and charming! not at all this monster that has been portrayed by some on here,

Sounds like she has learned from what has been put here, as she said so Happy days eh?
sweetiebatman said:
I only went into Purple's room after seeing this topic, more out of curiosity than anything else and I found her to be perfectly pleasant and charming! not at all this monster that has been portrayed by some on here,

Sounds like she has learned from what has been put here, as she said so Happy days eh?


Well except for Shaun_ who paid 8000 tokens for a video he never recieved and all the other guys who are forced to jerk off over theit purplestar420 shotglasses :lol:
shaun would say "hey can u make this video for me ill give u x amount of tokens" i would say yay sure why not, and he would drop down the tokens right than and there. i never told him to give me the tokens NOW. he just did . if i was him i would at least wait till i was done making a video before he tipped for it . And fyi shaun lost the raffle.

and girls im sorry you are still bitter i hope you get over it soon .
Purplestar420 said:
shaun would say "hey can u make this video for me ill give u x amount of tokens" i would say yay sure why not, and he would drop down the tokens right than and there. i never told him to give me the tokens NOW. he just did . if i was him i would at least wait till i was done making a video before he tipped for it . And fyi shaun lost the raffle.

and girls im sorry you are still bitter i hope you get over it soon .

I did not lose I won third place.

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ohmystarz said:
Honestly, at this point it's beating a dead horse. Let this thread die already!

It's a theme on this part of the board it seems to NOT let a thread die. Until people start taking it totally off track with adorable animal pictures & piss off Miss Amber. :shifty:
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Frankie said:
ohmystarz said:
Honestly, at this point it's beating a dead horse. Let this thread die already!

It's a theme on this part of the board it seems to NOT let a thread die. Until people start taking it totally off track with adorable animal pictures & piss off Miss Amber. :shifty:

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