sxycherrypie said:Never fear super cat is here!
ohmystarz said:Frankie said:ohmystarz said:Honestly, at this point it's beating a dead horse. Let this thread die already!
It's a theme on this part of the board it seems to NOT let a thread die. Until people start taking it totally off track with adorable animal pictures & piss off Miss Amber.![]()
Purplestar420 said:if i was him i would at least wait till i was done making a video before he tipped for it .
ohmystarz said:Honestly, at this point it's beating a dead horse. Let this thread die already!
ohmystarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over. It's redundant. She obviously sees things one way and the rest see it another. I am not sure there would be any amount of words that would change the way that they see things.
I mean yes Shaun spent a lot of money on the video and yes she should have given it to him, but if she says no now, he isn't going to get it and Shaun learned his lesson.
Everyone always says you don't have to read it, but curiosity is a bitch, ya know? I might WANT to read it, but I don't have to respond. However, it's hard not to respond when it is always the same stuff over and over again and no one is really contributing anything other than keeping the thread alive. This IS why thread get derailed and then arguments ensue.
Also, before anyone says anything, I am not attacking you Jupiter in anyway. I have heard a few people call you a troll, I don't believe that. Sometimes this forum gets a little dead (I don't really go to the other boards), so it's easy to re-read stuff and comment on something that hasn't been addressed before - even when it's a really old thread.![]()
sxycherrypie said:I have been following this thread for a while.I am glad I got to see both sides of thier story.But if Purplestar does not want people pre buying the video before it is finished should she not put a price on it untill it is?
ohmystarz said:sxycherrypie said:I have been following this thread for a while.I am glad I got to see both sides of thier story.But if Purplestar does not want people pre buying the video before it is finished should she not put a price on it untill it is?
I think she meant that the initial 8k tokens was the tip she did not really like? I think the threesome video was up for presale, but she ended up getting the tip for a custom video BEFORE it was made?
I might be wrong.![]()
ohmystarz said:Why is everyone so defensive on this forum? It's like one comment is made and everyone gets mad. Who cares what they call you? Fuck them. If someone doesn't like you, who cares?
I didn't revive this at all! Someone else did! I asked for it to die after it was brought back up. So I posted a pic of a kitty and the rest followed. I like the forums, I tell everyone that comes into my room about them because it has such great information, what I don't get is why every IS so defensive. I wasn't meaning anything I said to you as an attack. In fact I was writing it with a pleasant tone in MY head.
I am feeling a bit down and sad about my life and just wanted to come here and be cheery. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I mean hell they are like assholes, everyone has one and sometimes nothing but shit comes out.
There's a lot of pressure as a model when it comes to making a custom video. I actually would prefer to make the video THEN be tipped for it. Sometimes when I am tipped first it makes me feel like I have to rush to make it and that I have to make it absolutely perfect, which then makes it harder for me to make a good video. That's why *I* don't do it.
Presale videos are a good way to make the tokens before the actual work is done. It's been said before though you have to REALLY trust the model before you should do it. If you don't trust her, then don't presale it. It's up to the model to uphold her end of the bargain. If she starts to feel uncomfortable then she needs to let the tipper know and work out a different deal with the person.
Shaun comes into my room every night, however I think they were both in the wrong. I can see both sides of the argument and while I don't agree with either side of the argument and I don't know all the facts, I do think something needs to be worked out. I understand the frustration, but if it wasn't handled in private, why does Shaun think it would generate a different response on the forums?
Thanks for that by the way, it might have sounded pleasant in your head, it didn't sound so pleasant directed at me.OhMyStarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over.
Jupiter551 said:Well, I apologise if my tone came off as defensive. I guess I did feel a bit defensive since I honestly don't think I'm a troll, I don't set out to hurt anyone's feelings or be malicious and it's the second time in a week it's been alluded to. So I'm like, great...a bunch of people think I'm a troll apparently, and I honestly can't think of anything I've said or done (intentionally at least) to deserve that.
I'm inquisitive, I'm a smartass, sometimes I speak (and type) before I think and regret it, and I don't like liars, cheats or cons, but anyone here or in the real world who knows me well enough, knows damn well I'm not a troll or a malicious, vindictive person.
I felt, and still feel, that I raised a legitimate question asking why Purplestar is continuing to offer "presale" videos when there are multiple firsthand accounts in this thread of her not delivering on said videos. Is that trolling? Did I say you were trolling? No, I said that OTHER people have mentioned that. Why does that bother you so much to be called a troll? Are you worried people on the internet aren't going to like you?
Thanks for that by the way, it might have sounded pleasant in your head, it didn't sound so pleasant directed at me. I stated a fact.OhMyStarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over.
Is it beating a dead horse to wonder if the poor suckers who "pre-order" her threesome videos are going to end up with shotglasses too? There are far too many inconsistencies in Purple's actions, and accounts from both members and models who've dealt with her to suggest she's just the target of a smear campaign. If she's continuing unethical business practices then why shouldn't we discuss it and hopefully either stop it from happening, or at least warn potential customers? Yeah, feel free, but there are only so many times you can say it over and over before NEW readers just stop reading.
It's been shown she hasn't come good on previous pre-sale arrangements, so why would anyone trust her? Who said anyone does or should trust her?
I'm sorry you've been feeling down, but calling for a thread to be closed isn't your call. It's not mine either. It's Amber's so if you have a legitimate reason PM it to her and she'll decide. I didn't attempt to close the thread out, and we all know that I have no say so on this forum at all. I am sure Amber knows she runs the forum and she can do what she wants. Hell, Purplestar could request all of the screencaps taken down, who know maybe even if she asked nicely she could get the thread locked too.
ohmystarz said:Jupiter551 said:Well, I apologise if my tone came off as defensive. I guess I did feel a bit defensive since I honestly don't think I'm a troll, I don't set out to hurt anyone's feelings or be malicious and it's the second time in a week it's been alluded to. So I'm like, great...a bunch of people think I'm a troll apparently, and I honestly can't think of anything I've said or done (intentionally at least) to deserve that.
I'm inquisitive, I'm a smartass, sometimes I speak (and type) before I think and regret it, and I don't like liars, cheats or cons, but anyone here or in the real world who knows me well enough, knows damn well I'm not a troll or a malicious, vindictive person.
I felt, and still feel, that I raised a legitimate question asking why Purplestar is continuing to offer "presale" videos when there are multiple firsthand accounts in this thread of her not delivering on said videos. Is that trolling? Did I say you were trolling? No, I said that OTHER people have mentioned that. Why does that bother you so much to be called a troll? Are you worried people on the internet aren't going to like you?
Thanks for that by the way, it might have sounded pleasant in your head, it didn't sound so pleasant directed at me. I stated a fact.OhMyStarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over.
Is it beating a dead horse to wonder if the poor suckers who "pre-order" her threesome videos are going to end up with shotglasses too? There are far too many inconsistencies in Purple's actions, and accounts from both members and models who've dealt with her to suggest she's just the target of a smear campaign. If she's continuing unethical business practices then why shouldn't we discuss it and hopefully either stop it from happening, or at least warn potential customers? Yeah, feel free, but there are only so many times you can say it over and over before NEW readers just stop reading.
It's been shown she hasn't come good on previous pre-sale arrangements, so why would anyone trust her? Who said anyone does or should trust her?
I'm sorry you've been feeling down, but calling for a thread to be closed isn't your call. It's not mine either. It's Amber's so if you have a legitimate reason PM it to her and she'll decide. I didn't attempt to close the thread out, and we all know that I have no say so on this forum at all. I am sure Amber knows she runs the forum and she can do what she wants. Hell, Purplestar could request all of the screencaps taken down, who know maybe even if she asked nicely she could get the thread locked too.
Out of morbid curiousity, care to list where I've repeated myself "over and over" in this thread? Should be easy enough - if like you say, it's a fact.OhMyStarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over. Thanks for that by the way, it might have sounded pleasant in your head, it didn't sound so pleasant directed at me. I stated a fact.
Jupiter551 said:ohmystarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over. It's redundant. She obviously sees things one way and the rest see it another. I am not sure there would be any amount of words that would change the way that they see things.
I mean yes Shaun spent a lot of money on the video and yes she should have given it to him, but if she says no now, he isn't going to get it and Shaun learned his lesson.
Everyone always says you don't have to read it, but curiosity is a bitch, ya know? I might WANT to read it, but I don't have to respond. However, it's hard not to respond when it is always the same stuff over and over again and no one is really contributing anything other than keeping the thread alive. This IS why thread get derailed and then arguments ensue.
Also, before anyone says anything, I am not attacking you Jupiter in anyway. I have
heard a few people call you a troll, I don't believe that. Sometimes this forum gets a little dead (I don't really go to the other boards), so it's easy to re-read stuff and comment on something that hasn't been addressed before - even when it's a really old thread.![]()
Well, people can call me what they like, and for the record the only reason I saw this thread near the top of the board, and subsequently responded is that you made a comment that then lead to animal pics and a complete revival...
How could anything I've said be construed as trolling? "Let this thread die" is, as has been discussed before, a passive-aggressive form of censorship. It dies when everyone loses interest or Amber closes it. End of story.
Purplestar herself commented that if she were Shaun_ she wouldn't have paid the tokens before the video was ready while right now her profile headline is advertising preselling a video which, by definition, is not yet ready for sale.
Excuse me for being the only person in the last page and a half to post anything even vaguely on-topic.
Please don't trust me , you shouldn't , ok point made ,Jupiter551 said:ohmystarz said:Why is everyone so defensive on this forum? It's like one comment is made and everyone gets mad. Who cares what they call you? Fuck them. If someone doesn't like you, who cares?
I didn't revive this at all! Someone else did! I asked for it to die after it was brought back up. So I posted a pic of a kitty and the rest followed. I like the forums, I tell everyone that comes into my room about them because it has such great information, what I don't get is why every IS so defensive. I wasn't meaning anything I said to you as an attack. In fact I was writing it with a pleasant tone in MY head.
I am feeling a bit down and sad about my life and just wanted to come here and be cheery. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I mean hell they are like assholes, everyone has one and sometimes nothing but shit comes out.
There's a lot of pressure as a model when it comes to making a custom video. I actually would prefer to make the video THEN be tipped for it. Sometimes when I am tipped first it makes me feel like I have to rush to make it and that I have to make it absolutely perfect, which then makes it harder for me to make a good video. That's why *I* don't do it.
Presale videos are a good way to make the tokens before the actual work is done. It's been said before though you have to REALLY trust the model before you should do it. If you don't trust her, then don't presale it. It's up to the model to uphold her end of the bargain. If she starts to feel uncomfortable then she needs to let the tipper know and work out a different deal with the person.
Shaun comes into my room every night, however I think they were both in the wrong. I can see both sides of the argument and while I don't agree with either side of the argument and I don't know all the facts, I do think something needs to be worked out. I understand the frustration, but if it wasn't handled in private, why does Shaun think it would generate a different response on the forums?
Well, I apologise if my tone came off as defensive. I guess I did feel a bit defensive since I honestly don't think I'm a troll, I don't set out to hurt anyone's feelings or be malicious and it's the second time in a week it's been alluded to. So I'm like, great...a bunch of people think I'm a troll apparently, and I honestly can't think of anything I've said or done (intentionally at least) to deserve that.
I'm inquisitive, I'm a smartass, sometimes I speak (and type) before I think and regret it, and I don't like liars, cheats or cons, but anyone here or in the real world who knows me well enough, knows damn well I'm not a troll or a malicious, vindictive person.
I felt, and still feel, that I raised a legitimate question asking why Purplestar is continuing to offer "presale" videos when there are multiple firsthand accounts in this thread of her not delivering on said videos. Is that trolling?
Thanks for that by the way, it might have sounded pleasant in your head, it didn't sound so pleasant directed at me.OhMyStarz said:Yeah, but for the most part you are the one that just keeps saying the same stuff over and over.
Is it beating a dead horse to wonder if the poor suckers who "pre-order" her threesome videos are going to end up with shotglasses too? There are far too many inconsistencies in Purple's actions, and accounts from both members and models who've dealt with her to suggest she's just the target of a smear campaign. If she's continuing unethical business practices then why shouldn't we discuss it and hopefully either stop it from happening, or at least warn potential customers?
It's been shown she hasn't come good on previous pre-sale arrangements, so why would anyone trust her?
I'm sorry you've been feeling down, but calling for a thread to be closed isn't your call. It's not mine either. It's Amber's so if you have a legitimate reason PM it to her and she'll decide.
JoeStrummer said:I can't even make it through the first page without wondering how anyone actually likes this bitch. My first encounter was when she was on PincheSweet's cam for some reason and was super rude and annoying. I stopped watching PincheSweet solely because of always hearing PS420's grating voice in the background. Nothing about her is original. Nothing about her is attractive. Before being married, friends and I would take a girl like that and see how far we could go with her, just to demoralize her. PS420 is a perfect example of why I refuse to give a single American model a second of my time watching them on cam. I'd still be married, if I wanted to pay an arrogant, rude, annoying bitch.
Preslye said:JoeStrummer said:I can't even make it through the first page without wondering how anyone actually likes this bitch. My first encounter was when she was on PincheSweet's cam for some reason and was super rude and annoying. I stopped watching PincheSweet solely because of always hearing PS420's grating voice in the background. Nothing about her is original. Nothing about her is attractive. Before being married, friends and I would take a girl like that and see how far we could go with her, just to demoralize her. PS420 is a perfect example of why I refuse to give a single American model a second of my time watching them on cam. I'd still be married, if I wanted to pay an arrogant, rude, annoying bitch.
I will say sorry in advance but I MUST do this!
Dear JoeStrummer,
If your post reflects your personality than I think the "perfect example" of why you aren't married anymore is because your a Douche Bag.
Thank you and Good day!
OH and just in case that wasn't clear. I didn't have a plesent tone in my head while writing this. :lol:
xoxo Preslye
This misogyny burned my eyes a little. Then I cried for you because your Mom mustn't have hugged you enough. I'm okay now though. The thought of how small your cock must be made me giggle. :-DJoeStrummer said:I can't even make it through the first page without wondering how anyone actually likes this bitch. My first encounter was when she was on PincheSweet's cam for some reason and was super rude and annoying. I stopped watching PincheSweet solely because of always hearing PS420's grating voice in the background. Nothing about her is original. Nothing about her is attractive. Before being married, friends and I would take a girl like that and see how far we could go with her, just to demoralize her. PS420 is a perfect example of why I refuse to give a single American model a second of my time watching them on cam. I'd still be married, if I wanted to pay an arrogant, rude, annoying bitch.