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Pet Peeves, yo.

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Don't pre-fill your coffee maker with water only. I am leaving a small lake on your counter, 1/2 pot of coffee in the maker.
SweepTheLeg said:
When people almost walk into me and I apologize. What are you doing, self? Stop that!

If you think that's bad, I've walked into an object (a chair?) and said "Oh, I'm sorry, honey." :lol: I must've thought it was one of the kids at the daycare I worked at.
The_Brown_Fox said:
SweepTheLeg said:
When people almost walk into me and I apologize. What are you doing, self? Stop that!

If you think that's bad, I've walked into an object (a chair?) and said "Oh, I'm sorry, honey." :lol: I must've thought it was one of the kids at the daycare I worked at.

I apologize to random objects that I walk into all the time! "Sorry, wall!" "Yeah, you SHOULD be." :lol:
Oddly enough if I walk into an object, may it be a chair or a corner of a wall I turn to it with my fists up like said object is picking a fight with me.
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Members who try to involve themselves, stir up, start, or escalate drama between models.
Because we don't have enough drama caused by our vaginas....we don't need you, thank you very much.

If I have personal problem or issue with another model.....I am not going to discuss it with you! I don't need you asking me questions regarding it.

I understand sometimes you are only trying to avoid girls that might scam you etc. With only one exception I am not going to tell you anything I may or may not know about another model. Damn hommie--back the fuck off and stop trying to ryle me up about things you claim they said about.

How does that help me? huh?
Back the fuck down and stop trying to be involved. Your not. Deal.
The_Brown_Fox said:
When my ride says to be ready at 10:30 AM, and then at 10:14 I'm told we gotta go RIGHT NOW, or I'll get left behind. :woops: So then I have to stop what I'm doing on the computer, and properly shut down the computer as fast as I can.
And also when they call you up early expecting you to be ready and then ask why you aren't. I'm sorry my telepathic skills aren't up to your standards, it's not like you could have told me to be ready earlier any other way...
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When people talk to you face to face with their eyes closed for like 4-10 seconds at a time. WTF is up with that?!? Do their eyelids get stuck or what? It's F'ing annoying as hell whatever it is. If it's something they have no control over, I'd like to know what it is.
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When Im at a store or other public place buying something and the freakin clerk is on the phone talking about "I had just a great time last night at the club" , or "What a jerk so and so is" , or "Hell No he just didn't do that to you with a baby on the way" REALLY NOW? What the hell happened to customer service lately? No Greeting, No Small Talk about the weather, no Goodbyes and whats up with throwing customers shit around that they are purchasing from you. :)
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Humble opinion- I don't need, want, or expect small talk when buying what I want. Because there's a pet peeve of mine- When I am in line at a store, and the cashier is having a conversation with each customer that's ahead of me when they could have left a minute ago. I want to get in, pay, get out.
adding to the above two posts: the fact that whenever I have to go to a bank, post office, whatever I always take like 1 minute to conduct my business and leave, but whoever is in front of me takes fucking 20. Every time.

Also, delivery drivers who leave parcels at the front door of my apartment complex, or say there was no one home so come pick it up from the post office, without bothering to ring my buzzer even though I was home at the time.
People who insist on small talk.

I know some people regard it as a social necessity, but it's not my fault you hate silence and you're just making my anxiety worse. You can easily tell I'm not comfortable. Stop it.
An addition to the small talk/trying to get to the store and get the hell home pet peeve: when I'm clearly underdressed, dirty hair, and carrying nothing but kitty litter. This is when every bozo on the block tries to get me to bum them smokes or bother me (granted, they do it anyway) and all the cashier people want to chitchat. DUDE. I obviously didn't want to leave my house, I'm buying a necessity and look like shit and am half asleep. Go away! Also; do you know how fucking HEAVY this is? I'm lugging it around, practically dragging it, like a bag of bricks. Kitty litter is the heaviest thing to carry home ever. I do not want to stop and set this shit down and talk to you, and I'm certainly not going to stop and hold this thing in my arms while you talk at me. Stahhhp. Let me go home to my kitties.
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The weirdest I have is this one: I hate it when people say my name during conversation.
Anyone else finds it deeply condescending?? "yes, "henri", but you must understand that it is in your best interest! you know what I mean, "henri"?"
i mean, stop repeating my name like i'm too stupid to understand you.
disclaimer: my name isn't henri.
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Saying the name once, makes it sound more serious. "I love you, Henri" over "I love you, cuddlebuns." but saying it repeatedly every sentence, I get your point.

disclaimer: I don't love Henri.
SweepTheLeg said:
Saying the name once, makes it sound more serious. "I love you, Henri" over "I love you, cuddlebuns." but saying it repeatedly every sentence, I get your point.

disclaimer: I don't love Henri.
Actually I'm pretty sure hearing "I love you, Henri" would weird me out so much I might laugh. I need to get in touch with my emotions more, by practicing yoga and things maybe.
Also , the more I read and type the word "henri", the less it sounds like a plausible name .
When i know for a fact it exists.
FrenchKitty said:
The weirdest I have is this one: I hate it when people say my name during conversation.
Anyone else finds it deeply condescending?? "yes, "henri", but you must understand that it is in your best interest! you know what I mean, "henri"?"
i mean, stop repeating my name like i'm too stupid to understand you.
disclaimer: my name isn't henri.
I think it depends on how it's ONCE in a conversation, at the beginning, say, a "Good to see you Henri! Did you get that crate of Apples I sent you?" would be perfectly cool... but yeah, I've noticed when people are arguing in particular, especially online, some people tend to start every sentence with the person's name...or end it with their name. "you have to agree with this, don't you, Henri?" I think it's a form of passive aggression.
Oh another one: you think , happily, "hey i'm in a good mood today! oh i haven't called my uncle henri for a few weeks, i think i will do that!"
*ring ring*
-yes this is henri
-hey, it's me!!!!! well helloooo, I thought you were dead . Why are you calling NOW precisely? In need of something?"

good mood and affection: killed .
For me it can even equate with cutting you out of my life until the day one of us dies.
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FrenchKitty said:
Oh another one: you think , happily, "hey i'm in a good mood today! oh i haven't called my uncle henri for a few weeks, i think i will do that!"
*ring ring*
-yes this is henri
-hey, it's me!!!!! well helloooo, I thought you were dead . Why are you calling NOW precisely? In need of something?"

good mood and affection: killed .
For me it can even equate with cutting you out of my life until the day one of us dies.
Yeah! Kinda sad. It reminds me of an old friend, who when I called him, I'd always begin with the conventional pleasantries... small talk really, but the kind that most every normal human begins a conversation with... but this friend would always interrupt my greetings with "what do you want?" :lol: Now this wasn't an angry rejection thing with him, he REALLY, APPARENTLY wanted a summation of the reason I was calling. I'd even tell him sometime, "Norm, for fucking fuck's sake, it's conventional to greet people when you call doesn't have to be all germane data flow!" And then he'd laugh and say, yeah, you're right," but next time I would call, it'd be the same thing all over. lol
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Nordling said:
FrenchKitty said:
Oh another one: you think , happily, "hey i'm in a good mood today! oh i haven't called my uncle henri for a few weeks, i think i will do that!"
*ring ring*
-yes this is henri
-hey, it's me!!!!! well helloooo, I thought you were dead . Why are you calling NOW precisely? In need of something?"

good mood and affection: killed .
For me it can even equate with cutting you out of my life until the day one of us dies.
Yeah! Kinda sad. It reminds me of an old friend, who when I called him, I'd always begin with the conventional pleasantries... small talk really, but the kind that most every normal human begins a conversation with... but this friend would always interrupt my greetings with "what do you want?" :lol: Now this wasn't an angry rejection thing with him, he REALLY, APPARENTLY wanted a summation of the reason I was calling. I'd even tell him sometime, "Norm, for fucking fuck's sake, it's conventional to greet people when you call doesn't have to be all germane data flow!" And then he'd laugh and say, yeah, you're right," but next time I would call, it'd be the same thing all over. lol

People always want something when they call me. It would be nice if they would say what it was at the beginning of the call, instead of trying to pretend they were calling to say hello. I do not know if anyone has called me to chitchat since school, unless you count the people who call on my birthday out of obligation.
I just liked someone's FB status about washing your hands after you I know I've mentioned it before in this thread, but.....

That deliciously scented hand soap is right there in front of you, and you won't even PRETEND to wash your hands for 15 seconds?

"But...I pee without even putting my hands on my dick." Good for you! Wash your hands anyway, nasty. :lol:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I just liked someone's FB status about washing your hands after you I know I've mentioned it before in this thread, but.....

That deliciously scented hand soap is right there in front of you, and you won't even PRETEND to wash your hands for 15 seconds?

"But...I pee without even putting my hands on my dick." Good for you! Wash your hands anyway, nasty. :lol:
If you touched the handle to flush the toilet, if you wiped, if you're in a public bathroom and if you've touched the handle on any of the doors, wash your hands! Doesn't matter if you peed or just went in there to fart. :naughty:
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