AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Pet Peeves, yo.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Oooh good one!

Yeah it drives me bonkers that anytime I call a song/tv show/movie "old" or "classic" because it was like 20+ years ago I get lots of hemms and hawws about how "That ain't old". Ok, I get that you've been around a few decades more than me, but that doesn't mean something that happened 15-20+ years ago isn't old just because you've been alive longer.

Conversely, we old farts are peeved when people talk about the 80's and 90's like that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. :crybaby:
AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Oooh good one!

Yeah it drives me bonkers that anytime I call a song/tv show/movie "old" or "classic" because it was like 20+ years ago I get lots of hemms and hawws about how "That ain't old". Ok, I get that you've been around a few decades more than me, but that doesn't mean something that happened 15-20+ years ago isn't old just because you've been alive longer.
I don't want to excuse this, or suggest you should not be peeved, only offer some reason other than our need to insert our greater longevity. We are concerned that you don't appreciate your youth as much as we think you should. When we were your age we did not, and no one ever will. A true appreciation of youth comes with age. When we are around youthful ppl it is hard for us not to point that out, not because we are old but because you are young, and living a most wonderful part of your life. But I will try to keep it in mind.
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HarmlessSquirrel said:
AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Oooh good one!
Yeah it drives me bonkers that anytime I call a song/tv show/movie "old" or "classic" because it was like 20+ years ago I get lots of hemms and hawws about how "That ain't old". Ok, I get that you've been around a few decades more than me, but that doesn't mean something that happened 15-20+ years ago isn't old just because you've been alive longer.
Conversely, we old farts are peeved when people talk about the 80's and 90's like that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. :crybaby:

:character-oldtimer: :character-oldtimer: :character-oldtimer:
might also make a note we old fucks invented the technology you young'ns are so dependent on ...
Damn snot nosed young knowitall whippersnappers ....
:lol: :lol:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Oooh good one!

Yeah it drives me bonkers that anytime I call a song/tv show/movie "old" or "classic" because it was like 20+ years ago I get lots of hemms and hawws about how "That ain't old". Ok, I get that you've been around a few decades more than me, but that doesn't mean something that happened 15-20+ years ago isn't old just because you've been alive longer.

Conversely, we old farts are peeved when people talk about the 80's and 90's like that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. :crybaby:
No one is saying it was the Stone Age. But the 80' WERE a long time ago. I realize as we get older, the time passes faster, but pulling some ego crap about how many decades, presidents, technology changes you've seen doesn't sit right with me.

There doesn't need to be a rivalry between "old fucks" and "young'ns", and I also don't think people approaching or in their 30's should be labeled as such.

Many of my friends know I hate being called "kid" for this sort of reason. It's condescending.
mynameisbob84 said:
What are y'all pet peeves? Doesn't have to be camming related, it can be aaaaaaaaaanything :?

I have come to despise with every fibre of my being, the phrase "That awkward moment when..." when followed by an unawkward, inane, and probably made up occurrence. It doesn't even make grammatical sense! Stop it! .
I remember when I first saw this thread, there was that awkward moment when I stuck my head up out of the root cellar and bellowed, "Ma turn loose of that dam gater, snatch the youngins out the mud, and get down here, I got something to show y'all." Well there it was, a thread that might stand the test of time, like they say. There ain't no good home that don't have a whippin post of some sort or another, and I reckon the same holds true for this here forum. Now the OP has got a total of4 thanks - that just ain't right! Seems only right thing to do is go thank the OP if you missed it the first time through....

(Hey Bob you watch for me at MFC so you can transfer me some tokens, you owe me on this one.)
camstory said:
mynameisbob84 said:
What are y'all pet peeves? Doesn't have to be camming related, it can be aaaaaaaaaanything :?

I have come to despise with every fibre of my being, the phrase "That awkward moment when..." when followed by an unawkward, inane, and probably made up occurrence. It doesn't even make grammatical sense! Stop it! .
I remember when I first saw this thread, there was that awkward moment when I stuck my head up out of the root cellar and bellowed, "Ma turn loose of that dam gater, snatch the youngins out the mud, and get down here, I got something to show y'all." Well there it was, a thread that might stand the test of time, like they say. There ain't no good home that don't have a whippin post of some sort or another, and I reckon the same holds true for this here forum. Now the OP has got a total of4 thanks - that just ain't right! Seems only right thing to do is go thank the OP if you missed it the first time through....

(Hey Bob you watch for me at MFC so you can transfer me some tokens, you owe me on this one.)

Why thank ya, sir (it now stands at six :-D)
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As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.

Sweep got banned in my room once for this. He had a different name, made a joke that normally HE could get away with, but new name him could not. :shifty:
FrankieChemical said:
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.

Sweep got banned in my room once for this. He had a different name, made a joke that normally HE could get away with, but new name him could not. :shifty:
Exactly. Regulars in my room have earned the right to speak a certain way to me and other regulars. When someone is new to the room, I won't let them behave like that. I clicked on someone last night because I was upset how chummy he as acting with another regular, and realized it's one of my most long-term friends. It made me rage.
My ban cherry got popped that night. I like learning my lessons the hard way. I haven't changed my name in a very very very long time- mostly because I forget to ever change it back.
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HarmlessSquirrel said:
AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
When I start a sentence with "When I was younger.....," and some person (mid-40's or older) cuts me off to laugh and say "What are you talking about? You're STILL young."

Yeah, um...relax, old-timer. Did I say anything about NOT being young? All I said was "When I was younger..." There's a difference. So please spare me the "Well, you haven't lived as long as I have!" speech, and let me finish what I was trying to say.
Oooh good one!

Yeah it drives me bonkers that anytime I call a song/tv show/movie "old" or "classic" because it was like 20+ years ago I get lots of hemms and hawws about how "That ain't old". Ok, I get that you've been around a few decades more than me, but that doesn't mean something that happened 15-20+ years ago isn't old just because you've been alive longer.

Conversely, we old farts are peeved when people talk about the 80's and 90's like that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. :crybaby:
They did! It was a Jim Hensen production and nobody thinks "not the mamma" is funny anymore because it's OLD! OOOOOOOOLD! :lol:
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different.

I had a regular who changed his name, and when he came into my room, he got offended that I didn't know who he was. :roll: I guessed that he was a certain person, but I guessed wrong, and it pissed him off. He even sent me a nasty MFC Mail. It was something along the lines of "I can't believe you thought I was that weird guy! Get a real job instead of being an internet whore!" :violin:

The next time a member decides to change his name for the 50th time, I'm not playing that childish 'Guess who I am!' game. Instead, I'm just gonna shrug my shoulders and say "You're not gonna tell me who you are? Okay then..." and not even pay anymore attention to him.
camstory said:
I don't want to excuse this, or suggest you should not be peeved, only offer some reason other than our need to insert our greater longevity. We are concerned that you don't appreciate your youth as much as we think you should. When we were your age we did not, and no one ever will. A true appreciation of youth comes with age. When we are around youthful ppl it is hard for us not to point that out, not because we are old but because you are young, and living a most wonderful part of your life. But I will try to keep it in mind.

I hate when people assume I don't appreciate my youth. I was a very observant kid. I fully appreciated the fact that I didn't have to work for a living OR clean the whole house, just my little room and my homework. When I got to college and shit got harder, I still appreciated the fact that I had so much energy, and that my body didn't have aches and pains yet. And I loved not having to work out because my metabolism was so damn fast I'd lose weight while eating a gallon of ice cream. I loved my hair and dreaded the day when it would start going gray. I loved my body and dreaded the day when I'd have to be careful how I moved, watch what I ate, and make sure I was active enough. I loved my freedom and dreaded the years of hard work that lay ahead of me. No sir, I totally appreciated my youth!

Now, it's a bit harder. Those days of hard work are upon me. My body has those aches that I was not looking forward to. I can't eat whatever I want and not gain a few pounds as a result. I do have to clean the whole apartment, and not just my little room. I do have to keep up with the bills, and remember the birthdays on my own without my mother to remind me of them.

And yet, I still find things to enjoy about my life now. I appreciate that it's still kinda exciting to be out on my own. I appreciate that my love life still has that just-getting-started glow, and have hope that a similar glow will continue later. I appreciate that when there's a major problem with my apartment, I don't have to pay the plumber or electrician, that's the landlord's responsibility. I love that sometimes it feels like I have all the time in the world to get things done, even if sometimes I start feeling the rush of "I'm getting older" pull on me.

So don't make assumptions that I don't appreciate my youth. Just because most people don't, doesn't mean no one ever does.
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.
lol I did this the other day and didn't get a chance to make any smart remarks before you knew it was me!
AmberCutie said:
Many of my friends know I hate being called "kid" for this sort of reason. It's condescending.

Same here.

The only time it's okay is when parents say they're gonna go "visit the kids" (referring to their adult sons/daughters). I think that's fine. :)
LadyLuna said:
camstory said:
I don't want to excuse this, or suggest you should not be peeved, only offer some reason other than our need to insert our greater longevity. We are concerned that you don't appreciate your youth as much as we think you should. When we were your age we did not, and no one ever will. A true appreciation of youth comes with age. When we are around youthful ppl it is hard for us not to point that out, not because we are old but because you are young, and living a most wonderful part of your life. But I will try to keep it in mind.

I hate when people assume I don't appreciate my youth. I was a very observant kid. I fully appreciated the fact that I didn't have to work for a living OR clean the whole house, just my little room and my homework. When I got to college and shit got harder, I still appreciated the fact that I had so much energy, and that my body didn't have aches and pains yet. And I loved not having to work out because my metabolism was so damn fast I'd lose weight while eating a gallon of ice cream. I loved my hair and dreaded the day when it would start going gray. I loved my body and dreaded the day when I'd have to be careful how I moved, watch what I ate, and make sure I was active enough. I loved my freedom and dreaded the years of hard work that lay ahead of me. No sir, I totally appreciated my youth!

Now, it's a bit harder. Those days of hard work are upon me. My body has those aches that I was not looking forward to. I can't eat whatever I want and not gain a few pounds as a result. I do have to clean the whole apartment, and not just my little room. I do have to keep up with the bills, and remember the birthdays on my own without my mother to remind me of them.

And yet, I still find things to enjoy about my life now. I appreciate that it's still kinda exciting to be out on my own. I appreciate that my love life still has that just-getting-started glow, and have hope that a similar glow will continue later. I appreciate that when there's a major problem with my apartment, I don't have to pay the plumber or electrician, that's the landlord's responsibility. I love that sometimes it feels like I have all the time in the world to get things done, even if sometimes I start feeling the rush of "I'm getting older" pull on me.

So don't make assumptions that I don't appreciate my youth. Just because most people don't, doesn't mean no one ever does.
You know Luna, I thought to add a qualifier to my "no on does" comment because I thought there are some who probably do. I was not one,and I think it is most rare.
The_Brown_Fox said:
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different.

I had a regular who changed his name, and when he came into my room, he got offended that I didn't know who he was. :roll: I guessed that he was a certain person, but I guessed wrong, and it pissed him off. He even sent me a nasty MFC Mail. It was something along the lines of "I can't believe you thought I was that weird guy! Get a real job instead of being an internet whore!" :violin:

The next time a member decides to change his name for the 50th time, I'm not playing that childish 'Guess who I am!' game. Instead, I'm just gonna shrug nmy shoulders and say "You're not gonna tell me who you are? Okay then..." and not even pay anymore attention to him.
This is a ridiculous reaction of this guy. As one who has more than oe account at MFC I forget who knows me by which name and always say as soon as I enter a room who I am if there is any doubt in my mind. Most often I get a , "I know who you are", but I always want to hedge on the side of disclosure.

I have seen members get bent out of shape, cuz ,"You should have known me from my avatar", oh really, and who the fuck are you to think I should know your avatar from the other primadonnas that come in here and think the room revolves around them. This guy is a case of 'I think I'm more special then I have any right to think', IMO.
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.

I think changing my name to Shaun__ is the only reason Mixxi read my profile years ago. Models never seem to look at those things.
JoleneBrody said:
They did! It was a Jim Hensen production and nobody thinks "not the mamma" is funny anymore because it's OLD! OOOOOOOOLD! :lol:

Damn, I think I went to school with the dad!

SoTxBob said:
No one is saying it was the Stone Age. But the 80' WERE a long time ago. I realize as we get older, the time passes faster, but pulling some ego crap about how many decades, presidents, technology changes you've seen doesn't sit right with me.

There doesn't need to be a rivalry between "old fucks" and "young'ns", and I also don't think people approaching or in their 30's should be labeled as such.

Many of my friends know I hate being called "kid" for this sort of reason. It's condescending.

Nope, no need for a rivalry. I spend a fair amount of time around seniors, so I get called a kid myself sometimes too. I don't think most people mean anything by the references in either direction. It's just human nature to view time from your own reference points. I do get that it's annoying if it sounds like someone's implying you don't have the experience to know anything.
Whenever I almost say something referring to my age and VAST experience, I've paper clipped to my frontal lobes the simple fact that people like Neal deGrasse Tyson and Maya Paczuski are younger than me. Humility follows and I STFU. :)

It used to bug me when my father-in-law called my wife and me "you kids" when we in our 30s and 40s. I bit my lip but wanted to say, "is that really necessary?"
When grown men start a pissing match over spelling...We all learned it at some point or another and maybe it doesn't make sense to everyone, but why does there need to be a pissing match over it? It's starting to smell like ammonia in here now.
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AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.
Can I just go ahead and 2nd this.
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curvyredhead said:
AmberCutie said:
As a model on MFC pet peeve:

When people who are somewhat regulars in my room change their name to something completely unrelated to their usual name, and don't tell me it's them when the enter the room, then continue to have conversation with me and other regulars as if nothing is different. It irks me to see a "stranger" behaving sarcastically or poking inside jokes. Then I click on you and realize it's YOU.

Stop doing that.

You make all this effort to create a rapport with someone who recognizes you by your name, so stick to it. And if you've renamed yourself due to conversation in another room, either change your name back when you come to my room, or at least when you say "hi" let us know who you are.
Can I just go ahead and 2nd this.
Third! It's not just a model pet peeve. A member who I had befriended changed his name and while we were in the same room PM'd me. After I asked who he was, he said, "I can't believe you don't know who this is!" was I supposed to figure that out. It's not like we're lifelong buddies or something. :)
HarmlessSquirrel said:
Conversely, we old farts are peeved when people talk about the 80's and 90's like that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. :crybaby:

Youth is wasted on the young; money is wasted on the old and MFC exists to correct this imbalance. :mrgreen:
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HarmlessSquirrel said:
JoleneBrody said:
They did! It was a Jim Hensen production and nobody thinks "not the mamma" is funny anymore because it's OLD! OOOOOOOOLD! :lol:

Damn, I think I went to school with the dad!

AmberCutie said:
no one is saying it was the Stone Age. But the 80' WERE a long time ago. I realize as we get older, the time passes faster, but pulling some ego crap about how many decades, presidents, technology changes you've seen doesn't sit right with me.

There doesn't need to be a rivalry between "old fucks" and "young'ns", and I also don't think people approaching or in their 30's should be labeled as such.

Many of my friends know I hate being called "kid" for this sort of reason. It's condescending.

Nope, no need for a rivalry. I spend a fair amount of time around seniors, so I get called a kid myself sometimes too. I don't think most people mean anything by the references in either direction. It's just human nature to view time from your own reference points. I do get that it's annoying if it sounds like someone's implying you don't have the experience to know anything.
JoleneBrody said:
They did! It was a Jim Hensen production and nobody thinks "not the mamma" is funny anymore because it's OLD! OOOOOOOOLD! :lol:

God I vaguely remember that show, it was horrible even back then. I think it probably only lasted about a season. Talk about a shitty rip-off of the Flintstones.
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