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Pet Peeves, yo.

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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I just liked someone's FB status about washing your hands after you I know I've mentioned it before in this thread, but.....

That deliciously scented hand soap is right there in front of you, and you won't even PRETEND to wash your hands for 15 seconds?

"But...I pee without even putting my hands on my dick." Good for you! Wash your hands anyway, nasty. :lol:
If you touched the handle to flush the toilet, if you wiped, if you're in a public bathroom and if you've touched the handle on any of the doors, wash your hands! Doesn't matter if you peed or just went in there to fart. :naughty:
lol I used to work with a fellow who was so paranoid about germs that he carried a huge hanky everywhere he went. See, in the can, after peeing, you wash your hands, but then you have to touch the door in some logically, you'd have to back and rewash those filthy hands. :D This guy, named "Edward," after washing his hands for what seemed an endless amount of time, would use the hanky to open the door.

He'd also use the handkerchief to answer the phone.
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Nordling said:
lol I used to work with a fellow who was so paranoid about germs that he carried a huge hanky everywhere he went. See, in the can, after peeing, you wash your hands, but then you have to touch the door in some logically, you'd have to back and rewash those filthy hands. :D This guy, named "Edward," after washing his hands for what seemed an endless amount of time, would use the hanky to open the door.

He'd also use the handkerchief to answer the phone.
I don't go to that extreme, but I'll use a paper towel or the edge of my shirt to open bathroom doors in public. There's just way too many people that don't wash their hands......

Icky story from being in Walmart today:
Being pregnant and short means my organs are seriously squished. While in the bathroom, this lady was carrying on a loud conversation on her cellphone and would pause every few seconds to fart, LOUDLY, and grunt...It did not smell pleasant at all and, unfortunately, everything from her stall echoed in the whole bathroom. :? She came out while I was washing my hands, didn't even pause at the mirror, just kept talking on her phone and walked out. :sad2: :sad5: :sick: If the smell wasn't bad enough.....I used two paper towels to open that door.
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Icky story from being in Walmart today:
Being pregnant and short means my organs are seriously squished. While in the bathroom, this lady was carrying on a loud conversation on her cellphone and would pause every few seconds to fart, LOUDLY, and grunt...It did not smell pleasant at all and, unfortunately, everything from her stall echoed in the whole bathroom. :? She came out while I was washing my hands, didn't even pause at the mirror, just kept talking on her phone and walked out. :sad2: :sad5: :sick: If the smell wasn't bad enough.....I used two paper towels to open that door.

She...was...on the phone...grunting one the same time...I just honked, a little in my mouth.
"Hi Honey...unnnhhhhhh...sure it...GRUNT...Love you too"

Once a woman who was serving me a hard taco dinner at Taco Bell sneezed into my food...I freaked out.
Demanded my money back...demanded to see manager.

She was the manager...she paid out of till...never went back

That Taco Bell closed about 1 year later...replaced with a Wimpeys...not much better.
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Here's a pet peeve: people who poop in public bathrooms while discussing their sex life on their cell phones loudly. :shock:

Yea.....She also said she got off work at 3pm so they could walk the dogs and then have sex.. :? She was an employee.
I have hopped from leg to leg going "I gotta go, no, I really gotta go, I'll call you back in a few minutes, but I gotta go now!"

Can never understand those who stay on call in the bathroom.
Remember when 'Poppy' on Seinfeld peed, flushed, walked right out and returned to the restaurant kitchen to prepare food? I remember the look on Jerry's face. :lol:

Such a great show.
Nordling said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I just liked someone's FB status about washing your hands after you I know I've mentioned it before in this thread, but.....

That deliciously scented hand soap is right there in front of you, and you won't even PRETEND to wash your hands for 15 seconds?

"But...I pee without even putting my hands on my dick." Good for you! Wash your hands anyway, nasty. :lol:
If you touched the handle to flush the toilet, if you wiped, if you're in a public bathroom and if you've touched the handle on any of the doors, wash your hands! Doesn't matter if you peed or just went in there to fart. :naughty:
lol I used to work with a fellow who was so paranoid about germs that he carried a huge hanky everywhere he went. See, in the can, after peeing, you wash your hands, but then you have to touch the door in some logically, you'd have to back and rewash those filthy hands. :D This guy, named "Edward," after washing his hands for what seemed an endless amount of time, would use the hanky to open the door.

He'd also use the handkerchief to answer the phone.

Was his last name "Hankyhands?"

Also, after a long day of using that hanky for everything potentially dirty, do you think it occurred to him that he needed to wash his hands after touching the hanky?
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People who just default assume they know better than I do, but have never done the amount of research or trial and error that I have. But, since Im a young female stripper, I must be a total dumbass.

If you have trouble seeing me as an adult, maybe you should stop jerking off to me.
Jessi said:
If you have trouble seeing me as an adult, maybe you should stop jerking off to me.


Using it. Thanx!
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When a post refers to someone's avatar (either the poster themself or someone else on the forum), but I don't see it before the avatar in question has been changed, making the post irrelevant.
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One of my best tipping regulars is always asking me "Why don't you drive?" :woops:

Everybody doesn't HAVE to have a car, ya know...and I'm getting sick of being asked that question all the time by the same person.....
when I realize it's the same person, I say "I answered that (insert time period here, aka, last week), and since I actually remember that it's you asking it, I've probably answered it five million times before. Is this a fetish question? Please tip to get that answer from me from now on."
Bump! I wanna complain...
DOOR SLAMMING :angry4: in general... but more importantly when you live in an apartment be it in a building or house broken up into apartments. All I hear is neighbors' doors slamming closed all day. I close my door so quietly I could actually be closing YOUR door and you wouldn't even notice lol... but no one, NO ONE attempts to do the they're not even heavy doors!Why am I constantly hearing them &^#&$#...
My last apt was the same issue, I was in a house on the first floor and there were two apartments above me, but the front entrance door was next to my front door and was very heavy, and those people let it slam all day as well. Everytime it shook the whole fucking house. I NEVER let doors slam... I must be a weirdo...
I turn on the loud vacuum to clean up an area real quickly, and the moment the vacuum is on is when someone decides to ask me a question or talk to me. :woops: It can't wait a couple minutes?
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Your partner is watching TV, you decide it's a safe time to be doing the dishes, but no. He HAS to get up and become the Great General In Command Of Cleaning Routines, and start dividing the house in 2 equal parts, and literally RUN around loudly cleaning ALL the things and screaming from the top of the stairs "I'll just throw the dirty laundry down the stairs so you can wash it" , "can you come give me the broom upstairs", "come look at this, it's disgusting what I found under the bed" "I'll do the dusting and you can scrub the toilets"
I just wanted to wash the dishes in peace, we have a laundry basket, please SIT DOWN AND WATCH TV AGAIN :crybaby:
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FrenchKitty said:
Your partner is watching TV, you decide it's a safe time to be doing the dishes, but no. He HAS to get up and become the Great General In Command Of Cleaning Routines, and start dividing the house in 2 equal parts, and literally RUN around loudly cleaning ALL the things and screaming from the top of the stairs "I'll just throw the dirty laundry down the stairs so you can wash it" , "can you come give me the broom upstairs", "come look at this, it's disgusting what I found under the bed" "I'll do the dusting and you can scrub the toilets"
I just wanted to wash the dishes in peace, we have a laundry basket, please SIT DOWN AND WATCH TV AGAIN :crybaby:

I was with a guy who did this too. I had years to try to figure it out and I have a few possible reasons, because it drove me nuts too.

Some people actually do notice others doing things, like cleaning, and feel a certain sense of guilt/laziness if they don't do something productive too. I have the same issue. When someone in the same house as me starts to clean, I feel OBLIGATED to clean as well, even if I'm working/busy with something else. Growing up we always cleaned the house as a family, every day, and us (the kids) got yelled at if we didn't help enough. It's ingrained in me now to never be lazy when someone else is being productive, I feel stressed out by it and can't just sit and relax.

Anyway, there's two likely possibilities. Either he wants to be helpful and not feel like a lazybutt while you're busy, or he wants to clean anyway and is just looking for a good time or motivation to start. By seeing you doing the dishes he might think "ooh, good time to clean up the stuff I noticed lately, she won't mind since she's cleaning up anyway..." :lol:

He probably has good intentions and just doesn't know that it isn't the best timing to act on them :)
When someone bites their wool mittens off (ugh gives me the hibby jibbys or whatever)

Biting through crusty bread (I can't stand the sound)

When someone interrups me or ignores me.

When a member says "cam is on bb" so? mine too.

When I go to take a shower and the conditioner bottles is all squeezed and deformed
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Daniella_Lixx said:
When someone interrupts me

This may be my #1 pet peeve.

My son's friend (she's 10 or 11) AND her mom have a serious problem with interrupting. It's definitely the worst case of interrupting I've ever seen. I'll be in the middle of talking, and mid-sentence the woman will interrupt me and be like "Yeah, when I lived in New York....." It's now become this thing where I have to - as quickly as possible - spit out what I want to say, making it as few words as possible...SMH.
The_Brown_Fox said:
Daniella_Lixx said:
When someone interrupts me

This may be my #1 pet peeve.

My son's friend (she's 10 or 11) AND her mom have a serious problem with interrupting. It's definitely the worst case of interrupting I've ever seen. I'll be in the middle of talking, and mid-sentence the woman will interrupt me and be like "Yeah, when I lived in New York....." It's now become this thing where I have to - as quickly as possible - spit out what I want to say, making it as few words as possible...SMH.
Yes! A very good friend, for years had this very annoying habit of finishing everyone's sentence, and then continuing on with his assumption about the conversation. Sometimes one of his friends would actually grab him and yell in his ear: "SHUT UP!" lol He was a great guy otherwise, generous, kindly, all that stuff, but until he got married and his wife curtailed his hyper activity (which appeared to be his problem) by making him go to a doctor, he continued doing this no matter how often we'd yell at him. lol
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ScarletVixen said:
He probably has good intentions and just doesn't know that it isn't the best timing to act on them :)
I know, I know, he's not doing that to annoy me..... But like you I grew up in a house where you got yelled out if you didn't clean (except the parents didn't help very much lol) and they used to compare how much work each child had accomplished and shame the "lazy burden " other. And now I'm weird with cleaning. I can't have people watching me, much less cleaning MORE than me, I get that guilt/dread/ panicky feeling , and I freeze lol.
Obviously, I instinctinvely resent the person being all energetic and productive around me, as I spent my late childhood in a silent "cleaning contest" with my sister....
well seems like I owe you the price of a consult, dr Vixen ^^ you just helped me explain this to myself :D
You know what really grinds my gears?

-walking in to spider webs

-people who are stingy with money when they clearly have a lot of it.

-men who refer to “babysitting” their own children.

-grocery shopping carts with a bad wheel

-people that shame q-tip ear canal insertion

-soap scum

-someone knocking at the door while you are trying to masturbate

-hang nails

-too much ice in my rum and coke

-people who whistle when they work

-keeping your Christmas lights up until February.

-straight girls, gay men, generally anyone I couldn't sex if I wanted to

-ice cream with freezer burn

-getting your pant loop stuck on a drawer handle

-not replacing the toilet paper roll

-couples that own a dog together and call themselves mommy and daddy.

-women who are obviously bottle blondes who still blame their stupidity on being blonde, as in: “Oh, no! I’m having a blonde moment!”

-dryer sheets

-being slapped on a sunburn

-when other people sleep on my pillow

-not being able to fit the chip in the salsa jar

-not being to fit the cookie in the cup of milk

-getting salsa and milk all over your hands

-finding a piece of soggy chip in your salsa

-drinking soggy cookies at the bottom of your glass

-toothpaste tubes

-the sound of Styrofoam rubbing together

-being comfortable in bed but having to pee

-the sound of too much spit in someone's mouth when they talk.

-ankle socks

-when people try to secretly read over your shoulder

-anyone male or female that says: "We're pregnant." Are they sharing a uterus?

-being randomly handed a phone with someone on the other end with no warning "Oh here, talk to so and so!"

-constant heavy sighing

-people who habitually need favors
I hate when you show someone a picture on your phone or camera, and they click to look at all the other pictures too.
I think this is even worse when there's a risk they could find naked pictures of you. :oops: Especially as the people who usually do it are family members/people you don't want seeing you naked!
AngelicTease said:
I hate when you show someone a picture on your phone or camera, and they click to look at all the other pictures too.
I think this is even worse when there's a risk they could find naked pictures of you. :oops: Especially as the people who usually do it are family members/people you don't want seeing you naked!

The rules are clear, you get 1 swipe either side of the picture I showed you.
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