AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

MUTES!!!! ( or how I call them mutants lol)

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Remember the days BEFORE you could mute basics? Oh man that was so crazy. The number of premiums I have to ban now is an average between the number of basics and premiums I had to ban back then -- because a lot of the troll basics become premiums just so they can talk and be asses. At least MFC is getting money out of them lol.
Frankie said:
I've got a weird question to add to this topic: lurkers do you feel awkward if a model says hello to you when you enter her room? I had the oddest occurrence on SkinVideo when I first started: since I could see who was entering the room, I'd cheerfully say hello (Welcome to my room [insert screen name here]!) & the people 9 times out of 10 would disappear. I always thought I'd scared them O_O Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea for a model who often deals with lurkers to continue it?

Not awkward to me, I'd just say hi back and ask how your night's been or something. It's a little awkward though if I pop in an unfamiliar model's room and I'm the ONLY premium in there and she immediately pounces on me - but I don't think that's what you're referring to.
Frankie said:
I've got a weird question to add to this topic: lurkers do you feel awkward if a model says hello to you when you enter her room? I had the oddest occurrence on SkinVideo when I first started: since I could see who was entering the room, I'd cheerfully say hello (Welcome to my room [insert screen name here]!) & the people 9 times out of 10 would disappear. I always thought I'd scared them O_O Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea for a model who often deals with lurkers to continue it?

I would say that if the name's been there for a minute or two, saying something like "hey (name), how are you doing?" isn't a bad thing. But when I first joined MFC, going to rooms to just have some models PM me with "hi bb" 10 seconds after I entered was quite annoying. Just my :twocents-02cents:
LoveLov said:
Mikeythegeek said:
But when I first joined MFC, going to rooms to just have some models PM me with "hi bb" 10 seconds after I entered was quite annoying. Just my :twocents-02cents:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? A model greeting you was annoying to you?
you are a F.A.G .! :hand:

I think he just meant an immediate PM from a model on a first visit to her room is kind of off putting for some members since a lot of models use that to beg or demand things.
Frankie said:
LoveLov said:
Mikeythegeek said:
But when I first joined MFC, going to rooms to just have some models PM me with "hi bb" 10 seconds after I entered was quite annoying. Just my :twocents-02cents:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? A model greeting you was annoying to you?
you are a F.A.G .! :hand:

I think he just meant an immediate PM from a model on a first visit to her room is kind of off putting for some members since a lot of models use that to beg or demand things.


Lovelov, :hand: yourself.
:hand: to you too Mikey...
Jeesus, what kinda girly man are you? a woman says hello, pm or not pm and you dont like that cause u think she might "beg" for a few pennies...1. u either are broke and cant give it to her ( get a second job)... 2. u have it and don't wanna give it to her ( get out of her room), 3.u have it and want to give it to her but not when she asks (lame excuse)...
LoveLov said:
:hand: to you too Mikey...
Jeesus, what kinda girly man are you? a woman says hello, pm or not pm and you dont like that cause u think she might "beg" for a few pennies...1. u either are broke and cant give it to her ( get a second job)... 2. u have it and don't wanna give it to her ( get out of her room), 3.u have it and want to give it to her but not when she asks (lame excuse)...

**Edit: Asha you beat me to it, is pretty much what I was trying to say too**

Nicole, he's not talking about a simple courteous "hello, soandso how are you?".

The fact is some girls if you enter a room and it's a slow night for them and you're one of maybe 3 premiums in the room they DO beg for pennies, and when you've never seen a girl before, just got there, the last thing you want is to feel pressured and put on the spot. It's really NOT about just a normal's a vibe and a specific type of solicitation that some (not all) models engage in.

This is the SOLE reason my pms are friend list only - because premiums get harassed by models they've never even "met" before.
Nice to see we're still randomly picking fights with each other for absolutely no reason, so dont leave me out of the fun!!

Frankie, you have natural skin glow that I want for myself therefore I RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

Mikey, I feel you aren't using your powers for evil, and that makes me RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

Jupiter, you are Australian and therefore you likely have seen a Kangaroo at some point in time, that makes me RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

Picking random fights with each other is SUPER FUN! :mrgreen:
Jebbaz said:
Nice to see we're still randomly picking fights with each other for absolutely no reason, so dont leave me out of the fun!!

Frankie, you have natural skin glow that I want for myself therefore I RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

Mikey, I feel you aren't using your powers for evil, and that makes me RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

Jupiter, you are Australian and therefore you likely have seen a Kangaroo at some point in time, that makes me RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

Picking random fights with each other is SUPER FUN! :mrgreen:
:clap: Well played, sir.

But get over the fuckin' kangaroos, will ya!? Maybe they don't want to see you! :lol:
Asha, you have the two most adorable puppies I have ever seen! so therefore I RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

and I will soooooo take your glowy skin Frankie! I R Jelly.

and Mikey, MAKE ME get over the Kangaroo's with your super powers! Do it! Be EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL! :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol:
Frankie said:
AshaSnow said:
Jebbaz, you left me out :crybaby:

I'll do it for him.

Asha, you have an awesome, rocking ass I RAGGGGGGEEE AT YOU!!!! :angry4:

Oh YEA?!! Well you've got that "badass"ness I've always dreamed of (I'm just too cute to do "bad" well) so I meekly RAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGEEEE AT YOU!!!! :blob6:
Jebbaz said:
Jupiter, you are Australian and therefore you likely have seen a Kangaroo at some point in time, that makes me RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at you! :angry4:

you mean like this picture of me holding a joey named Sean (after me)? I found it stuck in a barbed wire fence and took it to a wildlife sanctuary, was years ago now and the pic is crappy cuz it's a photo of a photo lol

In the town where my grandma lives and parents grew up, kangaroos hang out in packs on the golf course lol, lazing in the shade under the trees.
Can I just say, as a long time follower of this, and other cam threads; and as a new cam model and member of the model side... it's just plain AWESOME to see the regulars refuse to rise to a trolls obvious baiting. Well played everyone - well played!! :thumbleft: :clap: :dance: :lol: Oh, and for all being so all around awesome ..... I RAGE AT YOU!!! How dare you all refuse to give a troll some attention!!! :angry4: Heheh ;)

:h: Imogen
All I have to say is:

Wombats >>> Kangaroos.

Rage at THAT, mofos!

But that's enough off-topic banter from me
Frankie said:
I've got a weird question to add to this topic: lurkers do you feel awkward if a model says hello to you when you enter her room? I had the oddest occurrence on SkinVideo when I first started: since I could see who was entering the room, I'd cheerfully say hello (Welcome to my room [insert screen name here]!) & the people 9 times out of 10 would disappear. I always thought I'd scared them O_O Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea for a model who often deals with lurkers to continue it?

I'm totally one of these sketchy flighty members who has a panic attack if a model immediately greets me upon entering her room and some sort of mouse-finger fight-or-flight instinct sets in and I bail on the room in a tizzy lol. A second after I leave the room I think to myself, "zomg ur such a gaywad, go back and greet the lady properly". This only happens if I've just entered a room and she says "hi", if I'm hanging out for a while and she calls me out it's less alarming because by that point I've gotten the feel and tone of the girl/room. (and it goes without saying that this scenario is inherently different from receiving an assload of "hi bb mmmmm" pms when you're surfing the second page on MFC). I can only relate this unfounded irrational rindonkilous "zomg she said HI to me, WHAT DO I DO???" anxiety I have to me randomly walking up to a gent at the bar and introducing myself and watch the terror flash in his eyes. What's his problem? I only said "hi, howsitgoin, I'm Amy" but in that precise moment to him it feels like I'm pointing a gun at his head. I highly doubt that other "lurkers" who bail on rooms after you say hi are much different from me or the poor dude I made crap his pants at the pub when I sauntered over to start up a conversation. It's unlikely their first instinct is, "she wants something from me" their initial instinct is probably just that silly momentary panic people (me included) feel when pretty girls talk to them :)

In addition, some guys may just be popping in for a peek to see what you're up to, so their disappearing act may have nothing to do with your immediate greetings towards them. If something your doing results in a negative effect 9 out of ten times, it's probably a good clue it's not workin' for ya.
I personally dont greet anyone else other then previous tippers, friends and my VIPS.
its their job to greet me ...they come to MY room ..thats how I see it..
I NEVER pm to say hi or F u.
I dont, others do.. dont like it? move on.. but dont blame the girl for saying hi to u., i dont care if she says hi in the next 0.0001 seconds or in the next 10 minutes..
when u go to a f**ing store , u get greeted by the sales person there... dont u? no difference here... :naughty:
LoveLov said:
I personally dont greet anyone else other then previous tippers, friends and my VIPS.
its their job to greet me ...they come to MY room ..thats how I see it..
I NEVER pm to say hi or F u.
I dont, others do.. dont like it? move on.. but dont blame the girl for saying hi to u., i dont care if she says hi in the next 0.0001 seconds or in the next 10 minutes..
when u go to a f**ing store , u get greeted by the sales person there... dont u? no difference here... :naughty:
Yet again you're so charming. :)

When a model I've never watched before notices and greets me when I haven't spoken, I'm immediately suspicious of them. When a friend notices me before I've spoken up, I am not so suspicious. I have a feeling many premiums find themselves in the same situation. We all know why the models are here so the proactive step can seem like an overly aggressive sales tactic. Guess it's safer to open cams in Lounge... as scary a place as it can be at times.
LoveLov said:
when u go to a f**ing store , u get greeted by the sales person there... dont u? no difference here... :naughty:

Sure, but when you enter a store and get pounced on before you take two steps, it's more likely to cause a negative reaction.

Second scenario:

When I'm in a store, a salesperson approaches and asks if I need help with anything, I respond "no I'm just browsing, thanks" I've yet to have him/her respond "Then get the fuck out of my store, freeloader!" :violence-smack:
LoveLov said:
very funny ha ha ha :thumbleft:
and Mirra u get suspicious of what? the model being only after your money ? :violin:
how dare models be after a premiums money.... SHAME of them!! lil whores... :naughty: :lol:

This is so weird. First you tell models to look past MFC and money in another thread and now you say "Well fuck premiums should be liking models after only their money." You sound a little confused between the two threads I've seen you in the most. :?
BadAssCurves said:
Pic related.
Hah I honestly don't think she's a troll. She's a very self-centered camgirl who doesn't know how to make the most of her career in the adult industry. If you're going to market yourself as such a bitch, you should probably make it more known that it's your intention instead of just acting like one and hoping it pays off for you. :twocents-02cents:
LoveLov said:
:hand: to you too Mikey...
Jeesus, what kinda girly man are you? a woman says hello, pm or not pm and you dont like that cause u think she might "beg" for a few pennies...1. u either are broke and cant give it to her ( get a second job)... 2. u have it and don't wanna give it to her ( get out of her room), 3.u have it and want to give it to her but not when she asks (lame excuse)...
There is an art to getting money from premiums. Acting desperate is not the best way. Earn a little respect and increase your chances of getting the most out of the model/premium relationship.

IMO: ur doin' it wrong.

PS: I'm pretty close to saying GTFO of my forums for your lack of self composure.
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