AmberCutie's Forum
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MUTES!!!! ( or how I call them mutants lol)

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Feb 15, 2011
how do u deal with "the" mutes? those who never talk. regardless of what u do, they never talk, never say hello or fuck u .( and lots of time they are "regular mutes" ... not newbie mutes lol)
drives me crazy.
I guess this topic has been discusses before but lately its like.. are they dead? wtf!
at times I tell people in the room " if you say hi right now, U get raffle tickets FREE" or whatever comes to my mind.. and they still dont talk. then I wonder if the site works,if they see me, if they cant type due to tech problems, if this and that.........
please help me! Ipromise to cum for FREE when im next on.. cross my heart :lol:
It seems as if vast numbers of people view with the sound muted. Maybe they are in the office or have a girlfriend, wife or parent in the next room and I suppose it's hard to join in a conversation when you don't know what the main speaker is saying.

Sometimes you see guys saying 'No sound please type' which is probably OK for a specific question, but rude to both the model and the rest of the room when they try to carry on a chat that way. That could explain some of your mutes.

Of course the alternative explanation is that there are a lot of one armed men on MFC and it's hard to type with your nose. :-D
A lot of times I turn on a room and am doing something else. I might have my volume turned down when watching something on TV. Sometimes I've gone in to see models (Alex) just to listen to her voice while doing other stuff and have no desire to do or say anything. Alex just has a relaxing voice.
thanks for the replies..
i guess that might be true.. its just really annoying to have 300 in the room with basics NOT muted.. and only 2 people interact in the room...
here is another mystery....BASICS NOT MUTED.. yet they dont type... NONE! someone said i have them conditioned not to talk .. Im a "basics trainer "lol
this is why I start to believe writing things on the board helps... if u cant hear me,, at least u see what I want u to hear LOL
God this is complicated :lol:
I hate this too!!! Its almost creepy lol. 300 of you and no ones talking? I ask them to entertain me. Tell me a joke or something. That always gets them going.
Basics are used to being muted, so why bother? Honestly if I was constantly muted as a basic I would have never joined the site.
That would be why I let them talk, unless I'm naked. And it states it on my profile.

My question on that is- wtf is up with premiums who leave as soon as one basic says any word, even if it's not the inane "boobs" shit?

As to people who are quiet in my room... well, if there's a ton of them, I tend to start talking about how talking to myself is boring and it sure would be nice if someone talked to me. But if anyone is actually talking, I just focus in on them. Maybe, if I see someone who's usually talkative being quiet, and there's already a conversation going, I might try to bring them into the conversation by asking their opinion on it. But usually, I let it be. So much easier to follow the chat when it's not jumping all the time with new conversation x.x
If I'm in your room and not chatting, then either my connection is failing, I'm checking my facebook, twitter, or tumblr, or I'm dead.
If no one is talking, I talk to myself, talk to my cats and act out a conversation, or use the moment to play out some comedy skit I've had lurking in the back of my brain.

At the very least, someone will comment on how cute my cats are or how funny/unfunny I am.

I don't block basics or guests since I am a strangely chatty person as long as they can type sensibly and can hold some sort of conversation. I've had guests sign up for a basic account so they'd have some sort of recognizable name when they're in my room.

It's rarely silent though.. except for the first few moments after I log-on, but I'm not expecting people to be all, "zOMG!" and get into my room. :lol:

Keithy said:
Basics are used to being muted, so why bother? Honestly if I was constantly muted as a basic I would have never joined the site.

Generally one of the reasons why I don't mute basics. Say you just signed up for a free account so you can properly check out the site, and chatting IS a big part, but if you can't type back, then you really can't participate and it doesn't feel worth it to bother with tokens. Sure, sometimes it's fun to just lurk quietly, but other times you find yourself wanting to participate and you can't because you're muted.

I had a couple regular peeps with basic account upgrade recently and thank me for not muting basics or ignoring basics for premium members. I'm just like, you don't need to thank me, dude, if you come in my room and chat a bit, I'm gonna recognize you and I won't ignore you. :lol:
I can well understand you girls who don't mute basics, to encourage them to stay... but on the other hand, I understand the ones who do mute them just as well; I've seen how staggering the amount of retarded babble can be.

Back when I was a basic, I gladly took every opportunity to participate in the chat, but never got upset when I got muted along with the rest. Actually I think D0mino once muted basics because of some retarded joke I made. :lol: Not one of my finest moments...

As for any reasons why I might be silent in a room, well I might either be distracted with something else, or just plain can't think of anything seemingly worthwhile to say. But I'm pretty easily prompted.
^^This just happened to me the other day. I was getting some shit from premiums saying I should mute the basics. Im not sure what the issue was the basics weren't getting out of control or going on a BB spree. I think the premiums get kinda jealous and dont want basics to getting any of my attention since they have no tokens. (totally understandable) Anyways....this guy came back to my room and tipped me and said...I just upgraded for you because its so awesome you let basics talk.

I like to talk though so if muting basics means I'll have to become a mute myself its not gonna happen. Speak up premiums! I will be nice I promise :)

Also Skulliee, awesome idea about talking to your cats. I dont have a real cat but I do have a maneki neko that I could converse with :)
Nordick said:
I can well understand you girls who don't mute basics, to encourage them to stay... but on the other hand, I understand the ones who do mute them just as well; I've seen how staggering the amount of retarded babble can be.

Well I don't tend to attract a staggering amount of stupidity I don't really need to do any muting and I'm well versed in troll-speak. If someone is being annoying or just is plain stupid and I'm getting tired of seeing it, then I'll ban them.

Most seem to learn real quick that I have a snarky sense of humour and either give up with their babbling or just act like somewhat of a coherent person.

cherriebomb said:
I was getting some shit from premiums saying I should mute the basics. Im not sure what the issue was the basics weren't getting out of control or going on a BB spree. I think the premiums get kinda jealous and dont want basics to getting any of my attention since they have no tokens.

Premiums have the option to mute guests/basics themselves, so if they were REALLY that bothered.. they could have done the muting on their own screen. But like you said, they probably wanted YOU to do it so they could secure your attention.. or just to be bossy because they've spent money to get their status.

Hell.. even as a guest surfing MFC, you can mute basics and guests to filter them out. It says "(Turn Off: Guests Basics Chat)" above the main chat screen.
I was referring to Premiums not talking... LOL
who cares about basics? :lol: just kidding...
I let basics talk...... most of the time...
hell I even let guests talk at times.. and as soon as that happen there is this idiot whos guest name is god____ and i cant ban him, when i click on his name it just doesnt appear in the left side... and this fucking idiot is so eager to let me know EACH AND EVERY TIME that I have a rat face : :lol: :violin: :eek:
I've seen models who (and I agree with this policy) notice prems who haven't tipped, haven't said a word (not even hi), type and/or say something to the mute and if they don't respond the model tells them they have 1 minute to join the conversation or tip - after the one minute is up - 24 hour ban.

Not tipping and not responding is (to my mind) blatantly disrespectful.

OMG actually USNicoleangel you were a model I saw do this LOL - went through the whole list and anyone who didnt respond when their name was on the screen got banned! Actually you banned me even though I responded, but then when I sent you a mail and explained you were nice enough to lift the ban :laughing8:
holly molly.. the small world we live in...
next thing is u will stop me while im paying for groceries , give me 10 bucks ( aka 200 tokens) and tell me to zoom in my cookie :lol:

excuse me, extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions...
THAT taugh everyone a lesson and who knows maybe its because what I did it to them that they now freaking TALK in a models room, instead of acting dead.
let me play the :violin: for you... to calm you down....
I'll admit it, I'm a mutant for the most part. A lot of the times I'll join a room just to hear the conversation going on. I'm a shy guy for the most part, and that's why I don't talk. If I feel I have something to add, I might say something.

I'll usually tip if a show is going on though. If I'm not in a tipping mood or just want not to bother, I will logout and watch as guest. A lot of the time, though, I hang out in one particular room and I'll chat there with my favorite model. In her room is where I see your frustration with us quiet guys...sometimes it will just be me chatting there or tipping her, and we both get annoyed.
LoveLov said:
holly molly.. the small world we live in...
next thing is u will stop me while im paying for groceries , give me 10 bucks ( aka 200 tokens) and tell me to zoom in my cookie :lol:

excuse me, extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions...
THAT taugh everyone a lesson and who knows maybe its because what I did it to them that they now freaking TALK in a models room, instead of acting dead.
let me play the :violin: for you... to calm you down....

For $10 I'm eating the damn cookie :p
usually when I first go into a models room I want to just watch and see how things go in her room. Most of the time it takes more than one visit to see how the normal flow goes in the room. Once I see how things go determines how I will respond while visiting that models room.
I'm a mute :
  • I'm vapid as fuck
  • I'm usually working and doing other stuffs while MFC is on, sometimes I forgot I'm logged and go to bed.
When I pulled an all nighter, I had this name at the top of my list aaaaaaaall night. I didn't get so much as a hello from him and no tokens either. I banned him when it got to about 5am and he hasn't asked me about it since. I'm suspicious that he might have been recording me to watch later.

I don't mind if people are mutes except when my room is dead which is rare, give them a chance to type if you do demand that they type or ban though. They might be disabled and be using special equipment which takes time.
LilyPink said:
They might be disabled and be using special equipment which takes time.

Maybe they're amputees and since they only have one hand... :eusa-whistle:
GreatDane said:
LilyPink said:
Oh don't take the piss! lol

You'll be surprised how many disabled members use MFC
and some of us can type with our tongues too ;)
about half the guys on my friends list have told me privately they're either wheel chair bound or otherwise disabled. MFC is a great way for them to have access to women.

Its a lot more common than some may think.
bud9752 said:
usually when I first go into a models room I want to just watch and see how things go in her room. Most of the time it takes more than one visit to see how the normal flow goes in the room. Once I see how things go determines how I will respond while visiting that models room.

That's why I'll log out and watch as guest sometimes.

Here's a question though, if there is a lot of premiums in the room chatting, and another stops in and doesn't bother to say hello, do you really take a lot of offense to that? I understand a dead room with a few people if any chatting how it can be frustrating, but busy rooms are another situation altogether IMO.
barman07 said:
bud9752 said:
usually when I first go into a models room I want to just watch and see how things go in her room. Most of the time it takes more than one visit to see how the normal flow goes in the room. Once I see how things go determines how I will respond while visiting that models room.

That's why I'll log out and watch as guest sometimes.

Here's a question though, if there is a lot of premiums in the room chatting, and another stops in and doesn't bother to say hello, do you really take a lot of offense to that? I understand a dead room with a few people if any chatting how it can be frustrating, but busy rooms are another situation altogether IMO.

Watching a room as a guest is the best way to get a feel for the room first, I think. I personally don't log into my prem account UNLESS I am either going to participate in the chat or watch a group/tip the model. Logging on just to lurk makes no sense unless you're going to spend tokens.

If I have a very chatty room, sometimes a newbie's "hello" can get lost in the clutter, but I try my hardest to reply. I appreciate the effort to announce that they're there and friendly. But I have a whole other opinion on newcomers who have no tokens and get attention-whore-ish. I've made a write up on that in the "freeloaders" thread. :lol:
Jebbaz said:
GreatDane said:
LilyPink said:
Oh don't take the piss! lol

You'll be surprised how many disabled members use MFC
and some of us can type with our tongues too ;)
about half the guys on my friends list have told me privately they're either wheel chair bound or otherwise disabled. MFC is a great way for them to have access to women.

Its a lot more common than some may think.

Yeah I guess that's true...come to think of it I know a member who is in a wheelchair, and doubtless know more that I just don't know about. Well yeah good on them, with all the struggles they no doubt have to put up with I'm sure getting some attention from a beautiful lady is a much needed boost for them (as it is for us all).

But if any of you guys ever get Stephen Hawking on cam I want a fucking screencap I can just imagine his robotic voice "Squirt for me bb, oh yes, I love it when you call me your naughty genius...I could write a thesis on your black hole..."
I've got a weird question to add to this topic: lurkers do you feel awkward if a model says hello to you when you enter her room? I had the oddest occurrence on SkinVideo when I first started: since I could see who was entering the room, I'd cheerfully say hello (Welcome to my room [insert screen name here]!) & the people 9 times out of 10 would disappear. I always thought I'd scared them O_O Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea for a model who often deals with lurkers to continue it?
Frankie said:
I've got a weird question to add to this topic: lurkers do you feel awkward if a model says hello to you when you enter her room? I had the oddest occurrence on SkinVideo when I first started: since I could see who was entering the room, I'd cheerfully say hello (Welcome to my room [insert screen name here]!) & the people 9 times out of 10 would disappear. I always thought I'd scared them O_O Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea for a model who often deals with lurkers to continue it?

I can honestly say, yeah, it is a little awkward to me - especially immediately on entering the room. If I sit in your room for a few minutes and are still there, then it isn't as bad. I'm not registered at skinvideo, but does it have a preview window? Could just be people checking in to see if they want to stay.
barman07 said:
Frankie said:
I've got a weird question to add to this topic: lurkers do you feel awkward if a model says hello to you when you enter her room? I had the oddest occurrence on SkinVideo when I first started: since I could see who was entering the room, I'd cheerfully say hello (Welcome to my room [insert screen name here]!) & the people 9 times out of 10 would disappear. I always thought I'd scared them O_O Thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea for a model who often deals with lurkers to continue it?

I can honestly say, yeah, it is a little awkward to me - especially immediately on entering the room. If I sit in your room for a few minutes and are still there, then it isn't as bad. I'm not registered at skinvideo, but does it have a preview window? Could just be people checking in to see if they want to stay.

That's just it, these people will pop in and out through out the night so I just assume they're lurking for free shows. And normally it's a few minutes before I can pause in whatever conversation I'm in the middle of to take note of someone in the room. I also tell them "You don't have to respond back, I just thought I'd be nice and acknowledge ya!"

I'm too polite. :? But good to know it might put people off.
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