AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


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I'm a low camscore model who sells pics and vids for cheap and now I know why most people don't believe me/think I'm scamming, grr.
I also disable comments, eek maybe I should turn them back on so people don't think I'm a scammer, I never thought that might make me look bad! :shifty:

Last night she whas at a McDonalds restaurant "500 tokens to play in the bathroom" i warned a few guys in there she whas a scammer some thanked me for the warning others ignored it and went into a groupshow now i think she accepted a group because i said she whas a scammer in her room just to "proof i'm wrong" however in a group she will have todo something or it won't last verry long and she said she needed more people (the more people the more tokens hehehe) if i saved only 2 from her sams i'm happy
Oh, I didn't say I didn't like this thread. I just think you're a complete fool for getting scammed in such a simple way and that you're causing someone more trouble than they ever did you :)

"Damn it! You tripped me! I MUST KILL YOUR FAMILY!"

If you spent 20 minutes with her before expecting a 20 minute show, or hell, even asked her if she'd flash for 10 tokens and see if she went threw with that first, you probably wouldn't have fallen for it.

And AngelicTease, there's a difference; people know you.
AlexLady said:
Oh, I didn't say I didn't like this thread. I just think you're a complete fool for getting scammed in such a simple way and that you're causing someone more trouble than they ever did you :)

"Damn it! You tripped me! I MUST KILL YOUR FAMILY!"

If you spent 20 minutes with her before expecting a 20 minute show, or hell, even asked her if she'd flash for 10 tokens and see if she went threw with that first, you probably wouldn't have fallen for it.

And AngelicTease, there's a difference; people know you.

I can see you are not rather bright. If you actually comprehended what I wrote, you'll realize I never claimed to have fallen for the scam(because I didn't). I just witnessed it. Many, many,many times. And how is warning other members, or getting mfc to deal with the problem, an over reaction?

Any member who frequents your room should be concerned that you seem to be condoning or justifying her actions as "not a big deal". And your position of blaming the victim is rather shocking. Speaks to your level of integrity.
"That girl deserved to be raped, she was wearing a short skirt."
"That old lady deserved to be mugged, she shouldn't have worn a shiny necklace."

AlexLady, no offense, but you are an idiot.
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I just think you're a complete fool for getting scammed in such a simple way and that you're causing someone more trouble than they ever did you
I don't understand why giving an honest feedback to the paying public regarding one lady is "causing more trouble than they ever did you". Or do you support her scamming and think it's awful that he's attempting to warn/educate people (not just about her) about what to look out for, the tactics they use? Seems such a strange thing to say... he's causing more trouble for her so he shouldn't?

If you spent 20 minutes with her before expecting a 20 minute show, or hell, even asked her if she'd flash for 10 tokens and see if she went threw with that first, you probably wouldn't have fallen for it.

Each models room is different, and I've yet to see anyone flash for 10 tokens. This simply is not a definitive way of recognising a scammer :roll:

Honestly, you seem to have a bug up your ass about all this. You take interest in a thread type you purportedly hate, and seem intent on bashing down the guy who's reporting about it with insinuations that he's evil and worse than her because he's dared to inform others of her scam? What, exactly, has gotten your goat so bad over all this? :think: I'm slightly baffled by some of what you say :D
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AlexLady said:
Oh I never said anyone deserved to be scammed, I just don't think those who were scammed so simply deserve any pitty. You can't compare something that happens hundreds of times a day on MFC to rape after all.

You made a similar comparison first. "Oh you tripped me, I must kill your family". How is this thread akin to killing her family?!
You opened the pandoras box, you try closing it.

Also, no one is asking for pity, not once has anyone asked for a hug. This thread is about feedback and helping other models and members to avoid this scam.
But it hasn't resulted in people avoiding a scam, she built her reputation herself. It's basically trolling her rather than letting her face her own results, as obvious by people sitting in her room PM'ing one another.

You've acting like it's a responsibility to sit in her room and do wrong to her, just because she did wrong to others.

I dunno about you dude, but I don't see how two wrongs make things right.
AlexLady said:
But it hasn't resulted in people avoiding a scam, she built her reputation herself. It's basically trolling her rather than letting her face her own results, as obvious by people sitting in her room PM'ing one another.

You've acting like it's a responsibility to sit in her room and do wrong to her, just because she did wrong to others.

I dunno about you dude, but I don't see how two wrongs make things right.

Guys have avoided the scam because of people warning them about her, maybe not EVERY guy, but a lot. And how is this trolling? Her consequences for her actions are what is happenign right now, this thread. You scam people, people are gonna talk shit about you.

Please explain what I have done that is wrong to her? Warning other guys about a scam is wrong?

Seriously Alex, your logic(or lack there of) is extremely flawed.
It stopped being "feedback" when people started going into her room trying to keep her from getting people to even watch a group show. That's called trolling. That's wrong. You're saying it's not wrong because she deserves it?

As you said, "She's wearing a short skirt, lets rape her."

Why not just let things flow on their own instead? She's already a shitty model and will probably quit in a month like most girls who do this.
blahblahblah said:
AlexLady said:
But it hasn't resulted in people avoiding a scam, she built her reputation herself. It's basically trolling her rather than letting her face her own results, as obvious by people sitting in her room PM'ing one another.

You've acting like it's a responsibility to sit in her room and do wrong to her, just because she did wrong to others.

I dunno about you dude, but I don't see how two wrongs make things right.

Guys have avoided the scam because of people warning them about her, maybe not EVERY guy, but a lot. And how is this trolling? Her consequences for her actions are what is happenign right now, this thread. You scam people, people are gonna talk shit about you.

Please explain what I have done that is wrong to her? Warning other guys about a scam is wrong?

Seriously Alex, your logic(or lack there of) is extremely flawed.
You didn't do anything wrong, blah. If a girl is going to scam, she risks being caught and ridiculed. This forum is for discussion of things related to MFC and camming, your post relates just fine. It's in a public forum, so if someone points this thread out to her, or she comes across it, she may come and defend herself (hopefully in well thought out posts, not typed out like a kindergartner).

Alex, you've been a friend of mine for so long now, but as the months go on, you're seemingly more angst filled and ranty. I hate to keep harping on you, but you're doing more trolling in this thread than anyone else.
AlexLady said:
It stopped being "feedback" when people started going into her room trying to keep her from getting people to even watch a group show. That's called trolling. That's wrong. You're saying it's not wrong because she deserves it?

As you said, "She's wearing a short skirt, lets rape her."

Why not just let things flow on their own instead? She's already a shitty model and will probably quit in a month like most girls who do this.

Wow you are dumber than I thought!

The comment "She's wearing a short skirt, lets rape her" was in response to you blaming the victim. Reading comprehension is not your strong point.
Warning members that she's going to scam you is not trolling.

If someone steals from a store, or is pickpocketing shoppers in that store, and is found out, and people warn the store owner, or other people, that is wrong??!?! Or if the thief is caught and punished, you are saying they don't deserve it? So basically you are saying crimminals should not be punished because they don't deserve it.

And by "letting things flow on their own instead" you mean let her continue to scam guys?
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AmberCutie said:
You didn't do anything wrong, blah. If a girl is going to scam, she risks being caught and ridiculed. This forum is for discussion of things related to MFC and camming, your post relates just fine. It's in a public forum, so if someone points this thread out to her, or she comes across it, she may come and defend herself (hopefully in well thought out posts, not typed out like a kindergartner).

Alex, you've been a friend of mine for so long now, but as the months go on, you're seemingly more angst filled and ranty. I hate to keep harping on you, but you're doing more trolling in this thread than anyone else.

AMEN to common sense!!!
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AlexLady said:
If you contact your bank they'll probably lol. If anything, MFC didn't scam you; you got your tokens.

If you contact your bank to dispute a credit card charge, they will refund your money with few questions asked. I know this from personal experience. No, you won't get your tokens back, you will get the actual money. My advice: Next time spend it more wisely.
Belgian said:

Last night she whas at a McDonalds restaurant "500 tokens to play in the bathroom" i warned a few guys in there she whas a scammer some thanked me for the warning others ignored it and went into a groupshow now i think she accepted a group because i said she whas a scammer in her room just to "proof i'm wrong" however in a group she will have todo something or it won't last verry long and she said she needed more people (the more people the more tokens hehehe) if i saved only 2 from her sams i'm happy

This is not punishing. This is trolling.

Once again, wrong + wrong != right.
AlexLady said:
She's the victim now which is what people don't get Amber.
Most of us completely disagree with you.
AlexLady said:
That's because you think she deserves it. She, so to say, put on the short skirt.

If by "put on the short skirt" you are saying she scammed a bunch of members - then yes, she deserves to be punished.

And again that original comment was in reference to you blaming the guy tipping for getting scammed.
Urban Dictionary definition of Trolling:

She's not innocent, she's doing something bad, and people are warning possible victims of her scam about it.


  • trollingdef.jpg
    34.5 KB · Views: 75
AlexLady said:
Oh I never said that towards the guy(s) who got scammed, it's towards the people trolling her because she scammed.

If a person does not want to be treated like a hated outcast of society they should make an effort to live by the rules. Criminals are seldom treated nicely by other people.
AlexLady said:
Right, if one doesn't want to be raped they shouldn't wear a short skirt. You guys are going in circles here.

You alex are an IDIOT. YOU are the one blaming the victim. She is a criminal, she should be punished.

Again, and this is the third time, you blamed the guys for letting themselves get scammed. This is akin to blaming a rape victim for getting raped becausue she wore a short skirt.

To quote Mugatu - "I feel like I am taking crazy pills here?!"
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