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AlexLady said:
Right. She's not innocent, so we can do wrong to her. How is that acceptable?
Since there's no CyberPolice to come to the rescue, and the admins aren't doing anything to help the situation, a few warnings to fellow members/tippers is understandable. You're also making it seem like TONS of people are just camping her room to shit talk her. I scoured the rest of this thread and found ONE post by belgium saying he warned that she scammed. Why do you have it in your head that she's being trolled nonstop?
Here's my :twocents-02cents: .... If you scam people, you're going to get revealed. If it's in a forum or wherever. It doesn't matter where it happens. I do not think that scamming someone for tokens, whether it be 1 or 20000000, is right at all, ever. If she didn't want to be exposed then she should have thought about that before she started scamming. I personally don't understand how she became the "victim". Did she get scammed? No. She's merely getting the "backlash" or consequences she, or anyone else who is a scammer deserves.

Yes, she's giving the other models a bad name, etc. but that's not what this whole thing is truly about. Some guys fall for things they shouldn't, yes. But when it happens, do you not see it right for said guy to have the ability to share his story to keep others from making the same mistakes?

If you think about it, sharing stories actually helps ALL models. Here's my theory:

Said guy gets scammed.
He tells 20 friends of said scam.
Those 20 friends then know that if they do the same thing with the same chick, they will be more than likely scammed as well.
Instead of going to said chick, random 20 friends go to OTHER MODELS instead.

Again, that's just my :twocents-02cents:
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You've already stated that you're -not- the victim, Blah. The only thing I've done to the victim is offered no pity or since to defend them. After that the subject changed.

I'm only talking about the model, who has had member(s) in her room trying to keep her from getting groups. Groups, by the way, can not be scammed.

I'm blaming the people in her room PM'ing people for harming her. She's wearing a short skirt for being a scammer, so people are raping her. Get it now? That's why it's just two wrongs. No matter how much you think she's a criminal, it's not your job to sodomize her. Report it to support, post a warning thread, but don't fucking hurt anyone just because "they earned it."

It's one thing to warn someone, it's another to try to keep them from even going into group.

And the only reason I said people is because I didn't really feel like pointing fingers at Belgium.
AlexLady said:
You've already stated that you're -not- the victim, Blah. The only thing I've done to the victim is offered no pity or since to defend them. After that the subject changed.

I'm only talking about the model, who has had member(s) in her room trying to keep her from getting groups. Groups, by the way, can not be scammed.

I'm blaming the people in her room PM'ing people for harming her. She's wearing a short skirt for being a scammer, so people are raping her. Get it now? That's why it's just two wrongs. No matter how much you think she's a criminal, it's not your job to sodomize her. Report it to support, post a warning thread, but don't fucking hurt anyone just because "they earned it."

It's one thing to warn someone, it's another to try to keep them from even going into group.

And the only reason I said people is because I didn't really feel like pointing fingers at Belgium.

I have witnessed a crime, I have told others. How is that wrong? Second shes a criminal, so she should be punished. This is basic logic.
This IS warning people, that is EXACTLY what this thread is doing.

She has started one group, as mentioned by Belgian. The rest of her scam is straight up making promises and then stealing money.

At this point you have zero credibility Alex.
You're very smart for judging someone for one topic :handgestures-salute:

I think this thread was fine, Belgian's actions that are the issue. Things like what he did are always the result of things like this. And yeah, he was trying to keep anyone from spending on her; she's lucky to have gotten a group. I just think it's wrong to harm others, but hey, if you're cool with it or care to justify it, well done dude.

My bad for thinking people don't deserve to be hurt :D
AlexLady said:
My bad for thinking people don't deserve to be hurt just wanting to argue about something :D
This is how it all looked to me. :(
AlexLady said:
I just think it's wrong to harm others, but hey, if you're cool with it or care to justify it, well done dude.

My bad for thinking people don't deserve to be hurt :D

Do you not see the irony or hypocrisy in this statement?! HotDareDevil is harming and stealing from others, and YOU are the one justifying it.
That's just because I'm stubborn and stick to what I believe even if everyone else disagrees, haha, you know that. There are tons of argument threads, and I haven't joined in or started nearly all of them.

I never said that she's right to scam. I just said it's wrong to try to keep her from getting groups from it :)
AlexLady said:
That's just because I'm stubborn and stick to what I believe even if everyone else disagrees, haha, you know that. There are tons of argument threads, and I haven't joined in or started nearly all of them.

I never said that she's right to scam. I just said it's wrong to try to keep her from getting groups from it :)

You are entitled to your opinion, but in this case it is 100% wrong.
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It cool that you are warning people of the scam. But I think that all of us members have been scammed at least once. I just move on and learn to be a little wiser for the next time. I have been a member for 4 years and still get one pulled over on me from time to time.
AlexLady said:
That's just because I'm stubborn and stick to what I believe even if everyone else disagrees, haha, you know that. There are tons of argument threads, and I haven't joined in or started nearly all of them.

I never said that she's right to scam. I just said it's wrong to try to keep her from getting groups from it :)

i'm a Taurus the most stubborn sign of the whole zodiac :mrgreen: i can clarify what you mean i think.We bulls feel extensive hate against people that thricked us so by doing what i did (warning people in her room) you mean i am preventing her (or at least hurting her) chances to legitimately doing her job makes sense... however things i won't do is commiting crimes myself eg

Killing her or any family members
raping her

I'm not crazy... You made your point Alex and i'll listen and leave her alone

I think she already knows about this thread because i find it strange she reenabled her profile wall....
I thank you for telling other members as well as models who are also members about this girl saccming. She is not doubt a shitty girl who deserves what is gonna come to her.Btw She is in now way a victim if she does shitty things to one person i am sorry but karma is gonna come and bite her in the ass and this is the start of her ass biting.Btw groups can be scammed she can say she will do something in group but then pretend she's gonna do it. Let me give an example of how she could scam: She could be asked just to get naked and sit and chat (ive been asked this b4) and by the other men that took her as well she could slowly stip tease and get a few bucks out of it but one the shirt and pants come off she leaves being only in her underwear that's 1 example I have come up with. Or she wil say yea I will get naked and put a dildo on my vag and cum with you guys and like i said she mght only get naked this time but wont shove a dildo in herself like she said and leave the group show.that how she could scam a group show.

Off topic but iam obsessed with my zodiac sign hehe. You may be a Taurus But i am Leo haha =P
Belgian said:
however things i won't do is commiting crimes myself eg

Killing her or any family members
raping her
Thats nice of you, however bec you are a Belgian, I'm still a bit worried here in Holland what your next action will be.
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KarmelKiss said:
AlexLady insinuated the persecution of said scammer was akin to murder and rape. I assume Belgian is referring to that. :roll:

You know who else says persecution is like rape? Nazis.
AlexLady said:
Right, if one doesn't want to be raped they shouldn't wear a short skirt. You guys are going in circles here.

I think you're implying that the "punishment" doesn't fit the crime. I think you're wrong, a model who repeatedly scams people deserves to be removed from the site and her earnings forfeited.

She's committing fraud, regularly, and the numbers would add up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the months - she deserves a lot worse than "trolling", technically she deserves a fine/community service and a criminal conviction.

What you call "trolling" is simply a reaction to the fact Leo isn't doing anything.
Anonperv said:
It cool that you are warning people of the scam. But I think that all of us members have been scammed at least once. I just move on and learn to be a little wiser for the next time. I have been a member for 4 years and still get one pulled over on me from time to time.

According to Alex you're stupid and deserve it :mrgreen:
No, I never called anyone who falls for extremely simple scams stupid. I called them foolish.

Fuck you for trying to say otherwise.

Also, I didn't say you were going to murder or rape her; those are called similies which were actually started by Blah in response to the victim being the one scammed, saying that people don't deserve to be scammed just because they're foolish. I only turned it around to show that she was the victim now and doesn't need to be harassed just because she scammed someone.

It's -not- your responsibility, or your right to punish her. Yeah, she needs to be kicked off the site. You know who does that? The MFC admins and administrators. Not you.

You say they're not going to? Ok, then QQ more.

This whole "she said this" even though the true words are written down one page before is why most threads are arguments now adays. That, and people can't have disagreeing morals or opinions without calling the other stupid. :)
AlexLady said:
No, I never called anyone who falls for extremely simple scams stupid. I called them foolish.

Fuck you for trying to say otherwise.

Also, I didn't say you were going to murder or rape her; those are called similies which were actually started by Blah in response to the victim being the one scammed, saying that people don't deserve to be scammed just because they're foolish. I only turned it around to show that she was the victim now and doesn't need to be harassed just because she scammed someone.

It's -not- your responsibility, or your right to punish her. Yeah, she needs to be kicked off the site. You know who does that? The MFC admins and administrators. Not you.

You say they're not going to? Ok, then QQ more.

This whole "she said this" even though the true words are written down one page before is why most threads are arguments now adays. That, and people can't have disagreeing morals or opinions without calling the other stupid. :)

You are right, the truth is written down in this thread. You were the first to mention the following, not I:
"Damn it! You tripped me! I MUST KILL YOUR FAMILY!" You used this "simile", (although not technically a simile), to compare this thread to killing her family over something inconsequential.

And she is not being harassed, she is being called out, she is being reported. What you are saying is criminals don't deserve to be punished. And foolish is essentially the same thing as calling someone stupid. And it IS our right to discuss the fact that she is scamming guys, it's called freedom of speech. Maybe you have heard of it? As for MFC admins taking action - they aren't. So warning guys on this forum is the next step.

I am still AMAZED that you think warning other people of impending danger or trouble to be considered harassment and wrong?! If I stood on the street and told people "Don't walk down that alley, there's a guy with a gun down there mugging people", by your logic I would be trolling and harassing the mugger. Seriously WHAT IN THE GOD GIVEN FUCK?!

In a world where you made the rules Alex, criminals wouldn't be punished, and in fact would receive a hug for their efforts. And anyone who spoke out about any injustice would be considered wrong and harassing people.

And again, the truth is written down right here in this thread: Alex you are an idiot, you are stupid, you are WRONG.
AlexLady said:
It's -not- your responsibility, or your right to punish her. Yeah, she needs to be kicked off the site. You know who does that? The MFC admins and administrators. Not you.

You say they're not going to? Ok, then QQ more.

Some would argue the right to justice is intrinsic, the fact of who administers it being nothing more than a social agreement. If that agreement refuses to be honoured, people turn to vigilantism.

If police consistently failed to convict criminals, people would take matters into their own hands. There's a fair argument that this is what's happening to her over MFC's failure to respond.
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I would like to note, that nowhere did he say that he told people not to go group with her.

He warned them that she tends to scam people. THEN she accepted a group, and he *thinks* it was to prove she's not a scammer. He then said that it will not last long if she doesn't do anything in it. But he did NOT say that he told people "don't go group with her".

As far as I can see, all he did was the legit "careful, this girl scammed me" in pm so he wouldn't get banned by the model.

My guess is- the warnings have worked, and people won't tip her for her scams anymore, so she's forced to take shows, which won't last unless she actually does something in them. No need to warn the members, because they can leave the show as soon as they see she's not doing what they want. And I don't think anyone did say "don't join group" or "don't go private with her".
Jupiter551 said:
AlexLady said:
It's -not- your responsibility, or your right to punish her. Yeah, she needs to be kicked off the site. You know who does that? The MFC admins and administrators. Not you.

You say they're not going to? Ok, then QQ more.

Some would argue the right to justice is intrinsic, the fact of who administers it being nothing more than a social agreement. If that agreement refuses to be honoured, people turn to vigilantism.

If police consistently failed to convict criminals, people would take matters into their own hands. There's a fair argument that this is what's happening to her over MFC's failure to respond.

I agree with you Jupiter. She asking for it. She scams she gets outted and no it isnt the same thing as hey you wear a short skirt you deserved to be raped umm no no no no or hey that elderly lady is wearing a nice gold necklace rob her she shouldn't be wearing it in order to limit the risk of being robbed there is no link to any of those sayings.
Exept karam what goes around comes around.
KarmelKiss said:
AlexLady insinuated the persecution of said scammer was akin to murder and rape. I assume Belgian is referring to that. :roll:

I was creeped out by his need to say that he won't rape or murder anyone. I think I understood it just fine and still found it creepy. Thanks though lady :roll:
AlexLady said:
It's -not- your responsibility, or your right to punish her. Yeah, she needs to be kicked off the site. You know who does that? The MFC admins and administrators. Not you.
You say they're not going to? Ok, then QQ more.

Yes you're right it's there job but if they fail to even respond to the complaints what do you exspect ? that i sit down accept it and shutup ? sorry i'm the wrong person if that's what you exspect oh and i would stronly advice you to be carefull with the use of the word stupid.It's not because she is making money for MFC that the theft is justified is it ? and what have short skirts have todo with all this ?.A woman can dress her any way she wants to we men have to control our sexual actions.
RedHerby said:
Thats nice of you, however bec you are a Belgian, I'm still a bit worried here in Holland what your next action will be.

yeah be carefull Holland is next to my door :mrgreen:

This is just to funny she's pretending to be the victim to gain sympathy in the hope to get a few tokens :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and before you ask Alex yes i enjoy destroying her am i stupid now ? :mrgreen: i censored her tits in the image below to small to look at anyhow :mrgreen: any member who's not stupid know tokens are never given back gotyou lieng bitch ....


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Well at least it looks like she's focusing on group now instead of getting tips up front and leaving. The point of this thread seems to be satisfied, so I'm locking it now.
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