AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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bud9752 said:
when I was younger (the 60's) our phone number was 1 digit away from a local Cab company and we always got drunks calling for a cab late at night, my father would answer and if it was a drunk requesting a cab he would always say, "sure enough ones on the way" and then hang up. always got a laugh from us kids.
thanks for the memories.

No problem!

If it was always a call for the same person, or a letter for the same person, then yeah, I'd be able to deal with that. But they're looking for someone else every single time! It's annoying. Like, how many people are giving out my phone number? How many people are giving out my address? And what the fuck are the odds of both my address and my phone number being default "I don't want to give my real on, so let me jot this down real quick?"
The_Brown_Fox said:
I just read an obituary for a former high school classmate. :( He was the class president, Homecoming King, and the kindest person...never had a negative thing to say about anybody.
poor guy, very young to die was it natural causes?
Jupiter551 said:
poor guy, very young to die was it natural causes?

I have no idea. Believe it or not, someone in my graduating class messaged me on a cam site to tell me, claiming it was a suicide. I kinda snapped at him and said "No, that's impossible...why are you on here telling me this???" And then I messaged him back to apologize. He probably didn't know of any other way to contact me.

His sister posted on FB that he did not take his own life, and that they're unaware of the cause of death for now.
Wasn't that many years ago that I heard my best bud in HS/college had died. He'd not missed a day of work in almost 15 years. When he didnt show up or answer his phone, someone went to see what was up. He was in bed like he'd gone to sleep and never woke up..... autopsy said he had a massive coronary in his sleep.
At 12:59 AM EST my cell phone received a text message video of some guy jerking off. I texted back "Who the fuck is this?," and he was like "Holy shit, I'm so sorry. It wasn't supposed to be sent to you. I'm sorry." :lol:
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Who has two thumbs and is tired of working 50+ hrs a week? This girl...sorry trying to desperately find a roommate before the holidays is proving more difficult than expected. (Not to mention exhausting)
Lady Luna and Brown Fox seem to get the most unusual/weird wrong numbers. I only get bill collectors and free Disney World trip calls. Unfortunately for me, they are calling the right number! :mrgreen:
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n0_0n3 said:
Lady Luna and Brown Fox seem to get the most unusual/weird wrong numbers. I only get bill collectors and free Disney World trip calls. Unfortunately for me, they are calling the right number! :mrgreen:
How can I get free Disney World calls? All I get are calls from my father-in-law pestering me about some stupid stuff. :crybaby: I'd rather get a telemarketer so I had someone to talk to and annoy.
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
How can I get free Disney World calls? All I get are calls from my father-in-law pestering me about some stupid stuff. :crybaby: I'd rather get a telemarketer so I had someone to talk to and annoy.

I wonder if a female has ever thrown off a male telemarketer's hustle by saying " sound hot...what are you wearing?" :lol:

The_Brown_Fox said:
I wonder if a female has ever thrown off a male telemarketer's hustle by saying " sound hot...what are you wearing?" :lol:
Now I wish I had a house phone! Darn you! If I ever get a call from a telemarketer this is exactly what I'm doing. :mrgreen:
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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I wonder if a female has ever thrown off a male telemarketer's hustle by saying " sound hot...what are you wearing?" :lol:
Now I wish I had a house phone! Darn you! If I ever get a call from a telemarketer this is exactly what I'm doing. :mrgreen:

Me too :shifty:
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For the record, two of the phone calls are for some doctor, and came from California. But I don't know if it was the same doctor cause they were a week apart and I'd forgotten the name of the first by the time I got the second.

I also get phone calls from bill collectors for other people. Those are particularly insistent on "you sure I have the wrong number? You don't know anyone by this name?" I always have to resist the urge to name off everyone in my state that I actually know, just to prove my point.

mynameisbob84 said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I wonder if a female has ever thrown off a male telemarketer's hustle by saying " sound hot...what are you wearing?" :lol:
Now I wish I had a house phone! Darn you! If I ever get a call from a telemarketer this is exactly what I'm doing. :mrgreen:

Me too :shifty:


I can just imagine the telemarketer's thoughts on that.

Rose, you don't need a housephone! You just have to get your cell phone listed. Mine was supposed to be unlisted but they still called. x.x
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It Couldn't Be Done
Edgar Guest

Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
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LadyLuna said:
Rose, you don't need a housephone! You just have to get your cell phone listed. Mine was supposed to be unlisted but they still called. x.x

I keep getting those damn survey calls on my cell phone.
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Good Night sweet imperfect, and sometimes sad world. I love you.
camstory said:
Good Night sweet imperfect, and sometimes sad world. I love you.

I vote this the most obviously drunk posting ever!
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Today has been weird. It had one good moment and several bad ones. The good one was very good though, for me anyways.
*DISCLAIMER - I find this funny not because I think all Americans are like this, but just because it's goddamn funny*
Jupiter551 said:
*DISCLAIMER - I find this funny not because I think all Americans are like this, but just because it's goddamn funny*

Ha! Silly Aussie. Everyone knows The United States starts with a "T!" lol The answer should be Uzbekistan!

lol "He's from Texas; he's gotta be right."
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Bocefish said:
I'm getting addicted to peanut brittle :-x

I'm addicted to the Do-Si-Dos Girl Scout cookies with peanut butter.


The girl on the box looks like she could be Steve Urkel's cousin, doesn't she?
The_Brown_Fox said:
Bocefish said:
I'm getting addicted to peanut brittle :-x

I'm addicted to the Do-Si-Dos Girl Scout cookies with peanut butter.


The girl on the box looks like she could be Steve Urkel's cousin, doesn't she?
yeah and those look yummy why is she feeding them to that damn donkey :(
Love days like today! Got a tip from a member to get on cam while I was off cam checking mail. I thought to myself he sounds odd today...he never tips except occasionally 10 here 20 there. Suddenly bam 400 tokens! He says I'm tired of waitin' (btw he's very submissive and not likely to chat like this at all) I start a show. Bam! 400 more tokens "View cam bb!" (he's never had me view his cam) It's his wife... both of us couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. It was awesome she used to be a model on mfc (hell I actually perved on her before). I didn't know they were married! So f-ing funny :lol:
Omg ok so...had severe weather last night because of a tornado in a nearby town. Could only stay online for 10-15 minutes at a time. My front and back yard are covered in branches. The neighbor that lives next to my neighbor had a giant branch in his yard from one of my trees. Shingles are scattered everywhere. Good thing is I don't think anyone was hurt, but god that scared me. :crybaby:
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Tigresslily said:
Omg ok so...had severe weather last night because of a tornado in a nearby town. Could only stay online for 10-15 minutes at a time. My front and back yard are covered in branches. The neighbor that lives next to my neighbor had a giant branch in his yard from one of my trees. Shingles are scattered everywhere. Good thing is I don't think anyone was hurt, but god that scared me. :crybaby:

OMG! I'm glad your ok! All we got were really strong winds.