AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Shaun__ said:
I was just on MFC, and it was laggy as hell in the only room I cared about. Other people had no problems at all, and my internet was good when I checked it. I have no idea how the hell that site works.

I'm convinced instead of servers they have some sort of hamster-wheel-powered-contraption where they put ferrets in and whenever a cam lags, one of the ferrets got distracted or fell asleep.
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RogueWarrior said:
It is always with much trepidation that I wander into any thread authored by camstory. But as it with a train wreck, I can't seem to pass one up without looking.

Ladies and gentlemen, please do not try to read too much into anything or attempt to glean something that makes sense. It is futile and will only cause you much grief. Just sit back and enjoy. That's what I've had to do. Trying to figure out what the hell was going on was only giving me headaches.

Don't miss my 4 part holliday trilogy on giving. Coming soon.
Part one, in post production. Uncle Drunken and his troll booth.
Jupiter551 said:

Behind on my RSS feeds, so I hadn't seen this in my filthy heathen folder yet. So congrats on being the messenger to lead me to want to stick a fork in my eye. Why am I seeing so many O'Reilly clips lately? Has he somehow become more enraging or is it a coincidence?

Need to go get me a solstice tree soon...
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I've been embracing the dominant bratty princess side of my personality lately, and I love it. I stopped being very submissive on cam a while back because I got sick of it, and slowly over time started Topping for shows. I feel like it has done amazing things for my confidence and my wallet.
It feels like an outlet for all the shit I put up with. Life pisses me off, someone pays me to take it out on them, feel 1000 times better :thumbleft:
I'm actually looking for a slave (or possibly multiple slaves), but I actually hope the hunt for a good one takes a while so I have more time to research and learn.
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FrankieChemical said:
Shaun__ said:
I was just on MFC, and it was laggy as hell in the only room I cared about. Other people had no problems at all, and my internet was good when I checked it. I have no idea how the hell that site works.

I'm convinced instead of servers they have some sort of hamster-wheel-powered-contraption where they put ferrets in and whenever a cam lags, one of the ferrets got distracted or fell asleep.

It happened again tonight. The model just moved to a new state and I am afraid this is a permanent thing caused by some weird MFC regional server load balancing issue or something. It is possible this ferret suffers from narcolepsy, and I will have to move on. :(
Watching YouTube clips of Family Feud with Steve Harvey.

Name a job that's dirty, but someone's gotta do it. The contestant replied "Gynecologist." :lol:

And the "Naked Grandma!" dude cracked me up. :lol:
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Well, my stoned post did not go over as I had hoped, dam I peed myself reading it, oh well. I am writing a thread that will be an opera aboard a train.
On stalking, if asked, I would prolly say Never that is crazy. By the truth is I have done plenty of crazy things, and am capable of more am sure, but stalking is so illogical. I would never bc it makes no sense.
The efforts of dominance seem so much more like work, then do the labors of servitude.
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camstory said:
RogueWarrior said:
It is always with much trepidation that I wander into any thread authored by camstory. But as it with a train wreck, I can't seem to pass one up without looking.

Ladies and gentlemen, please do not try to read too much into anything or attempt to glean something that makes sense. It is futile and will only cause you much grief. Just sit back and enjoy. That's what I've had to do. Trying to figure out what the hell was going on was only giving me headaches.

Don't miss my 4 part holliday trilogy on giving. Coming soon.
Part one, in post production. Uncle Drunken and his troll booth.

I don't read this thread often, but that, my friends, is funny.
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Stupid 19 year old "Chick bank robber" gets arrested after posting a video about her crimes on youtube.
How stupid can someone be?

And now, why I originally entered into this thread:

Been listening to a lot of Blackberry Smoke lately. If you like southern rock, they're worth checking out.
My Christmas tree has motherfucking skulls and jingle bells on it! Yea!


Edit: got rid of sideways-ness
A hungry dog is not a picky dog, and a picky dog is not a hungry dog. Picky eating pets are a creation of the owner.


Regardless of what you have seen, heard, or have been convinced to believe, cats never need to be rescued from trees. think I'm wrong? How many cat skeletons have you seen it trees?
Saw a parade just the other night. Whole stream of idiots comes marchin right through da middle of Kori Love's chat room. She got that ban hammer, and just as if they was moles she went to wackin the whole bunch of em... Don't mind tellin ya, it made me feel right nice.
Uncle Drunken.
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So I was told today that I have to work on my pronunciation (which he spelled pronounciation...I don't normally care about spelling errors, but that made me chuckle) Has anyone else had this problem? I tend to get a lot of guys who aren't from the states. What can I say? I'm not from your country! I don't have your (in this case Australian) accent! :woops:
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Tigresslily said:
So I was told today that I have to work on my pronunciation (which he spelled pronounciation...I don't normally care about spelling errors, but that made me chuckle)

I know people who say MacDonald's instead of McDonald's, which is kinda cute and makes me giggle. :)
The_Brown_Fox said:
Tigresslily said:
So I was told today that I have to work on my pronunciation (which he spelled pronounciation...I don't normally care about spelling errors, but that made me chuckle)

I know people who say MacDonald's instead of McDonald's, which is kinda cute and makes me giggle. :) don't have to tell me I worked there before camming...let's just say I wasn't lovin' it :p Funny thing was how he told me this. It was the classic you should come over here bb crap then, when you get here we'll have to work on your pronunciation...oh yes, now that thought made me horny :roll:
camstory said:
A hungry dog is not a picky dog, and a picky dog is not a hungry dog. Picky eating pets are a creation of the owner.
Yes and no. When Sammy was a puppy, it didn't matter how hungry he was if we served him something he didn't like. Or, he'd eat it and them immediately ralph it back up and leave me a surprise in the middle of the carpet.

For dogs without digestive issues, this isn't usually an issue, but for dogs with sensitive stomachs or other health issues they're more likely to be picky with what they eat.

Amazing Gracie is a good book to read if you think that all hungry dogs are not picky. :twocents-02cents:
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Jupiter551 said:
Feliz kwanzadad!
Also, this just in: confirmation from the Australian Prime Minister that the world really is ending on the 21st.

Flesh eating zombies over k-pop please!
Well, thank GOD its the Zombie Apocalypse I have been dreaming of!
Santa is going to be a little late but, about bloody time!

First thing first...kill the clowns now. So we don't have zombie clowns later.
Second, kill ventriloquists and burn their dummies...we don't need them as zombies and zombie dummies later.

You guys will have to do the clown and dummy killings for me.
Because if they come back zombified. I will probably run off shrieking like a pig tailed, 5th grade, school girl. (no offense pig tailed 5th grade school girls)

* but i freaking love The Joker and Zombies...whats the deal with me and clowns????

Oh and Happy Holidays to whatever god(s)/animal/hybrid thingy u believe in.

I'm still going to get smashed and watch my family fight over a turkey like rabid hyenas.
Good times...Good times
I spend a lot of time listening to music. This happens to be one of my favorite lyircs:

Your silhouette always appears in my window
I close my eyes and hear
The applause of at least a thousand different strangers
Every one seems sincere
But did you notice
Was it you that I hear?
I hear you call my name
Yes, Pat, I have a lovely wife of five years, Sarah. My four year old daughter Hailey-Jane. And I'd like to shout-out to my dog Rusty, HeyRusty!

Christ, I'll never understand why they put so many retarded people on T.V. game shows.

Uncle Drunken.
Some fella comes into Kori Love's room, and after a little chit chat and tipping a little, he tells her, "I wish I was your panties".

I opened up a tip window, typed in 20, and for a note I put, "I don't want to be your panties,,, I want to be your Stay-Free feminine nap.... Cus I'd have wings, and I've always wanted to fly."

Uncle Drunken.
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