AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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bob said:
i almost forgot


"The world has not ended....sincerely, Australia" :lol:


Nice try, but since the Mayans were in the same time zone as Western America, we're going to have to wait till 4am on the 21st my time (US Eastern) before we can be sure. :p

So, it could end anywhere from 12/21 at 9am GMT to 12/22 at 8:59am GMT.
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I have such a fear of zombies that I'm partly convinced that's how the world will end. O.O
So I'm watching Ted Talks, and see the video about Neuro-Bunk. The speaker is a scientist chick. Throughout the whole thing, I'm trying to figure out who/what she's reminding me of. And then I find it. She looks like Sandra Bullock did in Love Potion No. 9, which is my stereotype geek-girl. Like, the sort of girl I look at and think "geek!"

Just thought it amusing. Here's the video.

I suggest... no. I request... uhuh.... I DEMAND we stop talking about guns around this forum and instead speak of Ikea Monkeys, Slow Lorises and Sloths instead.

We survived the Mayan Apocalypse, so let's celebrate cute and fun things instead of weapons for a while, at least.
LadyLuna said:
I have such a fear of zombies that I'm partly convinced that's how the world will end. O.O

As long as the zombies aren't clown zombies...then I'm good to roll on the Apocalypse
Kick a little Zombie ass join the movement P.A.Z. (People Against Zombies) :lol:
AmberCutie said:
I suggest... no. I request... uhuh.... I DEMAND we stop talking about guns around this forum and instead speak of Ikea Monkeys, Slow Lorises and Sloths instead.

We survived the Mayan Apocalypse, so let's celebrate cute and fun things instead of weapons for a while, at least.

One of my favorites. ^.^
I hope tigers are okay. I'm quite heavily a cat person.


AmberCutie said:
I suggest... no. I request... uhuh.... I DEMAND we stop talking about guns around this forum and instead speak of Ikea Monkeys, Slow Lorises and Sloths instead.

We survived the Mayan Apocalypse, so let's celebrate cute and fun things instead of weapons for a while, at least.

I got off work super early, fell asleep for hours somehow, and woke up to learn I have to post sloths. Some days are just that way.
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I love this movie. The first time I saw it was with my parents (on VHS it came in TWO tapes...part 1 and part 2), and my dad was cracking up laughing at this part. :lol:
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I wish the penalty for being the originator of spam was permanent loss of access. Actual spam, not the emails that are mis-tagged at spam.

Seriously, when you waste other people's time, or steal money from other people, you're hurting the economy. Get a job, if you need money. If you just need something to do, get a hobby that doesn't involve fucking with other people. Practical jokes are fine, and all in fun, but serious badgering? Fuck you!

(Got an email from "paypal" today. It wasn't paypal. The email address made it very obvious it wasn't paypal. Should be fucking illegal to pretend to be a company that deals with money.)
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Wassup mai fellow bitches ? It seems we have all survived the end of the world , at least to varrying degrees....
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LadyLuna said:
I wish the penalty for being the originator of spam was permanent loss of access. Actual spam, not the emails that are mis-tagged at spam.

Seriously, when you waste other people's time, or steal money from other people, you're hurting the economy. Get a job, if you need money. If you just need something to do, get a hobby that doesn't involve fucking with other people. Practical jokes are fine, and all in fun, but serious badgering? Fuck you!

(Got an email from "paypal" today. It wasn't paypal. The email address made it very obvious it wasn't paypal. Should be fucking illegal to pretend to be a company that deals with money.)
I just delete spam, but I actually report phishing / attempted fraud. The FBI maintains a directory page FBI -- New E-Scams & Warnings with a link to the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

I'm completely fine with hacking, cracking, phreaking and anything else people want to attempt, but I also think dumb criminals should be caught. :naughty: :lol:
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I wish people understood that tickling past the "stop" is torture... Being tickled is unpleasant, not matter how much the person being tickled is laughing. Sure, being tickled a little can be fun, in the same way that going to a scary movie can be fun, or riding a roller coaster can be fun. But when the movie doesn't end, or when the roller coaster ride doesn't stop, it stops being fun.

Most ticklish people are perfectly capable of expressing when the tickling has stopped being fun. If you really do care about them, listen to that expression.
Yay! my profile finally has pics that also have links! I used to have pics, but they disappeared 2 days later gonna cross my finger that they stay this time! :dance:
There are 3 cop cars out here. My neighbors (who live together) are having some sort of 'baby mama drama'. It sucks because they're both really good, nice people, and my sister babysits their little boy.
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morment said:
Reading through tweets from people bitching about Christmas being ruined because they didn't get an iphone/ipad/car is just sickening.

I'm happy with my chocolate reindeer and party poppers!! :D Didn't ask for anything this year, presents are a bonus, but really prefer giving and seeing my family :)
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morment said:
Reading through tweets from people bitching about Christmas being ruined because they didn't get an iphone/ipad/car is just sickening.

Those are things they could save up for and buy on their own...if they even have jobs. Who knows? Maybe they sit around playing Xbox 360 all day, expecting expensive stuff to be handed to them. I dated a younger guy once who was like that.

With all the tragedies that have taken place this year, there are families who have to spend their first Christmas without that certain loved one. When you think of it that way, it makes the "I didn't get an iPhone/iPad/car!!!!!" tweets sound even more ridiculous.
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My Christmas was ruined because someone decided to call me a liar and refused to let me explain properly.

we were talking about religion, and it was going rather well. I had been saying throughout the conversation that I was Catholic, but am not anymore. They tried to say that I was indoctrinated since I was a baby, so I had to say, no, I wasn't a Catholic since birth. The person then started yelling about how I said I was "born and raised Catholic". No, I never said that. I never even said I was raised Catholic. I said I was Catholic. I said that I was very religion in high school and the first year of college. I said that I was already on my way out of the Church by the end of college. I never said I was Catholic the entire previous time.

These are people who know I am adopted, that I was adopted at 13. I was a Catholic in high school, okay, Catholic after adoption. Where does that even imply that I was Catholic before adoption?

For the record, I was Catholic from 11.5 yrs old until I was 22.
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LadyLuna said:
My Christmas was ruined because someone decided to call me a liar and refused to let me explain properly.

we were talking about religion, and it was going rather well. I had been saying throughout the conversation that I was Catholic, but am not anymore. They tried to say that I was indoctrinated since I was a baby, so I had to say, no, I wasn't a Catholic since birth. The person then started yelling about how I said I was "born and raised Catholic". No, I never said that. I never even said I was raised Catholic. I said I was Catholic. I said that I was very religion in high school and the first year of college. I said that I was already on my way out of the Church by the end of college. I never said I was Catholic the entire previous time.

These are people who know I am adopted, that I was adopted at 13. I was a Catholic in high school, okay, Catholic after adoption. Where does that even imply that I was Catholic before adoption?

For the record, I was Catholic from 11.5 yrs old until I was 22.

I'm just confused why the clarification of this was such a big deal to the person? Is it like, you become Catholic and then you can never NOT be Catholic just by default?
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I said "I was Catholic". Since I didn't say "I became Catholic", she assumed that I meant "born and raised".

The reason this was actually an important point was because their argument against my understanding of Catholicism is that I was "indoctrinated by one church, one priest, since you were a baby", even though I'd already said it was like, 10 different priests in 5 different churches, they then said "well, yeah, but you only had experience with catholicism." So I said that "not since I was a baby" and everything went to hell. She said that I said I was born and raised Catholic. I never said that, and tried to tell her that, but she was screaming about how I am a liar and she will never trust anything I say and everything I say must be a lie because that one thing that I never said was a lie.

That's the type of woman she is. I say one thing, she implies whatever she wants from it and won't listen if someone tries to set her straight. It just really hurt to be called a liar for something that I never even said.

Edit: Luckily, I don't have to interract with this person very often. Less often than the rest of his family, anyway.
We were two letters off from a white Christmas yesterday. We were just missing the H and the I. :lol:
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I'm so I just ate some turkey, a few Keebler rainbow cookies, 3 or 4 bags of Funyuns onion rings, and root beer.
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Wow wtf, the celebrity whose name I'd heard 'Shia LaBeouf' is a DUDE?! With a name like that the parents may as well be wearing matching t-shirts saying "We wanted a girl".