hate to come into daily thoughts and be all like, RANTY RAWR IN THE FACE, but you know.

WickedTouch said:

Just had some lovely Organic Cherry Tomatoes OTV... intense tomato hit! Most excellent. Who said organic food never tastes different... these were awesome!!! :thumbleft:
LOL I cant believe people still ask me this... I've had cashiers ask me "why you buy all this organic stuff? does it taste any different? the apples are smaller than the regular apples." :scratch:
i'm just baffled! Well, for starters, organic farming doesn't destroy topsoil over thousands of acres and leak bazillions of tons of chemicals into groundwater. Organic farming doesn't pollute the gene pools of important food plants with GMOs unable to reproduce and susceptible to disease, which in turn requires more pesticides and fungicides, which in turn... ET CETERA.
For continuers, how about organic meat practices that prohibit synthetic hormones, antibiotics and god knows what else is in regular animal feed... humane slaughter.. and humane living conditions for the animals we raise for food. I mean come on, doesn't anyone read, watch or care about that?
honestly, does no one realise this stuff?? It seems like common sense to me. I'll admit I don't buy everything organic all the time...... but really, every dollar you spend is a vote. So lets like, vote for smarter agriculture. :idea1:

crazy, i know.
Also.. It's soooo true, when you grow it yourself and pick it fresh, it tastes
insane. The sharp crisp smell of a growing tomato vine, it sticks to your hands and it practically gets you high as Mork said!
MMMM I CANT WAIT UNTIL i get to start eating my own veg and greens again, damn its so delicious. this year i am going to try my hand at growing
button and oyster mushrooms! super excited. last year i had to move in august, so my entire garden was in pots. this year i have SO MUCH SPACE. my landlord is going to be very surprised when he comes by for our yearly. heheheheh.
Mikeythegeek said:
Yada yada yada, " the only people I see you give a flying fuck about outside of your room are the guys who tip you a ton," yada yada average, yada yada dishonest and ungrateful.
Yeah, being in the top 20 in many tens of THOUSANDS of girls is totally "average." she's only on that list cause she's dishonest and ungrateful. :snooty: :snooty:
First i would like to point out that for us camgirls, we have to give extra attention to people who help us the most financially. I like to chat with everyone and skype with them and whatever, even if they dont tip me often/currently, but honestly, I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THEM ALL. and i'm only a lowly 2Ker. :lol: :lol: so, basically, screw you ! She has to take care of those who take care of her! plus she has to take care of the forum, AND, she has to take care of the rest of her life OUTSIDE of the camworld, or else she will lose her mind! If I don't have time to mollycoddle every whiner that's ever tipped me, Amber certainly doesn't.
Secondly, geez dude, just take a hint from the rest of everyone here and dont be doin' this. Go expend your energy elsewhere, on something more productive. There are
many exciting things you can do with your time such as reading books, climbing mountains, studying stuff, perving on pretty ladies, going for a walk, cooking dinner, writing a script, researching and participating in activism or education for causes you feel strongly about, or activities that you enjoy. i personally recommend gardening, comic books, throwing paint at things, building things, and volunteering.
i know i 'dont know the whole story' and blah blah blah but i think i have two valid points above.
ummm in other news....??? Jolene has stated she will not bite my head off if i do a projector show, so i must test out some locations now. HOORAY! that and i should really get those shallots and artichokes in their pots.