AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
SoTxBob said:
I think it was night before last night I saw and saved this...
At the time it was just one of those random things that make you smile and think... 'lol no shit'... to yourself... :mrgreen:

"Wh0doUwant: Women wear fake hair, nails, lashes, contacts. Buy fake tits, lips, ass and get botox.. but want a real man?"

I disagree with the contacts part. I wear those because I'm blind as a bat. :lol:

As for the fake hair, fake nails, etc? If a guy wants to dress up as much as me he's more than welcome, lol.

I don't really think it makes either of us less real :D

On the other hand, girls who do all that stuff and then demand that it's natural AND they want their dude to have a body like Michael Phelps and a face like Johnny Depp are fucking dreaming. :lol:
She is back in my life but I haven't changed. Women! They terrify me! :angry-banghead:
a shit ton of my clothes bedding and lingerie got stolen this morning from the laundry room in my apt complex :( i only left it for like 15 minutes after it dried. now i have barely anything left. alot of that stuff was newish and pricey victorias secret stuff. im pretty down about it.
This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint...

It goes like this:

What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%


1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%


2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.

1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.

Both my daily thought and a favourite song, I solved this dilemma by double posting and listening to it twice as much.
I admit I am an idiot and would love to participate in lotteries despite odds and what-not. I have always maintained some form of self control, but I think with this epic one I may have to allow the system to rail me. Best case scenario? WINNING. Worst case scenario? I get hit by a truck on my way to buy a few tickets.

Wish me luck! :hello2:
woke up this morning KNOWING I won the MEGA Millions Lottery, and then this popped into my head.

Oh well, better luck next time.

Its summer time so i'll just leave this here as a friendly reminder.
My father used to wear speedoes to mow the lawn and i've been traumitized... this commercial was around in nz a few years back and I will always remember it.

Vocab lesson - "Togs" = "bathingsuit" in kiwiland.
AedanRayne said:
Fuck that tree!

Rotflmao!!!! Best part, when her friends pulled her away and she wanted more. :lol: "Honey, you're kissing a tree we need to go home. Kelly get the car! Come on honey, let's go home now you're drunk."
Apparently. I became, albeit briefly , a millionaire today courtesy of a few MFC glitches... when I logged out of my account I got this... [Top of picture, under Logout button]

8377709 tokens!

and a few hours later it did it again... now 9509152 tokens!

Shame they were wiped when I refreshed the window... now if only I could have spent those little beauties. :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Nice job Amber. Barely making the top 20. I can’t help but wonder how you would’ve done if you hadn’t chased off or kicked out so many of your old regulars.

Oh, wait! I know how you would’ve probably done! You would’ve been top 10 easily. Because that’s where you used to be. That’s where so many of us who you chased out because of what you’ve become or you kicked out because you’re just plain ungrateful to your former supporters would’ve put you. Because that’s where you deserved to be.

Why? Because you were real. You gave a shit about ALL of your friends, not just the ones who took out a 2nd mortgage to tip you.

Now, every time I’ve seen you for the past 9 months and others who used to support you have seen you; it’s all about tips. And the only people I see you give a flying fuck about outside of your room are the guys who tip you a ton.

It’s a damn shame that someone like you could be rewarded for being so dishonest and ungrateful. And I’m not the only one saying that. I’ve heard so many others say it too. Others who loved you and would’ve done anything to help you succeed.

You used to be the best damn thing on MFC. Now, you’re just average. And you have no one to blame but yourself.
Wow dude, that was truly sad. You should be so embarrassed.
Dude, it's been months. If this is still affecting you this much you should be evaluating yourself, not Amber.
She wasn't your wife, she's a girl on a website doing a job (and fucking rocking at it).
Grow up! Be an adult and focus on YOUR life!
Mikeythegeek said:
Nice job Amber. Barely making the top 20. I can’t help but wonder how you would’ve done if you hadn’t chased off or kicked out so many of your old regulars.

Oh, wait! I know how you would’ve probably done! You would’ve been top 10 easily. Because that’s where you used to be. That’s where so many of us who you chased out because of what you’ve become or you kicked out because you’re just plain ungrateful to your former supporters would’ve put you. Because that’s where you deserved to be.

Why? Because you were real. You gave a shit about ALL of your friends, not just the ones who took out a 2nd mortgage to tip you.

Now, every time I’ve seen you for the past 9 months and others who used to support you have seen you; it’s all about tips. And the only people I see you give a flying fuck about outside of your room are the guys who tip you a ton.

It’s a damn shame that someone like you could be rewarded for being so dishonest and ungrateful. And I’m not the only one saying that. I’ve heard so many others say it too. Others who loved you and would’ve done anything to help you succeed.

You used to be the best damn thing on MFC. Now, you’re just average. And you have no one to blame but yourself.

If you don't like her so much or think shes so average...why are you in HER forum telling HER friends this? This is the silliest way to go about attacking someone...=/ ALSO, if you TRULY meant to just let her know how you feel and had no intention to cause any backlash...why not PM her?
JoleneJolene said:
Wow dude, that was truly sad. You should be so embarrassed.
Dude, it's been months. If this is still affecting you this much you should be evaluating yourself, not Amber.
She wasn't your wife, she's a girl on a website doing a job (and fucking rocking at it).
Grow up! Be an adult and focus on YOUR life!

Thanks for posting this, JJ. Just don't hold your breath on:
Grow up! Be an adult

This is all I have to say on the matter:


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Mikey, come on. That was a very fine example of a butthurt post. This is her livelyhood- why people think she owes anyone anything is far, far beyond me. Amber has to take care of Amber, and she does what she needs to do. Because, like you said, she's a real woman. She can decide for herself what needs to be done.

She's clearly fantastic at what she does, and the evidence is pretty much all over the place. Your argument is invalid.
Just move on, it's the internet.
:think: :think: Actually, I'm inclined to agree with Bawksy..... In case you folks aren't aware or live in some sort of bubble,
this is April 1.. aka:
April Fools Day.
Before we all decide to gang rape "Mikey", perhaps we should chill and take a moment to ponder the situation.... just sayin... :confusion-shrug:

Saw model last night, after midnight, that had her entire room going good.. several hundred members ..
She'd announced a raffle for an unlimited skype. Anything goes, even would have her BF in it doing her if the winner wanted. She said if the stamina held, it could be an all day fuck-a-thon and the winner had the control.
The room went wild and also doubled in size. After about 45 minutes of this, she typed in chat: APRIL FOOLS !! GOTCHA SUCKA'S !!!! The chat went silent for a few seconds.. then recovered with applause and crying emotes... :lol: :lol: IMHO... a STELLAR prank here.
Mikeythegeek said:
Nice job Amber. Barely making the top 20. I can’t help but wonder how you would’ve done if you hadn’t chased off or kicked out so many of your old regulars.

Oh, wait! I know how you would’ve probably done! You would’ve been top 10 easily. Because that’s where you used to be. That’s where so many of us who you chased out because of what you’ve become or you kicked out because you’re just plain ungrateful to your former supporters would’ve put you. Because that’s where you deserved to be.

Why? Because you were real. You gave a shit about ALL of your friends, not just the ones who took out a 2nd mortgage to tip you.

Now, every time I’ve seen you for the past 9 months and others who used to support you have seen you; it’s all about tips. And the only people I see you give a flying fuck about outside of your room are the guys who tip you a ton.

It’s a damn shame that someone like you could be rewarded for being so dishonest and ungrateful. And I’m not the only one saying that. I’ve heard so many others say it too. Others who loved you and would’ve done anything to help you succeed.

You used to be the best damn thing on MFC. Now, you’re just average. And you have no one to blame but yourself.

All of ambercutie forum is laughing at you...
SoTxBob said:
:think: :think: Actually, I'm inclined to agree with Bawksy..... In case you folks aren't aware or live in some sort of bubble,
this is April 1.. aka:
April Fools Day.
Before we all decide to gang rape "Mikey", perhaps we should chill and take a moment to ponder the situation.... just sayin... :confusion-shrug:

Yeah, it was an April Fool's that's been going on for months. Go check his twatter and blog. Then let us know how funny the prank is.