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Daily Thoughts

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I thought this was pretty funny, admittedly it's hard to feel sorry for the 16 year old guy in this but still, the way the guest was describing it was pretty lurid, like it was hollywood gossip
My new toys are expected to arrive on Tuesday!

Jupiter551 said:
I thought this was pretty funny, admittedly it's hard to feel sorry for the 16 year old guy in this but still, the way the guest was describing it was pretty lurid, like it was hollywood gossip

The weird thing about this story is that the woman, her mother, the 16 year old, and both his parents ALL say nothing ever happened! Yet shes being charged based on rumor alone. I mean come on!
Nowadays even the slightest good looking teacher (and lets be honest, shes a hot teacher!) is going to have rumors flying around about her in High School. These boys wanna look cool so they talk shit, whether its true or not, and this poor womans career and life will now forever suffer for it. The cops should have just investigated her first and found some proof before arresting her. Instead they charged head first into the school and told everyone they were investigating her, to which she responded by resigning right then. I feel so bad for her.

On that note im seriously debating saving uo my amazon giftcards to get something nice for my bf instead of myself. Hmm what do men want though???..
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Teagan_Chase said:
On that note im seriously debating saving uo my amazon giftcards to get something nice for my bf instead of myself. Hmm what do men want though???..
Depends what kind of stuff he likes, does he read? Does he have a kindle? Or a nice coffee machine?
Jupiter551 said:
Teagan_Chase said:
On that note im seriously debating saving uo my amazon giftcards to get something nice for my bf instead of myself. Hmm what do men want though???..
Depends what kind of stuff he likes, does he read? Does he have a kindle? Or a nice coffee machine?

He hates reading. And works for Keurig so we have a nice coffee maker lol. He loves video games though! Can i buy Microsoft points with giftcards lol.
Teagan_Chase said:
Jupiter551 said:
Teagan_Chase said:
On that note im seriously debating saving uo my amazon giftcards to get something nice for my bf instead of myself. Hmm what do men want though???..
Depends what kind of stuff he likes, does he read? Does he have a kindle? Or a nice coffee machine?

He hates reading. And works for Keurig so we have a nice coffee maker lol. He loves video games though! Can i buy Microsoft points with giftcards lol.

Yup, you can. You have to wait for the card to ship, but that shouldn't be a big deal.
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i felt kind of happy tonight. when i first started working mfc people would be like no way you weigh 155 pounds your way more than that. tonight i got on and someone was like 155 pounds? you dont look that big :D i think thats progress. also i weigh more than 155 pounds but its my profile and ill lie if i want to.
i need a new car. mine is dying a slow expensive death. i really want a mini cooper. in turquoise. maybe pink i needs teh start saving up.
FrankieChemical said:
Teagan_Chase said:
Jupiter551 said:
Teagan_Chase said:
On that note im seriously debating saving uo my amazon giftcards to get something nice for my bf instead of myself. Hmm what do men want though???..
Depends what kind of stuff he likes, does he read? Does he have a kindle? Or a nice coffee machine?

He hates reading. And works for Keurig so we have a nice coffee maker lol. He loves video games though! Can i buy Microsoft points with giftcards lol.

Yup, you can. You have to wait for the card to ship, but that shouldn't be a big deal.
Frankie your new CWO-themed avatar is the shit :D
it's weird, MFC has been refreshing a lot by itself today for me, I come back to it just a little while ago and it says my account was suspended for -blank- reason, and to click the "I understand and will not continue that action"
instead, I just refreshed and everything seemed fine as normal. Anyone know if that's another bug or something?

what rule could I violate on MFC? lol
Harvey Birdman said:
it's weird, MFC has been refreshing a lot by itself today for me, I come back to it just a little while ago and it says my account was suspended for -blank- reason, and to click the "I understand and will not continue that action"
instead, I just refreshed and everything seemed fine as normal. Anyone know if that's another bug or something?

what rule could I violate on MFC? lol

Just another bug... sorry... a "characteristic" of MFC ;) ;) ;)
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Anyone have any tips for getting nasal swelling to go away? My nose is swollen shut and it really blows.
blackxrose said:
Anyone have any tips for getting nasal swelling to go away? My nose is swollen shut and it really blows.
Congratulations on the pun :p

Got any vicks? that sometimes clears the nose if you put a tiny bit inside each nostril
Jupiter551 said:
blackxrose said:
Anyone have any tips for getting nasal swelling to go away? My nose is swollen shut and it really blows.
Congratulations on the pun :p

Got any vicks? that sometimes clears the nose if you put a tiny bit inside each nostril

That pun was Vicks sounds good to me too, because I've always found it to be a reliable brand.

I've been giving my son a No Drip Nasal Mist (a nasal decongestant) from CVS. I'm looking at the back of the box now, and under 'Uses' it says "shrinks swollen membranes so you can breathe more freely." CVS always has a wide selection of meds to choose from, and the pharmacist there should be able to recommend something.
I use Vicks when it's minor and Afrin when if feels like the entire Russian army is up there in my nostrils stomping around in their boots.
I have great results with a nasal spray .. usually a generic or store brand the likes of Afrin (Oxymetazoline Nasal Spray). Takes me about 10 minutes to breathe well again. For me at least, the trick seems to be to spritz it and then lay down flat on my back so it can get up into the clogged area to do its magic.
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Lol I didn't even notice the pun I was so tired. It wasn't intentional but still funny. I've got nose spray, vicks, breathe right strips and cold meds but nothing is working. If I look in the mirror I can see where my nose is swollen shut. If I was a toddler I might wonder if I had accidentally shoved something up there, but at this point in my life I'd like to think I'm smarter than to stick any more objects up there. :think: Maybe if I can find some pliers, I can attempt to pry my nasal orifice open long enough to get some much needed oxygen.
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A long time ago I spent all this money on medicine that didn't work, and then when I finally decided to just use my vaporizer that's when I got
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The_Brown_Fox said:
A long time ago I spent all this money on medicine that didn't work, and then when I finally decided to just use my vaporizer that's when I got

Vaporizers are AWEESOMEEE. I can't live without em when I am sick. That + Vicks= a party in my nose...they're all...buggy-ing the night away after that. :dance:

I'm going with the nose puns theme...but I think I just killed it.
I think I just might need to try that, Fox. Hopefully I'll be feeling better though by the time I can buy one, lol. Finals are starting Monday and then I only get 2 weeks for summer break so it would be nice to get better quick.
Also, thanks for all the suggestions guys. :thumbleft:
Today I learned about painted Magic cards and now I'm totally geeking out over them. I think tomorrow I'm going to get up early and mess around with some of my mana cards and commons and see what I can do with them. My friend showed me some of his that a friend painted and OMG, they were beautiful. I just don't want borders, anymore, at all.
VeronicaChaos said:
Today I learned about painted Magic cards and now I'm totally geeking out over them. I think tomorrow I'm going to get up early and mess around with some of my mana cards and commons and see what I can do with them. My friend showed me some of his that a friend painted and OMG, they were beautiful. I just don't want borders, anymore, at all.
Not sure exactly what you mean by painted MtG cards, but I've seen some really awesome altered ones in my time. I think the coolest/simplest was where someone had blacked out everything but the ring in the art of a Sol Ring and I think the name/mana cost. Looked pretty freaking sweet.

I went hunting google to see if I could find a pic of it, but couldn't find one that looked exactly as I remembered it. However I did find this one:

Oh and I can't remember the guy's name, but someone has a tumblr about his altered cards and how he makes the artwork 3-dimensional.
if i had a nickel everytime i wished mfc would work for me id have a lot of nickels. people have been trying to convince me to not delete my account. i dont want to but i know i should. its just i go from making barely anything to making a ton on mfc and its a roller coaster for me. streamate is consistent money but i dont like working there. i actually feel degraded working there which is something i dont often feel. keeping my mfc account open distracts me cause i still spend alot of time talking to old regs.
VeronicaChaos said:
Today I learned about painted Magic cards and now I'm totally geeking out over them. I think tomorrow I'm going to get up early and mess around with some of my mana cards and commons and see what I can do with them. My friend showed me some of his that a friend painted and OMG, they were beautiful. I just don't want borders, anymore, at all.

For quick and easy fun with altering your MTG cards, try using a fine tipped Sharpie and giving dudes and monsters mustaches or sunglasses.
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I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I've been having trouble with Ukash for token purchases. Does anyone have some good prepaid card suggestions for people in the UK (England)?