AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Daily thought :

i never took the time to realize this but us models have fans! how cool is that ?
feeling famous :cool:
A handful of my daily thoughts:

:blob3: I am both excited and nervous to do my first raffle on MFC. Trying to keep it simple but still fun. Getting supplies today. Eeek! Once I get all the stuff, I will reveal all the details.

:blob2: I did a great work out today. I will reward myself with wine and light cheese and crackers later. Wheeee!

:blob6: I hope MFC treats me nice tonight. I've got a whole day to make up for, basically, due to the crash yesterday.
I want to eat a lot of candy, but I am not allowed....and also all the french fries I can fit in my stomach dear lord.
I wish I could spend some more time in California while I'm out there to play with AmberDawn... I'd love to take in some sites. It's been years since I went to Cali...
Jebbaz said:
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the greatest Touchdown Dance ever performed!

Imagine the Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty that would bring?! (Oh new football note for Jebbs: players get penalized for excessive celebration after a touchdown/score.)

But on a side note, the chips from that company are SO GOOD! Try the cheddar ones. They has good stuffs for you in em, but taste like heaven.
AlexLady said:
I feel like a lot of people on the forum (including myself,) have been more 'grr' lately on almost every topic for no reason.
Also, on this note, I think I'm done being fucking diplomatic to people just to get shit on. Anyone who thinks this applies to them can kiss my sweet ass.
Protip: Guys, if you're dating someone who you're really into and your ex who used to live with you wants to come over on Valentine's Day; tell her not to. It's very likely to blow up in your face.

This was going to happen to a friend of mine until the guy realized he was being a fucktard. He's going to change the locks on his house now.
AmberCutie said:
AlexLady said:
I feel like a lot of people on the forum (including myself,) have been more 'grr' lately on almost every topic for no reason.
Also, on this note, I think I'm done being fucking diplomatic to people just to get shit on. Anyone who thinks this applies to them can kiss my sweet ass.

Show them fucks how strong your pimp hand is! :clap:
AmberCutie said:
AlexLady said:
I feel like a lot of people on the forum (including myself,) have been more 'grr' lately on almost every topic for no reason.
Also, on this note, I think I'm done being fucking diplomatic to people just to get shit on. Anyone who thinks this applies to them can kiss my sweet ass.

Yeppers, it was definitely a first being called rude and negative for wishing somebody good luck because they're gonna need it.

Cabin fever setting in? :think:
Bocefish said:
AmberCutie said:
AlexLady said:
I feel like a lot of people on the forum (including myself,) have been more 'grr' lately on almost every topic for no reason.
Also, on this note, I think I'm done being fucking diplomatic to people just to get shit on. Anyone who thinks this applies to them can kiss my sweet ass.

Yeppers, it was definitely a first for me being called rude and negative for wishing somebody good luck because they're gonna need it.

Cabin fever setting in? :think:
No idea. Next month marks the 1 year site-a-versary here, and I am hoping for light and happy times. Not so many "go fuck yourself" moments. Who knew that I'd agree with someone and STILL have them fling poo at me? Not human. Damn primates.
AmberCutie said:
No idea. Next month marks the 1 year site-a-versary here, and I am hoping for light and happy times. Not so many "go fuck yourself" moments. Who knew that I'd agree with someone and STILL have them fling poo at me? Not human. Damn primates.

I've become a believer that most, if not all people on the Internet are being their true selves since they can be all anonymous and shit.

In other words, most people on the Internet are no better than primates.