AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I lost lots of followers on twitter today due to spamming my twitter with lots of pictures, oops, haha. I don't know why anyone bothers following me anyway, my tweets are always about the most boring random crap ever. I'm probably the only camgirl with a unsexy twitter lol.

Also I wish I knew what some people were on about here, when they say things other models have done, but that's just me being super nosy haha.
LilyPink said:
And Jebbaz, I didn't even read the over reactionary stuff you wrote. It makes me angry that you can't even take a small comment meant in good humour and leave it at that. Eugh! :snooty:

I'm not gonna fight with you, again, in the open here for everyone to see. Stop picking fights with me or place me on iggy, simple as that.
Oh c'mon Jebbaz! I ignore you with the forum function when my own personal ignore function stops working and now you're commenting on my posts. Are you deliberately trying to wind me up?

Snot working. I'm mildly amused instead.
Jebbaz said:
Bocefish said:
LilyPink said:
Don't bother. Ski to work!!

Haha, I used to snowmobile to work, but that was in Alaska.
I wanna snowmobile to work everyday....

It was a blast! That was until the day I had a stand-off with a huge bull moose on a narrow trail for about an hour.
LilyPink said:
Oh c'mon Jebbaz! I ignore you with the forum function when my own personal ignore function stops working and now you're commenting on my posts. Are you deliberately trying to wind me up?

Snot working. I'm mildly amused instead.
I think he was replying to Boce who had quoted you. Lol. Touchy Lily is touchy. :) PS: In reply to your 1.4m token post, Jebbs didn't say anything to you or about you. I'm really confused as to why all this is going on.


PPS: I love lemurs. Especially lemurs with attitude.
Touch meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jebbaz over reacted to a throw away comment of mine.. clearly my silly nature wasn't apparent in my post. Annnnnnnnnd then it escalated into something it's not but who cares anymore. :whistle:
I wondered myself.

I think its as simple as she and I do not like each other, and therefore each and every comment that can be perceived as a shot, will be percieved as a shot. Dunno why her iggy doesn't work, it works when I iggy :think:
Jebbaz said:
Also, my daily thought:

I wonder how long it will be until All your thread are belong to me?
A lil' bit longer. :lol:
I just signed up, and the display size of this forum is driving me nuts, it appears huge on my monitor and I'm trying to figure out if it's me or the forum, oh also I need coffee and to stop refreshing mfc every 5 seconds :D
Jupiter551 said:
I just signed up, and the display size of this forum is driving me nuts, it appears huge on my monitor and I'm trying to figure out if it's me or the forum, oh also I need coffee and to stop refreshing mfc every 5 seconds :D
Say wat? :?:
nevermind, it's fine now - for some reason when I first came to the site everything was displaying in huge fonts and stuff
Jupiter551 said:
nevermind, it's fine now - for some reason when I first came to the site everything was displaying in huge fonts and stuff
I think you're just crazy sir.
In a way, I wish hump day meant more than just being the middle of the week.