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Daily Thoughts

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While on the subject of healthcare... I am pissed the fuck off at this "go to physical therapy BEFORE we authorize you to get imaging to see what's even wrong with it."

I'm on week 4 of PT for shoulder pain, which could actually be torn and doing the movements I have been are preventing healing/making it worse, but insurance won't cover an MRI until 6 PT sessions... it's ass backwards!! PT should be AFTER imaging to find out what's wrong!
Agreed 100%. The way the providers and insurance companies conspire to keep costs high for patients and low for themselves ought to be criminal.

I recently got some routine blood work. It’s fully covered by my insurance, but the provider made a clerical error and didn’t enter my insurance info. As a result, I got a bill in the mail for the full price of the bloodwork. Around $900.

I called them and they fixed the error, billing my insurance instead. Just to make sure it went through, I checked my claims on the insurer’s website. Due to a “plan discount,” they only billed the insurance company about $100.

Now, I was able to keep track of all this and avoid paying that massive bill. But think about the people who aren’t in a position to find these errors or get them corrected. The very ill, the elderly, those who don’t have caregivers or family looking out for them. How many of those people simply go broke or bankrupt because of these up charges and errors that go unchecked? Disgusting.

It really is disgusting. And the fact that agents will sometimes straight up lie to you or tell half truths or leave out important details about your coverage simply to get you to sign up through them so they can make their commission. It happened to me, I was paying for what I thought was pretty comprehensive coverage, and I ended up needing some pretty expensive medical tests done. Turns out, even after I met my deductible I still wouldn’t be fully covered. So it’s like, I have to pay hundreds every month for insurance, pay at least thousands out of pocket for medical expenses on top of my insurance and then not even be fully covered?

It’s also sad how there’s people who end up getting cancer or some other really serious illness and their insurance won’t cover the cost of treatment and so basically they have to either sell all their assets they worked their entire life for or transfer the titles for their house and car over to family members so they can file bankruptcy for the government to finally step in and help out.

I believe affordable healthcare is a basic human right, and it’s sick how financially driven the healthcare system in America is. To the point where it’s now becoming more common for people to just travel out of the country to get medical services, because it’s way cheaper than getting tests, surgeries and/or treatments in America.

And, looking at your bill after receiving whatever kind of medical services is a must, because they will try screwing you over however they can. Also, when I was getting TMS treatments, the technician who did the treatments was also a nurse at a nearby hospital and we got kind of close since I was in there every day of the week for a couple weeks. She was telling me how when the cost of epipens went through the roof, the hospital was putting those costs on literally everyone who came through the hospital. From how she explained it, every floor/wing needs a certain amount of crash carts, which includes epipens, if they aren’t used within a certain amount of time they have to just get new ones and so even if you didn’t have an epipen used on you, you were still paying for it.

Speaking of the TMS and insurance stuff, it’s ridiculous how insurance is with approving it. TMS is a non-invasive procedure with almost no side effects that’s been proven to be extremely effective for treatment resistant depression/anxiety. But, the machine used is supposedly very expensive to run (the coils in it apparently break down very fast and need to be replaced often), so without insurance you’re looking at roughly $10k for a full course of treatments. Insurance will only cover it after you’ve taken at least two different antidepressants with no success and done at least a year of talk therapy. Which to me is just crazy that you need to jump through hoops and take potentially dangerous medications to get insurance to approve an effective, safe treatment.
I agree with everything everyone has said here. I used to work in healthcare, and as I got further into understanding how billing was done, insurance companies etc I realized what a farce, even non-profits are. Everyone's ripping everyone off everywhere. Working as a cam model feels 100% more honest, especially with how direct and blunt I am with people. There's A LITERAL TON of deception and trickery going on in this world, in places that you just wouldn't think. It's fucking pathetic, it really is. People everywhere are milking things, especially off the vulnerable and worst off, and it's just lazy and gross imo.

Anyways, sudden subject change, but I just saw a headline on my youtube feed that has me what the fucking, and wanted to share.
"He disappeared after using homemade time machine".

(it's not satire, it's an actual crime documentary!) WTfuckingF?!!! I know what I'm watching later!!
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While on the subject of healthcare... I am pissed the fuck off at this "go to physical therapy BEFORE we authorize you to get imaging to see what's even wrong with it."

I'm on week 4 of PT for shoulder pain, which could actually be torn and doing the movements I have been are preventing healing/making it worse, but insurance won't cover an MRI until 6 PT sessions... it's ass backwards!! PT should be AFTER imaging to find out what's wrong!

I'm so sorry you're going through this! My mom has been going through the exact same situation, but for her back. She just completed the PT sessions and it was brutal on her. She thought she was getting her MRI, had it scheduled and everything, but then the insurance company said "nope, you need to see a specialist first." Ugh, I have felt so bad for her. I hope you're able to get your MRI quickly and easily with no more hoops to jump through.

I agree with everything everyone has said here. I used to work in healthcare, and as I got further into understanding how billing was done, insurance companies etc I realized what a farce, even non-profits are. Everyone's ripping everyone off everywhere. Working as a cam model feels 100% more honest, especially with how direct and blunt I am with people. There's A LITERAL TON of deception and trickery going on in this world, in places that you just wouldn't think. It's fucking pathetic, it really is. People everywhere are milking things, especially off the vulnerable and worst off, and it's just lazy and gross imo.

I also worked in healthcare for a bit. Trying to get insurance to cover things by using the correct ICD-9 and then ICD-10 coding was such a hassle. But you had to make sure you used the best code to lower the cost for the patient which sometimes meant going through so. many. damn. codes. My eyes often burned at the end of the day. Insurance companies need to just fucking cover shit that they are meant to cover. Health insurance = coverage for one's health. Shouldn't need to jump through all the hoops and codes just to get coverage. It's disgusting.
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While on the subject of healthcare... I am pissed the fuck off at this "go to physical therapy BEFORE we authorize you to get imaging to see what's even wrong with it."

I'm on week 4 of PT for shoulder pain, which could actually be torn and doing the movements I have been are preventing healing/making it worse, but insurance won't cover an MRI until 6 PT sessions... it's ass backwards!! PT should be AFTER imaging to find out what's wrong!

I had the exact same thing happen to me this summer. Insurance denied two requests from a specialist to get me an MRI for an injury to my back/neck. They said I had to complete a schedule of physical therapy first.

I truly didn’t understand the logic. First - the specialist was trying to rule out some fairly serious shit by ordering the MRI (broken or fractured vertebrae, or even cancer). Neither of those things is solvable by PT. They can actually make it worse. If not directly, then certainly by prolonging the process of getting a proper diagnosis.

Secondly - the insurance company doesn’t even save money in that scenario! Five weeks of PT on my insurance would have cost me like $400 out of pocket, but it would have cost my insurance more than that. And then I’d probably still need the MRI afterward. The MRI is faster, cheaper, and more logical as a path forward to wellness than the PT, in my case. Absolute lunacy.
I had the exact same thing happen to me this summer. Insurance denied two requests from a specialist to get me an MRI for an injury to my back/neck. They said I had to complete a schedule of physical therapy first.

I truly didn’t understand the logic. First - the specialist was trying to rule out some fairly serious shit by ordering the MRI (broken or fractured vertebrae, or even cancer). Neither of those things is solvable by PT. They can actually make it worse. If not directly, then certainly by prolonging the process of getting a proper diagnosis.

Secondly - the insurance company doesn’t even save money in that scenario! Five weeks of PT on my insurance would have cost me like $400 out of pocket, but it would have cost my insurance more than that. And then I’d probably still need the MRI afterward. The MRI is faster, cheaper, and more logical as a path forward to wellness than the PT, in my case. Absolute lunacy.
I'm so sorry you're going through this! My mom has been going through the exact same situation, but for her back. She just completed the PT sessions and it was brutal on her. She thought she was getting her MRI, had it scheduled and everything, but then the insurance company said "nope, you need to see a specialist first." Ugh, I have felt so bad for her. I hope you're able to get your MRI quickly and easily with no more hoops to jump through.
I also have a bit of ptsd from my hip injury back in 2015 - same thing I had to go to PT first, but the PT actually further injured my labral tear...

My hip surgeon/specialist said he wishes he could have seen me first never would have put me through that. So now I worry the same is going on in my shoulder.