AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Dude, why didn’t you tell me you’re also a PPC?!
I'm a man of many hats

don't do much outside of cam / clips now, running ads is great... until you forget to set the limits up and blow a months budget in an hour 😂
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That’s why we have a lifetime budget option!
Checking the budget and limit settings while the ad is waiting to be approved was an expensive lesson, but never had to learn it a second time 😂
It's been a long time, but I think I'm live on MyFreeCams, if someone wants to come let me know if they can see and hear me fine. Thanks!
I am so glad I made it through yesterday. I had a way longer to do list than usual, and it was all super boring, tedious stuff that I didn't want to do, but had to. On a usual day my list is like 15 items long, but yesterday it was like 100 items long 😭 Plus it was my Saturday and my body already hurt, and pretty much every thing I needed to do was physical. Good riddance yesterday (but I'm so glad I made it to the end of the list) hello today 🎉🎉.
I am so sick of the rampant entitlement that’s so prevalent in today’s society.

With work, there’s people who think that since I post videos of myself online they are entitled to my videos and pictures without paying for it, even though I post these things behind a paywall. People who think they’re entitled to a response from me because I have open avenues of communication through the sites I work on or promote myself on.

With personal life, there’s family and friends who feel entitled to an immediate response from me because “you always have your phone near you”. They feel entitled to my time and my energy, because I have a flexible schedule.

Even just randomly in public, I’ll have people approach me (mostly men) and think I owe them conversations, even though 9/10 when I’m in public running errands, shopping or grabbing food I try to make it apparent I don’t want to be approached. I’ve even bought a pair of large headphones to wear when I’m out and don’t want to be approached, because you’d think people would realize that if you’re wearing headphones it’s because you’d rather listen to something else than random people. I’ve even had it before when I still drank, I’d be at a bar and have a tab running, a guy would randomly pay off my tab without asking me if that’s okay, then expect me to talk to him and give him my attention because he did that.

Sorry for the vent, but I’m just so exhausted with the majority of people. I really just want to move to a cabin nestled deep within the woods on a mountain and just read my books and write and play video games in total peace for awhile.
Even just randomly in public, I’ll have people approach me (mostly men) and think I owe them conversations, even though 9/10 when I’m in public running errands, shopping or grabbing food I try to make it apparent I don’t want to be approached. I’ve even bought a pair of large headphones to wear when I’m out and don’t want to be approached, because you’d think people would realize that if you’re wearing headphones it’s because you’d rather listen to something else than random people. I’ve even had it before when I still drank, I’d be at a bar and have a tab running, a guy would randomly pay off my tab without asking me if that’s okay, then expect me to talk to him and give him my attention because he did that.

I’m so sick of that bullshit too. Two and a half weeks ago I was on a subway on my way to Coney Island, and had my headphones on listening to music. This dude gets on and plops himself down into a seat somewhat near me, and starts making this ridiculous “HEY, LOOK AT ME!” like gesture to get my attention to attempt some pointless chitchat I’m not interested in. Annoying as fuck. And it was obvious I was annoyed when I had to pause my music to tell him “I’m trying to listen to music right now.” This clearly offended him, but oh well. People need to realize that you can’t always get what you want. Don’t interrupt me while I’m jamming to 90s music (Foxy Brown).

Hip Hop 90S GIF
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I’ve even bought a pair of large headphones to wear when I’m out and don’t want to be approached, because you’d think people would realize that if you’re wearing headphones it’s because you’d rather listen to something else than random people.
headphones on listening to music. This dude gets on and plops himself down into a seat somewhat near me, and starts making this ridiculous “HEY, LOOK AT ME!” like gesture to get my attention to attempt some pointless chitchat I’m not interested in
My "headphones on clearly wanting to be left alone" annoyance was on a tiny plane when I went to see my parents in Utah. There are no direct flights right to them, so have to always take a connecting flight on a tiny plane with small closely connected seats. I had my audiobook on with my big bulky headphones on to be obvious. But that won't stop a religious freak! He motions to me a hello so I politely partially-lower one headphone to say hello and see if he needed something. He launched into a 30 minute long speech about the LDS and Joseph Smith. I wish I had been feeling bold enough to tell him to fuck off with his cult speech, but I'm way too fucking nice.

Didn't finish my audio book chapter that flight. 😡
I’m one of the only people in my Gym who let other people do sets while I rest between mine. It’s not out of kindness, nor courtesy, but efficiency. Let other people do their 12 reps in the station while you check your phone. It’s that simple!
I would argue it is not efficient to have to be wiping down sweat in between, and setting the seat/weight each time. I only take about 30-40 second breaks between sets so it makes more sense for me to just sit on the machine for that short time.
I would argue it is not efficient to have to be wiping down sweat in between, and setting the seat/weight each time. I only take about 30-40 second breaks between sets so it makes more sense for me to just sit on the machine for that short time.
Good point. I always used to get frustrated with that too, but it never dawned on me that they'd be thinking about the sweat thing. Which is a totally valid and thoughtful concern.
You're not telling me a single thing I already know because, like I said, I didn't read it. You're not my client. Why would I?

When you are self employed your most valuable resource is your time. As far as tech stuff goes, not wasting my time reading a non models perspective. There are already several very knowledgeable models here who share in depth and relevant, accurate info. And they've already spoken in this thread, so ...
How do I quote sentences on this interface? Sigh.
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Good point. I always used to get frustrated with that too, but it never dawned on me that they'd be thinking about the sweat thing. Which is a totally valid and thoughtful concern.
I carry a towel, and if it's a cable station for example, no one sits on it to begin with, the same goes for the cage. People just stay there with the phone, wasting your time, and 45 minutes workout becomes 90.
How do I quote sentences on this interface? Sigh
Hit the quote feature then delete what you don't want there. If there's a faster way: I'm not aware of it.
I carry a towel, and if it's a cable station for example, no one sits on it to begin with, the same goes for the cage. People just stay there with the phone, wasting your time, and 45 minutes workout becomes 90.
I have seen that too and gotten super annoyed with it. You can't change other people though. It actually motivated me to start doing super sets. They are fun. But there's always gonna be people who get distracted by their phones and camp out way longer in machines than they should. It sucks, I feel ya. Which is different from what Amber mentioned.

I always used to think they should have employees who monitor the floor for that, because other paying patrons shouldn't have to bring it up, and breach a potential conflict.

Staying on for the rest period between sets is one thing. But some people camp out on one mChine for like 5 minutes fucking around with their phones between sets. It is very frustrating. If you need 5 mins between sets, your weight is outrageously too high for you. But it's not that, it's just they are having fun on their phone and forgetting where they are.
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Hit the quote feature then delete what you don't want there. If there's a faster way: I'm not aware of it.
or reply button or type
[quote]paste in the quote[/quote]
I have seen that too and gotten super annoyed with it. You can't change other people though. It actually motivated me to start doing super sets. They are fun. But there's always gonna be people who get distracted by their phones and camp out way longer in machines than they should. It sucks, I feel ya. Which is different from what Amber mentioned.

I always used to think they should have employees who monitor the floor for that, because other paying patrons shouldn't have to bring it up, and breach a potential conflict.

Staying on for the rest period between sets is one thing. But some people camp out on one mChine for like 5 minutes fucking around with their phones between sets. It is very frustrating.
We actually have gym monitors now, but the 5 year olds in the body of 25 year olds are sucking up all the attention when they try to get injured in every possible way. I sometimes convert all the plan to be on a bench and a set of dumbbells, and get into the zone with no distractions.
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We actually have gym monitors now, but the 5 year olds in the body of 25 year olds are sucking up all the attention when they try to get injured in every possible way. I sometimes convert all the plan to be on a bench and a set of dumbbells, and get into the zone with no distractions.
Yep I've done that too. A lot of people won't go near that area, and want to stay by the machines. I always think of that area as more the beast mode area hehe.
Okay Marie laugh at my pain. :(
I didn't mean it that way. I hope you are joking here. If I hurt your feelings I apologize. I saw humor in the situation overall, but I wasn't laughing at you.
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Sorry to tell you this but you wasted a couple of hours.
A lot of what you have here either dosnt apply or is wrong.

Bitrate for example "The more the better". While higher bitrate = more data, a crazy high bitrate dosnt do anything when videos are posted on the web. Server space is expencive and sites compress the videos during upload. When you compress a video a lot of the storage saving is in lowering the bitrate. So shooting in a high bitrate just uses more storage space than nessisary, if shooting in log it can be helpful since you need to do color correction, but I have a feeling most people just shoot auto which uses the cameras color settings to grade the video as it's being shot, which in reality is good enough.

Looks like you dont know the tech either, an I9 is great if you can keep it cool, but you can stream to multiple sites with an i5 that is a couple of years old and using off system restream services you can even get that down to an i3. Ram requirement depends on how much you plan on doing at the same time, 4gb though? This isnt 2004, windows on it's own can use more than 4gb of ram. Broadcasting to a single site, not planning on doing any video editing the minimum you are looking at is going to be 8gb and if you are buying a system now I wouldnt get anything with under 16gb. OBS, Video Editing Software, Web Browser, They are all extreamly ram heavy applicaions. If planning to do video editing then I would say 32gb should be the lower end people are looking for, 16 will work but as an example I have 40gb in my system and my video editor doing a basic edit will use over 20gb of ram. You can get away with less, these things are designed to use the resocurses avalibule so it's not going to crash if theres not enough, it will just slow things down because it needs to wait for ram space to become free.

1080p is your preferance. It is not a requirement.
Some of my best selling videos to this day are ones that were either shot at 480p. Even videos that have an option for 1080p I have some that sell more at 480p. It depends on the customers PREFERANCE and what fits the tone of the video. For example shooting an 80's vhs style video (where you have the scan lines and everything added in to the video) 480p is a more suitable resolution than 1080p because it fits the style of the video. With filmmaking there is no definitive right and wong (well there is one... take the lens cap off before filming is the right thing to do 😂 ) but when it comes down to everything about the shot and the editing its about setting a tone.

A better example of film noir lighting would be an actual film noir movie, double indemnity is one of my favorites in the genre.

"Silence is more erotic than moaning or saying things that that are just not erotic."
Again Preferance.

"Cold blue LEDs NO !"
Not always, it depends on how the light is picking up color off objects in the room.

"A young 18 year old model thats beautiful and has a hot body has a distinct advantage just like a 6 foot man that has a lot of wealth and is very good looking is going to have an unfair advantage."
Someone dosnt understand markets. There are these things called catagories, they help customers find what they are looking for. 18 year olds dont do that well with the Milf guys for example.

Just about the only thing in that I would agree with (although I only skimmed it and having seen how much of what I skimmed was just wrong I wont even bother to read it) is foucs. Being in focus is important, kind of like being in the frame is important, or turning the camera on, didnt really think making sure the subject is in focus (sometimes thats not a whole person but a very specific body parth) is kind of so obvious I dont really think it needed to be mentioned.
How do I drive this interface ? Is there a wiki that explains how it works KingMarti ?
How do I drive this interface ? Is there a wiki that explains how it works KingMarti ?
you mean the forum?
you can look up bbshortcodes or just click the [ ] button next to the floppy disk icon which will show you the code that gets used when you do certain things, then you can just type it rather than looking for the buttons.

ETA: not all bb shortcodes will work, it depends on what's allowed in the settings, what addons have been installed and stuff.
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  • Helpful!
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ou mean the forum?
you can look up bbshortcodes or just click the [ ] button next to the floppy disk icon which will show you the code that gets used when you do certain things, then you can just type it rather than looking for the buttons.

ETA: not all bb shortcodes will work, it depends on what's allowed in the settings, what addons have been installed and stuff.
Yes this interface.
Ahhh this helps (this is a nightmare!) lol I think this is HTML code which I haven't used in years. I'm sitting in front of my heater typing this and my eyesight is deteriorating as I type. I bought reading glasses recently (they were stupidly expensive by the way) and they are blurry. Sigh. I switched back to my old scratched glasses which are badly scratched but they're better. (go figure). Sigh.
you mean the forum?
Yes I mean this forum interface - I'm looking at the header with the icons for eraser, bold, itallics, paragraphs, artists pallette, 3 vertical dots, chain link, smily face, GIF, attach photo, quotation mark, ... beside that is a preview tab.

I'm clicking on multiquote things are popping up but how do insert multiple quotes ? What is a multi-quote and how does it work ? Sigh.
I've moved chat about forum interface here to avoid derailing the lighting thread further
I'm clicking on multiquote things are popping up but how do insert multiple quotes ? What is a multi-quote and how does it work ? Sigh.
When you quote a sentence or a post, it adds it to a clipboard type thing so you can enter many of them in one reply.

I'm looking at the header with the icons for eraser, bold, itallics, paragraphs, artists pallette, 3 vertical dots, chain link, smily face, GIF, attach photo, quotation mark, ... beside that is a preview tab.
I'm confused what it is that you're looking for specifically?

And then

Will give you a pop up where you can select the quotes you clicked quote on.