I know you didn't ask for comments, but really . . . Never walked beside you? You are suddenly evil and need an exorcism? Christ on a bike and fuck me sideways, what a twat!!I forgot to add that back in May I was "so sweet," he volunteered himself to come with me on a future trip to Six Flags, and he loved my star tattoos and was excited to have a conversation about cool tattoos.
Now in July I'm "evil" and "need an exorcism."I'm not nice because I talked bad about his president (Yeah, that "Pffft!" remark I made was just sooo out of line...I should be imprisoned). Forgot to mention he'd always walk several feet ahead of me in public, instead of walk right beside me. Oh, and he never kept his promise to join me at Six Flags this summer. In fact, he gave his purchased ticket away to his cousin, because he didn't want to go with me anymore. So yeah, it looks like I'll be making that trip solo.
It is a very long time since I have had sex, but I cannot imagine any sex, no matter how good, to be worth all that (and probably other stuff you did not mention).
You deserve better.