AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
He was an insane piece of shit in 2016, didn't stop him getting elected then. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
He was not elected by the people (Hillary won the popular vote), he was installed by the Electoral College. Which should not exist but does because the Founders believed anyone who wasn't a landowner was too goddamn stupid to vote properly.
He was not elected by the people (Hillary won the popular vote), he was installed by the Electoral College. Which should not exist but does because the Founders believed anyone who wasn't a landowner was too goddamn stupid to vote properly.
It is a system I as an outsider do not fully understand, but still he was elected by enough of the electoral college who must represent *somebody* in US society, and those somebodies did not care that he was an insane cockwomble.
It is a system I as an outsider do not fully understand, but still he was elected by enough of the electoral college who must represent *somebody* in US society, and those somebodies did not care that he was an insane cockwomble.
That's because he was having really bad stories about him killed, which is the entire basis of the "hush money trial" which is actually a business fraud trial.

It's complicated, but the Electoral College is supposed to vote with its constituents, not against them. Memory is fuzzy but two states said "fuck your opinion, our votes go to Trump."

Here's a pretty good read on it:

Explains it better than I ever could.
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I'm honestly really relieved about Joe stepping down. It was way too close of a fight with him refusing to leave. With Harris we do have a fighting chance because of the monumental decision that Biden made. It's likely going to shake up some swing voters. Harris isn't my favorite at all, but she's better than Trump. The coming months are going to be full of racist, sexist bullshit though. That is, of course, if Harris is the nominee. Hopefully she makes a smart VP pick.
I'm honestly really relieved about Joe stepping down. It was way too close of a fight with him refusing to leave. With Harris we do have a fighting chance because of the monumental decision that Biden made. It's likely going to shake up some swing voters. Harris isn't my favorite at all, but she's better than Trump. The coming months are going to be full of racist, sexist bullshit though. That is, of course, if Harris is the nominee. Hopefully she makes a smart VP pick.
I'm hoping Gavin Newsome steps up.
I'm hoping Gavin Newsome steps up.
That might be tricky due to Amendment 12 of the constitution, the POTUS and VP have to be from different states. As I understand it, one of them making a last minute move to another state should work.
That was a potential issue when Cheeto Hitler was floating Marco Rubio as a running mate
DP but...
Amend. 12 is confusing in that it's not explicitly barred to have a POTUS and VP from the same state. (open for interpretation like the rest of the constitution)
But it is bad strategy...

... if an election turns out to be particularly close, the rule could potentially come into play. It almost did in the notoriously contentious election of 2000. When Texas Gov. George W. Bush chose Dick Cheney as his running mate on the Republican ticket, Cheney had been living and voting and paying taxes for five years in Texas. Shortly before the election, however, Cheney obtained a Wyoming driverā€™s license and put his Dallas home on the market. (He had a vacation home in Wyoming, which is the state he had formerly represented in the U.S. Congress.)

Good thing for him he did: The Bush-Cheney ticket ended up winning with 271 electoral votesā€”just a slim five-vote marginā€”over Al Gore and Joe Lieberman, a total they certainly wouldnā€™t have hit without Texasā€™ 32 votes.

I'd be very happy with Newsome
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It's official, Kamala Harris is the DNC nominee.
I didn't know a thing about her. Watching a biographical documentary made me hope she gets the job. She definitely has the things Trump hasn't, education and a brain. And she has experience in fighting for equality and democracy. It would definitely be amazing but it wouldn't be enough. When Obama came into office those white, old tea-party guys united and actively paralized the government and institutions in order to make him look bad. The same will happen with KH, maybe even more because she has the audacity to be a woman.
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For the first time ever, I gave a model I actually talk to for a bit the link to the forums to try help her out with her account, and now I don't know how the hell to think about visiting the room after if she joins up... hmpf, just felt like getting it off my mind somewhere, so why not here
I normally never visit any room of any girl that are on the forums.. it's a thing for me
I like you, and I mean this most respectfully; but you guys come here looking for help for other models, take it from us, then proudly announce you never intend on tipping us? Um...

Slapstick posted something similar recently too. Umm... yeaaaaaah. About that... Do you guys really think that's something you should be shouting from the rooftops, that leaves a nice taste in the models who share free info here's mouths about you?

Like I said. I like you. But I don't like that you shared this, although you are not the only one who puts their foot in their mouth. Far, far, far from the only one... in fact. And a lot of what you post is very supportive and helpful also.
I like you, and I mean this most respectfully; but you guys come here looking for help for other models, take it from us, then proudly announce you never intend on tipping us? Um...

Slapstick posted something similar recently too. Umm... yeaaaaaah. About that... Do you guys really think that's something you should be shouting from the rooftops, that leaves a nice taste in the models who share free info here's mouths about you?

Like I said. I like you. But I don't like that you shared this, although you are not the only one who puts their foot in their mouth. Far, far, far from the only one... in fact. And a lot of what you post is very supportive and helpful also.
I appreciate that you like me, and likewise..

I'm also happy you find a lot of what I post is supportive and helpful

The thing is, I try to keep this forum and the sites very seperate in some aspects however, I'm not sure I could explain it in a good way on text at all, so I'm not sure I should even try.. it's different opinions on this matter I guess
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I normally never visit any room of any girl that are on the forums.. it's a thing for me
Same here.
One of my fave models did join here a while back to get help with a platform issue and it kinda freaked me out LOL
I appreciate that you like me, and likewise..

I'm also happy you find a lot of what I post is supportive and helpful

The thing is, I try to keep this forum and the sites very seperate in some aspects however, I'm not sure I could explain it in a good way on text at all, so I'm not sure I should even try.. it's different opinions on this matter I guess
Same here.
One of my fave models did join here a while back to get help with a platform issue and it kinda freaked me out LOL
Something you guys need to realize is that it kinda hurts our fee fees to see posts like this. Members who have lasted so long here have obviously contributed helpful or insightful posts, been respectful overall of what we do, and gained some kudos along the way... To see that members of such caliber purposefully avoid us/refuse to drop by for a tip, etc. stings. Feels icky.

So lesson to be learned: if you feel this way, keep it to yourself. We don't need that rubbed in our faces.

And I think it was said somewhere else recently, but those models who don't want visitors from ACF do not include their links in their bio/signature.
I appreciate that you like me, and likewise..

I'm also happy you find a lot of what I post is supportive and helpful

The thing is, I try to keep this forum and the sites very seperate in some aspects however, I'm not sure I could explain it in a good way on text at all, so I'm not sure I should even try.. it's different opinions on this matter I guess

I'm actually very interested in you trying to put the "why" into words šŸ¤” that's a very fascinating take.

And for everyone else who likes to enjoy the forums... It remains good form to tip for your entertainment/consumption (however small or big you can afford obviously). Enjoy these forums? Why not support/show appreciation to @AmberCutie by sending some (offline) tips her way? She's worked incredibly hard to make this an amazing, informative and welcoming place for all of us... Just something to ponder šŸ˜‰
And for everyone else who likes to enjoy the forums... It remains good form to tip for your entertainment/consumption (however small or big you can afford obviously). Enjoy these forums? Why not support/show appreciation to @AmberCutie by sending some (offline) tips her way? She's worked incredibly hard to make this an amazing, informative and welcoming place for all of us... Just something to ponder šŸ˜‰
Over the years there have been a handful of ACF members (and models too!) that have dropped an offliner to me on MFC and even subbed to OF to show their appreciation, and it has made me feel like a million bucks. So thank you to anyone who has! It's never an expectation whatsoever, but it does feel nice.
Over the years there have been a handful of ACF members (and models too!) that have dropped an offliner to me on MFC and even subbed to OF to show their appreciation, and it has made me feel like a million bucks. So thank you to anyone who has! It's never an expectation whatsoever, but it does feel nice.

You definitely deserve it IMO. These forums are a huge service to the industry for models and members alike. And I for one am extremely grateful for them.
Exactly, if you feel shy and don't want something sexual (which fine, but again, examine why that is exactly, to yourself?) then make up a stupid screen name, tip or offline tip, and don't say anything about it. That's what I've done, because I don't always feel comfy making myself known, and I'm actually an extremely shy person. But rest assured I do, and have tipped many of the models here, and everyone should show Amber appreciation.

It's one thing to say; "I feel weird having potential sexual contact with someone from the forum" but again, why would that be? And saying; "well I only tip for sexual things, I don't believe social or free info deserves anything. If that's the case, probably should say it. And I mean that directly at all the guys making these assertions, not just Wuggie. Doesn't come off well at all. If I'm making wrong assumptions about a bunch of you having a Madonna/ Whore complex, it's hard not to, without any further communication or explanation otherwise.
Something you guys need to realize is that it kinda hurts our fee fees to see posts like this. Members who have lasted so long here have obviously contributed helpful or insightful posts, been respectful overall of what we do, and gained some kudos along the way... To see that members of such caliber purposefully avoid us/refuse to drop by for a tip, etc. stings. Feels icky.

So lesson to be learned: if you feel this way, keep it to yourself. We don't need that rubbed in our faces.

And I think it was said somewhere else recently, but those models who don't want visitors from ACF do not include their links in their bio/signature.
Fair enough, I will keep it to myself in the future :) and I'm sorry if I made anyone feel less good with any comments on here, it is never the purpose of any of my posts, so a truthful sorry from my part
I'm actually very interested in you trying to put the "why" into words šŸ¤” that's a very fascinating take.
Even if I don't see it that way any more one possible reasoning behind keeping both things apart as a viewer might be: This forum might be considered as a safe space for models where they can be their real self, as opposed to the model self which represents a fantasy. And the boundary between the two might be breached by visiting a model you know from the forum. I thought that way for a some time, but then I was so interested in one particular model posting great stuff here that I had to visit her room and tip a little. We talked in open chat a lot until I mentioned ACF in a tipnote. It made our conversation even better.

All in all in my opinion its a clear case of overthinking out of positive intent, which happens to me sometimes. But conversations like in these last few posts help a lot.
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I thought that way for a some time, but then I was so interested in one particular model posting great stuff here that I had to visit her room and tip a little. We talked in open chat a lot until I mentioned ACF in a tipnote. It made our conversation even better.

Those times you visited my room and tipped me have caused me to think fondly of you even after all these years ā¤ļø
Long postā€¦sorry.

The fwb Iā€™d been having a great time with since Mayā€¦and had been traveling to Atlantic City to see on a monthly basisā€¦decided he doesnā€™t want to hang out with me anymore, because I did a few things that turned him off. Heā€™d also blocked me on Fridayā€¦unblocked me when weā€™d made upā€¦then blocked me again that same day because the wording of my text message pissed him off. Heā€™d also blocked a mutual guy friend of ours (who is a sweetheart) when heā€™d determined that our friend was siding with me.

He said he didnā€™t like the way Iā€™d talked about ā€œhis presidentā€ (Donald Trump). I barely said anything about him. We were watching an MMA fight on the restaurant T.V., and when they showed that Trump was in attendance in the audience, I just said ā€œPffft! HIM.ā€ I didnā€™t know this dude loved Trump. I shouldā€™ve known that a man THAT unrealistically gorgeous would have at least one thing wrong with him. šŸ˜‚ Anyway, he said to me ā€œYou know heā€™s gonna be your next president, right?ā€ I had no idea that he was so annoyed with me after that, because nothing else was said about it until weeks later when he brought it up during an argument.

And, by the way, my comment was nowhere near as bad as him calling Joe Biden ā€œretarded,ā€ and making fun of him for his stutter. And I pointed this out to him. Thatā€™s totally inappropriateā€¦and something that a BULLY does, which is not okay! šŸ˜” Also, my 21-year old son has a little bit of a stutter, so I really canā€™t stand shit like this.

I feel like my colossal mistake of saying anything against Trump just made this guy start looking other things to nitpick about with me too. A few days ago he brought up that one time I had ā€œtalked bad about his president,ā€ and then he said he doesnā€™t like it when I complain that Iā€™m cold. šŸ˜² Umā€¦what?! Any time that Iā€™ve said Iā€™m cold, Iā€™ve come prepared with a light jacket or small blanket to put on, and that was the end of it. Never made a huge production out of it. So Iā€™m sorry, was I supposed to just stand there shivering while you continue walking several feet ahead of me like a jerk? I tell yaā€¦the stuff I tolerated with this guy just because he was hotā€¦and a great fuck. And the way he would retell a story so that itā€™s a complete lie where he comes out looking like the victimā€¦while the other person always looks like the one who did something wrong. I canā€™t stand liars, and Iā€™m not gonna sit there and let a person continue to lie when I know itā€™s bullshit.
I forgot to add that back in May I was "so sweet," he volunteered himself to come with me on a future trip to Six Flags, and he loved my star tattoos and was excited to have a conversation about cool tattoos.

Now in July I'm "evil" and "need an exorcism." šŸ˜‚ I'm not nice because I talked bad about his president (Yeah, that "Pffft!" remark I made was just sooo out of line...I should be imprisoned). Forgot to mention he'd always walk several feet ahead of me in public, instead of walk right beside me. Oh, and he never kept his promise to join me at Six Flags this summer. In fact, he gave his purchased ticket away to his cousin, because he didn't want to go with me anymore. So yeah, it looks like I'll be making that trip solo.
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Long postā€¦sorry.

The fwb Iā€™d been having a great time with since Mayā€¦and had been traveling to Atlantic City to see on a monthly basisā€¦decided he doesnā€™t want to hang out with me anymore, because I did a few things that turned him off. Heā€™d also blocked me on Fridayā€¦unblocked me when weā€™d made upā€¦then blocked me again that same day because the wording of my text message pissed him off. Heā€™d also blocked a mutual guy friend of ours (who is a sweetheart) when heā€™d determined that our friend was siding with me.

He said he didnā€™t like the way Iā€™d talked about ā€œhis presidentā€ (Donald Trump). I barely said anything about him. We were watching an MMA fight on the restaurant T.V., and when they showed that Trump was in attendance in the audience, I just said ā€œPffft! HIM.ā€ I didnā€™t know this dude loved Trump. I shouldā€™ve known that a man THAT unrealistically gorgeous would have at least one thing wrong with him. šŸ˜‚ Anyway, he said to me ā€œYou know heā€™s gonna be your next president, right?ā€ I had no idea that he was so annoyed with me after that, because nothing else was said about it until weeks later when he brought it up during an argument.

And, by the way, my comment was nowhere near as bad as him calling Joe Biden ā€œretarded,ā€ and making fun of him for his stutter. And I pointed this out to him. Thatā€™s totally inappropriateā€¦and something that a BULLY does, which is not okay! šŸ˜” Also, my 21-year old son has a little bit of a stutter, so I really canā€™t stand shit like this.

I feel like my colossal mistake of saying anything against Trump just made this guy start looking other things to nitpick about with me too. A few days ago he brought up that one time I had ā€œtalked bad about his president,ā€ and then he said he doesnā€™t like it when I complain that Iā€™m cold. šŸ˜² Umā€¦what?! Any time that Iā€™ve said Iā€™m cold, Iā€™ve come prepared with a light jacket or small blanket to put on, and that was the end of it. Never made a huge production out of it. So Iā€™m sorry, was I supposed to just stand there shivering while you continue walking several feet ahead of me like a jerk? I tell yaā€¦the stuff I tolerated with this guy just because he was hotā€¦and a great fuck. And the way he would retell a story so that itā€™s a complete lie where he comes out looking like the victimā€¦while the other person always looks like the one who did something wrong. I canā€™t stand liars, and Iā€™m not gonna sit there and let a person continue to lie when I know itā€™s bullshit.
I'm really sorry to hear that it's taken this direction.
Just my honest thoughts follow...... hope I'm not crossing a line in commenting.
Hot guy maybe, but he doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who would be proud to walk by your side, or follow your lead. And someone who respects your right to own your opinions and decisions, and can accept and respect that you're your own person, without letting any point of difference cloud their feelings for you.