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Daily Thoughts

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Where did you see this? I've had the news on for at least the last half hour and refreshed news pages and I don't see this information anywhere.

This is the print media I can find but all stations (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN) are reporting glass shards from the teleprompter.

Crazy what happened in Florida at the Copa America Final. Even crazier that nobody died, thank god. It might have had a turnout like the "Hillsborough disaster"

I really hope that I'll never be in a situation like this. Mass panic must be hell. I hope the organizers learn their lesson, I guess the USA* is among the best in organizing mega sports events and handling all the issues that come with it. But I think its easy to underestimate the emotional weight connected to soccer, especially coming from south American countries like Colombia and Argentina. Even compared to Europe this is a whole other level of fanaticism. I think this is even amplified by the difficult situation these countries are in since a long time.
2026 Fifa world cup will be in Kanada, USA* and Mexico. Some serious considerations have to be done.
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Crazy what happened in Florida at the Copa America Final. Even crazier that nobody died, thank god. It might have had a turnout like the "Hillsborough disaster"

I really hope that I'll never be in a situation like this. Mass panic must be hell. I hope the organizers learn their lesson, I guess the USA* is among the best in organizing mega sports events and handling all the issues that come with it. But I think its easy to underestimate the emotional weight connected to soccer, especially coming from south American countries like Colombia and Argentina. Even compared to Europe this is a whole other level of fanaticism. I think this is even amplified by the difficult situation these countries are in since a long time.
2026 Fifa world cup will be in Kanada, USA* and Mexico. Some serious considerations have to be done.

It took us 19 years to get justice for the 97 who died at Hillsborough.

It wasn’t the same thing at all.
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I'm just saying it might have had the same outcome. Reading through the articles it says that the danger of mass panic inside the stadium was really big. As I understand it in this case the panic was only at the exit/entrance but could have been much worse. I'm not comparing the outcome in any way, how could I?
It took us 19 years to get justice for the 97 who died at Hillsborough.

It wasn’t the same thing at all.
OP did say *might have*.

I think they are within the realms of correct; it had the potential for disaster, including that if there had been deaths you can be certain that the media would have blamed the fans and not the authorities.
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Okay, okay… touchy subject to some of us though. Thank God it didn’t.
I understand, and absolutely no offence intended from me.

Whilst I am not English, I am old enough that I remember the tragedy being reported at the time. (In Australia we have always received excellent international news coverage). I must admit, however, that it was not until many years later that I learnt of the reprehensible conduct by the Murdoch press and others.

** As an Australian, I apologise to the world for Rupert.
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I understand, and absolutely no offence intended from me.

Whilst I am not English, I am old enough that I remember the tragedy being reported at the time. (In Australia we have always received excellent international news coverage). I must admit, however, that it was not until many years later that I learnt of the reprehensible conduct by the Murdoch press and others.

** As an Australian, I apologise to the world for Rupert.
No offence taken! The issue was always around blame and The Sun and the police. Two of my schoolmates died there. It took so many years to get justice for them. It’s still raw to this day.

😂 thanks for Rupert!!!

There’s a good ITV documentary about it.
I have eaten far too many cherries today. That is all.
Just dawned on me that there are like 39,000 "does she really love me" threads on here but there probably isn't a single thread from a model asking "does he really love me?"
Just dawned on me that there are like 39,000 "does she really love me" threads on here but there probably isn't a single thread from a model asking "does he really love me?"
Should I start one for an open joke? 😆 . Only people that check Daily Thoughts thread will be in on it though.
Sure I didn't think of it though. Typical uk slang
Growing up in the UK (school from late 70's through 80's) it was common to hear cheeky kids being called "mouthy little gob shites".
Hadn't heard it for a long time though, but no doubt because I've been living elsewhere now for >20 years!
Nearest Aussie term I can relate it to is having a "potty mouth"
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Yeah I've been living overseas since 1997, so I hadn't heard it forever too. It gave me such a warm, fluffy, nostalgic feeling. Not even kidding. I miss that. That's why I like Forza also. I do the England one, and it reminds me of past times. Mexico is fun, but not the same.
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Hey I haven't posted here in a bit, but these crazy politics have been.... concerning. From what I've read (can't really trust the polls I guess) it looks like the house and senate are likely going Red, and with Trump having a huge gain in momentum... I'm getting concerned about project 2025. With everything red from the house to the Supreme Court, what do we do as porn creators? I mean, honestly? We have rights, but they don't seem to care about that when Karens are involved.
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Don't be so pessimistic. Trump is an insane POS and people will figure it out by November.

It's hard not to be pessimistic. Trump has been gaining momentum, and he's running against an incumbent who not many people feel very confident in. IMO, Democrats should have pushed Biden to not run for reelection and instead nominated a younger, up and coming star in the Democratic party who has moderate views. I think someone like that would have a pretty good chance at beating Trump, but instead there's Biden.

As a woman and a sex worker, myself and those like me are facing having our rights totally obliterated. Conservatives want to ban porn and criminalize those who create it. Conservatives want to totally decimate our reproductive rights. It's not even just abortion. They want to make birth control illegal. They want to make IVF illegal. It's really scary to think about, but considering these are things that will totally turn my world (and many others) upside down, as a woman who creates porn and who also wants a family and may need to do IVF treatments to achieve that, if enacted, we need to consider this possibility and plan for it. Not just think "Oh, Trump is crazy, he won't get elected". And this is just the tip of the iceberg with what conservatives will push Trump to enact if he is elected again.

I'm getting concerned about project 2025. With everything red from the house to the Supreme Court, what do we do as porn creators?

I'm concerned too. One of the things that makes me feel a little better about Project 2025 is that Trump has been trying to distance himself from it. He's not exactly a conservative and everything outlined in it is extremely right wing conservative. However, I do think the best way to enact change is to lobby and fight for our rights. I wish I had the platform to organize stuff like that, but I've kept myself mostly off of social media, especially when it comes to my work.

Lobbying and actively fighting for our rights does work. It worked in New Orleans, my hometown, when they were trying to put a cap on strip clubs during a time they were doing abusive raids on strip clubs. Here's a link to an article that explains everything in pretty good detail:

Don't believe anything Donald Trump says. He's never been honest in his fucking life.
The best way to keep him out is to educate everyone about his far right policies, including Project 2025.
That and for people get off their ass and VOTE.
The danger of Trump 2025 is that he is a hypocrite. "Rules for thee, but not for me." He told Tiffany he wanted her aborted. He tried to pressure Marla Maples into a Playboy shoot and then cheated on her with a Playboy model. Melania did soft core photoshoots. He banged Stormy Daniels. He bankrupted 3 casinos. Has a failed steak business. He is barred from ever running a charity in New York and he scammed a ton of people with his Trump University bullshit. 34 felony fraud convictions.

He calls for violence and everyone is treating it like it's a wrestling match on tv. "Oh that's just in the script, he didn't mean it."

Every accusation from the Right is a confession. Trump is not a politician. He is not an actor in good faith. He's a fucking conman that 70 million Americans are cool with because he hates foreigners and immigrants....never mind that he is 2nd generation American and two of his wives are Eastern European.

JD Vance's wife? 1st generation Indian-American. Trump and Vance both want to end birth right citizenship...let that sink in for a minute...
Trump will have to pivot to run against someone else. Probably Kamala Harris. They have three months to pull this out. I can't understand why Trump is popular except that millions of Americans are racist, xenophobic scum.
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I don’t disagree with Biden stepping aside, but I don’t like how it went down.

1. If they were going to pressure him to step aside, waiting until July was not helpful at all.
2. The donors cutting him off - and the fact that it probably worked - is just a reminder that the wealthy control everything in this country. My vote isn’t as important as George Clooney’s fundraising clout. (And this is a universal problem, to be clear… not limited to either party, or any specific party. If Trump lost his donors too, all of his lapdogs would betray him so damn fast.)