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I've looked up project 2025 a little and it looks like a handbook for oppression. The only hopes I have is

A. The right wingers are too stupid and too quarreling while trying to implement it. Meanwhile they will fail to do the basic governing because their personal structure doesn't hold up to the requirements of government. Here, this has worked in the past, whenever a far right came to power on state or federal level they made a fool of themselves.
B. Although it seems really bad at the moment America has seen bad times already. Anti Vietnam war protests come to mind where students have been shot by the police in Kent State University. I don't know if this is comparable because with the Vietnam war it might have been easier to find a common subject.
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I've looked up project 2025 a little and it looks like a handbook for oppression. The only hopes I have is

A. The right wingers are too stupid and too quarreling while trying to implement it. Meanwhile they will fail to do the basic governing because their personal structure doesn't hold up to the requirements of government. Here, this has worked in the past, whenever a far right came to power on state or federal level they made a fool of themselves.
B. Although it seems really bad at the moment America has seen bad times already. Anti Vietnam war protests come to mind where students have been shot by the police in Kent State University. I don't know if this is comparable because with the Vietnam war it might have been easier to find a common subject.

The laws proposed in it are supposedly a conservative’s wet dream. If totally enacted it would affect almost everyone’s life in America. I hate how Republicans state that they are the party that’s pro small government, yet so many of them want big daddy government to control every single facet of people’s private lives if they don’t personally agree with it.

I do think that a lot of it won’t ever make it to law, however. Even if we have a Republican super majority (House, Senate and President). I think the civil unrest would be something the likes of which this country has never seen. Hopefully I’m right about it not making it into law. But, I hate to admit this, I do think Trump will probably be elected. Kinda pisses me off that Biden decided to run again, because I think having him as the Democratic candidate is swaying more people to vote red this year. I personally know people who aren’t very into politics and have never voted before who are voting this year simply because they don’t like Biden. This will be a huge L for Democrats as a whole, because not only will Trump probably be elected, but we’re probably going to have a Republican majority in the House and Senate, since people who haven’t voted before will more than likely vote for Republican state representatives they know nothing about since they’ll just vote all within one party.

We also have an extremely conservative Supreme Court right now. Even though Supreme Court justices should remain politically neutral when it comes to making decisions, we’ve see with the overturning of Roe V Wade that they don’t care about being neutral. So, that also has me worried, because if we have a Republican/conservative majority everywhere else and they start passing these archaic and harmful laws, the Supreme Court won’t step in to claim these laws go against the Constitution, even if they do.
But, I hate to admit this, I do think Trump will probably be elected. Kinda pisses me off that Biden decided to run again, because I think having him as the Democratic candidate is swaying more people to vote red this year. I personally know people who aren’t very into politics and have never voted before who are voting this year simply because they don’t like Biden.

I am a little nervous about that too. But I’m holding out hope that the vast majority of the would-be Biden voters were already “anyone but Trump” people, who will eventually remember that while Biden isn’t ideal, the alternative would be catastrophic.

The worst that could happen if Biden got re-elected is he quickly needs to be replaced by the VP (who is also not perfect, but has shown no signs of being a catastrophic choice, either). I don’t even like to think about the worst that could happen if the felon is elected and gets to go on a four-year revenge tour.

What we desperately need is both parties to find some new, level-headed, semi-young stars that are more interested in helping the country than doing the bidding of the loudest idiots in their “base.” I hope we get there.
I am a little nervous about that too. But I’m holding out hope that the vast majority of the would-be Biden voters were already “anyone but Trump” people, who will eventually remember that while Biden isn’t ideal, the alternative would be catastrophic.

The worst that could happen if Biden got re-elected is he quickly needs to be replaced by the VP (who is also not perfect, but has shown no signs of being a catastrophic choice, either). I don’t even like to think about the worst that could happen if the felon is elected and gets to go on a four-year revenge tour.

What we desperately need is both parties to find some new, level-headed, semi-young stars that are more interested in helping the country than doing the bidding of the loudest idiots in their “base.” I hope we get there.
I would have no problem with Harris. Trump is a disaster waiting to happen 😡
If politicians/elected officials were banned from owning stocks and taking bribes from lobbyists we never would have gotten here in the first place. The issue we're facing is a thousand-layered onion and the more layers you peel away, the worse it gets. It's much, much bigger than just voting Blue or Red all the way down.
Old, white dudes are pissed off they have to legally be nice to people of color and other minorities or face losing their jobs for the racist/sexist shit they say.

Republicans systematically destroyed the American education system because an ignorant society is a controllable society. 1984 has been their playbook all along.
If you're free, white, over 18 and male none of these plans apply to you. Everyone else? Be very, very afraid.

It would be best for this nation if both of them dropped dead (of natural causes) before Election Tuesday.
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Here's the latest from New York Times via Rawstory:

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I feel like we don’t have the luxury to wait for a perfect candidate.
We don’t have the luxury to pick someone new and get the whole country behind them in 4 months. And the demands for Biden to drop out are further dividing the voters that we NEED to be on board. Because:
we’re in severe damage control mode and need to vote to keep the worst out,

Dems fucked this up 8 years ago by pushing Hillary, we were divided then just like we are now. Rinse and repeat.
If politicians/elected officials were banned from owning stocks and taking bribes from lobbyists we never would have gotten here in the first place. The issue we're facing is a thousand-layered onion and the more layers you peel away, the worse it gets. It's much, much bigger than just voting Blue or Red all the way down.
Old, white dudes are pissed off they have to legally be nice to people of color and other minorities or face losing their jobs for the racist/sexist shit they say.

Republicans systematically destroyed the American education system because an ignorant society is a controllable society. 1984 has been their playbook all along.
If you're free, white, over 18 and male none of these plans apply to you. Everyone else? Be very, very afraid.

It would be best for this nation if both of them dropped dead (of natural causes) before Election Tuesday.
I agree with what you said. I hate corrupt politicians regardless of party. The MAGA party doesn't care about corruption on their side, especially when it comes to their disgusting orange god.

And not only white guys are corrupt. Just look at Clarence Thomas 😡
We don’t have the luxury to pick someone new and get the whole country behind them in 4 months. And the demands for Biden to drop out are further dividing the voters that we NEED to be on board. Because:


Dems fucked this up 8 years ago by pushing Hillary, we were divided then just like we are now. Rinse and repeat.
Thank you for your last sentence, Amber. I think Biden should have primaried Hillary in 2016 because I think he'd have beaten Trump and hopefully won in 2O20 and a younger person could run this year.
I wrote in Bernie Sanders in 2016 because my vote really doesn't count in rhe state I live in.
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I agree with what you said. I hate corrupt politicians regardless of party. The MAGA party doesn't care about corruption on their side, especially when it comes to their disgusting orange god.

And not only white guys are corrupt. Just look at Clarence Thomas 😡
The three dissenting judges on the SCOTUS for Orange Turd's immunity case are the only judges who are not bought. When Sotomayor signed her dissent with "In fear for our democracy, I must dissent" that was basically the judge equivalent of "Hey fuck you you assholes!!" to the other 6 judges. Because there is no oversight on the SCOTUS, this is about to get freakin wild. I think no matter what, Trump will try to take the election by coup. Our military is cleared to disobey any unlawful order, but now the question exists, "what is unlawful" when declared by a president?

Edit: Hillary won the popular vote, the EC fucked us over, just like the courts did in Gore versus Bush.
Standing by to watch the press conference now, since our dear OLD Biden mistakenly called Zelenskyy “Putin” earlier today.

Holy shit. Such a mess.
Edit: Hillary won the popular vote, the EC fucked us over, just like the courts did in Gore versus Bush
Great point about the EC being a problem.

Though I think it was a little column A and a little column B that all contributed to the 2016 flop.
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Great point about the EC being a problem.

Though I think it was a little column A and a little column B that all contributed to the 2016 flop.
I completely agree that both sides have been very bad for a long time.
We had Boris for years so can’t really complain but not gonna lie… watching from across the pond, it’s an embarrassing watch.
But what would have to change in order to make everything better? The longer I think about it the fewer answers I have.

Big tech make big money by training their algorithms making people hate each other. Angry people tend to invest more time in social media increasing the tech giants advert income. Facts don't count anymore because it is more important to win than to learn. Politicians do the same. They create a villain, could be immigrants, protesters or democratic institutions, and point their finger on it. And in the present situation people jump on any chance to yell at someone, otherwise they would have to yell at themselves because they are made miserable.

My impression (can always be wrong) from the outside is that in the USA* all of this is more extreme because of the binary party system. I know there are more tiny parties in the US but they don't seem to count. On the personal level its my experience that if you argue with the same person all the time the argument can become a fight, the rules change and its only about attack and defense. Now if a 3rd person would come in the two fighting persons would be forced to lay out their argument in a non aggressive way. Sometimes that could make them reconsider or even find out that they want the same or that they are wrong. I'm much more with the democrats, but they make the same mistakes.

And why in hell is it allowed for rich people/companies to finance presidential candidates? This is a bad joke!

So the powerful people use their power to stay powerful.
Trump was just shot at at an outdoor rally.
Yuuuup saw it on our news instantly also, wild when I live so far away from the US that it's our headlines already..

I like our newspapers text has "We do not know if he was his!!" while the man is bleeding from his ear...
I honestly think this will give him a boost in the election if anything..

but I also don't think shooting at politicians or famous people should be a thing, even if you disagree strongly with them... but that's just my opinion of course.

I personally think this probably won him the election.

Biden needs to do a news conference ASAP and make a statement that neither he nor the Democratic party condones these actions and send Trump well wishes. Every minute he doesn't make a statement makes it worse for him IMO.
Not a victimless crime, three people are dead.
That was actually my thought, if someone else got hurt also!! because there were clearly a lot more shots than the one hitting trump, but none of our media mention any of this.
That was actually my thought, if someone else got hurt also!! because there were clearly a lot more shots than the one hitting trump, but none of our media mention any of this.

I have the news on right now. From what they're saying right now, the shooter is dead as well as one of the people in the audience. One other audience member was shot and is in critical condition.

This is horrible. Regardless of how you feel about Trump, this sort of stuff is not okay at all.

I'm honestly terrified of what will happen during the day of the election and the surrounding days.
Trump's injuries were caused by the teleprompter shattering.